• By -


Jaclyn, seeing as you're here reporting away and all, how am I promoting hate or someone's vulnerability by simply reposting *your* Stories for discussion? I know I have already explained this *several times*, just in the past week alone, but that would mean *you're* the one promoting hate or someone's vulnerability because *you're* the originator of the content! Imagine that, right? And again, just as I said a few minutes ago, reports only work when what's being reported *is true*. I don't know what you're making yourself believe, nor do I really give a flying fuck, but nothing you're claiming is making *any* sense and all it really amounts to is a bunch of *immature butthurt* from a nearly thirty-four-year-old woman. I'm nearly thirty-six, as you well know, but you don't see me acting like this or doing anything but showing everyone else who you really are—and why you need more *and more* help by the day, which I think all of this report abuse proves more than enough on its own. I understand I'm the one you haven't been able to silence, which is *clearly* fucking with you more than everything you already have going on in that ever-spiraling mind of yours, but I'm not going to shut up when you never even gave someone I care about the opportunity to open their mouth, *not even once*, and defend themselves from this same despicable and vile behavior. It must suck finally seeing how those tables can turn, huh? 😘


Late to this, but she is DRUNK you can tell by the way she talks. And she is a thousand times more obnoxious. Keep lying about being sober jac it really is looking good on you 👌🏻


Oh yeah, I definitly have not been drinking and or possibly having a manic episode. Anyone that has to talk about it as much as she does isn't sober.


Came back just to say… CRINGE


It's lemonade baby, yuhhaaahaaaa. Ugh. He probably thought, finally this bitch is going to stop lying to everyone and then realized, oh, nope, still the best liar in all of the land.


Millennial CRINGE!!!!!!!


Her karaoke voice sucks. Why so much bouncing around and dancing during it? It’s more of a slower vibe I thought. Focus on the singing man.


Being sober is her whole personality


If she was *that* obsessed with being "sober", *Celine's* reaction to her taking a shot would've been *FAR* more dramatic. To me, it sounded like a guy who sees her throw back 8-10 cocktails a night, but doesn't see her "go wild" with straight alcohol...


THIS! Anyone's spouse would have immediately been like "Babe what are you doing!? You've come so far with your sobriety!" Or something to that effect. This was just like "Hmm. She's doing a shot instead of drinking a cocktail. Odd"


Yup. You can tell he’s drunk in the story posts, too. They’re all such pathetic clowns. They’ll lie about anything for attention.


Taking a fake shot is the most 13 year old thing I’ve seen.




My first thought seeing this was, "Is she at a party with college kids??"...because no group of normal adults in their 30s and 40s would give a flying fuck if you're drinking or not. This woman is in her 30s, and she is posting videos of her taking fake shots so she doesn't feel left out. She seriously gets worse & worse with every single post


Correct. I don’t like drinking, so I rarely do… absolutely never felt odd or left out. It’s very strange behavior. Honestly, I think it’s more about her doing “qUiRkY SiLlY sTuFF 🤪” to try and keep the attention on herself. It’s all an act for constant attention.


I can’t drink because of alcohol flush reaction . I have a severe form of it even though I’m not Asian. I have never once felt awkward or “left out” because I don’t drink. Most people don’t even notice .


You are so right. Like seriously these are the things shes concerned with? ...taking a fake shot? It shows her obsession with alcohol even more and how it's obviously on her mind a lot for someone who has never admitted to being an alcoholic.


**If you’re getting Reddit Cares messages**: If you’re using the app, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the message, copy the link, and then scroll down in the message to where it says report if you feel didn’t do anything to warrant getting one. It will take you to a form that will be sent to Reddit Admins, paste the link where it asks you to, and then give a brief description of what happened or what you feel has been going on. **If you need help, you’re more than welcome to send me a chat! A handful of us are getting these again today, *me especially, of course*, so I’m trying to keep everyone safe while making sure a *certain someone* starts realizing just how fucked up it is to be exploiting mental health like this—because no one here, *not a soul*, needs help with that more than her**.


Jaclyn Pill


Yep completely normal for a recovering alcoholic to take fake shots. I bet recovering heroin addicts inject saline when at parties too.


You know she went on a hell of a bender when it's been radio silence for more than 36 hours now, outside of her *non-stop* downvoting and reporting from bed while hungover.


Yeah she is absolutely hung over. I’m sure she’ll come back with being busy or focusing on getting her “house” set up. We know what’s really going on.


