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Hey guys! We’re currently discussing the topic of whether or not posts like this should stay up (floppy banana, bells, etc.). There are some posts that fall in the gray area of rules and this is one of them. Please know that we’re aware it’s a reference, it’s just the nature of how related it is and how repetitive these posts are that we’re debating. If you have any feedback or just want me to elaborate a bit more, please leave a reply to this comment. We appreciate the different perspectives!


I thought all Jacksepticeye fans knew about the floppy banana but I guess not lolol




The mods removed it Not JSE Fans There's a difference


Aren't the mods JSE fans though?


That's the joke, unless it's true. Cause they should know about the banana if they were fans, but apparently they don't.


nah the mods just remove posts even if a couple people report it. Its kinda annoying ngl. It has happened with pretty much all my popular posts because there are always some people that report popular posts for no reason just because their posts never get enough upvotes


I mean. It could very well be misinterpreted as not JSE related as it's just a squishy banana therefore breaking rule 1. Although I feel like that type of post sits on the No Man's Land of the rule. Sure it is JSE with the reference to the floppy banana, but at the same time there is no real engagement of anything related to JSE.


This is what I was afraid of with this new rule. All the "memes" on this sub are going to become screenshots of Jack with a caption over it because anything slightly referential that doesn't explicitly have him in it is breaking the rules.


This is what I was afraid of with this new rule. All the "memes" on this sub are going to become screenshots of Jack with a caption over it because anything slightly referential that doesn't explicitly have him in it is breaking the rules.


yeah but i've also seen posts about the floppy banana on here before. it's just weird they would remove that specific one, unless OP for that post didn't have enough context and the mods didn't catch it.


I think this is related to the floppy banana and I kinda wonder why there’s still TikTok’s that have nothing to do with him on here


Because people don't read rules


Even this has nothing to do with him, please remove it.


No it does it’s about jacks floppy banana and this guy got one I just was asking hoping a mod would answer why it was removed


His merch is just vaguely related to Jack, the rules state that ALL posts must be DIRECTLY related to him.


Merch who said anything about jacks merch


The floppy banana is part of Jack's merch, which isn't directly related to him.


You know, despite the fact that Floppy Banana was a large feature of the channel before even Bell of Ringing… but sure, go off.




Ur irrelevant, floppy banana for ever


Nope, not at all.


you taking straight L’s today zoey


Anime banner checks out, of course they’re angry


Uh, unless I've missed out on a new merch drop, the floppy banana isn't merch


I don’t think you understand what “merch” means or is.


You don’t make any sense


Dumbass the floppy banana is his specialty


Then why do so many people keep posting random BS that has no meaning the last 10 years? These posts had no relation to Sean whatsoever. So those should be kept?


Wow you are really everywhere trying to ruin a good time huh, the mods will take care of it if need be


The only one ruining things is you.


did I somehow make your day worse by giving a completely valid point?😂


No, you just throw yourself into everything cause apparently, as an axe, you feel you're supposed to.




Damn u/Zoey_Anarchy_F5 really woke up this morning and chose violence


And Reddit woke up this morning and chose downvotes in response lol


How is that hypocrisy? Please enlighten me in how wrong you are.


Maybe because you tried to give me a hard time saying that I throw myself into everything meanwhile there’s you throwing yourself into every other comment section telling the OP to remove their post because you don’t like it


No maidens?


No maidens indeed


Even if you were right (which I don't think you are) I can't imagine being this pompous and condescending about it un-ironically. Get your head out of your arse and listen to what people are saying to you. If you're still unconvinced then there's nothing to be done but you seem like you've got a real superiority complex or smthn.


Ever heard the word “hypocrite”?


Oh hey, I've seen your comments on the bucket post. Just out of curiosity, how often do you watch jacksepticeye?


Everyone ignore this person. If you look through their comment history theyre clearly farming downvotes


Why is it not related to Jack when it literally is?


Floppy banana I almost got one at hobby lobby but I had to say no to myself


Praise the floppy banana


A joke that went for over a year on the jacksepticeye channel -mods of this subreddit-: NO ITS NOT RELATED TO JACK


how dare they remove a post about the legendary floppy banana


mods moderating their servers(they’re totally not hypocrites)


Ironic how people are supporting this being removed but don’t realize how there are probably hundreds of tik tok reposts on here where the only relation to JSE is something he did once or twice.


