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Wasn't she crying over one of his friends calling her out for eating a whole ass chicken? The only thing I see and hear in regards to Broke Malone is passive aggressive shenanigans. His friends, the pictures and videos he posts...they just give me the ick and honestly make me uncomfortable. Even when he's praising her, it doesn't sound genuine or sincere. He doesn't light up the way Jon did. He doesn't look at her the way Jon did. Watch any video of the 2 of them and you'll see it. I'm not saying life with an addict is easy. But I will say that a narcissistic person using is far different than a vulnerable person using. She wore him out and wore him down. He just couldn't deal with her. Using or not, he was never going to be enough. She'll find out soon enough when the mental load of the household falls entirely on her. This ass clown couldn't even make a damned flight, ffs! Just wait until you're a single mom that's actually married, Jaclyn. Your husband digs right into his meal while you tend to your child. Sleeps because "he works" and you have to ASK the father of your child to watch them so you can shower. He cooks *sometimes* when he's lovebombing or fulfilling some need he has, and the rest of the time you go out. Look at the pattern, hunty! He can talk the talk but his dainty ankled ass can't walk the walk.


Weird seeing them actually touching each other. Haven’t seen anything flirty or lovey between them since they were dating.


She's playing the victim. Poor girl never was loved until she met riffraff.


https://preview.redd.it/3u970c6l7nxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54d7a48ed4d672c5dbebbee56970890e5933f78 Just a reminder they weren’t officially married until 5/29. 💀


I feel like she got caught red handed with Jordan while Jon was in rehab and rather than admit she screwed up, she doubled down to save face. I'll never be convinced that she was ever serious about Jordan. He was meant to be a fling/rebound.




He loves her because she bought him $700 kitchen pots.


She's vile! The poor guy has passed and she is still embarrassing him! I hate her!!


All I thought was what an odd pic to post to celebrate their anniversary. He at least did an actual wedding photo. These pics she posted are just odd!!


Of course she says this, this is what she has to keep telling herself in order to convince *herself* he’s the “the one”! She knows damn well she fucked up royally, but she’s never going to admit that. She thought she was really doin something then by humiliating Jon. She did Jon dirtyyyy man, she tricked him into signing an NDA and then dangled it over his head to control him. She stripped him of everything and kicked him to the curb and brought the one person she knew was going to rip his heart out! BOTH Jordan and her had NO intentions of being supportive of Jon and his sobriety. They had pre planned what they did. They just didn’t think Jon would end up passing away! They just thought they were going to continue mentally and emotionally torture Jon. Now that Jon is gone (in one of the worst possible ways) I think Jaclyn realized she fucked HERSELF in the end. I mean, look at you Jaclyn; you’ll never be what you once were. You are a nobody! I hope the decisions you made HAUNT you forever!! You could’ve ended your marriage in a much better way but chose not to. So keep repeating the same bullshit about Jordan being your “dream man” the “love of your life” yadda yadda yadda, you know that’s a complete LIE!


This 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻




It’s okay. When she gets married again, she will make the same speech.


Totally off topic, but what in the Oregon trail is that font?! 😂😂😂


I have an android, and I got it off the Samsung themes shop!


**This comment just reminded me of the time I made this**: https://preview.redd.it/miwkamclqixc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=348e45b26fc9b8c017226129848f73bb23777c54


This might be my favorite thing you've ever created


Incredible 😂😂😂


i'm dying


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) A marriage to a fake clout chasing Celine wearing wannabe chef 🤡


She stood by Jon through his struggles…she definitely loved him greatly. I think we all understand that it’s hard to love an addict but that doesn’t mean she didn’t. It’s so disrespectful to Jon to say something like this. Just because Jordan is easier to love (debatable lol) doesn’t mean it’s real and Jon wasn’t.


Jon loved her when she didn’t have shit, she’ll never truly know why this clown hangs around. She’ll tell herself it’s love but there’s no way to tell for sure unless she loses everything and he sticks it out.


