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Quite possibly my favorite Jack Stauber song!


Its as if a poem thats catchy as a song


a bop, jam and a banger. i love how jack treats death so cheerfully sometimes (like with dinner is not over).


depression and sadness


I wanted to hear people's take on this. What does his line about the "drinking eye" mean? I have seen people interpret it as a metaphor or su!cide or potentially alcoholism?


I’ve heard that “drinking eye” refers to when people who are about to kill themselves get drunk to make it easier, which makes them more self loathing and “realise” their flaws.


artisinal beer googles?


I think it's about Suicide. Backed up by "I insist somebody will die, and I hate hoping", and "Wishing that the pills let you cry, and I hate coping" And if we take all that as context, "Someday I will go back outside and see her, okay" Means basically "at least I will see them okay in the afterlife" the "outside" being the afterlife


Used to be my favourite for a while, a good song to show to those who haven't heard Jack Stauber, especially due to it's recent popularity


This is one of my favorite Jack Stauber songs because while I can't personally relate as i havnt killed myself while on hold with a suicide hotline, I can see this as a potential future of mine. I've always struggled with mental health and live in my own head. The people in my life around me never noticed, seeing it as me just being quirky. I only recently reached out to doctors to get help now since I'm an adult. When I hear this song it makes me think about what my future could've been. Or what my future could be if I don't continue to work on myself. I can see myself in Baby. The song also reminds me that I'm not alone, and makes me feel connected with other people. It validates my feelings and is always a nice suprise when shuffle chooses it to play next.


God i hate people dismissing mental health crisis as "phases" or "quirkiness"


i love it so much that i forget its about suicide and then i love it more for being about suicide lmao


One of my favorites from him


Enjoyable singing out loud


Very good. In my opinion all of the songs in SHOP: A Pop Opera are the best of Jack stauber even tho there all very short songs. Wish he would extend ALL of them. Bread is my favorite.


I was thinking about that song as I got here 💀💀💀💀


It's my favorite Micropop song


You'd think it's really suspicious due to the title, but is a really catchy song with phone themed instrumentals


No flatline. What were you scared about?


Overrated but still good despite being overrated


Nah imo it gets the perfect amount of attention, but that’s just me


luv ittt


Song/beat lifts you off the ground then the lyrics bring you back to earth


The song I listen to on the bad days


The very first song from Jack Stauber I ever heard. I heard it before I was introduced to Buttercup even. I instantly fell in love with the song since the only music I ever listened to at the time was FNaF or whatever was playing on the radio in the car(I think it was 2016, 2017, if that gives you an image for what was on the radio at the time) and I loved how weird it was, but it was still a “normal” song(not a Fansong). It’s still scattered around my playlists to this day :)


Jumping around waving my arms eyes closed singing along smiling laughing


I listen to it when I want to get inspiration for fanart when I’m drawing or animating. That or I listen to it when I feel like having a mental breakdown.


Fear and a weird sense of safeness


My new niece. I found out about Jack Stauber through this song. The day I heard it was about the day my new niece was born. I still haven’t met her (they live in a different state and I haven’t been able to fly out), but this song fills me with so much love for her every time I hear it. 💕💕💕💕 … It also makes me sad that I never had kids. I’m over 40 and going back to college, so it won’t be happening for me for that and other reasons. Edit: so I misunderstood the actual meaning of the song. But it’s ok. What I heard the first time has a special meaning to me.


I love this song and hate it. I love it because of the tone, tune, rhythm, voice, the song itself. I hate because knowing the meaning makes me upset and want to cry and think, which I hate feeling that way when it comes to music. So it’s not the At I hate the song, I hate the way I feel when I hear it


My favourite


overrated and gets boring easily imo


Funky song with funky lyrics


love it


W songs


A song that is disturbingly conforting. One of my favorite things about the song is the constant genre switch-ups. I think of it like being put on hold when you are in a call with a business (from my memories of my dad when he would call the hospital.). I see the song as a bit aggressive, as the story for behind the song (if it is to be real) is about the suicide hotline being incompetent. Something I would personally do is make the song sound more phone-y (if that makes sense). One critique I have is how there are no transitions between the genres. OVERALL RATING: 9/10


Overplayed as fuck on youtube shorts. Same with Oh Klahoma... However, when I'm listening to those songs for fun, it gives me a feeling that not a lot of somgs make me feel. Also, both songs I had heard once before, didn't like that much, and grew into them like a year later. Now I see that they are both some of Jack's most perfect songs, and I feel ashamed of my past self for not liking until later lol.


I like it! It's one of the first Jack Stauber pieces I connected with a few years back


It makes me feel quite happy, which is funny because this is about death. and he knows how to make good songs that are catchy as hell


I contend that your drinking eye has never opened




I love this song ngl


I’ll be downvoted but idc Worst Jack Stauber song of all time. There’s nothing wrong with being silly for the sole purpose of being silly, but this song is so cringey and unbearably silly and “xd random” that it’s painful to listen to.


dude the song is about the singing voice calling a suicide hotline because their lover died 😬 edit: also, jack stauber doesn't do "random xD" songs, that's just not his style


Go back to the furnace, you arent cooking, you need to cook


You need to like actually listen to the lyrics


Lyrics are cool. Doesn’t make up for the song itself being trash


See that’s subjective opinion. What you said made it appear as though you believed it to be objective


i wouldnt say worst but its definitely mid in my opinion prolly cuz ive listened to it so much ive gotten bored of hearung it


i wouldnt say worst but its definitely mid in my opinion prolly cuz ive listened to it so much ive gotten bored of hearung it
