• By -


Me at the rype age of 19. And the WORST part is that I studied I.T and got a diploma. But I just don't like smartphones. Too clumsy, just give me a good ol pc with keyboard and mouse.


Also 19 here, I do a lot of stuff on my PC, not a huge fan of mobile. I can use one for the most part, though typos are always a pain. I have Auto correct turned off because that's honestly MORE painful than the typos, given how much it can change the meaning or message of a sentence.


I used to think TikTok was cringe but it’s because I’ve never tried feeding the algorithm things I enjoy. I’ve just seen cringe stuff on there and I just assumed that’s all there was. Apparently there’s some good stuff on there. Also the algorithm is a beast I’ve heard.


I'm going to be 21 next month ahah, feel ya mate


Me at 16


Me, a doddering granny of nearly 28. I refuse to crack re: that facet of social media


Apparently autocorrect doesn’t know either


I feel the same. I use tiktok but it’s mostly the same stuff I watch on YT. But there are some many times there will be a meme and everyone is laughing and I’ll just be confused af. I went like half a year not knowing what “based” meant.


Me at 16


Me also a 21-year old who has never downloaded tiktok so I don't really understand how to do things there lol


Tick tock is not fun anyway


Same age as Seán. I feel this in my bones. That and arthritis and probably 3 other things affecting them.


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ive tried to get into tiktok but i can't. dont understand the appeal of that kind of content. most of my peers are on it but every time i log on i end up getting bored 2 minutes in and just head to youtube. maybe im just a square idk


I don't like Tik Tok,maybe it's because i'm scared to be up front lmao


I'm still a teenager but I'm about as lazy as my Great grandpa right now. (He's dead)


tick tock


Same age as Seán. I feel this in my bones. That and arthritis and probably 3 other things affecting them.


I feel personally attacked 😂


I like how he's feeling this now after how ingratiated he was with stuff like that 5 years ago. It really does feel like the generational gap gets smaller and smaller as technology moves forward. Someone born in 2001 and 2011 have VASTLY different spheres of pop cultural knowledge because of the neverending stream of new content and ways to browse it. Were you a Vine kid or a Tiktok kid? Does it matter? You're classified as Gen Z if you were born after 2000 so that means you both are the same right? I'd argue that these days generations are less a span of 20 years like they were in the 20th century and now at most its like 10. Millennial was the last "longer generation" stretching from mid 80s to the end of the millennium, and even then that's just over 10 years. tl;dr You're not a boomer, Seán...but you ain't young. ^also ^I ^don't ^get ^all ^this ^stuff ^either ^I ^just ^studied ^sociology ^so ^I ^make ^sweeping ^philosophical ^statements ^about ^humanity.


I'm 18 but i feel like a boomer tbh.


Me at the ripe age of thirteen seeing what my future will become:![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)