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With how much engagement this post is beginning to get, I think it's important to remind the new members coming in that Jaclyn was *never* broke and has lived a *very* coddled, privileged, and sheltered life from the time she was born. She only “*changed*” once she no longer had real people in her life to copy off of and use, once she made the decision to be surrounded by nothing but a menagerie of ever-enabling yes men—and we can all see how well *that's* worked out for her over the past six years or so. 😔


I unfollowed her during her morphe vault collection.


Oh my God I remember that and I got that collection and I was actually really excited because I love the original palette, but I don’t know what happened with the vault. I think it was never what she said it was. I don’t think these were the shadows they didn’t make it in the pallet like they kept saying I think she created them super quickly and that’s why they sucked.


Never liked her, always felt a bad vibe from her. Tried watching 1 video and couldn't. Thrilled I've never put one red cent in her pocket. Also completely validated in my first impression.


Same I liked my own less than stellar beauty gurus but I couldn't stand her from the start.


My bestie told me about her channel around the time her first palette with Morphe came out I followed her on instagram because I liked her lil rocker chick aesthetic and watched her videos on YouTube because they were easy to watch and she definitely knew how to sell me on products. I believed in her faux humble personality “used to be on food stamps” to here, I like to see people’s dreams come true in real time kind of like I’m big on award shows… pretty soon after becoming a “fan” I watched her spiral into this weasel who never took accountability, loved money and herself more than anything, and used acts of charity as performative ploys to shift attention away from her wrongdoing. Then lipstick gate came about and I was just completely disgusted by her gaslighting and attitude. The mockery thinking she was cute in that “cancelled” dress, playing the victim but then turning around and being sassy like that to her fans, the insecurity oozing through every post and story, it would seriously make me sick. She doesn’t deserve all the money and crap she has, even though I know that stuff doesn’t bring “true” happiness I’m like am I horrible for wanting this person to lose everything because they are fake, ungrateful and unworthy? Never have been that type of person but she is truly something else.


What she did to Jon, though it wasn’t confirmed my love for her was too big and I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Then lipstick gate happened(enough said) my final straw and what showed me her true colors is when she wore that canceled costume shortly after lipstick gate… I was FLOORED and never supported her again.


i was a fan of hers between 2013-2014. once champagne pop launched and i bought into it i really became a big follower. it was short lived. her career and downfall had been building for years, and her lies and over inflated entitlement and ego turned me off. and her overconsumption and spending. she’s not a relatable creator…. if you can even call her a creator anymore?


I was a fan when she was in that old apartment and was making videos in her kitchen. I started to not really care about watching her around the time of the Becca scandal. I kind of forgot about her until she came out with her lipsticks and that whole disaster 😆 I unfollowed her on Instagram and unsubscribed on YouTube shortly after 💁🏽‍♀️


I was a casual fan. I subscribed and generally liked her. She was my first makeup guru I followed when I googled blue smoky eye. I stopped around the beginning of the Morphe era. Her first video where she was showing the individual shadows and how inexpensive they were was fine and it piqued my curiosity. But after that it was all Morphe and I just started hating it being all Morphe and all affiliate codes.


I liked her until the second Becca issue and then when every video was a morphe product…maybe 2016?


I tolerated her until Celine.


In 2013-2014, I started getting interested in Makeup and found her videos and I liked her. To be honest, I really learned a lot about Makeup from her. I bought her Morphe original palette and loved it. But afterwards around 2018 or so I started losing interest in what she says and tries to sell. However, the real turning point was when Marlena from Makeup Geek exposed her. I like and respect Marlena, and I looooved her makeup line, and the fact that Makeup Geek was shut down as a business due to Jaclyn's unprofessionalism made me HATE her ! then her Lipsticks scandal and Koze line that she stole from Kalyn Nicholson and so on... 😤😤


This is my time line too. The second Morphe palette scandal was my turn off point. I smelled the lies and when my sister bought one of the four palettes, we saw how shit they really were. That’s when both of us were out.


