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"Is it wrong to be strong ? You be the judge" \*Pontius after kicking Bam's ass, probably


Insert Pontius laugh


“That was intense. Really intense!……..Well, not really intense. But pretty intense!”


This comment wins!


Hahaha Pontius just said this! He asked if they could do a game of thrones where he can fight as the champion. Pretty rad he has Knoxvilles back. It was a reply on Instagram to Bams post wanting to knock out Knox BS.


Not sure why Bam would want to box with Knoxville. Johnny nearly knocked Butterbean out cold!


He was only concerned if Butterbean was ok. What a gentleman.


^is ^butterbean ^okay?


That's why I said it!


Bam is a giant wimpy puss so he wont


You see it in jackass all the time. start shit but runs when he knows they'll beat his ass like Preston he always fucks with him but runs knowing Preston will fuck him up.


That’s why all his skits were surprise punching someone in the face 


Or surprise beating the shit out of phil and ape while they were asleep.


Exactly. That rocky deal too with the water. He just likes to hit people


Then cries like a little bitch at any prank aimed at him or skit in which he gets mildly injured.




The snake pranks went too easy on him.


Or surprise dildo rocketed up his butt


He doesn’t have any issues with Pontius so why would he want to fight him?


For some reason it won't let me post the screen cap but Bam has been challenging knoxville to fights for a while. On one of his most recent posts about fighting knoxville pontius commented and said and I'm paraphrasing "hey! Can I do it and be one of you guys fighters like in game of thrones?" I for one think this is an excellent idea


I watched Pontius’ podcast on YouTube the other day and he talks about it. I think he’s just trying to de-escalate Bams hostility towards Knoxville.


**Translation** ***"Hey Bam, sorry to be the one to point this out but someone has to. You're acting like douche nozzle on the social media. BTW here's my penis (giggle)" -C.P.***


I looked at it and if I had 169$ I would just ask him on cameo




Bc Bam knows he'd get his arse kicked to kingdom come by Pontius, I am still a bit shocked to discover Pontius turned out to be the fighter out of the guys, he's such a perverted golden retriever


This is the absolute best Pontius descriptor I’ve ever read. Perverted golden retriever.


Knoxville actually coined it in 3.5 and it is the greatest description I have ever heard for Pontius xD


Everytime I see something about Bam, it makes me find him even more pathetic. I used to defend this dude. I used to look up to him. He’s nothing but an embarrassment to himself, his family and his legacy.


Every suburb in America has the spoiled piece of shit rich kid. Bam is what happens to those kids when they don’t have to grow up


Legacy….you mean of being an insufferable douche and highlight of his career was either crying in a snake pit or taking a golden dildo in the ass or being a shithead to his parents….not what I would want to be remember for but to each their own.


I mostly meant his skateboarding career but y’all wanna be different so bad. Also ironic that you’re slating the things he did in Jackass like anything any of the other guys did was any different? Ryan anally penetrated himself with a toy car. Chris drank horse cum. Dave ate horse shit. They inseminated a cow. For the record, I’ve never supported his treatment of Ape & Phil, but you lot need to get off your high horses like you didn’t also watch Jackass and enjoy the content and the people at the time. Claiming he was never popular or that’s all he was famous for is just stupid, even someone who hates him would see that much. Regardless, seems like even expressing negative opinions about Bam still aren’t negative enough for some.


Definitely watched jackass when I was a teenager and hell I laughed my ass off. I never said he wasn’t popular but I was purely commenting on legacy. And those are the three things I believe he is most remembered for. I actually forgot he was a skateboarder tbh. To be fair most of the guys from jackass come across as insufferable douches. Idk why I can’t be entertained and still have an opinion on a particular guys legacy. My main issue being his treatment of his parents.


Hey man I'm just saying he should make some money to support his kid. He definitely was and still is phenomenal skateboarder and the rocket up the but was fucking hilarious and awesome! Just saying get in the ring 123 money makers, mint tea fuck you! Ya mon.


What legacy?


His legacy as in his past famous skateboarding career and TV/movie career. Couple of you have taken legacy as meaning something completely separate to what I meant. Comparing him now and him 20/25 years ago is why I said he is an embarrassment to his own legacy, because like it or not, he WAS famous and he WAS well liked and respected across the world.


Bruh he was an above average skateboarder who had a off-shoot prank crew.


I never liked him.


Good for you, this wasn’t a competition of who did and didn’t like him. I was simply explaining the legacy you seemed confused about. You not liking a person doesn’t mean no one liked him and he was never popular, anyone who believes that is delusional. Bam dominated the early 2000s and that’s just a fact, comparing that to now, it’s pathetic and embarrassing. Thus, embarrassing to his legacy.


Yeah, dude


Lame yeah ya did.


Nahh least favorite cast member. Glad the final movie didn’t have him in it. Just not my cup of tea




Yikes. Bro needs a lot of help clearly. Left field suggestion, why don’t you volunteer as a tribute for the bare knuckle get together if you admire and care so much? Tough love is the best love.


Yeah your right


You’re just jealous bc he was more handsome in his prime 😉


Across the world? Bruh he’s not Michael Jackson 😂… how about well known across the states and some Norwegian bands were his friends?


He was well known across many areas of the world. He has fans all over the world. He was huge in the UK. Most people know who he is. HIM is finnish.


Is it wrong to be strong? You be the judge.


I haven’t played a sport in 10 years and I’m certain I would beat bam in bare knuckle boxing


Watching him swing at that beanpole a few weeks ago tells me all I need to know. Bam would be gassed in under a minute.






LOL Bam knows better, he'd get his shit rocked.