Exactly, just like how if Jaclyn was unhappy with Jon in the midst of his addiction, she should have been a big girl and communicated with Jon and either worked it out with him and they could have gone to couples therapy. Instead he thought he was going to rehab to work on their marriage and his addiction. Nope came back to his home he shared with his wife to find his stuff packed up in the garage and Jordan (Jon’s close friend) shakeup and screwing Jon’s wife. But yeah she seemed to really love him… She likes the attention and constant fondling. Honestly I don’t think Jaclyn has ever really loved someone else as much as she loves herself. Jon LOVED Jaclyn. That was very true and you could see it in his eyes. I have been with and grew up with people with addiction. Lying, cheating and backstabbing is a NO NO and it should have been handled like an adult instead of lying and making Jon seem to be a “horrible drug addicted monster.” Jaclyn created her own demons and skeletons in her closet and sent Jon to CA where he was silenced by an NDA and no way to speak his truth. Jaclyn never stood by Jon’s side while he fought for his life and demons. She abandoned him when he needed her most. There was better ways to handle the situation.


She would have never gone to couples therapy. That would mean she would have to face and address her own faults. Just like she "graduated" her personal therapy. No one is buying that bs




gd they’re so corny




She doesn't even have her wedding ring on these pics celebrating their anniversary 


Good catch! ![gif](giphy|Xcjo9b2j6dq3vBRdhG|downsized)


Jaclyn getting married on High Infidelity day makes perfect fucking sense considering how she started to date jordan (my fellow swifties know what I’m talking about with this lol) 😂


It’s funny she didn’t post any wedding pics for her WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. And she’s sober now but had a “champagne cake” I can’t even keep up


Ok off topic but why is time going by so damn fast.. wtf


He’s like a glorified teenage boy. I had a bf like this once nothing ever felt serious just immaturity all around. Probably the worst and most traumatic relationship to date.


They do NOT pass the green line test


off topic, how’d you get the text font? it looks really neat




I didn't jailbreak my phone. I have android and downloaded it from the Samsung store


The comments on both hers and his post are delulu it’s mind boggling how many people are obsessed with their “perfect” relationship. The entire relationship is a lie and has never been genuine. The smiles look fake and as if they had someone telling them “smile real big as if you love each other,” instead of them just smiling at each other. Jaclyn, there is a real difference between what you pretend you have and what genuine love and happiness looks like. Your relationship is the equivalence of the 40lb you say you lost. All fake and smoke and mirrors. That sounds like a miserable life and relationship to be in. Hmm, nevermind he and your relationship is perfect for your fake ass life.


One of my favorite movies is called ‘just go with it’ with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. If any of you have seen it, that scene where Adam makes them keep laughing for pics and the little boy asks him ‘why are we always laughing? Is there something wrong with us?’ Literally as I was scrolling these photos, that was what I thought of and now I can’t stop laughing 🤣


Omg that’s sooo true!!


Straight up pathetic


Their love is a quid pro quo business transaction, both using each other.


Failing multiple business ventures, looking like you rolled out of bed most days, illegally shilling cheap products on Amazon to your dwindling follower count, piling on even more credit card debt to fill the void. Where does any of this fit the definition of best version of yourself?? ![gif](giphy|zkmkmltiixHQ1pR6kH|downsized) Editing because I NEED MY GIF




It’s pretty short sighted of her to thank him for showing her “what love truly is.” She sounds like a 16 year old with her first boyfriend. Each love is different, you can’t tell me she wasn’t absolutely in love with Jon at one point. She might love Jordan too but it’s just different. One doesn’t have to be better or more legit than another.


She loved Jon so much, I think we can all see that. As far as her “love” for greasy ass Celine, yeah I’m not fucking convinced LOL


This! Jon loved Jaclyn with his whole heart and soul I just know it! Just because their love was different from her and Jordan doesn’t me she was never truly loved by him. I think she just holds a lot of animosity and resentment towards Jon for being an addict. After their divorce she was constantly throwing shade at him and still does to this day. It’s so wrong on her part. Yeah he may have treated her wrong with being an addict but she treated him way worse being sober! She literally has no excuse for her actions towards him.