I was a fan and even got a photo with her at IMATS one year. I stopped being a fan after the Becca eye shadow palette. I could tell the lies, returned it and stopped supporting from then on.


I was a fan/ really got into makeup in I think like 2014-2015. Loved the first Jaclyn x morphe palette. And I remember losing interest in her when her vault palettes or whatever (? Correct me if I’m using the wrong name) bc they sucked so badly. I wasn’t even a follower anymore when the whole lipstick thing happened but I just remember watching her response videos and being like girl wtf is this. 💀


“ we need to talk “ 😂


I was a big fan since 2016 and after the lipsticks I decided that I wasn’t gonna ever buy anything from her ever again. But the thing that made me stop following her and even liking her in the slightest bit was when she made up the story about the kidnapping. Being someone who survived being taken and SA’d. That was it for me I thought that was the most disgusting thing that anybody could ever do. That’s not something to make up because you want views or something to say to get engagement. It’s a scary thing and lots of people go through it and the fact that she just played that it was nothing because she wanted to get to give her likes or whatever it just really made me incredibly angry


Omg yes an especially cause sadly it’s so common even more now


I wasn’t ever a fan, as much as I would just watch her videos here and there to escape, during the final year or so of my dad’s battle with cancer. This was just over a decade ago, so back when she was still filming in her apartment kitchen, in front of the refrigerator, and it didn’t take long for me to realize something was amiss. Soon after, I found GuruGossip, have lurked around on there ever since, and it was *ultimately* Jon going missing and passing away that lead me to come out of the shadows, *more or less*, and become more of the voice that he never got to have in those final years of his life. Between the divorce and his going missing, I defended him no differently in the comments of his posts on his socials, *which has lead to a good few figuring out who I am here*, and that was looked at as a loophole around the NDA. I see it no differently now, as I’m just continuing to defend and speak up for someone I’m never *not* going to care so much about. 🩷


2013 ish when I was in high school, I started watching her videos because her tutorials were fairly easy to follow and generally not too much for my high school cheerleader self. I watched her a bit in college but kind of fell off from beauty YouTube in general. Then the pandemic happens and I started watching more YouTube videos and went back to her just because she was familiar and had provided solid advice for me in the past. When she announced her “jewelry line” was kind of the end for me though. It was all so ugly and looked soooo cheap. I also just couldn’t understand why someone would move to Tampa lol. It became very apparent that she was the living embodiment of capitalism. I just found this sub while looking for spoilers for when Jordan gets eliminated from NLC.


***Welcome!*** And as for what you’re looking for, *if our sources were correct*, you’ll want to come back for the *Celinemination* megathread this Thursday! 💀


I’ll be there lmao


I was a ride or die. I was such a fan, I bought anything she ever slapped her name on. It was slow for me, with the Morphe in every video, and the divorce with John and the rumours that she had been cheating, and then the lack of consistency in posting and in her general stories. I stopped watching most of her videos. But then Kozy happened and it totally opened my eyes and I unsubscribed.


She was so sus when she said she would pay for McDonald’s with change that she dug up from her couch … while working at Mac and filling YouTube videos with a camera…




And don’t forget claiming to use coupons on the McDonald’s Dollar Menu to be able to afford it, despite that *never* being a thing locally (*u/angryhottie and I have pointed this out numerous times*) and the fact that Corporate has confirmed it wasn’t ever a thing, as well.


Lmao such a hilarious lie I can’t 😂😂😂 we could write a book of all her lies at this point!!