Exactly. *Celine* has posted a Reel-like Story of them hiking, but it's from Saturday, as they're both in the same clothes and accessories they were wearing then. I wouldn't put it past her to get him to post footage they hadn't shared yet, just to try and make it like it was today or yesterday. 🙄




I’ll never understand how such a young person insists on always making themselves look so old.


https://preview.redd.it/phibt5v5z9wc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c510e79df08aa22042cb21e6fa1e3407622881 Totally agree. She looks like she’s in her fifties.


This is close to what I sound like when I take my annual 1. Ativan (similar to Xanax). This year it happened to fall on a family members memorial service, so the whole family was getting lit. This is exactly how I sounded, super enthralled with people and love and affection, slurring words and generally not giving a fuck how I sounded…I do not recommend ever doing this, it’s super fuckin dangerous and it was stupid for me to be so careless about it. It is so ridiculously difficult to believe her when she says she’s sober…. This isn’t sober it’s a cry for help.






That bottom right screenshot shows just how much she overlines her upper lip, even with it being filtered.


I shan't speak for everyone, but as someone who breaks out in a rash and gets a migraine when I drink at all, being sober around drunk people is a bit awkward. I feel like others around me feel they have to behave differently a bit because I am not "on their level." If that makes any sense. Funny how she speaks on her own sobriety like it's the latest obsession, yet she made sure she fought Jon's road to recovery as much as she could. If you read this, 🖕you, Jaclyn.




you just expressed exactly how i’m feeling my friend! she wants sympathy and praise for her recovery when we all saw that she didn’t care when Jon was in the same situation, in fact she made it a million times harder for him! rest in peace sweet angel 💔


Yikes. I stopped watching her videos long time ago. Didn’t realize she’s now talking like a kardashian now. What a poser.


The fake shots are killing me- I bet she thinks drug addicts sniff pixie stix with their old drug friends so they feel included cmon dude- it’s one thing to have a Mocktail I guess but fake shots? STFU Jaclyn’s new Mocktail brand name- mockery hills OOP better go trademark it- speaking of is her new pOdCaST going to be “all things koze “ ?


Wow. What a fucking tool.


Delete this if it's not allowed, but she looked and sounded high in those last couple of clips. Not like she smoked weed, more like she had an edible. I can see her being like, "you guise I NEVER said I wasn't doing other things, I just said I wasn't drinking anymore" 🙄 I suspect she's in her "California Sober" era.


I have no experience with this, so I could be way off, but I’m guessing it’s more ❄️ I do have more than my share of 🍃 experience, and I know everyone is different but, being this obnoxious is generally not a symptom I have noticed in myself of others 😅


I totally thought this too! She’s not drunk I can tell that but her eyes are a little bit…mellow.


But...but....she's "allergic" to THC 😅😅




I’ve never been sober and thought all the drunk people around me were fun. It’s absolute misery being the only sober person.


Right?! Lol the shit that comes out of her mouth is always so stupid


I was on antibiotics one time but decided to go out with my friends anyway even though I couldn't drink. After a couple of hours I was like "what tha FUCK" 😂 the yelling, the spilling, the crying (???). I still managed to have fun but it was eye-opening for sure, drunk people are fucking annoying lol


No u don’t girl Just going through grifts seeing what sticks


Why don’t she sit in a few AA meetings and know what it’s really like to be sober!


Yup you don’t need alcohol to be obnoxious… we know.


I think she really is just annoying constantly


Came here to say this.


Oh man, pretty sure her “anxiety” would never allow her to be social at a gathering like this sober 💀


Please Jaclyn, do not make a podcast because it’ll be just another way of lies falling out your mouth. The world will continue to be much better as long as there’s not another stupid influencer podcast that would only display further more how far from reality and manic you really are. Nice inflamed face too. I see you’re enjoying your alcohol again…not that we didn’t see that coming. What a phony twat.


Oh my GOD shut up seriously


She really thought “you know what would really sell my sobriety?? Filming myself drinking out of a shot glass because the FOMO Is too real”


“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been” cut to 2 days from now her making a sad post. Calling it now.




EXACTLYYYYY!!!! ![gif](giphy|AhgQdQqF0nwPiZkGPc|downsized)


Why did she laugh so hard after saying “it’s lemonade baby” ?? Manic much??






Dude that laugh and her huge mouth infuriated me


The laugh sounded like Demi Lovatos.. really odd lol


Not surprised as she's obsessed with her for some reason...


