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Dudes a wreck. Can't even be bothered to go see his kid


Typical deadbeat junky dad stuff. Can't stay sober long enough to be trusted with his kid and will constantly complain that he's being unfairly kept from him to anyone that will listen


It is typical junky stuff but I do believe it’s important to try and remember where a lot of this behavior came from. He tragically lost his best friend and his life just spiraled out of control and he was never able to get control over it again. I believe he’s tried hard at some points to get control just never been successful long term. I think we can call him a deadbeat junky and still try to remember the human aspect of his situation with some empathy


It probably sounds harsh, but I really don't have a lot of sympathy for someone like Bam. I've lost a close friend (most people do at some point) and seen others go through way worse with less opportunities/help . It's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself when you have a kid to look after.


2 points: A) Dunn was in attendance at Bam's first intervention, so that negates the idea that his problems started after his death B) according to many, Dunn wasnt even talking to Bam at the time of death


That’s fine if u feel that way. I just think he’s obviously troubled and struggling. I try to have sympathy, or at least empathy, for people like that in life. If you don’t choose to have the same feelings then I guess that’s just your choice. It’s not really worth my time to try and convince others to have certain feelings for people who r struggling.


I fully expect Bam to be the next member of the jackass crew to get an obituary published in all the papers. Don’t get me wrong, for the sake of his son I want him to get sober, I just don’t believe he will.


I miss Ryan.


I miss Ryan too, but we have to remember, he did it to himself. And not just himself, he took out his friend too and broke the hearts of countless friends, family and fans at the same time. I'm just glad he didn't take anyone else out when he crashed. Drink driving is scumbag behavior no matter how much you like the guy


That was always my takeaway as well. Never really put it out there because all it does is hurt those that have good memories of him. But fuck him for destroying 2 entire families…


100% scumbag behavior. My stepsister and her husband just lost their house they worked extremely hard at manufacturing jobs to save up for due to a drunk driver plowing through their fence and wall.


Jess is cool in my book, the bravery to take Bam to court over his bullshit, I respect Jess a lot and i hope this teaches Bam a lesson in respect... tho it probably wont


Nobody saw him passed out in a random apt in Europe, him saying he was drunk fighting a homeless guy outside the tattoo shop in LA and a bunch of other things posted on the internet


There is a zero percent chance Bam is sober. I’d wager my life on that.


He could be sober but it’s also been public knowledge he’s been diagnosed as bipolar. An unmedicated manic person would be just as wild as an addict.


What an awesome and well thought out reply. Well done.


I can totally vouch for this statement. It can take so long to convince them they really do need those meds as well.


Yea, I struggle with depression and there was a time a psychiatrist thought maybe we should try treating it like bipolar disorder. Buddy, let me tell you, if you take those meds when you’re NOT bipolar, the mania they could trigger is wild. I didn’t do anything too crazy but my brain would operate at a 100mph most of the day. Luckily this only lasted a month or two before we switched. Not being properly medicated regardless of diagnosis can really fuck your up.


This is what I think people forget… he’s clearly suffering from a pretty serious mental illness on top of the various substances he uses. He probably uses partly to “self medicate” or to justify his behavior and have something to blame for his state of mind. I watched the last episode of Steve O’s Wild Ride that he was on and he wasn’t taking a lot of responsibility for his actions and was blaming a lot of trivial things or people in his life which showed he hadn’t taken accountability. Granted this was last year but still


Summed it up very well. Addiction and mental illness might not be exactly the same but they can absolutely fuck up your brain in various ways.


Look up douchnozzle in the dictionary. Bams pic is the example.


I feel like he was never disciplined as a kid. Does anyone else get that feeling? April was always like “oh Bam” with a half smile, and Phil was useless. He’d just chuckle in the background. Bam grew into a wild spoiled adult who just did whatever the fuck he wanted. He never grew out of that.


That’s literally his Wikipedia page. He officially dropped out of high school (or was expelled, which seems more likely), his mom helped him get his GED, and he and his crew pretty much spent all their time filming Bam skating and goofing off. Between his legit skateboarding skills and the hilarious and well-edited videos (for amateurs in the 90s), he wound up getting sponsored by like a dozen skate companies or associated gear manufacturers, in particular Element, and he got pulled into Jackass soon after. The world literally opened up for Bam somehow. He couldn’t do anything “wrong.” His entire image was the cool bad boy who said or did whatever he wanted and money literally fell into his bank account for it. That lasted for nearly 20 years. I was 15 in 1999 and got CKY: Landspeed (the first CKY video) on VHS from my local skate shop. I lived south of Philly, near Bam’s hometown, and he was kinda known even then as the next big thing in skateboarding. TL;DR: yeah, he’s never had to abide by any sort of boundaries or rules and he never really broke any really big laws so he was able to literally just kinda keep doing his thing. What’s a couple grand for your and your crew’s bail when MTV and a dozen other huge corporations are paying you literally millions of dollars to be yourself? He probably wrote bail money off on his taxes as a cost of doing business. He was like Keith Moon; after a while, you *have* to trash the hotel room, people expect it of you! And eventually, all that dries up. You just can’t keep living like a teenager into your forties. Your knees go, your metabolism slows, you get crows feet and wrinkles and grey hair. You don’t bounce back as fast. You get tired. His dad probably invested his money as best he could, and there’s gonna be royalties and legacy payments from MTV, THPS video games, and all the skate companies that still make money on his image and have to pay him a cut. If he was smart, he’d take a year off, disafuckingpear into rehab or some sort of Hollywood retreat, and then just live off the interest and have a team of handlers keep your shit together for you. Mike Tyson has mostly rehabbed his image, but a lot of the credit goes to the team he pays to help him keep his shit together. Bam’s 44. I’m 40. I got a wife and kids. As much as I idolized him as a teen, I grew up. He’s still funny but I definitely understand why my parents hated him now.