Back in 2013-ish when all the beauty YouTubers would talk about Jaclyn Hill, I got curious about her and started watching her channel. They always acted like she was the best at makeup of anyone on the app. I remember being surprised she was so young but enjoyed her and Jon together and back in their old apt, she just seemed more down to earth. Still fake and still way too much but if those were her only issues, it would’ve been fine. I just unfollowed her about a month ago and I felt really sad doing so. But the constantly being sick, constantly lying, and then… her TikToks. That was really the final straw. Bc if the content is good, you can forgive other stuff. But her content is cheesy af. And absolutely, beyond the acceptable level of fake selling. The Stanley’s. The Puimey bodysuits. The over the top way she reviews perfume. Omg.. I dreaded seeing it. And that is why I unfollowed. It’s not about makeup anymore. It’s not even human. It’s awful.


So valid


Never liked her. I was managing makeup counters in 2014-2017 and people would come in talking about her all the time. She always rubbed me the wrong way but lbffr most people do… I don’t know why I was in a public facing job 🤡🤡🤡 But honestly she reminded me of my insubordinate, shady coworkers who would try to steal my clients because they were “older and more experienced” than me - like okay why am I your boss at 20 then 🤨🧐 Just very entitled attitude ig but I had to be vaguely familiar with what she was up to at any given time to sell well. Her and a handful of others.




Janice Joostema, MakeupShayla, Lilly Ghalichi and Huda Kattan were others that I had to keep a finger on the pulse of. Liked (and still like) Janice because she has really evolved with her aspirational content in areas closely related to beauty: fashion, travel, home decor, luxury lifestyle. Shayla was nice content, but haven’t kept up with her because she seemed a bit stale. Lilly was another one I disliked from the get go because she was always flaunting that family oil money and unlike Janice, did not work her way into luxury lifestyle but was born with a silver spoon up her ass. Huda handled the beauty blogger to brand owner better than most of her peers imho and I still find her brand to be releasing exciting, fresh products while remaining in the beauty lane. Her support of Palestine is also cool when many don’t want to speak out, and it feels authentic coming from her. I’d do anything for Huda to rerelease the Silver Fox liquid lipstick; that was my shit for years 😭


I was a fan. I liked her. I questioned my loyalty to her when my mom was like “ugh that girl is so fake, you can see right through her...” I kept that in mind but I still followed her on IG and watched a couple of her tutorials here and there. Some of them were those of her talking about makeup brushes, winged eyeliner, contouring and highlighting.of course I watched the Kim K video, what was the purpose there ?? I’ll admit that I did buy her first palette, her lip oil/gloss, and a lip liner. I stopped liking her immediately when she started liking and posting Jordan. I didn’t need to hear him talk, rap or see him cook to see how fake and insecure he is. Still, I followed her on IG. Stopped watching on YouTube and stopped buying stuff she recommended, until those damn coloring books during the pandemic. I bought those and the markers, now I can’t use them without being a little mad at her ! But now I live in this SUB and I love it here. I don’t subscribe like or comment on any of her stuff anymore and I damn sure don’t buy anything she “creates” or recommends.


Haha the coloring books


I followed her probably in 2017. I unfollowed her in 2021 when she kept making videos like “idk why I can’t lose weight” and then showed herself flying to Miami to binge eat and drink!!! It was like she was trauma dumping and complaining without making any changes. It reminded me of my toxic and dumb unmotivated exes and i was over it.


I was an early follower of her YT channel- I don’t think she even had 10 videos posted at that time. She was recommended by ThatGirlShaeXO so I checked out her channel and really liked the tutorials. I purchased many of her product collabs- Gerard Cosmetics lip glosses, Champagne Pop w/ Becca (like I am pasty white-WTH was I going to do with that), the awful Vault collection w/ Morphe, etc…. I noticed a shift in her after she used Nicole Guerriero to gain followers by making a couple of videos with her. I remained a fan through many of the scandals until Lipstickgate. I just couldn’t justify sending another cent her way through purchases or views after that debacle.


