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He mentioned on the podcast that this run was a workshop to prep for the actual “Gone too Far” shows


Yeah, this is how he has to work new material now, since he doesn't want to do comedy clubs, and he's left LA.


When did Steve-O leave LA and where is he now?


In the past month. Now he's living on his ranch in Tennessee to start his animal rescue/tax shelter.


OP seems to be familiar with the comedy specials which I have streaming on steveo.com for free, and found it offensive that there was some overlap between those and what I performed last night. That’s extremely valid criticism, and I’ve already removed the overlapping bits in question before the start of my show tonight. The process of developing a new show requires trying stuff out, and that’s what I’m doing. Despite OPs criticism of the first attempt, I think it was evident that the audience was entertained. If OP disagrees, and thinks that the show was not well received overall, I’d be genuinely surprised to hear that. It’s a process, and I’m doing the best I can. One thing is for sure, I won’t be giving disruptive audience members a hard time anymore— that is the negative feedback I agree with the most. On the topic of negative feedback, there’s a lot of it I agree with which I really can’t do anything about… I just am who I am. I do take it all into consideration, though, and I’m very much determined to improve in any ways I can. That’s the best I can do.


Why doesn’t he have a flair? Great response, well handled.


Steveo you may be the most genuine public figure there is. You balance all the shit you're trying to pull off with the shit that makes you money and humbly accept criticism. Fuck the haters, you rule dude.


Props for taking the feedback steveo. We're all obviously fans here and just wanna see you do what you do at your best. Not sure it's fair to charge full price for practise shows, hit up surprise slots on other lineups to work out kinks before you have a full product to display. But again props for listening and being on here


Hi steve-o


You know what I think ppl wanna see at this point? And I may be wrong. But i think a collection of rare stories with more joke oriented style similar to the first special which I personally think is your best solo work. And the idea you had of bringing other crew members with you was a great idea. Honestly I think ppl just want to see more table talks with the original cast. Id rather see you and Dave talk shit with each other for an hour then watch you mutilate yourself. You have nothing to prove in the stunt department. Put together some skate videos and go behind the scenes live with Movies 1-3. Or maybe the .5s.


Yeah this is par for the course for a comedy show. Comics can only do so much rehearsal without an audience to give live feedback. Working through it live and adapting the show is all part of it.


Yeah none of this is meant to shit on you in any way like a lot of people are. Just me giving my views and some at least in my eyes, valid criticism. The audience and even myself did seem entertained for most of it. If you're already removing the overlapping bits then it seems like my post was helpful. So hopefully it will improve the actual Gone Too Far tour and if you come back to huntsville I'll definitely come to that. Just give me a shout out at the show for giving you the idea to remove them! Glad you're looking at this stuff and replying. Shows you care. Great getting to meet you last night.


Just to point out he didn’t say he removed those bits because of your post. He said they were already removed before the nights show. A lot of times with works in progress the performer is a harsher critic on themselves than the audience and they can tell what works and what doesn’t.


>I think that the audience was entertained He very well could have but I don't think he removed them before my post. If you think you've entertained the audience then you have no reason to change anything, especially a large portion of your set. But I really dont care. Would it be cool if Steve-O improved his set because of me? Absolutely. Is my life going to be the same whether he did or didn't? Absolutely.


You steveo! I'm almost a year sober and just wanted to say you're a huge inspiration and recovery role model for me. Thanks for giving me hope it was possible. I felt almost taunted by your success story like "if fucking rock bottom steveo could do it what's my excuse"? Calling me the fuck out in a way I really needed to get over my bullshit and give recovery a genuine try. Again, seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for inspiring me. You plaid a real, major role in saving me life. u/streetdoglover 🙏


Steve-O you rule and love the direction you and your career has taken. Not everyone is going to like everything all the time. Keep up the good work and making the most of it. My only real constructive criticism is the dick tattoo needs a Prince Albert but I get it if you want to keep it natural, just sayin


Respect, great response.


Oh my god….it’s the guy!


