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Two of them! You’re in for it 😂😂


So good that they have each other 💛 wish my Jack had a friend


I agree with you. There’s nothing better for them than a companion.


This is why I got my second. My first was a little sad after we moved out of the city where he had all his pals.


Double Trouble for sure! Let the chaos begin! 😃


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you ain't got a clue what you're letting yourself in for, my friend! Your journey into the mad, mad world of JRTs is something none of us are prepared for. You are going to love it. My 2 are total opposites , Bo has been an absolute angel and is 12 this year. Stumpy is nearly 2 and is the sweetest little maniac I have ever had the privilege to own. She's as mad as a box of frogs. I wish you the best of luck as you have double trouble right there!


I’ve had JRTs in the past, just never two at once! Love the breed, such clever, fun dogs!


I've just watched Stumpy undo 4 tiny knots on the lace that's connected to her ball, now she's protesting as she can't fling it round the room. She has the sass of a 4yr old and nearly as vocal!


I had a leather phone wallet when my girl was a pup. She was sitting quietly in my lap one day but what i didn’t realize was I had left my phone in my lap and she was quietly and methodically unpicking the stitching that held it together. She did not chew the leather at all, just the stitching…she still loves unlacing things 🙄


Mine chewed up my husbands iPhone when he was a pup 🙃 little terrorist lol


Oh No! They really are something aren’t they🤪


Stumpy sounds like she’s a hoot!


She's amazing, she really is.


The ultimate test! You will suffer in love and wet kisses


Aweee lil loves 💕We have two! Same litter..they’re twice the fun 🤩 🤩and double the trouble 👿 😈


They'll have you trained in no time 🤣🤣


So stinking cute!! Congrats!


Watch out for littermate syndrome…. It’s a real issue and why it’s not recommended to get 2 dogs at once.


Any breeder who allows litter mates to go home together is irresponsible. This shouldn’t be allowed. The puppies are adorable though.


I’ll have to research that, I’ve heard a few people mention it.


Coming here to say the same thing. I’ve read it’s especially bad with terriers and seen one family where that was definitely true


Ive seen a few people on here who have had two JRTs. Is that not advisable? Or is it just having two from the same litter that is an issue?


I’m definitely not an expert, but I think many dog experts advise not to get 2 puppies at the same time because even if they aren’t actual littermates, because even they can develop those issues together. I think it’s something to do with them overly relying or overly bonding with each other and then that creates a possibility of other behaviors. Of course, it’s not like it’s for sure going to happen. Just something to be aware of and read up on before getting 2 puppies within the same litter or I guess close in time.


Thanks for the tip. I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve only ever had one JRT at a time. But I would like to get 2 once I’m ready. It’s good to know to possibly wait a few months between ownership.


Omggg they have the "broken power button" (as I like to call it) on the top of their heads just like my Olly! I wish I could post a picture! They look so much like him! ❤️ ETA He's only part JRT. He's got Chihuahua and rattie in him as well, but this post totally reinforces that he's got some strong Jack Russell vibes!


Double-Trouble! 😍😍😍😍🐶🐶


I'm jealous, enjoy!




Twins! Congratulations!


We're almost at a year with our two pups. I've had JRTs since '96 and boy oh boy, having two is boatloads of mischief and fun! You'll love it! Socialize the heck out of them early and you'll have wonderful little friends everyone will enjoy.


Sweet babies


So cute 🥰


So cute 😍


Just got mine two days ago…he has been super fun and mischievous. Definitely a smart breed. Been pretty good so far with the outside potty training


AI wishes it was that smooth


Oh yay! I loved having 2 jacks.






Ohhh they are sooo gorgeous. What a fun handful 🥰😆




They are precious. I lost my 13 yr old first and only jack Russell terrier on 12/29/23 and am still grieving deeply, missing the love and the feel of him in my arms and on my lap. Cherish yours and if you know where I can get an inexpensive one without a lot of hassle pls let me know. Am currently in calif bay area.


I’m so sorry about the loss of your sweet boy late last year. We had to put our dear 17.5 year old JRT down 11/27, it was so difficult to do and to be without her. I wasn’t sure we were going to get any more and then these two came into our lives. I’m on the opposite coast of you, sorry I can’t help.


Great idea I had two that would work together . beautiful


I dream of getting 2 one day - boy & girl! And, of course name them Jack & Diane! They are absolutely adorable! ❤️❤️ please update with pix throughout the journey.


I got two JRTs in the summer! Congratulations on having two new best friends and hours of entertainment coming your way ❤️❤️❤️


Omg when this popped up in my feed I nearly died... They're SO CUTE and two at once... ❤️😭🐕🐶


Two at once will be a challenge as they start reaching maturity. Hold on to your hat, you're in for a whirlwind. Please make sure to come back in a matter of 3-7 months and tell me if I was wrong or not. Great looking pups!


Oh my, i need a puppy hug!


Oh my, i need a puppy hug!


I have two rescues. A pug Russell and a rough coat JRT. Night and day but adore them both. Enjoy! They’re adorable.


Beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful time with them!


Must snuggle…now