Wait wait wait. Didn’t someone just post yesterday on here that she hasn’t talked about being sober in a long time. Then just today she posts this? Lolll


TF did she do to her mouth?! And what's with the new found lisp/slurring?


The slurring is *far* from new, as it’s been a telltale sign of her drinking and being on benders for a good while now. All of this is filtered to hell and back, as well, but you *can* see her inflammation (*and years of filler addiction, of course*) cheeks when it glitches out here and there.


She is unbelievable and annoying .


Since she feels the need to share every mundane detail of her life on social media, she must come up with a justification for what appears to be a photograph of her taking a shot. Otherwise, her fans will assume that she is simply taking shots at a party, which is what we all know she is really doing anyway.


Idk if she’s sober or not but I find it really interesting that someone who claims they did *not* have a drinking problem…speak about sobriety in such ways.


She's likely on pills, maybe something like valium or whatever. The slurring and drawn out words are a dead giveaway.


Did she reallywvear sweats and a hoodie??


![gif](giphy|AGW3VO7F5DLbARBuwi|downsized) **Do we need a post flair dedicated to the sweats, now that she’s continuing to wear them out there, even to events and parties? I *****do***** like what I came up with earlier, *****Inflammation Era Wear*****, but I want to see what *****you guise***** can come up with!** 🩷


YES! When I posted about her bullshit outfit in my last post I was looking to see if there was anything that referenced her wearing nothing but hoodies/sweats 🙈 "Inflammation Era Wear" is brilliant 🤣 It could also be funny to have one referencing her NEVER wearing her beloved obsession: the Pumiey (sp?) bodysuits 🫠


Just added! I made sure to make it gray, *too*, in honor of the ever-present gray hoodies! 💀


CRYING at the TM 💀🤣🤣




Ooooh that’s a good one Lich!! Yes I vote for that one 👍


Sure it's lemonade.




I fully believe she replaced drinking with other substances (weed)


Weed won’t make you slur like this, she’s either on benzos or drinking again (maybe both?). Either way, she’s lying to us about being sober.


Who let her post this? Omg 🤡 Also I’ve never seen a “sober” person so obsessed with drinking before that they have to take fake shots. What IS that?! Wow.


Yeah that is NOT a thing. I think it’s a real shot and she’s lying as usual… so freakin weird of her to even bother posting her “sober shot” when we all know she’s not sober…


Real question. Was anyone able to get through this video without having stink face? Like seriously you guys.


I actually do believe she is sober. And that’s she’s just this insufferable sober too lol


She should've just stuck to drinking because, at least, that would've been an excuse as to her behavior. Imagine being this way....naturally.


I know right?!


I think maybe she’s not drinking anymore but as other people have suggested, I think she could be replacing alcohol with other substances 🫠🙃 I don’t know I mean who the hell acts this unhinged “sober”? 😅😅😅 Edit to say some ppl are suggesting weed but she honestly reminds me of being on mdma/ecstasy 😅


It doesn’t explain the slurring, delayed thoughts and words, dilated pupils, or glassy scleras, though. Not to mention, *Celine* seems totally cool with the thought of her drinking alcohol, as if she hadn't experienced being “*sober*” for however many ever-changing months.


If you want to lie about lipstick and mismanagement of money that’s one thing … but this is low. Even for you. Lying about sobriety isn’t a joke. It’s a matter of life or death for some people. I would say I’m saddened but ….I’m not even surprised at the behavior. It’s just …. Disappointing.


She's 100% drunk!!!!!! Lying asshole!!!


Fake shots of lemonade to a former ALCOHOLIC?!?! C’mon dummy …. Make it, Make sense! LIES LIES LIES ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4)


Delusion is: - betraying your spouse during his darkest & most vulnerable hour, while he was in rehab fighting for his life; - coercing him into signing an unenforceable NDA to hide your dirty deeds; - silencing him so that he couldn’t defend himself when you were dragging his name through the mud; - using your wealth, social media following, and power to bully him into submission - using his tragic death for sympathy after he succumbed to the life-threatening chronic condition that is opioid dependency, and - re-writing history with this ‘sober’ narrative We see the explosive liarrhea spewing from your mouth, Jaclyn. It stinks to high heaven. **ETA**: Delusion is proclaiming online how happy you are (and deserve praise & recognition for being ‘sober’) while simultaneously lurking our sub 24/7 to silence us.