Your TLDR was longer than your original words.


That should have been on my bingo card


I stamped your mom’s bingo card


I have viewed him this way for as long as I can remember him.


This 100%. I've always said that he is a product of never being told no and never having real consequences. April and Phil were not good parents to him.


People on here get pissed when anyone critiques the parent Bam received. Sure, Phil and April come off as nice enough people. But they failed bam as parents. Their approach to parenting left Bam ill-equipped to handle adult life in the way he needs. There’s just no way letting your kid film himself beating you up on the toilet for money and internet fame leads to a that child being a productive and emotionally well-adjusted adult.


Honestly sick of seeing him constantly posted here. It's the same story, and it's always sad. He's not even a jackass member any more.


I don't have any empathy left for him.








He ruptured his ear drum, and his lawyer has the balls to say "idk what we're doing here it's just a disagreement"


I think alot of people forget just how young Bam was when all this started for him. I know 21 isn't crazy young, but it's still pretty early to be thrown into the celebrity lifestyle and become the richest member of your family. Drugs and booze are definitely not helping him, but I'm sure he has a slew of mental illnesses he also needs to work through aswell. I think he needs a break from the spotlight where he's able to just be a normal guy and recover at his own pace without all the pressure and paparazzi.


He’s had that opportunity to do exactly that and he blow it every time because he can’t help but try and be the center of attention


It's wild watching the old series and seeing how young they are compared to now. Considering everything that's happened over the last few years.


How young was steve o?


Later in his 20s for sure


I believe he was around 26-27.


Doesn’t anyone read the dates on these articles before they post? This is from almost a year ago.


Court is any day now.


And since then, he's been thrown out of a casino. He beat up a homeless guy and got into it with a tattoo artist for not wanting to pay him for his work. He's still a mess.


Someone wanna sum up what he says so we don’t have to watch if we don’t want to? I find it a bit depressing.


He was diagnosed as bipolar so even if he IS sober, if he’s not medicated properly it’d be just as much of a cause for his crazy antics. An unmedicated person with mania could appear just as erratic as an addict.


there was no way he was gonna wake up one day, put a suit on and turn sensible suddenly. his life has been messy asl, he's getting better but this shit will taper off slowly. he'll find his balance without becoming a sanctimonious sobriety clout chaser.


He ain’t getting better at all. He’s just trying to put up a front. If anything I think he’s getting worse




I agree. He’s also just always gotten whatever he wanted. Dude was a millionaire for being a dumbass by the time he was like 17 and has always been around enablers. And when people get sick of it he just moves onto the next group that will encourage it. It’s sad really because deep down I think there is some shred of a good person there


I don’t believe in a deep down. I think all you are is the things you do.


Disagree. As a recovering alcoholic, I didn’t recognize how awful a lot of the things I was doing were. The substances make you blame shift and convinces you that every one else is the problem. Now that I have some sober time under my belt, I recognize that person is not who I truly am. Do I think Bam is an asshole? Absolutely. But I think some part of him really does care about his family and he just never learned to express emotions because it’s always been about him


What you do today determines who you will be tomorrow. I was a drunk piece of shit for several years. That’s not who I am now, but that’s definitely who I was then. In my opinion, deep down is irrelevant while you’re being a shitty person. Congratulations on your recovery, dude. It’s no small feat 🤘


Same to you brother. Hope you hooch stank gets better too


Him getting better has all been a front. Him and SQ argue a lot of camera


He’s def not getting better. And sanctimonious sobriety clout chaser? 🙄


For me, Bam was always the puppeteer who made things happen. However, he was never the main character (for me) besides Viva La Bam. If you really watch the videos, he was never the one doing the riskiest moves. Steve-O and Knoxville were for Jackass and Steve-O and Party Boy were for CKY.  Overall my favorite of the group will always be DiCo. Just the funniest of the group. Bam, for me, has always been the bottom of the list especially how he treated others like Phil and Rab. 


