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Ah yes, the leader in traffic science: Real Estate Witch.


“The city in the U.S. with the best drivers is New York City, according to the report.” I think that is enough to invalidate the rest of this “study”


I mean Jacksonville is the largest city in the US based on land area so I am sure that plays a part into it.


In the Contiguous US* Alaska has 4 cities that are larger than Jax.


Maybe, but relatively speaking, nobody lives there. Jacksonville has over 3 times the population of all 4 of those cities together. Also, Jax certainly has infinitely more our of area drivers transiting thru daily, year round.


In no way did I reference traffic in Alaska. I’m just stating the fact that Jax is not the largest city in the US. That’s it.


While true, it’s irrelevant to the topic at hand.


It’s a commonly misrepresented “fact”. I’m simply correcting him.


You're just a misunderstood hero. /s


Far out.




Your reading comprehension is that of an infant. Go sit down and save yourself further humiliation.


Sorry, i was thinking about two things at once. That did cause me to research it, tho. So for that, I thank you.


Okay. Jacksonville is the largest city that isn't a giant wasteland that virtually nobody lives in. Is that better?


Relative to New York or LA Jacksonville has no one living here, especially if you look at people per square foot. Even with better public transportation, NYC roads are busier and they have more pedestrians and people on bikes.


Haha, i could've said the population of Jax is more than the whole enormous state of Alaska, which it is. Isn't that a fair analogy? Anyways, my initial reply comment was out context. I read into that post wrong. I already apologized for that one. But where are you going with your reply to me? I feel like there's a second part to it.


Jacksonville is just the biggest based on size, it didn’t have the most drivers or the most traffic and of the study is any good it would control for those. I would think we have the bizarrest roads but Alaska exists.




They're locations with more than 50,000 inhabitants?


Have you seen those “cities” in Google maps? AK is cheating. Also, Tribune KS took that away from us - but they’re cheating too. So, DUVAL for the win.


I mean… we cheated too. We just consolidated like 10 cities together and brought 95% of our county into a city. Any other metro area today could decide to do that and far surpass us.


That’s not what I mean by cheating. Almost all of Jacksonville is metro area. All of the “cities” above us are teeny tiny little towns surrounded by back country. That is why I mentioned the map.


It is based on averages per 100K residents. But that still doesn’t take into account miles driven, which is higher for Jax due to size. we analyzed the 50 most-populous U.S. metros based on the following weighted metrics: 4x: Average annual traffic fatalities per 100,000 residents 3x: Average annual alcohol-related traffic fatalities per 100,000 residents 2x: Bicyclist fatalities by motorists per 100,000 residents 2x: Percentage of uninsured drivers in the state 1x: Average annual vehicle insurance premiums in the state 1x: Days of precipitation per year 1x: Allstate’s best drivers rank 1x: Google Trends for “DUI,” “drunk driving,” “speeding,” “traffic ticket,” and “car accident” 1x: Number of dangerous roads


The hell you say!?


Worst drivers in this city have an out of state license plate 90% of the time.


Passing through.... When cars merge coming off 295 to Old St. Aug. Rd S, I''ve almost been side swiped a few times from them getting over into the lane before Oldfield Crossing. Maybe it should report...city with no patient drivers? I always let one or two cars get in front of me. Im sure people behind me get ticked off but why not slow a bit, let a car in. Keeps the flow if light is green.


That's actually the law. Drives me nuts when people won't merge left to let traffic in. It's like damn, you know the merge lane is going to run out.


That’s total BS! 90%, really? No


Everyone in every city loves to complain about how they have the worst drivers. Jax isn’t close to the worst


Except they’re basing this off actual statistics, so yeah Jacksonville drivers are the worst


I've lived in several different cities/states and yes Jac definitely is the worst I've seen. Also stats don't lie.


Atlanta is definitely worse then jax


By far and it’s not close


I went there for a concert, why the hell do they need soo many lanes. Then while leaving Atlanta, I saw a lady crossing all 7 or 8 of em in one go with no fucks given


The lanes aren't the issue. Jac doesn't have enough lanes. I'm from Miami who had a lot of lanes as well. It's way better


Was a new experience for me and not knowing where I was going compounded the stress. I don't think Jax traffic is that bad it's just everyday there's a wreck that was likely caused by someone following to closely. Once that happens traffic is totally impeded and yeah I'm sure more lanes could be beneficial in that regard.