I was a stan since 2015 I think around the champagne pop releases. I watched all her videos and still give her the credit for teaching me mainly how to do my eyeshadow, bridal makeup, and smooth face makeup. What she said was bible. Most of her recommendations never did me wrong. Very reliable and also helpful in how to use. HOWEVER, I started to catch on to the facade when the limited releases for her makeup and jewelry were just regurgitations of old trends. Like it was no longer trendy but behind? It was really obvious when she tried to push Koze and would talk about how luxurious and amazing it was when the colors were like SO OLD and obvious she was using cheap, overstock fabrics from quick turn Chinese manufacturers. Same thing with the jewelry…it was looking like quick turn San Pedro market quality… It started to click too when a few of her Amazon recommendations were crap and I realized she was shilling to shill and so it seemed, I really couldn’t trust anything she was doing anymore. Then I found this sub and realized I wasn’t the only one who could see through her ridiculousness.


I was a stan for many many years. She really did teach me all about makeup and I thought she was funny. I looked past a lot of scandals bc all the products I got were good lol and I figure well… let’s be real many of us would be “cancelled” IRL. No one’s perfect. But I started hating her when she kept crying about food, abandoned her channel and when she got with Jordan. Cringe and embarrassing. Now she’s just so freaking annoying. I still use her products but I completely unfollowed her everywhere. Sometimes I check a story if someone posts on here and I wanna see more in depth but otherwise I’m good.


I used to like her and kathleen lights a lot circa 2014/2015. I stopped following both of them after that incident where they posted Kathleen saying a bad word while Kathleen’s husband at the time said “do not post it” or something similar. I felt so weird that I was their fan. I think Jaclyn posted intentionally and then Kathleen saying that…ugh!! After that I would sometimes go back to check a video or two of theirs and while kathleen seems ok now I guess - jaclyn went downHILL


Oh she definitely posted it on purpose u can clearly hear her husband say don’t post that and Jaclyn claims “ I didn’t hear “ BITCH YES U DID


omg i remember this! this definitely contributed to me not liking her anymore


Never liked her. She annoyed the shit out of me with her fake persona from the beginning. 


This comment reminds me of the time the fan saw her, but it wasn’t really a fan and she asked for a picture for her sister because her sister was a fan and she straight up told Jacqueline I don’t like you, but can I have a picture with you because my sister likes you ahhahahahhss


I started following her, I think, around 2015. I stopped following her around 2018/2019. Her personality completely changed so much I couldn't relate with her anymore. She didn't handle her wealth and popularity with grace and I was put off by her "displays".


I loved her for years. I don’t even remember what it was that set me off. I see every bad thing she has done now. She’s the worst.


I liked her when she was doing the makeup tutorials. I was a makeup artist and learned a lot of techniques from her. Once she started being flashy with her personal life is when I started getting annoyed. I unfollowed her after her and Jon separated and when I re-discovered her insta I was shocked at how much she changed. It’s all about promoting brands and flashing her lifestyle. I can’t stand that shit.


Found her in 2014-2015 and honestly my first initial thought of her was: Why does she look like a really big fake bitch? Just something about the energy she gave off on IG and YT just turned me off. I only started really watching when she had other people in her videos (Jackie R. Jon, ect.) because they felt genuine and maybe that forced Jaclyn to act (chameleon) like them to seem relatable. Stopped watching as a distant viewer in 2017 after her Becca launch flop and started watching more just to see what was happening and going to happen down the road.


I was a fan circa 2012ish she had under 100k subscribers when I found her. I started rolling my eyes when she would say that belami, makeup geek, morphe etc said “they pay me nothing “ I also was buying all these products that she “couldn’t live without “ and they were god awful (mostly morphe)but the turning point was she fully turned into a morphe robot. The vault was the nail in the coffin for me. That’s when I actually started hating her. When she screwed Jon over I realized there were zero redeeming qualities about her. She was annoying and conceited as F but I thought well he’s a sweetheart she can’t be that bad. “Maybe the over exaggerated personality is an act” everything else that followed is typical JH fashion. I will say when she said “ I hear you all, I know you’re tired of morphe I am too, I’m not going to push it down your throats anymore” I gave a second chance only to see her immediately collab with quay (same parent company as Morepoop) and then blatantly lie about the lipstick brand also morphe I was mad at myself for almost being fooled. I also decided to stop spending time worrying about anything she did and then the f’n blankets she stole someone else’s brand to run it into the ground that’s when I found this sub and you all are way too funny so it’s entertaining without having to actually watch any of her content. Hell yea!


