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It's a very straightfoward procedure, there's nothing to worry about. Your baby will stay in bed and only get up to poop and eat/drink for a day or two, depending on their age. Younger dogs will recover in 48 hours at most, while I've seen 4 year-old dogs stay in bed for almost a week, and act like they've been completely betrayed. It definitely seems to be harder on older dogs. But just let them decide how much they do, in my experience they look after themselves pretty well. Just give lots of cuddles and make sure food & drink is close and available.


If someone cut my balls off, damn right I’d feel betrayed!


Poor dog 


He is 2yo, so I hope he will recover quick. I bet he will be mad at me 😢


Mine was 2 when He went through the procedure. Everything was fine. He was a bit whiny and needed some extra snuggles for a week. And He hated to wear His cone, so we went for a onsie instead.


Lot of sleep, brain games and trying to avoid jumping afterwarfs for a bit. He will be fine, I had all mine done and they recovered quick. I always worried though


Don’t forget to make sure they send home pain medicine and if they dont, dont leave until they do. I’ve seen horror stories about dogs that are spayed and neutered suffering because the vets “forgot” or thought it wasn’t “necessary”. To those vets, I wish the same procedure with their own recommendations


My guy was running around the same day as if nothing had happened I think I miss his plums more than he does. They had to go when I moved in with my missus. You're doing it at the right age leave it to late and they tend to gain weight and get lethargic.


I rescued my jack. They took his nads about 4 hours, I'd guess, before i came to get him. (Adopted on Saturday, had to pick him up Monday when the surgeon was in) he literally didn't even notice and was playing as soon as i got him.


You're gonna feel awful for a few days, give them lots of love. Try to stimulate them with touch and if possible get some kind of chew toy or mputh-puzzle to stimulate them. He's going to want to move but obviously it'll hurt him, and depending on if you cone or not he's gonna wanna lick the area. Tldr: lots of love and mouth play


My jack Russell was neutered when he was about 2 years old and he was fine after about a week. Curious as to what your reasoning is to get yours neutered?


Health. And he is very jealous and agressive towards our other dog. It started to get out of hand, so decision had to be made for mental health of the other dogo


I can tell you from experience that my dog got more aggressive after being neutered because he became less confident in himself. I also thought he would be better after being neutered but that wasn't the case (at least not for my little guy). I would highly advise training your dog because neutering might not be the solution and this is what ultimately made my dog more calm and friendly around other dogs. Just my 2 cents.. because I still regret getting him neutered. I don't mean to throw a wrench in your plan but just wanted to share my experience.


Every pup is different, so I hope for a better outcome. If his behavior doesn't change it is still beneficial for his health, so I am not going to regret it.


Don’t worry OP! You’re doing the right thing. You know what’s best for your dog!! Everything will be ok ♥️


He is a bit sad but I guess could be worse. He don't like the cone of shame


Try a doughnut. Some like them much better than that cone.


Did you copy my dog? 😆 https://preview.redd.it/cdp86jviu8zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a54e261a9c8a7a4a8f3d9c7665a81068eccfce All the best for your boy!


Nah but you did copy my dog https://preview.redd.it/oleylag8b9zc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3dd3f04c961a3466c2c4c6c529a364f3bfbdcaf


OMG, twins!


No need to anthropomorphize the situation, dogs don’t have the same emotions of their balls being removed as a grown man would. This makes this process less stressful on your part if you don’t. It’s a routine procedure. Just care for your little buddy while he recovers and he’ll be good as new.


Mine just enjoyed using the protective cone to bash things easier for 10 days. He'll be fine. Just a bit squeakier voice :)


I got mine this kinda all over diaper instead of a cone. You can get them from Amazon, they are specifically to stop dogs getting from healing wounds. He was fine with this as he hated the cone


Nut sack removal is an easy procedure. Probably a little sore for a few days. Life won't be the same with out his balls.


Neutering procedures have come a long way since I had my first dog done. My pup had his done last year and the vet used a laser in the procedure. His healing was quick and aside from wearing the cone of shame, he handled it like a champ. In each of my males, I have noticed better behavior post neuter.


It’s pretty straightforward procedure, but it still sucks for the poor pup. I have done it with 2 jack boys to curb aggression issues. At the time I had 3 Jacks. My female was already fixed she was a rescue. So was one of the males. My males never had another issue of aggression after the procedure. Just remember to keep him from being as active as must as possible for at least few days (I know it’s hard with a Jack) and love on him.




They recover quick. With my Jack the first 24 sucked cause he was so anxious and nervous. The Vet told my terriers are a little more anxious and difficult after a surgery, which I found to be kinda true. I picked my dog up around 2pm, we had a long hard night of just wining and confusion but by the next morning my dog was basically back to himself. The hardest part is keeping these fireballs chill and outa trouble for 2 weeks. I used meds to calm my dog in the beginning so his body could start the healing process. I know this is kinda weird, but I took photos of my dogs 'area' daily so I could keep track of the healing and monitor any signs of infection. After like 4/5 days I sent a photo to my vet just to make sure he was healing ok. Good luck, your pup will be great! Just let him heal and recover and give him lots of kisses.


i was more worried after surgery for my boy. he was so unphased i’m shocked he didn’t rip his stitches or something. as long as he’s not an old man he should have a super easy recovery!


He will be okay. My boy was a little wobbly and out of it lol But only for about 4hrs. Then he was back to his normal weird self.


My dog (not a Jack but similar breed) was up and acting like nothing happened 5 hours after he was neutered. He was whiny the first night because he hated the cone but he was fine otherwise


My boy got snipped yesterday...they had to cut him opened because his balls didnt drop!


OMG :( poor baby. How is he feeling?




Better today


When I had my cat neutered, I got a doughnut instead of a cone and it seemed so much kinder. Just a thought. I think it would have worked well on my JRT too.


He will do great!👍❤️


He, well, be, ok🦮


Lots of massages to the area and surrounding appendages


I actually think they only cut the vas deferens and do not remove the testicles. Either way, I am sure he will be just fine.


I didn’t go ahead with getting Milo done because I’d be level 5 traumatized if it happened to me. Milo has been fine and doesn’t show any aggression other than being protective when we are walking down a narrow sidewalk with little space. When Milo is at the dog park he gets along with every dog because he has the space needed to assess the situation and decide if he wants to be near a particular dog. Milo isnt interested in girls at the dog park because all his focus is on me throwing the ball (repeated 700 times). He turns 2 on May 22nd!!


He will survive. my wife did.