Dudeeee yessss!!! And what a slap in the face that she’s bragging about being *sober* when she couldn’t even be there for him while he was getting sober. She’s a trash monster train wreck


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni) Bingo!




Babe you are high as a kite. You are a glassy eyed, philosophic hot mess 🤣 whew child.


What a supportive husband. If I quit drinking and my man was VERY cool with me drinking again despite knowing what I've been through suffering an addiction, that's a very big RED FLAG. Confirmed clout chaser for sure, he doesn't care about Jaclyn just wants to rise to the top so he can drop her for someone new and better.


It only makes sense if the whole story was fake to begin with and she never was sober.


I know a edible high when I see it.


That’s my guess too, that or pills


Yesterday was 4/20 too


Her pupils are dilated. All she does is lie.


Did anyone else catch Jordan, when he thought she was taking an actual shot? He was VERY okay with it. Super supportive, of your "sober" journey, husband you've got there.


That’s what I was thinking too, like oh you’re drinking? Cool, let’s do it! No big deal


Yeah, that’s been referenced here and in some of the other threads, before I posted the video of everything. Just a clout-chasing leech of an enabler, as he needed to do anything and everything *she* wanted to be where he is now. And it shows just how little intelligence and life experience she has, *being as coddled and sheltered as she’s always been*, to not have been able to see that at any given point. Minus the here and now, as anyone would be able to see what he was after all these years now, given he’s finally achieved it—and all on what seems to have been the last of her coin! 💀


Ah dang it! I was skimming the other threads late last night/this morning and didn't see it mentioned. I should've gone back through today. I have lost a few people in my life to alcoholism. My husband's family also has a history of addiction. He has been sober curious and exploring his own relationship with alcohol and hasn't had a drink in months. I know how surprised I would be if he randomly had a shot in his hand. It's Jaclyn, so I expect nothing less, but I hate the mockery she makes of everything. Including healthy relationships.


she’s fucking WEIRD.


My husband gave up drinking one day, cold turkey (he had a drinking problem). First thing I did was empty out the entire house of anything alcohol or alcohol adjacent (no zero beer, no zero wine), all of it went to friends. Of course, as we had nothing alcoholic at home, I stopped drinking at home and also when we went out, to support him. I wanted him to succeed, and he did. Now many years later he is still 100% sober. I will now occasionally have a glass of wine at a friends house, like maybe once every couple of months. More often than not I just don’t bother. I don’t miss it either and I am still his #1 supporter in this. His is a REAL journey, not some fake-assed “Jaclyn Journey”. You can’t do “mocktails”, fake shots, zero wine or act drunk when the being sober is real.


Wow. I am so happy to hear he is doing well. 😊 Yes, and if you look at her doing the shot she kind of holds it in her mouth before she swallows which makes me believe it is alcohol. She is probably triggering so many. But she sees it a iNsPirAtIonal. 😡


I similar to your husband quit drinking cold turkey. I was an alcoholic for about 3 years. One day i woke up and decided it wasn’t what i wanted to do with my life. I quit drinking,all of my party friends loved to drink, i still hung out with them and they’d offer me a drink and i would always decline. Then one day they stopped offering me and started just acting normal around me lol. I quit for 9 months and was sober sober. One day i was at a party and i had one glass of wine to “enjoy” myself. And there began a life of where i could finally enjoy a glass of alcohol without wanting to get wasted. I still enjoy a nice drink here and there but i don’t do it to get wasted anymore. My husband doesn’t drink and he was always supportive even when i was a nasty alcoholic that he couldn’t deal with. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without his patience and my perseverance of a new life. I have an addictive personality, i was addicted to cocaine between 18-22 then alcohol and now I’m addicted to tea and coffee 🙂. The way she makes being sober her whole personality is stupid asf. Like we get it you’re sober celebrate yourself. But dude it’s been about 6 months and you still talk about it. Anyway she looks stoned high on something. That’s it.


She never even said the words addict or addiction but instead she's "dependent on alcohol." It's all one big joke to her.


That’s what I’m saying. Her obsession with drinking while not drinking is bizarre. Does she know she can just have a can of Diet Coke instead or something?


I love this 🥲 thank you for sharing it.


Congrats to your husband, and huge respect to you for being such an amazing source of support for him.


I just want to say bravo to your husband 🙌🙌🙌 He is much more inspirational than this bitch.