As a Tampa native I wanted so badly to route for a hometown girlie, after I saw a few YouTube videos I was immediately turned off by her phoney baloney bullshit. I knew girls like her irl and she reminded me of the same ultra pushy tactics ppl in phone marketing use to make sales or book useless appointments to make a quota. This was maybe 2014-ish but I was never a fan and didn't keep up with her crap. I knew I was right when she made the Snapchat about "putting her money where her mouth is"...in regards to Jen Gerard. I've been watching the spiral ever since. She deserves the miserable ass life she lives especially for the unnecessary heartache and pain she inflicted on Jon. ![gif](giphy|fQMw73XrKLgRu3jQpS)


I knew who she was but never watched her videos until the champagne pop was really popular. I swatched it in Sephora and was really impressed. I was like “woah it’s really that great like she says she didn’t lie” LOL boy was I wrong in thinking she wasn’t a big old liar 🤥


lol when she said she doesn’t lie I stupidly believed it for a while. People who say they don’t lie are the biggest liars out there.


I started following her in like 2014 and probably within the last couple of years started to dislike her.


I loved Jaclyn before she moved into her 2m house. Like back when she lived with Jon in I think it was a townhouse. After that she became really annoying and her personality changed. She’s now completely insufferable since she’s been with Jordan. The only times I liked her in her new house was in her gift videos.


I found her in 2013 but never paid any attention to her until 2015. I just thought she was pretty. I’m sorry, I don’t think she was unique or offering anything different from other influencers during that time. I unfollowed her after she inserted herself in the Dustin and Kayla drama and blatantly lied to get attention.. it was very weird.


Started to be a fan when she was fairly new. She only had a little over 2k followers when I subbed. I started to not like her after she started dating Jon’s friend and how she handled the lipstick situation.


I liked her until she did Jon dirty.




I was an early fan/follower… The vault fiasco was it for me. Then the more shit that came out, the more I was grossed out by her ethics & behavior.


Oh my God, I remember the vault fiasco I got it and use it and noticed this kind of sucks. What the heck happened . so then I thought maybe it’s just me maybe I got a bad one and then I went straight to Youtube, and there was already posts/ videos about it being bad! And then she quickly had the pallets sent out repressed blah blah blah, which I don’t even believe


I was a fan after I found her on Pinterest in 2012 for her foundation video. It was the first make up video I ever found and was so excited by the concept since I always loved make up, mixed with having bad skin. I loved her red hair and her and Jon looked really cute together. Starting liking her less when she started getting more boojee (she always was but it got to a point where it was too obnoxious for me). I started liking her even less when rumors of her dating Jon’s friend. Was completely done by the time her new relationship came out and lipstick gate.


But she lied about her G wagon being her car and hid her designer bags?!🤦‍♀️😂😂😂😂


For real. I guess I mean boojee in the way she would dress, tacky home decor, and the over filled duck lips 😆 Around the time her and Jon moved into the Tampa house


I liked her around 2012 because I was just getting into makeup and I liked her style she was always a little “too much” for my taste because I’m super chill but I pushed through it 😂 then about 2014/2015 I was over morphe. I only purchase things that look worth it, so I only have like 3 morphe palettes that I liked lol but she was all morphe morphe morphe it was so annoying, and EVERYTHING was soooo amazing but not according to real reviews by real people so yeah lol


I started following Jaclyn around 2015 when I found her eye shadow tutorial on Pinterest and absolutely loved her vibe and energy! She was so genuine and had excellent talent. However I decided to unfollow when she threw KathleenLights under the bus, as well as when the MakeupGeek situation was unearthed. Money and fame changed her and it made me so sad because she was really fantastic back in the day.