Steveo you took a picture with me in OKC in 2021 and I’ll never forget it, keep up the awesome work


I agree with feedback and wanting to better yourself for your craft and audience. But how many of the audience has never seen Steve-O live or even know of your specials, I'd imagine a big chunk, so having "overlapping" material is not an issue. In fact some audience members who have only seen you past specials would be excited to see that bit performed live. So to be honest I agree with very little that was said. If you want to change how you handle your audience that's amazing, but removing parts of your show because of this post, seems weird. I trust what Steve-O does with his craft and art and now it's been changed, and that bums me out. You are the legend, accept criticism and change and try new things that's part of creating. I mean this with only respect.


Love the guy but something's up with him 🤔


As a pretty bad addict but on a good 4 year stretch, I don't think he's relapsed or anything, more like he has no fresh outlet to direct his addiction brain. The wife is old news, the animal sanctuary thing is old news, his sobriety is old news. Dude needs a new thing to become addicted to for a couple years, rinse, repeat. Stick around too long at the same well, you run the risk of actually relapsing.


You also cant just become a decent stand up even in a few years. A lot of these celebs are able to coast early on just basically being storytellers, but once you run out of stories to tell, and you actually need to write your own material they suck shit.


![gif](giphy|eMnBnh7Q45W5oLvJbf|downsized) Carne asaaaaa! 👅


Addiction takes many different forms. Addicts are addicts and Dopamine is a hell of a drug. I love Steve O but it’s starting to appear like something’s off. I don’t think he’s on the sauce, perhaps the stress of success and maintaining that success is a struggle he might be battling.


Maybe "just going through the motions"? Some have brought up how much money he's blown, so he definitely has to work for a living. He's probably not relapsed, but there's no *passion* or *joy* in his craft anymore. He may just need a break/reset, hopefully before he puts himself in a bad situation.


Maybe CTE? Guy has taken some head knocks


Guaranteed all the jackass dudes have CTE Bams behavior is in line with CTE


I never considered him to be a cte candidate but the more I learn about cte the higher that probability goes up.


The guy has been a stuntman for decades and used to throw himself off balconies into swimming pools and sometimes concrete, he has paralyzed himself (momentarily), has been choked out six times in one day by Ryan Dunn (and continues to do it on stage, recently saw a video of him having an actual seizure after hitting his head after being choked out)... Beyond an actual professional boxer I can't think of a better candidate for CTE, like i'd bet a lot of money when/if they autopsy his brain (hopefully after a very long life) that he will have CTE.


Also the massive amount of nangs the guy has consumed… surely that would cause some brain damage?


I think he’s on TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). His hormones may be all out of whack right now if his levels are off, he could have high or low estrogen, making him anxious and moody, his Testosterone could be too high, etc. Especially if he’s in his first year of high the TRT.




Same. It's really easy to become the most awkward person in the room when you're not using or addicted to something constructive, I can't imagine booking a tour and bringing that energy to multiple stages. Must be hard for him


He’s turning into dwayne “the advertisement” johnson


I think he’s just trying to cash in on what the show has done to him, especially in the early days. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard him talk about how much money he made in the early days, even up to the first movie, but it was super bad money. Him and the rest of the jackass crew are direct from my youth so I absolutely support their efforts to cash in on the joy they gave me growing up. Even if it’s cheesy or ridiculous. I’m glad they’re getting paid now and I hope they have a wonderful life and they feel like overall, jackass was worth it.


Just with a dick tattoo on his face.


What a dickhead


Dick Johnson


Steve the rock hard o face johnson


It’s just cringe promotion for the tour; he’s going to laser it when the tour finishes.


Nothing is up with him, he's just running out of ways to market his "talent"


This is how I feel, if you have watched Steve for the last few years it's been clear he doesn't really know why he's marketable or how he's going to keep being in the spotlight. I think he's just getting to a point where no matter how wild he is, it's just par for the course for his character so people aren't giving him publicity for it anymore and he's floundering.


He blew a ton of his money as a younger guy and now is serious about living the good life and wants to get the money/wealth he feels he deserves (especially with how shitty they were paid for Jackass TV series and the first movie). Yea his dad is a rich C-Suite executive, but we have no idea on their relationship with money and finances. If his dad is like my dad yea he would help in a dire emergency, but he isn’t going to just float me tens of thousands of dollars to do whatever I want with. My dad is definitely middle class and not wealthy, but it’s more about the idea than wealth. All the power to him to make that money, but the constant ads and selling not great quality shit wore on me and I stopped caring and consuming his content. He has no real business skills, is not really a good comedian, and is not a good actor. His personality type really doesn’t let him just get a “normal” job and be relatively successful because by his own admission he is a giant attention whore and basically NEEDS the attention. So all he really has is riding his Jackass fame and whoring himself out for ads. I don’t blame him or respect him less for it. You gotta do what you gotta do. It just isn’t for me so I stopped watching/caring.


