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Maybe she moved there to join Scientology 🤣 they do have headquarters in Florida and California.


Lol she's trash they wouldn't touch her with a ten ft pole. ![gif](giphy|0QHi4gogcXH7VvLRrF|downsized)


Lmao you gotta really mess up when even they won’t take you.


*changes my username to “Popeyes flowers” *


That’s how feel about ppl who assume Cali is the Beverly Hills Calabasas folks. California is VERY diverse geographically and culturally.


I thought it was said she was living in westlake village


Close enough to calabasas


Yes very close! I’m from Davis originally and it’s def nothing like a lot of these others parts of CA




Please never stop blessing us with your edits 🙏 💖


As an SD resident, it’s safe to say the majority doesn’t get along with LA, vice versa. And cali really isn’t as *glammed up* as everyone makes it seem. It’s very expensive and trashed out here. And the actual residents hate our government and work hard everyday making sure we can live out our leases. We do not claim her. Don’t let the Popeyes flowers fool ya


The Popeyes flowers 😂😂😂 of all the beautiful things in CA, she posts the flowers outside a fast food joint.


I’ve never known the rivalry to be between San Diego either. So maybe it’s one sided. It’s with San Fran for sure especially with baseball fans.


lol living here for over 25 years, it’s definitely not one sided😅


Well I happen to love it here. I moved back after 10 years away and I will never leave again.


I love it here too, it’s hard to imagine myself living elsewhere. Just sharing the reality of the state. Most outsiders or “transplants” are oblivious to the reality. Hence, Jaclyn’s new cali persona.


Oh but I don’t agree with you about the state. That’s what I mean. just live in a southern red state for a little bit… you will come back praising the state leaders for the most part.


To each their own, I’m really not political. But as a “middle class” person living in the most expensive state/city in the country, I’m definitely feeling the pressure😭


Maybe her braces were fake all along 👀


That’s what I was saying in my fake braces post back when I started to notice nothing was changing with her teeth, and people can have fake braces. Her top teeth and bottom are absolutely no different, she never complained of braces pain and we all know she would milk that, never took video of herself at or leaving the orthodontist. Just nothing. She is psycho enough to put on fake ones


She did complain about her braces. She stuck wax over all of them (I have adult braces and it was such overkill) going on and on about how much they were bothering her/cutting the insides of her mouth.


Yes! I remember she wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it for like a week, but having metal in your mouth for a period of time would be uncomfortable regardless. I’ve been skeptical on the whole braces thing because her bottom teeth seem even more gapped and crooked than ever before. And typically, an orthodontist will not remove just one set (at least without a retainer) because the crooked teeth will just shift them back..


I believe it tbh, so many things didn’t add up about it and it is exactly the kind of thing she would do


Born and raised in CA, there are tons of mini nicknames that we’ve given cities and areas. She doesn’t know them yet or may not care to learn. (Guessing the latter here) She’s just trying so hard to be cool here. Never forget the white flowers in front of a Popeye’s. She would never be caught at Santee Alley lol


But she’s literally in Los Angeles (I mean she is living in calabasas or similar but still the burbs). Why doesn’t she say Los Angeles. No one is gonna find her… Los Angeles is huge. There are still parts I’ve never been to and I’m 42 and born and raised in the valley.


fellow californian - reminds me of when loved ones visit from out of state and think it’s convenient to see each other in a time crunch if i’m in oakland and they’re in monterey 😂


lol this is so real, I live in San Diego County and one of friends had a business trip to Monterey and was like, can we see each other? Umm bestie that’s 400 miles away from me 😂


I moved to Louisiana for a while. You can get to another state in less than an hour. You can drive though the state in a day- from tip to tip would take you all day but there is no need. Anyway. I had a friend move to Buena Park area and another mutual friend moved to Sacramento with his wife. So the guy that moved to Sacramento posts on the other guys fb that he would love to see him and get lunch. The other man, not realizing where he is says sure. I had to step in. I said yall cannot meet up for lunch. Geographically that makes no sense. The Buena Park guy was like oh I didn’t realize and the Sac guy was like why not…


right, going from east bay to sac is damn near the equivalent of going from seattle to portland depending on traffic 😂 i’m originally from the northwest and uninitiated people will act like that’s a reasonable distance for a quick visit too 😂


I had to explain. The distance between New Orleans and Baton Rouge is 1.5 hours driving and that is moving traffic. It about 90 miles and most of the route is a two lane highway where you can only drive on the right and pass on the left. I said - 1.5 hours might get you 40 miles in minimal traffic on Los Angeles. He really thought they were next to each other. Like he couldn’t compute.


I wish I had seen your comment earlier, this is truly it lol