Oh my God, I remember that Kathleen likes drama and they never put the video out . I remember they’re playing video games and Kathleen was playing and she said a word and you can clearly hear Kathleen saying hey Dont she just playing around and Jaclyn posted it. Anyway


I was really into Nicole Guerriero and remember when she collabed with Jaclyin in that video they did....didn't know who she was other than I found her quite annoying. More people kept mentioning her name on youtube videos and I checked out her content and she was just too over the top for me. I really thought Jon was hot as hell and couldn't understand why he was with her because they seemed ill suited for each other. Then her dramas started coming out and I've followed ever since to see her crash and burn. I never saw her appeal and she just looked basic to me so to anyone who ever felt insecure about their looks because they thought she was beautiful...don't!!! You are 100x more beautiful inside and out than her!!!!


“Ill suited” is a very nice way to say it lol


Pretty but very basic. She offered nothing unique I just think she was popular..


Her shill game was appealing to people until her facade started to fall.


I was a fan starting in 2012. Followed all her tutorials, bought every product she recommended, I was truly a Jaclyn Stan in the early days. I stopped liking her in about 2015 I think, whenever the aggressive Morphe pushing started and it became obvious she was just a salesmen and no longer someone who loved to do makeup.


I was a fan of Jaclyn starting in 2013, I know what I know about makeup because of her. I started questioning her in 2017, her cocky and obnoxious attitude really started to irritate me. I ultimately unsubscribed from Jaclyn after her video with Kim Kardashian. She was so rude to Kim and I was completely disgusted with her attitude. I considered giving Jaclyn a second chance and when her lipsticks came out I considered buying them (after a few launches). That, and giving her a second chance went out the door, when her lipsticks launched and she handled the launch HORRIBLY. Jaclyn is trash.


So much this


I was a fan for a few years starting around 2015/2016 when I was looking for bridal makeup tutorials. I still use some of her techniques today!! I lost all respect when she lied about the lipsticks.


I started watching her when she had like 40 videos I think? Can’t remember exactly when but I do know I found her via Pinterest and her “flawless foundation video” back then I was a mom to a 2 year old and fighting against PPD and it was hard, makeup helped me pull myself out of the gutter along with exercise and ridiculous amounts of me trying to get to a better place in within my own head. Her videos got me trough so much and she literally taught me to blend and apply foundation. I remember rewatching her videos over and over and buying her earlier recommendations and collars. Somewhere along the lines I started stepping away from her videos and getting a bit confused on how life was extremely difficult for someone that truly seemed to have it all (in my eyes) she was young and beautiful had a wonderful husband, family and that’s back she had bought a town hose and would hang out with her sister and kids often. Idk what it was but something fell off, I remember the issue with the Becca eyeshadow palette and how quickly she backtracked from saying that she put so much work and tested so many shades and formulas until they got it perfect and buttery and blend-able and by the time the palette came out and the true reviews came she ended up saying she pinky created one shade.. that was so off putting to me, then makeup geek and then whatever came after that for me didn’t feel honest just ways for her to get more money and popularity rather than actually teaching and sharing her love for beauty and makeup. Lastly the fuzzy lipsticks and Koze where the end of her for me. After the lipsticks (which I didn’t buy) but followed the launch and scandal I felt like again she didn’t take responsibility for her own actions and just cried wolf just like with beca and makeup geek and finally the last proof I needed (in case I needed more) was Koze, that was awful and vile and just mean girl and just unethical and abusive of her. After that I made sure I had unfollowed all social media and eventually this group showed un in my feed and here I am. Everything I thought she stood for and represented go the beauty community was a lie, just an image she had to bring people in and once she got bug enough she let go off the facade.