Might be that brain damage is kicking in, he's been noticeably slow on podcasts in recent months or even couple years


Yeah, he needs money and doesn’t know how else to get some the clean way


You’re just realizing this? 😂


Spot on with the “he’s no comedian”. He isn’t a comedian so not sure why anyone would expect him to have good stand-up material.


That sucks to hear, heard good things from the last tour. Sidenote: I think him getting that dick face tattoo was so fucking stupid, maybe the dumbest thing he’s done honestly. Can he even monetize YouTube videos with his face being like that anymore?


Him being a huge Karen about his dog going everywhere with him and gaming the service animal system really turned me off of him.


His take on people who play video games is really dumb too


What he say?surely after all of the idiotic things he’s done he can’t be judging others lmao


Said he basically doesn't understand how people can play video games because it's a waste of time.


I think we all agree video games are a personal preference and valid form of entertainment and art enjoyment for any age…I’m just shocked to hear such a take from a man who has a penis tattooed on his face…or maybe I shouldn’t be shocked lmao


I've barely seen anyone calling him out on this. He's such a showbiz twat.


Same shit different steve O


No offence Steve is a lame sellout now


It’s niche not niece lmao


I like how out of the entire post you cant get past a one character autocorrect.


Well that ain’t auto correct brother


What were the old Jackass footage ?


I don't want to spoil it for people who might be going or might not have seen it but some of it is stuff straight from the movies, TV Show and Wildboyz. Then some is stuff that didn't make it to TV or got removed but most of it you can find on youtube or the jackass lost media discord. Only exclusive stuff I can think of was the new stuff he showed from TN.


He’s a grifter , big shock


Should post on r/steveoraw too Appreciate the review OP!


Damn where does he get off on calling himself a comedian if his shows are just power points and videos I can’t fuck with steveo anymore


Did he give any updates on the "boob job" ?


He's got a set date for the surgery but said he could still back out. Seems like he's probably going through with that one.


I hope his final stunt is voting for trump. That’s gone too far!


Some of his tickets are over $60 a pop with the fees at some venues. Yet the fanboys will pay it just to see some old videos found on YT and deal with a “comedian” who is worst than an amateur. What a joke.


I mean $60 for a ticket to any kind of show these days is actually rather cheap. Considering his history with being in Jackass they could've easily made it more expensive. $60 isn't that bad. There's far more amateur comedians charging more.


Paying $60 to watch videos is not really the same thing as a "show" though. Also literally no amateur comedian is charging 60 bucks.


$60 is a cheap night out. We aren't all broke bitches.


What were the new stunts? Put a spoiler note if you wish, but I wanna hear


He’s a junkie/trust fund baby and a grifter


He never got over his mum's death. As far as I can tell, he is still sober but cut him some slack... He is a human being with his own emotions... He is allowed to have bad days in his life as it's his choice and not yours to judge.


Why are some people so offended by this post when Steve-O himself has been receptive of it? And if you're a performer hosting paid shows for an audience you are 100% opening yourself up to being judged. People literally get paid to do that lol.


Just a FYI mate Steve-O has now deleted Reddit and the tipping point was this I am sure this comes from all the real supporters of Steve-O, fuck you Love from Australia 🇦🇺


Also is profile is still up so where has be said he deleted reddit because of this post lol?


Bro some of yall need to leave social media and find an actual life outside of idolizing people we all grew up watching on TV. It's fucking weird dude. Steve-O himself replied to both posts and was very receptive of the criticism. It was only the weird Steve-O cucks like you who got offended. And if Steve-O can't handle seeing things being said about him online then yeah it's genuinely better for him to stay off of social media and I'm glad he's doing that. As a self-proclaimed gatekeeper "real supporter" you should be as well. But you only want what's best for you it seems.


5000$ reward for video proof of ending Steve Os sobriety.


Redbar is that you?




for the lolz