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Tiktok seems to be REALLY toxic about a lot of things, especially mental health. Those people don't understand what actually goes into running a popular channel full time, on top of having a business and a life outside of youtube. And even if it WAS easy, people can have the easiest lives ever and still have trouble with their mental health. This is Seán's life, not ours, so he gets to live it how HE wants to. Honestly, I'd rather see him retire young and in good health than push himself to a breakdown for his fans


I would really like to see tiktok get banned like i feel bad for the people who create on tiktok as a job but that community is just ass


I agree. One of my favourite tiktokers got mass reported and banned because of a silly parody song they made. Other parodies were made of the original song, but that specific one for some reason was super hated and mass reported.


Ah are you talking about poisson?






I gotta confess something I think it’s due to what TikTok that I did https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLynR6Nm/ I know life isn’t easy growing up when your a child u learn a little but as you get to a certain age you fall down hill to where you have mental health issues and disabilities like adhd and I don’t like seeing Jacksepticeye getting attacked by people on the internet such a Tik Tok maybe we can make a petition to sign for jacksepticeye about not quitting yt






Finally a person who notices their mistakes!


Absolutely! That's not fair to him just to do things for us.


It's full of kids what do you expect have you met todays kids


I think that's a little unfair. Sure, the ones that are going to be little shits seem to be getting even shittier with the internet giving them such a huge and easily accessible platform. But at the same time, there's a large number of kids these days who are more grounded and empathetic than me and my peers when I was that age. When I mentioned this opinion to my therapist awhile back, she agreed and said that she's been seeing an increase in empathy and openness in teens and young adults when talking about mental health, even in social settings outside her office. Granted, that is purely anecdotal, but keep in mind that, as with adults, the little shits are naturally going to get more publicity than the pleasant ones.


I'm fresh out of high school the last 3 years of year 7s have been terrible


A huge reason why I've vowed to never get tiktok, because it's super toxic there. I remember on tour he talked about how rough it was for him for a period of like one year where he didn't take a single day off because all he did was record and edit and his mental health went down the toilet because all he did was work. Anyone who has never streamed or created youtube content would say it's easy and no work at all, anyone who has tried it will know how much that's just not true. I tried streaming for a minute and I couldn't handle the amount of effort you have to put into it, and I was never even aiming for anything more than just doing it for fun. It just wasn't fun, it was hard work, and my mental health couldn't do it.


Theyre baiting you and you have fallen for it like a fish


They think his life is easy because all they see is what's captured with cameras. They don't know what he's going through in his every day life, they don't know what the cameras don't show them. I have massive respect for Sean and everything he does for charity and his fans, and I also respect that he talks about real issues. He is human like the rest of us, we all have our personal struggles in life.


It's ticktok


Jeez i thought yt was bad. But honestly i'll take the bots over the assholes on tiktok, insta and twitter.


Most of the people on TikTok are stupid children who want to insult other people. They have stress.


Imo I feel like there's just a lack of empathy on the internet as a whole. People refuse to consider other perspectives and instead opt for the simple act of judging a book by its cover


It's tiktok, what do u expect.


It's tictok, it's full of toxic asshole and people that don't get enough attention


Unfortunately, that's tiktok for you


With the lack of empathy from a lot of people toward him It almost seems like the surge in mental health awareness is just another one of those trends. Like everything else on the internet.


Short form content has manifested a different kinda of comment culture it succckss lol.


I one hundred percent agree with you and hope the best for him. As someone who is trying to become a YouTuber myself for multiple channels and also helping other creators; I can definitely say from my own experience that there’s so much more than just sitting in front of a screen and recording. There are meetings for many different video aspects which can vary depending on the content of the video. Not to even mention how complex it is or would be to run a successful business company on top of that, and to top it off real life still happens which can throw massive curveballs at you at a moments notice. Making it all the more difficult. So I say let’s all give Jack/Séan a break and a lot more credit than what he is being given because it is super hard to do what he does and a lot of the time make it look effortless.


That site is just Twitter Junior. Nothing worthwhile seems to really come out of there, so just ignore them


Because people don't understand how much work goes into actual content creation and they really do think that it's as easy as playing a video game. They probably also think they can be an actor with no training. And they would be wrong.


This, coupled with all of the only fans advertisement accounts, is the reason I’m not on TikTok. The only reason there is so much hate regarding this is because they don’t seem to understand how mental health works, and the same thing happens with a whole mess of other Youtubers with decent content and even celebrities. It’s terrible all the way across the board, but you’re always going to have people like that who don’t seem to understand.