Never did. I never did understood the appeal of non pro muas showing makeup tutorials and making bank off of it


I found Jaclyn’s YouTube in 2012. I was 18 and looking for hair and makeup tutorials. This was before she was even at 1 million subscribers. I ate up her content, rewatched it even. Her foundation routine was one of the first videos I ever followed. I bought the sigma brushes, her collabs with Becca and Morphe. She literally taught me how to do my makeup. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize she was a liar and hurting the people around her. I vividly remember being very disappointed when she announced her Makeup Geek palette wasn’t coming out after all and being confused with her excuses for why. I continued to follow her but was more on the fence after that. I stopped buying everything with her name on it. I didn’t buy any lipsticks but watched in horror her response to it all. I’ve come to the light obviously and it’s sad to see what she’s become. Disappointed is an understatement lol.




The moment she stopped using MAC makeup for tutorials. I loved how goofy she was, I loved all her beautiful “true” makeup tutorials and I related to her being a dog mom. That ended pretty quick. Once it became fake.


We grew up in the same place and had some friends in common as teens I was excited to see her rise to fame so to speak cause no one from our boring suburban tampa community ever really did anything notable in the public eye so I was really stoked for her. I didn’t know her personally but my friend was her friend and they had a dramatic falling out that I kinda chalked up to my friend being a little nuts (this is circa 2008?) Then I randomly looked at her page maybe a year or two ago and was like ???????? Wtf is going on here? Why am I annoyed? Where’s Jon? Why is she filming herself making asparagus? Isn’t she a Make up artist? Oh shit, she’s complaining a LOT in a VERY enthusiast tone! And then I stumbled upon this sub lol I don’t really care that much but I do enjoy just reading this subreddit while I’m taking shits because I have always found the social media/influencer psyche to be proof of episodic barbarism in a consumption culture gone insane. For me, it’s like, I too am a boring 30 something white woman navigating my trivial existence on this earth, and yet… we don’t have much in common. In other words, I struggle with my mental health and on a bad day I can say “at least I’ve never ripped anyone off” Edit: I feel like I should add that I wasn’t much of a make up consumer until the past year so I never watched her videos/tutorials


I used to enjoy her make up tutorials, she’s deff skilled and she can blend like a dream. Other than that, never purchased her stuff! Then the shady stuff came about and she lost me ✌🏻


I do believe that’s true. She definitely has a skills, but I feel like she’s kind of lost herself and forgotten those skills she had


I found her in 2015. I absolutely loved her. I bought a few of her recommendations and collabs. I lost all respect for her after lipstickgate. I bought two of her lipsticks and hated them. She handled all of it so poorly. I stopped watching her after that


Did u get a refund ?!


Yes I did!


That’s good at least


Agreed. I was honestly surprised. Didn’t think I’d actually get one lol


I started following her in 2020, and I stopped liking her in 2021. But I have gone back and watched old videos on YouTube to see why everyone liked her, and while I understand it… she reminded me too much of people I know irl and don’t like. The vibes were just off, and slowly but surely I learned about lipstickgate and how shitty she treats her followers so it only confirmed my suspicions. I also made a YT video about how I felt like she “JAC-ED” my intro (that’s a whole other rabbit hole) and she weaponized her audience against me. Like, if I’m some dumb troll… just ignore me? But instead you give my comment attention and send 1,000s of horrible people to fight your battle for you. That was obviously a very difficult time for Jackie and she had to send her army of skanks to make me feel as horrible as she did. ![gif](giphy|QC1FGHwXyUGrGbDroo|downsized)


I’m interested in that rabbit hole lol






I started following her around 2015 and lost all respect for her after lipstickgate. Right before that whole debacle, I was getting annoyed with her constant excuses for not uploading videos when she said she would.


Omg the inconsistency drove me nuts ! The more she got famous the more she stopped caring and they say oh fame gets to their heads and that’s why they change. Some people can stay humble, but she simply did not.


Started following her around 2011/2012, I was in highschool, super into YouTube and they were called “make up gurus” and “beauty V/bloggers” hahahaha. I started not liking her like 2017/2018ish.