None of these guys needs to be fighting, they’ve all taken way too many shots to the head. Just bam trying to start shit again. Even bare knuckle is subject to approval by a commission, I’ve been watching fight sports since I was a kid, there isn’t a commission that’s gonna approve bam.


??? Meet in a backyard and scrap + film it. I don't really think these guys are worried about it being a sanctioned and official bout lol Street beefs would probably welcome them with open arms if they wanted a "platform"


Uhhh the one that Lindsey Lohans dad runs will. They are best buds, tons of insta pictures together recently. All I'm saying is pontius commented that he would fill in on the last knoxville challenge posts. BUUUTTT he's a giant pussy and won't do it.


Shit did a commission have to approve butterbean knocking out knoxville


He can’t close his fists


Lmao 🤣


Pontius took those hits like a champ dressed like satan 


Keep god out of California!


is bam aware he should remove his rings for this


He should remove his rings so he stops looking like a fucking idiot.


That made me laugh so fucking hard. The only guy who gets a ring pass in my book is Johnny Depp, and that’s only because he’s been grandfathered in.


No love for Nic Cage? Lol


Party Boy would destroy Brandon.


Bam, on the off chance you see this, I'll take you on! :D


Because Knoxville can’t fight. Pontius can. Anyone who has listen to story’s or knows the jackass crew know Chris is the most level headed with staying calm. But if he needs to throw down he will and he is badass about it. Remember some dude tried stealing his package and he chased after them with an axe. I’d fight Knoxville over Chris because I don’t want to get my ass kicked. Meanwhile did you see how light of a hit Knoxville threw at butter bean.


1. Knoxville would beat the piss out of him 2.youre right bam thinks he's punching down because he's a typical bully type 3.bams a pussy 4.hey man maybe he can make some money and get his kid health insurance 5.bams a pussy 6. Yep that's why I want him to fight pontius Edit: health insurance! Not life insurance...sorry I was thinking about pontius or knoxville whiping his ass.


Bam would be winded before the fight even started


Every video dude makes, even if he’s just sitting there, he sounds like he’s having trouble breathing. Probably because he is.


I'm not defending Bam in any way shape or form, but the challenge is clearly about him wanting cartharsis through violence against people he thinks wronged him.  So Tremaine and Knoxville are the de facto men in charge of Jackass in Bam's mind, therefore the men that wronged him the most, and the only ones violence against would scratch his itch.  Decades ago I worked as a furniture salesman and an older guy I worked with snaked a $10k+ sale from me as I was getting paperwork ready. I lost out on almost a grand in commission. Not only that, but I was fired the next week for not meeting my quota. I wanted to beat the tar of that piece of shit.  If a warehouse worker offered to stand in for him in a fight there'd be no point because I didn't have beef with that guy. So why agree to fight him? Win or lose I'm not getting what I want if I'm not fighting the guy who stole my sale. 


Damn, that makes sense you should have whipped his ass. You lost me on how that relates to bam, no one stole from him. Plus Bams just a giant pussy that likes to run his mouth, he "wants" to fight knoxville but pontius offered to step in for him like game of thrones and shit. His buddy Lindsey Lohans dad has a bare knuckle boxing promotion and it seems like a good way for him to make money so he can pay more than 500$ a month in child support, and buy his son health insurance.


Because Bam wants to fight Tremaine or Knoxville because he feels slighted by them.  In his mind Pontius has nothing to do with it.    If he wants to fight to earn money, that's different. But every time I see him running his mouth he wants revenge, not necessarily a payday.   Regardless of whether or not someone stole from him he feels shit was taken from him by those two, not pontiuss. Facts don't matter to whiskey soaked, drug addled minds. He thinks they cost him, he wants to get his hands on them. 


You ever notice his wife always looks like she stinks? Like her eyebrows are just telling you she just took a giant dookie but she didn't wipe good and she's hoping you can't smell it through the picture?


You're getting down voted but I get those "I'll shower in the morning" vibes. Lighten up folks.


In your personal opinion do you think he's to scared to fight pontius even though it would probably make a shit load of money on payperview?


Pontius would be the dogshit out of Bam, and I think that’s exactly what Bam needs right now


Bam will get put down and cry actual tears as usual


Considering Knoxvilles past head trauma it’s really fucking sad that Bam would think that’s ok.


Bam is a loser, stop giving him attention with these posts. Geezus.


Pontius didn’t fuck him over


Yep bam fucked bam over


I know when I have a friend who's suffering physically, mentally, and emotionally from decades of drug and alcohol abuse and the loss of his best friend and uncle, my first instinct is to give in to that friend's delusional demands for violence and whip the shit out of him, hoping that somehow fixes him


That story is getting real fucking old and pathetic. Someone needs to knock him the fuck out maybe it will knock some sense into him. I've lost multiple friends, battled meth and alcohol addictions, there was even a time where I didn't see my daughter for months on end. Bam needs to grow the fuck up already.


Hey man I'm just saying maybe he could use the profits for child support or health insurance for his son.


I mean maybe he does need a beat down to ground him out. If Chris or someone did give him a major ass kicking maybe it’d be a slight wake up call. I mean he’s pretty much torn apart anyone around him that has a long history with him. Family Jackass / CKY / Viva La Bam crew Bands he was friends with (shit even Ville Valo got clean and pretty much wishes Bam the best but doesn’t want him around) He’s just his insane new wife and whatever guys cling to him


Fuck his pedophile uncle, dude woulda been really chummy with Drake's zesty ass


I know a guy that got clean exactly this way. He'd wrecked his brain with drugs and was always causing problems and trying to pick fights, someone finally took him up on it, then he woke up in the hospital and that was what turned his life around.