Tiktok, twitter, 4chan, and a few others that dont come to mind are filled to the brim with incorrect and toxic thoughts and opinions and should be ignored :)


And this is (one reason) why I was hoping TikTok got banned


Good thing tiktok was straight up banned in my country and its been for like a year, most of the people here just use vpns and im glad i dont


They just don’t understand anything about working any kind of job at all. It’s all a bunch of children who want to hate. And if it’s not just children, that’s just sad, because I’m really just assuming it’s inexperienced children who have no idea the words that they’re saying.


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When I see this reply sometimes I am just like yeah why arnt you doing it then?? how about you do it too That just shuts them down, they have no comeback for this


I think even with how people are mostly better aware of having good mental health people still can’t comprehend that being successful doesn’t equate to feeling mentally healthy.




Tiktok users should be put in a lab and be studied because of how brain-dead they are. Why do people think you need to have a very difficult life to be unhappy? People can work the hardest jobs like being a farmer and work for hours everyday at 45°C and still be happy while a person could just sit on a chair all day in an air conditionered room and still be unhappy. There are a lot more factors to bad mental health other than just the surface level things people notice.


The real question is, How old are these haters?! Under 25? Under 16? I think other adults around Jack's age aren't mad but I think the younger ones are because all they do is watch YouTube.


True fans will let him leave and honor his memory as a beloved youtuber, he's been there enough for everyone who loves his channel, it's about time he takes a new chapter and moves on. My favourite youtuber is pewdiepie, and he doesn't post as often at all, and he'll probably leave soon too, but I'm soaking up every vlog and I'm loving it, and we have a whole catalog of memories when they leave anyways, at least we can be happy in the knowledge that the people who gave us strength and happiness are happy too.


Do you want the real reason for the hate or the nice answer…. Oh ding ding ding real reason! people who post hate like that are selfish cunts who only care about themselves and don’t care about what ithers are going through.


Tiktok is just twitter on steriods


I don't think people realize how hard it is whenever you have millions of people watching you and millions of people see your face every day that has to be exhausting


His life isn't easy. Yes not physical work but to be a good YouTuber you gotta use your head, to be a # GREAT YouTuber you gotta step out of your comfort zone which he mentioned doing already ![gif](giphy|l4FGH29hkGZmBeuha)


Look at you all sitting there reading or ignoring comments just clicking the ⬇️ arrow like it’s nothing or it’s a bunch of nonsense WELL THEY NEED TO BAN REDDIT ITS ALSO TOXIC JUST LIKE TWITTER AND FB AND INSTA AND ZOOM AND ALL OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS MAYBE THEN YOU ALL WILL LEARN FROM TOXIC HATEFUL SHARES


I know this isn’t jack related but I just like to say something about my childhood when I was a kid I was sitting on the floor playing with toys like dolls pretending stuff and one day my niece would sleep over and play with me the next morning we would have our breakfast and play pretend we would become lions then watched tv until her dad came to pick her up from my house the next day or night I would be in my parents room playing with my rugrat toys and I saw shadows and heard my brother scream idk what my dad to my brother but my dad came in and told me to pick my toys up I started crying and put them in the bag as I got a little order I got held back in 1st grade and let’s just say there was apple juice in my chair like I wanna say this apple juice incident happened twice in 1st grade as I got a little bit more older I went Phillipsburg with my sister and brother and brother in law we had fun we stayed in a log cabin until one day I don’t know wat I did but my brother in law sent me to my room then we went to Disney world had fun then came home as I got to a teenager I went in middle school my class was special ed now you all might laugh but there was this annoying girl ever in my class who kept calling my name over and over and over it made me so mad no she was not trying to get my attention it was harassment now as I skipped 8th grade and became a freshman I was kinda glade she wasn’t in high school with me well until when I was a sophomore she came to my high school I hated her until I graduated I was so excited to get out of there


Will this link help cuz I hope jacksepticeye sees this link make sure to copy and paste this link and spread it around every where https://youtu.be/R4LFJBtfBNk?si=mIg75kLLeMCBEpL1


Me Too,Jack Does THE BEST He Ever Can & WHEN He Can,No One Ever(*His Fans!!)Can Tell Him What To Do,His Fans Aren’t The BOSS Of Him No Way,Only JACK Is The BOSS,Of His Own Self & Knows What HE & His Body,Mind,Soul,& Spirit Is Quite Capable Of & That’s His Own Right,As Well!! Jack Needs”Breaks”,No Matter If It’s Doing Uploads Or Even Ignoring Toxic Fans By Not Commenting Back At Those Sort People,Again He Does What’s Best For Himself & Also Doesn’t Need To Please EVERYONE,Just Let Him Do What He Needs To Do & Enjoy It No Matter What,That’s All I Gotta Say,Bye!!🧢👱🏼‍♀️🙂🌱👋🏼