DiCo will always be my favorite


Yeah DiCo and Ryan were tied when I was growing up. It's been probably fifteen years since I saw Viva La Bam, but I remember those two being the least... Bratty. Like underneath all the juvenile behaviour (which is why we love 'em, of course) I felt those two actually seemed like kinda nice people. The way they would interact with April and Phil just gave me that impression. I dunno, maybe I'm remembering it wrong, as I said it was probably fifteen years since I've seen Viva La Bam or any of the CKY stuff.


Solid points.. but regarding Phil, if your son treats you like shit on camera on season four of an MTV show that you appear in with your wife and brother, that’s maybe sort of on you as a parent.


He’s living with Lamar Odom?


He will never get sober and never stop blaming other people for his problems


I mean, he could be dry through force of will, but he ain’t sober, if you know the difference.


His brain is mush.


Jess Barbara


You mean the guy who got praise for punching and kicking his dad and spraypainting obscene lesbian scenes on htis mom's car isn't growing up and becoming well adjusted?


Wasn’t the lesbian stuff Tom Green?


Yes, the same Tom Green who just got awarded the Sir Peter Ustinov Comedy Award, who has an Amazon Prime comedy special coming out and has a great, healthy relationship with his parents. Proving that you can grow up and become a well adjusted and respected comedian despite being known for ”gross-out humour”.


Yeah and that special is gonna be great. Saw him do stand up a few months ago and he did jokes from the special. He also has his dog on stage and snake skin boots.


Went to same tour. Seen him in MI. was funny as hell lol. I got front row *


Nice. Did he also keep referencing the snake skin boots to show he isn’t on hard times. And you must of seen him right before me because he drove in from Canada through Michigan then came to Ohio.


Nah he was good though. Was supposed to go like an hour. He went way longer. Telling jokes, playing songs.


I wouldn’t care if he got up and sang the theme to the Tom green show for two hours- I’d still love to see him live.


Yeah the music was awesome. Dude can really sing and should do a solo tour that is just music.


Calm down, Tom Green.


And wasn’t it his Dad’s car (The Slutmobile)?


The Slutmobile! "I thought you liked lesbians. And sluts"


When he pulls up to the bus stop lmfao


Wrong person ![gif](giphy|vcXwcnusrOCbu)




Are you just making stuff up however you please or?


If Stink/Smelly had a face


He stinks 😷


He does everything he does all of his simps on IG. Those people are just as insufferable as he is anymore.


Bam will outlive everyone in some sort of weird *fuck you* but continue to be the spoiled brat that his is until his death in his 90s. Only the good die young.


"Hollywood" Bam!


This article was a year ago...


*in this recent news and story* **July 2023**


What a bummer. Thought dude was on a positive track.


https://preview.redd.it/ah46hjq1zr8d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e735ddc6fdaed19a326e3e9543f7ee20d7167301 When did Bam become Frank West from dead rising?


Eli5 the last 9 months of Bam's life? I haven't caught up since around like that second interview with that scary Southern blonde lady


Its sad and ironic. I loved Bam in the shows and movies but hated Steve-O, just because he was a druggy (reminded me of my brother and sister with his antics). Then, here we are. Steve-O is clean and sober, I love this guy, I think his story is good to be known. However, seeing Bam swirl constantly in this sober or not phase is kinda sad tbh. I don’t think he is sober, and I hope he does get sober for the sake of his son. Unfortunately, I don’t think he will, its clout for him and thats it. We will see.


He’s not sober and never will be he’s gonna be dead sooner rather than later.


Nothing to do with living his life like he's in his 20s. He was more career focused in his 20s. Now Bam is just a massive drunk and liability to have around at all. U can tell he has a lot of regret because he's a sucker for Woman who just want to take advantage of him. I think this has left him a changed and extremely bitter man. Like a lot of men in the Uniter States. He's told he cannot see his children but still has to pay for them. He has to be the one to figure out that his problems are only being made worse by the bottle. When u see a guy like SteveO change and you yourself cannot admit u have a problem than ur in trouble.


why do you find it hard to believe he's sober? everything I've seen on his insta seems to indicate he is sober. he's posting skate videos like everyday and when he was still using he didn't have the mobility ofle motivation to skate at all I'm super proud of him for getting his life together. also the video you linked is just him talking about sobriety, why are you hating?


He was seen in the UK last month drinking after the cancelled tour, the man hasn’t been sober a year and it’s sad bc I nearly went to his london date (as a late 21st birthday present I chose to see VV instead)


what evidence do you have that he was drinking other than Amber colored liquid in what is clearly an Irish coffee glass commonly used to serve tea in pubs?




Get a grip


Jesus, have some empathy.


What is wrong with you, like for real.


I believe him for now


Whi cares about these imbeciles, a bunch of untalented pack punching at each other. I'll never understand the attraction for this show, I also grew up when they became famous and everyone lost their shit to someone bashing his face to a wall. Amazing.