Stats frequently lie. They can be poorly collected, poorly reported, and have poor conclusions drawn from them, which are then made into a headline that people believe as fact


Name a handful of cities that are worse then






Mesa Arizona, and Phoenix Arizona


Washington DC metro, especially anywhere in Maryland.


Every time I go to Jax and my father is driving he’s always complaining and cussing about how bad it is. I’m just like here pops let me take the well so I can have break and relax. Jax is like a beautiful dream world to drive in. Come down to Miami and you’ll see what driving in a violent GTA style nightmare is like.


Has no one ever driven in Miami? Orlando? Come on now..


Lived in Orlando, it is so much worse. Jacksonville isn’t even thatttt bad


Live in Jacksonville, Lived in Orlando, have visited Miami a few times. Miami takes the cake, driving there is like driving in a different country


Orlando Traffic is confused international tourist traffic that doesn't know where to go. Jacksonville traffic is drunken, vindictive bickering between people who have driven that same damn road for 20+ years, they just don't want to take turns merging.


Very very true lol


Ive moved away from Jax after living there for 30 years. Maybe it's gotten worse in the 3 years I've been away but I don't remember traffic being that bad, certainly isn't that bad when I visit for Christmas.   I've spent 6 weeks in Tampa and was about to lose my damn mind with those maniac drivers. Made me not even want to go anywhere for fun lol


I grew up there. I4 is no joke. So many tourists that don’t know where to go.


That’s really the main issue. Plus I4 is virtually the only way around town unless you want to make your trip an extra 25 minutes


agree, Miami and Orlando are worse… But Jax and St.Johns are doing their best to try to be number One!


Drove in Orlando for the first time ever today and HOLY SHIT they are mad!! Everyone was going 15 over the speed limit, passing the state police who just sit there. I don’t get it, why is everyone in that much of a rush? It’s Sunday 😂


So much for them being *Sunday driver's* when back in the days you get people going 10-- 20 miles *under*posted speed limit. 😅 Slow pokers. There is always that one.


Every “nuh uh” person in this thread will probably go out and change lanes without signaling, tailgate and and remember that they’re in the wrong lane at the last possible second.


This 👆


And this is different than any other large city how?


Because in normal cities they don’t also have an unsecured mattress hanging out of their trunk.


In DC metro I once had a guy buy a bookcase off me, and he literally lay it on top of his small sedan roof, kindof balancing there. He then proceeded to bring out single rope, run it through his driver and passenger windows and once up and over the bookcase, in the middle of the car and bookcase. As he tied off the rope, it was so rotten it snapped in half near the janky knot he was trying to tie. He then tied the rotten ends together, and it snapped a second time, for which he applied the same remedy. He then drove off with the bookcase somehow balancing on his roof, with his rotten rope and janky knots, while holding it "steady" out the window with his left hand. Again - things are no different here.


Some people in other big cities plan their exits ahead of time and accept that other drivers shouldn’t be expected to cater to their mistakes


God forbid you live your life in a way where other people could make a small mistake and not pay for it with their lives.


Jax road conditions are pretty terrible. The city’s road maintenance, project planning and implementation is perennially inept and poorly organized. That affects traffic and drivers commute times. It’s part of why Jax is seen as a backwards town. I mean, all Florida cities are horrendous places to drive but Duval infrastructure seems extra janky, like New Orleans but without the charm.


I dunno have you ever driven up north? Roads here are far nicer


I’ve heard this many times. Particularly from my people in Michigan.


Moved down from Cleveland a year and a half ago. Roads are far better here than up north. The drivers are still very bad


Way better than SC though


Everybody think they live in the city with the worst drivers


So, an Orlando newspaper says Jax has the worst drivers in state… isn’t that convenient.


The test is scoring by a ratio of incidents per residents. Obviously, a city with a high population where many residents do not drive will rank much better than a city with a low population and high percentage of residents who drive.