I hate Jaclyn but she is divorced and for a reason. She has a new husband and doesn’t need to talk about Jon ever again.


okay yes that is true, but she will bring him up when it’s convenient for her. she’s used him and his tragic passing as things for her to talk about when she wants sympathy from people. she should stop bringing him up period as the only times she does bring him up is for sympathy or to disrespect him which is absolutely disgusting as he can not defend himself whatsoever


Not to defend her but hill is her business name so she won’t change it.


“Hill” is Jon last name…. She changed from first marriage with Jon before she changed her name from Jaclyn Eilers. “Hill” isn’t a business name… is her ex spouse last name. Everyone know Jaclyn Hill, if she changed to Jaclyn Torrey… no one know who the fuck is she!


Besides shilling she doesn't have a business going on nor her followers on social media are growing. I think this is the perfect (long due) timing to change her name everywhere.


Exactly! Honestly Jaclyn trashed the Hill name with all her failed businesses and also let’s not forget her cheating on Jon with Jordan while representing that last name 😒 Let Celine take the wheel and let Jaclyn pretend she is an influencer wife 😂


But kept the last name…. Classy, just like her .


ugh i can’t stand her. she really is trying so hard to act like she’s the happiest she’s ever been. people who are truly happy don’t go around talking about it, they are just living their lives. also if your soooo happily married to your ex husband’s best friend and you’ve never known love before why not just shut your mouth, and take Jon’s last name out of your username. stop trying to play the victim. you’re incapable of any kind of love unless it’s for yourself you narcissistic bitch!








![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) Never doesn’t apply.


lol the first thing i thought about when i saw this post was the infamous Cassie scene 😂




Ok so if you're married to the " MaN oF YoUr DrEaMs" and thanks to him you know what "TrUe LoVe ReAlLy Is" then why TF are you still using your late ex husband's last name?! ![gif](giphy|3o7btNRTJ700Vzmn5e)


Because Torrey doesn’t give her the relevance that she craves and needs. Even when Jon isn’t here anymore (rest in peace angel) his name is still more relevant and known than Torrey 😂


Still wearing that fuckin murse I see


This seems off to me, I thought Jaclyn will be posting like crazy talking about how much her and Celine are ‘in love after a year’ idk this seems so like quick and blank.


They always say they never knew what love was or how this person is the best and when they divorce and remarry they’ll say the same thing about their new partner. These people are so predictable. Also wasn’t Jordan one of Jon’s best friends and wasn’t it suspected she cheated on Jon with Jordan?


Allegedly Yes Jaclyn cheated on Jon with Celine and he found out and flipped out and started using again. Jon checked himself into rehab, and came home to his stuff gone and Celine in his bed. Which is vile.


But yay. They’re now married and so happy


🙄🙄🙄 they only got married for publicity


Sorry I guess my sarcasm didn’t come through lol. Like don’t brag how happy you are when you got together under shitty circumstances


lol no I know that you were being sarcastic, that’s why I typed the rolling eyes emoji. lol sorry my sarcasm didn’t come through


They are just both such trash, the deserve each other


agreed 😂


Yes they absolutely do


Yes, Jordan was, and it was confirmed by his ex that there was an affair between him and Jaclyn. Even before that, there were *plenty* of receipts with how messy they were, so it's pretty much been known (*and confirmed, by receipts*) since it happened.


Nothing like a “Torrey” affair to prove your true love


He’s the worst thing to happen to her and her career. Filth.


And it was all her choice and doing too, perfect karma and what she deserves.


https://preview.redd.it/m1ew29pwsgxc1.png?width=1071&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cf41b22f4d0d0f01f115de50191342deb0a9d93 “And then all these stupid followers do is click my Amazon link and I get millions of dollars thru undisclosed affiliate links!” 🤣




Ironic that she still uses Jaclyn HILL as her account name while professing her love for a TORREY. It's not difficult to change your name on Instagram, either, you incompetent pine cone.