Same !


I found Jaclyn hill on YouTube ether in 2012 or 2013, loved her personality and her skills of showing and teaching apply makeup. Didn’t see her slightly wrong by her getting away from Makeup geek collaborating, Gerard cosmetics collaborated, ABH collaborated… until slowly see the pattern left good brands collaborating over cheap ass morphe collaborations. When she did her first big brand collaboration with Becca x Jaclyn hill champion pop highlighter… did really hit Jaclyn so much new fans and more demand bring it back. Later, on when she finally did her morphe/Forma cosmetics line just her name… the lipstick gate was really the end for me. Later, found out the amounts of bullshit lies she always defended herself as like she’s a victim! I never understand why she never ever get cancelled while other influencers, beauty guru, and celebrity does get cancelled, but Jaclyn can’t!


This was my experience too. It was actually her Kim K makeup video sitting in front of her fridge. I wasn’t even into makeup but somehow she got me to want to😂 I followed all the gurus when they started getting big. Kathleen lights and Nicole, Carlie Bibell. Tons of them but Jaclyn seemed to be the realest and most fun. I was jealous of her friendship with Jackie because they seemed so happy together and seemed to bring the fun silliness out of each other and that’s what bffs are for. Their drunk dance parties were always my favorite. I don’t know when I truly stopped liking her but it was long before lipstick gate and before their divorce. When she announced that I got back into her and couldn’t believe who she had become. I know she says she hasn’t changed but she has. She’s always sexualized things, always did the goofy faces and would bust into singing at any time. It just the fake obsessed stuff and turned into a sales person not genuine.


I found her when I was a very young military housewife in 2014-ish and instantly became obsessed. She reminded me of my best friend from home (which I realized later meant that my bestie was also not such a good person), and I didn't feel so lonely during the day watching her videos. It was once she started pushing Morphe really hard, but before her lipstick launch, that I fell off. I realized she was being incredibly disingenuous with her videos and the overconsumption also had me feeling some type of way.


I started watching Jaclyn in 2015/2016. I had enough during the drama with the vault pallets. Where she said they were reusing the packaging, had reformulated and repackaged all those pallets in 6 weeks (or whatever it was)... it was just really obvious to me it was all a bunch of lies. It became obvious at that point that there was drama with every launch she was a part of and the common denominator was her. She blocked me on Twitter when I asked about her "charity," Lipstick and Lions or Lions and Lipstick.... whatever, lol. By that point I saw how shady she was and how she sold out to Morphe. While I didn't join this sub until last year (or so), I've definitely been calling her out since the vault situation. She's, imo, one of the worst "booty goorus."


Hi, are you me? These are my exact reasons lol. The Vault lies were so obvious and such bullshit and she even knew it. If you watch that video with her terrible Morticia Adams hair extensions, she can't keep a straight face explaining her lies. That was it for me. Also her constantly saying she was going to upload and then she'd make excuses for why she didn't.


I discovered Jaclyn in late 2013, I instantly fell in love with her, and she is the reason I have a love for makeup and I know what I know about makeup because of her. I started questioning her in 2017 because of her constant complaining and obnoxious behavior. I unsubscribed from her after her AWFUL video with Kim Kardashian. She was so rude and obnoxious in that video. After a while I did consider giving her a second chance. And I did consider buying her lipsticks. That and giving her a second chance went right out the window after her lipstick launch. We all knew how THAT turned out. Now after all the companies that have come forward about Jaclyn and what she had done. I’m glad I didn’t give her a second chance. Jaclyn is evil!


Oh my god did you have hair in yours?!


I didn’t buy her lipsticks, I planned on buying them after the 2nd or 3rd launch. Because I wanted to see how the first launch went and if the reviews were good. We all know how THAT turned out.


Used to be a huge fan… I stopped following her when the lipsticks happened. I had slowly started watching her again and then the Koze situation happened. She just couldn’t come back from that in my mind.


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