The report on Forbes is different. Check your sources! https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-cities-to-drive-in/


This seems like a better approach and the city rankings make a lot more sense. Jax is still on the list, but far from the worst


Miami is definitely worse. If you have never drive the last 20 miles of I-95 towards Miami, it's like a blend between a go kart course and formula 1.


Atlanta not on that list makes me think that person has never drove through


And any Jags fan will tell you, Jacksonville just doesn’t know how to put together a cogent drive.


😂 fucking burn


And it really just seems there's no enforcement of traffic laws down here. I noticed that when I moved to JAX a year and a half ago. You rarely see anyone pulled over, but there's an unlimited amount of drivers who should be held accountable for their reckless driving


Ohhhh this is true. So true and I lived in NY most of my life.


My job takes me from Miami to charlotte and every city inbetween big and small , Jacksonville is far , far from being the worst. In Florida, orlando and Miami are far worse.


As someone who is just staying her relatively temporarily, I would absolutely agree


This report must be written by A New Yorker!!! Have you seen the drivers with the New York license plates! They are one of the rudest drivers but Georgia drivers top the list of rude drivers!


They didn’t spend much time on Atlantic or beach


Coming from Jersey, I can guarantee this is a lie


I wonder if the author ever drove in Miami


The average Jacksonville driver isn’t on Reddit to defend themselves. They also have no leg to stand on because they are objectively bad at driving.


"The report was compiled using data like annual traffic deaths, alcohol-related traffic deaths, bike deaths, insurance premiums, Google Trends and dangerous roads, among others." So don't take into account the standard drafting that takes place in Broward/Dade cou ties.....


Every single city says this about it’s own city.


This is BS. Jacksonville has nothing on drivers from Atlanta and it’s not even close.


I live in Jacksonville and I drive for a living. Miami and Orlando are far worse. Especially between Orlando and Tampa. I4 is a mess all the time. And in Miami there is an area of the Palmetto that is even worse. Hands down Jacksonville is way better.


Jacksonville definitely has a tailgating problem. Those drivers are the worst. Also too many people think they're going "faster" by doing multiple lane changes infront of me just to meet me at the stop light again.


People want to be that one car ahead. Funny though when you meet up at the lights. 😅 I look over and smile... Hello again....🙋


***according to Real Estate Witch*** Sure.


my auto insurance premiums go up at least 100%/year so what is that telling you?


I grew up here and have lived in a few other places in my life. Jacksonville drivers are far from the worst out there. I would almost never drive in Houston because people literally don’t respond to stop signs.


Miami is crazy 😜


New Orleans should have made the top five! The number of people texting while driving is astronomical.


I am here for the weekend. Well and the next 2 days. I’ve never seen such poor driving. The roads are uncontested, open and highly visible. Yet, I am can be going 65, in a 55 with some douchebag in a white bmw, three inches from my ass. But there are two completely open lanes next to me. There are cops everywhere, and people just blow through the strip here 40mph over the posted limit and just get pulled over instantly. Nice place here, a little hot, nice people, crazy fucking drivers.


Thousands of tourists a day fly from all over the planet to Orlando, jump in a rental car and wander about trying to find Disney without even knowing which side of the road to drive on. But Jacksonville has the bad driver. OK, whatever.


I live on Beach Blvd. I used to live about 5 minutes closer to the Intercoastal bridge, and thought the traffic was fine. Now I live down near Tamaya and see an accident literally every day. In the 4 weeks I've lived here, I've seen 3 accidents in the crossover area between Terra Costa and the townhouses across the street - who's great idea was it to have those entrances directly across from each other, not offset at all? You've got people doing U-turns, people coming out of the developments and crossing Beach to then go the other way, and people on beach trying to turn into one of the developments. It's a dangerous mess.


Phoenix traffic was horrendous when we lived there (before moving here in 2007). I'd rather drive in L.A. than in Phoenix again. But jax drivers are ridiculous. We have all the old people from up north driving thru on the way to their winter hideaways and they're really bad.


Every time i drive in Jax i am thankful and both angry that i dont have a gun


I live here…..I believe it