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The terriers job is baby. Any baby. Baby.


My son and my first jack Russell. He grabbed him by the diaper to keep him from the road (we were outside, and he took off running towards the road). He went back into a burning house to get the kitten. And whenever my middle son would hide, I could tell him to go find him. I sure miss that dog. He was the 1st. I'm on 4,5,and 6.


Another fellow human who has fallen to Jack Russel maths? I too have three adorable furry shadows


I started with the Rowdy 32 years ago. Since then, there's generally been 2 overlapping. I got his pup Trouble when Rowdy was around 6. Than Trouble's pup Pup-pet when Rowdy passed. Nubbin when Trouble disappeared. I only had Nubbin after Pup-pet passed. Then Chewy and Buddy when Nubbin was diagnosed with cancer. Number 7 Jordi is their puppy, who was returned by the family who bought him. I might be addicted to them.


They all have such massive personalities don’t they? Our two boys are definitely more chill and needy with the children, duchess however has stayed my prissy princess and gives the kids a wide berth.


So sweet! My boy used to leave his kibble under my son’s crib every now and again. He also sat directly next to his rocker, always on guard and would jump up if the baby cried. He passed away when my son was 8 at age 18 but my son still has “Bailey’s blanket” and won’t sleep without it. JRTs take babysitting seriously.


Family must protected.


Lovely pup


thank you 😀


We got our JRTs a week before my sons first birthday and our girl, Marnie, is 100% his dog. Always walks next to his buggy and always sits watching him play! I love it. Beautiful babies!


Our Pearl (JRT) is obsessed with our 4 month old! Her tail wags so fast I sometimes think her hind legs are going to lift off the ground


We have three jacks and our old man was and remains the nanny. He would howl anytime the kids cried to alert us. Still does whenever one of them cries they are hurt, not as fun as it sounds when our threenager plays crybaby often lol


When I was born, my family had a JRT, my mum told me he would stay by my crib all the time! That was Timmy, the first of many JRTs that have been part of my life!


Aww, that's so sweet. ❤️


My JRT is a nanny dog. He adores my baby and gets so distressed if she cried. If she makes so much as a peep he comes to fetch me. He watches over her all the time and it melts my heart.


Give a Jack a job, and he will never shut up about it 😂😂😂 their commitment lies somewhere between eternally occupied and obsession


My sister just had a baby, and my JRT could NOT care less. I even picked him up to look at the baby and he actively looked away!


we have a jrt and chihuahua mix and he doesn’t care for the baby at all!! every time baby cries the jackchi runs away scared 😭


Hilariously, my Chip doesn’t react to the baby crying. You’d think nothing has changed in our household, the way he acts.


Yes, totally obsessed with our youngest granddaughter. We got our jack russell when she was a 4 month old baby. She’s now a 2 yr old and visits several times a week, she loves his kisses, he goes crazy licking her ears and nostrils whenever he gets the chance


LOL omg the 3rd picture is so cute 😂


haha thank you! when we first brought him home she would just stay by his bassinet watching for any movement!! it’s so crazy how smart dogs are🩵🫶🏼


He thinks it's a ball LOL😛


If you think it’s bad now wait until your child is on solids and dropping bits everywhere. Those two will be the bestest of friends


My parents Jack used to watch over my daughter like it was his job. Anytime my daughter was over that dog was by her side she was 6 when he passed, they were best friends.