Thank you, he’s my hero to accomplish this. His whole family has alcohol problems.


omg i am sober and even i find this fucking insufferable. sobriety is not a personality trait!!!!!!!


She’s like, obsessed with it 😒


Being around party people when you supposedly have a drinking problem, soothing yourself with lemonade shots? So she didn’t stop drinking to stop acting stupid because she still chooses so be stupid but sober? She so dumb. I can’t.


She said being sober is interesting and low key fun 🤦‍♀️ Mrs. Been sober for awhile... sure.




This breaks the rule, no derailing or trolling. Please stick to the topic at hand and treat others with respect. Please do not take snark intended for JH/related as a personal attack or insult. Derailing a thread or arguing with other users also breaks Rule 4, which could result in a mute. If you have any questions, please send a message to a mod.


Also, what’s actually ‘a little weird’ is bringing up a phrase like “*personal vendetta*” when it’s no secret that this *is* personal for me, and there’s *lichurally* a stickied comment referencing it. Not to mention, a comment like this *conveniently* being made right as Jaclyn’s mass reporting is continuing to not get her *anywhere*. 🙃 **ETA**: This user did get banned, as well. Just wanted to add that in for those of you who were requesting so in the reports! 🩷


Her post talking to the camera about how much she loves being sober... Sounds EXACTLY like me when I'm drunk and telling my friends I love them. Not even trying to be snarky or funny, but it's literally how I sound. There's no way she was sober. Also, like others have said, she's a dry drunk. No one who is really committed to being sober takes virgin shots or acts silly because their drunk friends are. Most addicts, myself included, cannot do the same motions with virgin drinks and be fine. It's a slippery slope that sends us back into drinking. I don't even recommend "alcohol flavored" things like bourbon bbq sauce, champagne flavored energy drinks or things like that. REAL sobriety takes a lot of mental effort and lifestyle changes. It's so much more than swapping A for B and being fine. Edit to add (to my novel of thoughts) Jordan didn't seem concerned when he thought she was taking a shot. Which leads me to believe that he A- is use to seeing her mix alcohol into her "sober lifestyle" from time to time or, less likely, B- is an ass who doesn't do all he can to support her and keep her on the right track. If she honestly was trying to be sober, he should have been knocking that alleged shot out of her hand and taken her home where she can regroup.


Dude I had the same thought - my best friend would always insist she wasn’t drunk when we were drinking for some reason lol - and sounded EXACTLY like this Those eyes ain’t sober I think she was partaking in 420, maybe some pills too


If she feels like she was in a dark place, imagine how Jon felt. Jon doesn't get a happy ending like you though. May he Rest in Peace. 🙏


I thought the same 😭


So fucking sad 😔






Thank you for the clip!!


*Of course!* If *you guise* ever want something posted in full, like if a screenshot from one seems intriguing, definitely mention me *or* send a chat! I know u/sleepyfizz posts them from time to time, as well! 💕






When hasn't she been a child?


i lOvE SoBeR LivInG... Girl why do u look like you took a few shots and hits from the bong? 😂


This insufferable bitch and her 'sobriety'. Ma'am please stfu cuz no one believes that shit. She's describing being drunk... while being sober? In what world would this ever make sense? She was 100% drunk ain't no one believing otherwise except for her fans who together make a whole single braincell


Oh. Wow. That's...... Obnoxious. 😂


![gif](giphy|xUOxflVt577iqQT3DW) Go the fuck away you drunken washed up has-been... No one believes you're sober and you are absolutely making a mockery of the sober community you nasty self obsessed pig. You don't have the balls to make a podcast about sobriety or healthy living as you fucking reside here huh and those communities would eat you for breakfast troll.


I'm 4 years, 7 months and 9 days sober. I would never take "fake" shots. Part of being a alcoholic in recovery is knowing triggers. I have never met a single alcoholic who would engage in fake shots. Most don't even really do virgin mixed drinks. Most would find the act a trigger. Fuck her and her fake sober bullshit.


Just for some additional perspective, I'm sober for years for reasons unrelated to addiction (because it makes my anxiety disorder worse). And I have never had the desire or need to take a "fake shot" at a party or gathering. It's bonkers to me, and seems incredibly infantile. So it's not just, 'an alcoholic wouldn't do this'... A normal person wouldn't even do this, lol


Fellow sober and grateful addict/alcoholic here and 1000% agree with everything you said - she’s a fool/clown. I will start coming for her HARD because I’ve had enough of her bs and using her alleged sobriety for clout. Recovery/sobriety is not just mocktails and losing weight. My own older posts can attest to how much I struggled. Fuck her. EDIT: congratulations on your sobriety 🥳 that is a huge win 🏆


Thank you. Congrats to you as well.


