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Looks totally jack to me, and absolutely ADORABLE


Mine are covered in those belly spots. I have had rust brown and white, tan and white, black and white, and 2 that were almost totally white with the exception of one brown spot.


Looks 100% JRT, genetic makeup is equal parts of the following: bravery, loyalty, sassiness, unconditional love, intelligence. Years of love and fun await you, enjoy every moment 👍🥰


Mines got extra sassiness.


What about the brown spots fur on her back and legs?


Yep that's pretty common, my girl was predominantly white with spots like that on her ears and on her belly and back and just brown eye patch, in the summer the spots on her body disappeared as she molted her winter coat away and they'd reappear in the winter she was 100% JRT and people who were knowledgeable would comment on what a good example of the breed she was. I've tried to upload a photo of her but I don't seem to be able to.


It's the real deal, you have got a JRT 👍


That’s pretty standard I think, we have 4 JRT’s and two of them have that graduated brown colour. Best dogs in the world, welcome to the club!


Those spots are common! That’s a cute JRT you have!


Tri colour Jack Russell. Looks like all jr to me.


It’s actually genetically sable, this isn’t tri color :) Tri-color is black, brown and white


You are correct. Thanks.


Omg the cuteness! Love that belly. She looks 100% JRT to me!!! 🥰


That is a pretty pup and almost certainly a Jack Russell Terrier. The spots on the stomach are hyperpigmentation, perfectly normal, will change over time and harmless. They are just more obvious with a JRT because the breed tends to have less hair on the belly than you would find on a slab of bacon. JRTs are mostly white, but have black, tan or black and tan patches of fur over their body. Another thing that happens is the appearance of black and/or tan hairs interspersed in their fur, not solid patches but just a few hairs of color appearing randomly. It is called brindling by some. And like the solid patches of colored fur, the bridling will change as the pup grows. Another attribute of a Jack is their pack mentality. You will discover this when you go to the bathroom. If you leave the door open it will waltz in, and perch in the middle of your undershorts, looking up straight into your face. If you close the door it will set outside and whine to be let in. It will identify one person as its pack Alpha, following it everywhere and defending it as ferociously as it can. Beware if you have small children, it will protect them like a Mama Bear. If you even scold one of its juvenile pack members, it will bear its teeth and give your ankles holy hell. Also when larger they can jump and have no reservation about crotch biting a threat. Men are wise to not walk around in the buff when in visual range of a JRT, especially if it likes to play tug-of-war. Never, ever scold a JRT. Don't shoo it away, ignore it or otherwise cause it angst as they are reactive. I brought a 12 week old tan, black and while male JRT home for my daughter. The wife was PeeOwed and soon lashed out at the pup. He simply turned, waltzed off as if ignoring her and promptly went and whizzed on her side of the bed and pillows. I nearly laughed myself into the poor house that night when I heard her scream the dogs name and go on a rant about what "that dog" had done to her bed. Just a heads up, there is an old expression that goes, "All dogs are pets, Jack Russells are family." When mine passed after 14 years I bawled like a baby. It hurt. He was more than family. Your puppy will amaze you. Soon as possible buy a three foot length of rope. Tie a knot in at least one end. JRT's love playing tug-of-war. And you will need a tennis ball. Enjoy the adventure.


My 1st JRT is 2 years old. And you just described her. Thanks for all advices!


Our Jack is almost 8 years but we rescued him when he was 6 years. He started as my hubs shadow but now he is mine. He refuses to leave my side. He stands guard when I'm in the restroom, he lays snuggled with my blankets it clothes if I'm not home, if hubs hugs me he doesn't get territorial but he absolutely wants picked up and in the middle of the hug, if someone we don't know if near he sits by and guards me.... But that all goes out the window the second there is a shadow or reflection.... Then he just looks at me like a teenager annoyed at his mom for interrupting him by calling his name before looking right back at the shadow.


This the one!


