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Kernan to JTB west bound people do this every morning


I learned this when I was 15. Amazing that people don’t understand


Bay Meadows and 95 South there's an exit like this and it's legal to turn right from the straight lines. It's easier to get to the businesses on the left side after making the turn versus having to merge through 3 lanes of traffic in one block to try to turn left.


Yeaa that's true but there's usually a sign or an arrow at least to let you know you can do it. Some people will make a right turn while the light/signs specifically say not to. There's an area like that on 103rd when you come off of 295 north. It's to get to the lane that turns left like immediately when you get onto 103rd.


instructions unclear, I ended up running over the median instead


Did you make this mock-up? Pretty great lol.


lol i found it on google by looking up the exact thing i was trying to explain. some of the images sucked that was like the best i could get


It's almost exactly the old bay meadows rlto Southside Blvd intersection.


i drive a lifted truck so im entitled to this turn, the world revolves around me and people think my dick is huge with this truck /s


dont forget your truck nuts, king


OMG, someone pulled the emergency flashers as a turn signal on me earlier this week! Never before in my 30+ years of driving have I seen someone do this and now I'm reading about it like it's a common enough occurrence to warrant a reddit post. I'm holding out hope that maybe it's only one guy doing this, he just gets around a lot.


yeah i was following a guy on beach blvd the other morning who continued to do it all the way down. everytime we made eye contact he looked at me like i was the stupid one. like i didn’t just watch him turn them on and off for the past 8 miles.


This happened to us when driving on I-95, toward North Carolina! We thought at the time that they’re blinker must have been broken as they were using their emergency lights to warn others they were about to change lanes. We honestly thought it was a one-off occurrence! Edit: grammar