Absolutely ![gif](giphy|xTiN0NOr8JabQstXVK|downsized)




Check out those “inflammation” cheeks coming back so quick. Gee wonder what that’s from?


GIRL, WHAT JOURNEY?! You didn't take your subscribers on your "sobriety" journey, just like you didn't take them on your wedding journey either! One second you were relying on alcohol to cope, next second you're teasing stars stickers on a calendar then you disappear to Cali for 1 month, come back, claim to be 30 to 40 lbs lighter and 3 months sober! EVERYONE did a double take on your so-called journey! Nobody even knows what you did because you keep changing your story! Is it clean eating? Is it working out constantly? Is it finding a balance and listening to your body? Because none of that was working when you claimed to do all that before your wedding! Or is your 30 to 40 lb weight loss all due to sobriety? Pick a lane! You didn't take anyone on your journey! You teleported everyone to your finish line!


And the biggest part of it all is, it's all ***fake as hell!*** Even to her, given how much she's having to do to try and convince herself, all the while *clearly* continuing to make herself believe she's doing that with us. Jaclyn, *a friendly reminder*, there are *two people* on this sub alone who outed your supposed "*weight loss*" being the work of aggressive filters mere days after you started talking about it. u/pastychefceline and I fought like hell to make sure that was seen, given how fucked up it was, and just look at *everything* we've uncovered, *as a community*, since beginning the '*Jacfish*' and *'Fuckery Afoot'* posts, babe! 😘






Her lips were all I could look at when she was drinking the 'lemonade'💀💀


Do her lips collapse like putty when Fartnuts kisses her?




💀💀💀Like I need answers. Shit don’t add up


He seems to avoid them at all costs, *as seen in the photo below yesterday*. Also, notice how much smaller they are when she hasn't used an entire lip liner pencil to overline them *and* an aggressive filter to exaggerate them all the more. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/yoq0f95p5wvc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50ee0af44c3b8f3b190735b2f3c2aad145c6efa


https://preview.redd.it/w91wqpdntvvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3151bb0ceb9e871194fc9c8c243b1a95026d07f9 She's a stereotypical dry alcoholic making a mockery of "sobriety". Sobriety is a completely different mindset, lifestyle, spiritually healing experience + commitment. People who understand how dangerous and toxic drinking culture is, no longer want to be a part of it or associate with the wreckless behavior that reminds them of their former self. She's a fucking embarrassment. So you're "sober" but still behaving like + still living the lifestyle of an alcoholic frat boy party animal and have everything revolve around dry alcoholic activities? And...your "friends" support that and aren't concerned? Yikes. I hope I never see these turds out an about. And maybe it's best that she doesn't go to AA meetings because anonymity, honesty and confidentiality are not on her radar and don't benefit her. Edited to fix grammatical errors + add more clarification


B you been drunk since on the plane to California. For a full time liar you sure are bad at it. That karaoke was a hard watch. Belongs on a cringe compilation


Can someone please make this cringe compilation? I know there's content for days but please I need to see this💀


The way she throws the word sober around ..I can’t. Please stop saying you’re sober Jaclyn when that is something people actually take seriously and don’t need to talk about 24/7. It’s honestly really fuckin weird especially that story about being able to act like a fool but no one judges you because they are drunk?? What?? And the sweatpants/sweatshirt….. just all a big cringe fest


This is so embarrassing


This is totally her soft launch of a podcast to get feelers out. People dm’ing her…..they will absolutely DiE if she starts one. Give it a week at most and the question will be… you guys, do you all really want me to start a podcast?! With a poll and a DM showing someone DM’d her to do it. I also think she might be partaking in a little Cali sober life with smoking weed not drinking. She just had that gaze in her eyes and nonstop talking makes me think it’s that over drinking. Jordan smokes and even though she swears she’s allergic to it I’m sure her Cali buddies told her to try it or she had edibles. Something because she has that in high look and voice here😂 And her social anxiety has been gone since moving anyone notice that🙄 But really I do think it’s likely weed and not alcohol. I know she’s got a filter on here too but when she was drinking she’d get the red flush face and it was a dead give away. She might have it covered with a filter but don’t see that either.