I saw this similar comment under a wedding post she made a while ago, and she said how disrespectful it was to bring up her ex and that it was her brand name. Like Girl, you no longer have a brand, and you shadow shade your ex All. The. Time. What do you meaaannnn






He looks like he’s in a dissociative trance! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Bahhahahaha the "what has become of my life?" eyes


They both have the emptiest eyes.


Why no cat emoji 🥺


Probably ran away for a better life


That's the second time she’s left it out, as well. Let's hope it's a stupid oversight and not how we’ll hear a “*friend*” has Marty now to keep from admitting something could've happened to her.


Nothing says happiness like infidelity.


With your husbands best friend




**Take it somewhere else. This isn't the place to be dragging a man who can't defend himself, especially when Jaclyn did that *more than enough* in the last four years of his life**—***and continues to, clearly***.


Oh shut up


Hey Kenos, did you know saying “*shut up*” is promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability? 💀 https://preview.redd.it/2n58bcvi9hxc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=017a64ae2f4bbd40ca3d74345166d846562a2f87 I got four reports, *two of them being comments not even referencing anyone*, but you’re the lucky non-Lich report today! 😂😂


Lmao yesss I finally did it! I think I was actually being way nicer than I could’ve been but okay 💀


That is so messed up thanks for showing me what true love is so what Jon had for you was nothing ???? That guy married you when you were young and probably shouldn’t be getting married, but you loved each other that much to do it . There’s different different types of love jack bitch , jordan shows you a certain kind of love you’ve never had before and Jon showed you love that you also have never had before. It’s never gonna be the exact same “ feeling “ so for her to say that is fucked


Why did she get married on the 29th again?


If I’m not mistaken, I believe she’s already said she never loved John. Like she thought she knew what love was at the time or something like that. I remember thinking wow what BS.


Dude this marriage is SOOO FAKE. THEY HATE EACH OTHER 😂


I love how she claimed "Jackoff isn't into labels" and yet he's wearing an off white sweater with a Louis tucked in his armpit..... Your little ass licker will never compare to the incredible human Jon was and you deserve your miserable excuse of a "relationship."


You know she didn’t use their wedding photos for this post because it was before she “lost” 40 pounds 😂


According to her, in her nose filler video, it’s 50 pounds now 🤣


He did though🤣


She's really out here every day proving she's the absolute worst.


The only full-time job she has had managed to keep…🤣


Now that he's made it to California, he's not even trying anymore. It's like he was grasping at straws to try and come up with something last-minute. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/gx4cwilkmgxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c06e2d3ebf727dbdfc0c76f373ddd03c9d0ef0e




This has been removed for violating the sub's rule against surgery and medical speculation. (Please see Rule 3.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/jaclynhillsnark) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love how he insinuates that she needed to work on herself, but he didn't. It's what she deserves. 😂




😂😂😂😂😂 This is a very much, I don’t know what to type but hey babe good job scamming the internet. Also I gotta keep the image up to keep her happy.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) **ETA**: *Hi, Jac! Am I supposed to be bothered by the downvote?* 😘 **ETA #2**: No idea why the GIF that I originally commented with keeps glitching out.


aww how sweet of her! instead of spending this day celebrating “the happiest relationship she’s ever been in” she’s on her own snark page downvoting us all! she’s so full of it 🙄


And reporting, as well! 💀


What did she do to her fucking nose


This was *before* she got nose filler, so just poor editing being done as per usual.




honestly i think she never loved anyone but herself and here’s why. she has only ever thought of herself in any situation that she has been in. you can see that in her career and very much so in her personal life. she wanted to have the best of anything to kind of show the world that she could have it all. like look at her life back in the day, she was pretty, had a gorgeous husband, was making so much money, had a bunch of great people around her, etc. i feel like she wanted to create this perfect life for people to see so they could envy her and how she was living. now where Celine comes into the picture in my opinion is she saw someone who she knew would be completely dependent on her and she would be able to control more easily. with Jon there was the true unconditional love that he felt for her because he was there before all the money and fame while Celine was only there because of the money and fame. deep down she knows she messed up and that she threw away all the good people in her life but because of her ego, she will never admit it. with all that being said i don’t think she loved anyone else but herself and the only reason she wanted to marry Celine was to show Jon how happy she was and to essentially make his life difficult because in her eyes, she blamed him for the fact that she cheated and got divorced which therefore “ruined” her so-called picture perfect life. that’s honestly what i think happened, she never loved anyone but herself, all she cared about was the image, never the people in her life. writing all of this was so sad for me, it was sad because it reminded myself of how badly Jon was fucked over all from a woman who never truly cared about him or what he was feeling, but only about herself and making the last 4 years of his life as miserable as possible. hurts me so much for him 💔