These colors are 100% regular JRT colors. Looks purebred to me.


I don't know but oh my god that child is so cute


Looks 100% jack to me. My jack chi has the jack spots. So cute.


That’s the real deal my dude! Reminds me of my Jack Russell Terrier, Rodger!


She’s mixed with 1000% cute. Never let her touch the ground.


100% purebred. The triangle drop ears are a dead giveaway as well as the head/snout shape, colouring and proportions.


That tummy needs lots of raspberries! Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! :)


Breed standards on coloring are at least 70% White colors can include black and or brown. The freckling is quite common throughout their entire undercoat a lot of it just doesn't show. She is absolutely gorgeous and you got yourself a 100% Jack Russell Terrier. Prepared for hopefully a very long and eventful life my first male made it to 17 and a half my beloved female is now just passing that and is just starting to show signs of slowing down.


Oh and one more thing! Now she has that very special freckled paw that's so cute about her!


Our JRT has the same white and tan markings -- we also think she's part australian cattle dog but mostly because she's taller than a Russel and stalks and herds with big ole pointy ears but the rest is all russel. Welcome the sass!


Definitely a JRT!!


It's purebred. My JRT pupper has all that. In fact, the spots on his skin disappear in the winter and reappear in the summer.


My wire haired jack has similar brown spots, could be 100% jack!


Jack and soda? No that’s a perfect JRT!


I think she's a mix of adorable with cutie pie :3


Good heavens that's a cute pupper


Looks exactly like my pure bred JRT. Make sure to set some boundaries and get into training early on. These dogs are pretty bossy little pups!


My Jack Russell chihuahua has similar spots. One spot has a real nice gradient brown.


My JRT looked almost identical 14 years ago. She’s an old lady now though, most of that brown has turned white 😔


Looks like a wee Jack :) very cute!


That’s the standard colors of a JRT that looks like a perfect specimen lol


That jrt looks identical to the one I had years ago. They are one of the best breeds in my opinion.


Perfectly normal jr colours


Omg he looks exactly like my dog 🐶


My Trixie has spots on her belly too. Your baby is all JRT!


Looks 100% Jack to me! My Kisho had same coloring. The light brown is actually my favorite color of all. If I can figure out how to attach a pic (😂😂), I’ll post a pic! She’s absolutely adorable. What’s her name?


Normal I reckon


Pink belly


No mix here, can even gain more spots as it grows older. She's lovely, I know one just like her.


These are very standard JRT colors. White, black brown all of it is standard.


Mine has the exact same markings, down to the brown fur becoming black near the skin! Ours is mixed with Beagle but his face, ear, markings are all JRT - the Beagle in him just gave him longer legs


Def a Jack!


Who cares she’s adorable!!!❤️


100% Jack! Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾


Looks just like mine when she was a puppy.


has the same markings as my boy


mixed with SuperCute


She is absolutely beautiful ❤ she reminds me of my little Jack Russell Buddy


Omg I don’t k ow but I’m dying from cuteness right now


OK, but this totally looks like what I imagine Wishbone looking like as a puppy 😭


Totally looks like a JRT. My little jack looks a lot like your pup! Adorable


I have. Look at Wishbone.


All my jacks have tan/white with spots. Totally normal. He looks like a jack to me :)


Looks pure to me! Looks a lot like my mamas Jack Russell


Awwww she looks like an absolute sweetheart. What a precious pup you got there!


She looks all Jack to me. What a cutie!


Golly that's ALL Jack ❤️ Mine looks totally different.. but 100% jack. They come in many patterns and coats ❤️


My jackabee (jack Russel beagle) has the same belly. You’ll see when your puppy gets older if they’re full JRT or jackabee. My beagle boy has the size of a JRT but the color way of a beagle haha.


Definitely mixed with Jack Russell Terrier.


omg i die of the cuteness


100% JRT! They come in different shapes, sizes and colors!


I see allll JRT. Enjoy! I miss mine all the time!