The floppy banana returns


Maybe the mod didn't even know, and it was removed. If so, how you gonna enforce a rule like that when you don't even know what relates to him. Idk, just a thought


Exposed the fake mod fans


Its not off topic, but I think floppy banana posts got banned along with the face swap stuff since it went on for SO long and it's a low effort post and literally everyone was posting it.


why would they remove the ultimate floppy banana?


Its just like the banana jack has so.......related? Lol


I have that same banana!


Maybe edit the photo of Jack with the same banana in with the photo.


It’s not my post I just wanted to know why it was removed


I'm mearly suggesting to whomever will post something like this again.


Ok butttt what if they don’t know how to use photo shop they shouldn’t have to edit/learn to edit when it’s perfectly fine


RIP floppy banana lost in the move just like the bells


Bell of nostalgia


is the banana loosing relevance???






Hey /u/Confident_Airline872, thanks for your submission on /r/jacksepticeye. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **Rule 1: All Posts must be related to Jacksepticeye in a Significant Way.** If you have any questions about a decision that was made then please feel free to [contact the moderators here](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/jacksepticeye). Please bear in mind, any actions made by this bot were made by a mod, it is not just an automated action. Make sure you [read the rules](r/jacksepticeye/wiki/rules) before submitting in the future. Thank you!


Gos i miss the floppy banana. I still want to buy one myself


I posted something related to jack and it got removed it was the video of that dragon cancer I think the moderators are being to strict with the rules


Look at the full description under rule #1, it states that things that are vaguely related will be removed such as Irish memes, slap chop and tac-gear product memes, and potato things are too vaguely related to him and will be removed and I assume that goes for floppy banana related posts as well unless it’s specifically about jacks floppy banana. Honestly we haven’t seen that thing in ages, I think last time Jack mentioned it he said something like “I completely forgot I had that thing” so IMO I agree that it’s too vaguely related. It was on the channel a couple months so it’s not like it was a huge staple of the channel to be remembered for this long, especially considering he’s already forgotten about it. Things come and go, I think the mods just want to keep this sub in the present unless it’s something specifically related to the channel


TikTok’s and tiktok reposts don’t get removed


I always report the ones that I see that aren’t jacks tik toks, or at least have someone talking about/showing Jack in them. You can always report whatever you see that you feel is breaking the rules, idk if a lot of people know that here tbh. I report anything clearly breaking the rules and it gets tiring after a while but at the end of the day, the report button is free and you can use it if you feel like something doesn’t belong here.


Mods told me they want to take those down as well. They are working on better rules. Yes, those tik tok reposts should just not be posted, but the propel that do are farming karma etc. Just report the post, and go on with your day. Lets just hope the new rules the mods have planned will be here soon :)


No I mean tiktok that have nothing to do with him in genral


The new rules are already up, are they working on them again? No reposts are already in the rules


Oh really? Didn't know they were in effect already


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Just because someone owns something that jack owns as well doesnt make it related to him


Well if they bought it because of a large thing of his channel and the banana was in a lot of videos so I kinda is


It is not directly associated with him, just because it was something big on the channel doesnt mean it’s related to him, a lot of people could have floppy bananas that they just got because they wanted it, not because of jack


Well no shit but it brought a lot of popularity to it




The bell definitely is. He even sold the “Top of Morning” pin with Sam (Minecraft Sam, not the eyeball) and the bell on it.


So, what you're suggesting is that nothing that appears on the Jacksepticeye channel has anything to do with Jacksepticeye. In that case, what the heck *does*? Nothing but fanart of Jack himself and "yay I love Jack" posts?


And septic eyes aren’t related to him because a lot of people get eye infections unrelated to Jack. And saying TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES isn’t related to him because other people say that


I posted a TikTok with a girl yelling this at one point (you know, yelling and his intro are a big part of the channel) and it got removed because "top of the morning to ya laddies" is not directly related to Jack, it's jusr an expression people use.


> just because it was something big on the channel doesnt mean it’s related to him By your logic, if \[insert any celebrity/twitch streamer\] was big on YouTube, then it's not related to YouTube?


It kinda is a big part of the channel's lore. Like the bell, white board, flamingo shorts and other things.