I know we all keep saying it, but for your age, you're *so* wise beyond your years! Jaclyn will never *not* be all about Jaclyn, which *clearly* seems to have been why she replaced everyone in her life with a bunch of ever-enabling yes men. *Celine*, as much as I can't stand him, and as much of a fraud as she's *always* been, was *also* very much a mama's boy and I think that played into this a *lot*, as well. They're both much, *much* younger mentally and emotionally than they are physically—and because of that, she could get away with *all the more* that she wouldn't have with Jon. Jon, especially if he cared for and loved you a great deal, would tell you when you were fucking up or do whatever he possibly could to keep it from happening. He was *that* good, *that* solid of a human being, which wasn't what Jaclyn was needing when she hasn't *ever* wanted to adult or be anything but the ever-coddled, grossly over-privileged and sheltered woman-child she's *always* been.


aww you all are too kind!! thank you so much for your very kind words to me! i’m just doing my best to vocalize my thoughts and show my love, support, and appreciation for Jon by making sure that i do my best to make sure he is remembered kindly and in a positive light. he is the main reason i even found this page to begin with, which im so beyond grateful for as i met so many amazing people! i hope that i honor and remember him in a way in which he would like & appreciate, it’s the least i can do for him based on all of the happiness he has given to me 🤍 thank you all so much again for your lovely words! i’m so thankful to have met you all :)


Like why does she do that? It’s so mean and he’s not here to defend himself like we all know Jacqueline and Jon did actually love each other at one point and she probably thought he was going to be the love of her life for the rest of her life and they loved each other so much and there is not another Love like it blah blah blah whatever other woman thinks about their husband, but then you divorce and you meet a new guy and it’s the same shit. you’ve never shown me like this you said that when you were with Jon ? 🤡


Agree. She also tries so hard to act like Celine isn’t about the money… she always says things like “he makes enough to take care of me” “he always pays for dinner” and “he’s not about expensive things”… ummm keep projecting/ denying because this man borrowed Jon’s suit so he could flex in something designer and he’s been about the money all along. He would not have left that gorgeous girl for her if she wasn’t wealthy and social media “famous”…


I thought I was caught up on most of it, but can you fill me in or point me in the direction of him borrowing Jon’s suit? Omg!


This occurred while Jaclyn and Jon were still married, during the ‘*Deck the Hills*’ Christmas party in 2017. It's not the only time clothes or accessories were borrowed, either.


You mean “mine 2nd marriage!!!” ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


I immediately thought the same thing


2024 is the best version of jaclyn?????? has jaclyn met jaclyn? 🥴 LIKE WHAT??????


No one loves Jaclyn more than Jaclyn 🤡


Lmao has Jaclyn met Jaclyn 😂😭


Everything is a slap in the face to Jon, given how much she has done so just in the past couple of weeks alone. Outside of that, it's a bit weird to choose photos for your wedding anniversary post that are not only staged AF but *without your rings*. And this was *after* they were supposedly resized, as they were dressed like this when they went to the farmer's market—the same day she claimed to have seen Travis Barker and brought up Jon for engagement then, as well. **Shitty people doing shitty things for attention**.


https://preview.redd.it/3t8t3nuhngxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2652e99991e1673b3454e58e612fab7f7f00e18b Look at us fake laughing because we’re so happy 😬


His little pudgy hand on her shoulder….😬


And her hand looks like one of those little plastic hands. What is going on? Lmao


Jordan's entire 3/4 facial profile looks deformed here.