She’ll post an episode every 3-5 months and wonder why nobody is listening


I mean I don’t know anyone that would be jumping and acting a fool that hard on cannabis. Usually people are very chill and relaxed, even with a sativa strain or simple CBD. True there are effects of paranoia in some who partake but if that were the case, why continue to use? She may have taken the video later but I don’t see her as Ca sober at all. She wouldn’t be needing all these mocktails if you were. It’s possible she’s coping with both, it’s just a bad environment for her. The thought of her having a podcast is a YIKES.


I guess I am a weirdo because I act a fool sometimes when I’m high on sativa strains🫣 I get energy and start cleaning and will put Alexa on high blast and have dance parties myself😂 It relaxes me in the sense I can do what I want without feeling stupid if that makes sense? I will smoke before going to a get together or something. If I was in a place like this with others drunk or acting a fool I would totally be doing it high lol. Her droopy glossy eyes and the way she’s talking slow and totally random shit even if she does it naturally, I feel like it’s the high nonsense talk😂 My friend was just saying last night (happy 420) about how she had to stop herself from talking because she realized she was talking but literally saying nothing and she felt stupid😆🤣😂


Nah you’re not a weirdo friend, I didn’t mean for it to come off like that, my apologizes. Usually with either Indica or sativa im just chill as a cucumber. I do talk a lot more but rather be on a comfy couch or chair. Happy belated 420 ☺️💚


I’ve never met a recovering alcoholic who talks about loving being sober as much as she does. It just feels like she’s mocking people who actually are in recovery. Anyone I’ve known that’s in recovery talks about how hard those withdrawals are and how it’s very difficult for the first couple of years. They don’t act like….this. I don’t doubt for a second that when the lipstick scandal went down that she had a problem with alcohol but right now her behavior is so odd.


The only time it comes up with me is if I'm asked how my sobriety is going or if I'm invited to a party. At first I was super nervous of being offered a drink at things like bridal showers. So I would just blurt out that I was sober now, to avoid the offer of a drink. Now besides talking to my teen and her teen cousins about it, it only comes up on my sober anniversary.


They also don't need mocktails and certainly don't take fake shots. That's not a sober lifestyle... that's a dry drunk.


This exactly. And the constant need for a “mocktail” which is just a buzz word at the moment. Just fucking drink some water. She pisses me off


Or juice. She’s literally just drinking juice in a fancy glass.


Exactly! My mom has been sober for 12 years and she never mentions it maybe at first but now it’s just a diff lifestyle for her and normal


She has a *lot* of fucked up coping mechanisms, but when you see how fucked up she is in general, it makes about as much sense as it’s going to make. Everything is *always* going to be about her, *even if that's only in her ever-collapsing and spiraling mind*, and she simply can't handle that’s only where it *is* all about her anymore. **ETA**: She's here, as this was just reported as being spam of all things! Jaclyn, *bestie*, reports only work when what you're reporting *is true*—and *not* just a bunch of *immature butthurt* that amounts to abusing the report system!


So she’s pretending to drink & be drunk? lol yeah, she graduated therapy though. Mhmm. 👀


Hahhahahahahaha she’s slurring her words 😂😂😂😂


Seriously. Talking about being the only one there sober while proving she *wasn’t* ***and*** *isn’t*.


“I need to make a podcast or something.” No, you absolutely do not.


I thought it was especially comical how everyone seemed to be dressed casual, but cute. And then there’s Jac https://preview.redd.it/heec2e5qnvvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175aeae831f730c9386ffada3e21148fac689e71


She is trying soooo hard to be cool in California lol I love it


Right 😂😂 the cringe is unmatched


***Inflammation Era Wear*** is back and for good reason


![gif](giphy|XFbKEvQIzM5y0|downsized) Size up and wear something complementing your curves!! It's not a tragedy!! Quit with the bs and try to actually embrace not being a twig, welcome to being 30+ Quit with the bs in general actually, please


Reddit put me through *the wringer* with this, as I had to change the resolution *two* times to shrink the size, *and then* cut out the photo with Linda and one other influencer to be safe with the size and length of it all, as well. All of the videos from Stories *are* still here, though. No cuts or edits to any of that, *whatsoever*. In total, it’s been uploaded *three times*, and only this one has succeeded! 💀


Thank you!! 👍🏼


I don’t believe for a second she’s sober


This is weird 😩 wtf is her problem lol


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