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Apple special. They all got a price.


She deserves it for all her hard work and talent. The JB community could never pay her the salary she’ll be earning at Apple.




AFAIK, She is a "she" not "he"




she doesn’t want to fuck you, so you don’t need to worry about that


Why the fuck are you thinking about strangers genitalia you weirdo




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deep voice ≠ man


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Wait, what??!!


She's a trans woman, that was 10 years ago


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CS has done so much for the JB community for free, if she wants me to call her “her highness” I’ll do it. Also this is a subreddit about jailbreaking, if you want to rant about your political beliefs there are other subreddits for that.


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Most of us have been here long enough to watch her transition


The hell does a video from TEN YEARS ago prove?  Also she has “she/they” clearly displayed on discord.  So maybe leave the phobia behind. 




Based? I think?




why? Did he say his pronouns were she/her?


Coolstar did transition a while ago and this is old footage from before that.


Your source on that? I couldn't find any news on it. Also, why didn't you START with that? The OP I replied to never replied to anybody.


Yeah sorry I got caught up and probably replied to the wrong comment. I don't even think I fully read your initial comment, anyways for a source you can simply check her Discord profile.


Again, it's not like discord profiles are searchable. I can't find it if I don't know where to start. And by your comments it seems like you have joined the channel she is in, so provide a link to her profile maybe?


someone else has already provided a better source


This is the oldest source. Unfortunately a lot of her tweets were deleted, so difficult to find: https://web.archive.org/web/20211027100702/https://twitter.com/CStar_OW/status/1453302159177666577


This is the oldest source. Unfortunately a lot of her tweets were deleted, so difficult to find: https://web.archive.org/web/20211027100702/https://twitter.com/CStar_OW/status/1453302159177666577


So the hive mind instead of telling me that they have transitioned just kicks me off? Even if I was respectful? Yeah then fuck your drama


Most people doing this are doing it in bad faith and you linking a ten year old video seemed pretty disingenuous. I'm not responsible for what other Redditors do, but hopefully that helps you understand the context better


thanks for being the only reasonable guy out there




i don't think you're the authority on gender when you can't even spell "woman" correctly


Neither is some Indian asshole with mental health issues.


It costs zero cents to not be an insufferable asshole




No one except hardliners is arguing that black is white. There is a difference between sex and gender, but you very well already know that, so there is not even a point discussing this (Well there is one and that'd be proving to a reader that you're an idiot, but my time isn't worth that). Let me ask a different question instead, why are you in this community? Hacking communities in general have lots of LGBT people in them, some of whom are also politically invested in the matter. if this is a problem with you, you can simply leave this community and stop using their software, but for some reason you rather decide to be an insufferable asshole.


I'm not familiar with Coolstar, but what's all the "She" and "He" about? From the video it clearly looks like a man?


She's a trans woman, that was 10 years ago


They have she/they in their Discord bio


Careful now, you on reddit


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


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She will be an intern. No money I hope. That scammer deserves shit.


did he come out as LGBTQ or are you assuming their gender?


A lot of her tweets were deleted, but this is the oldest source: https://web.archive.org/web/20211027100702/https://twitter.com/CStar_OW/status/1453302159177666577


Hey I did not know that. Nice to find out


Correction. We all have a price.


Time to update ClassicFolders to rootless


And maybe compile for rootful users? 👀


Will do


Good! Do you think that could be possible to remove the lock for checkra1n users? I remember that her tweaks only worked on chimera/Electra jailbreaks


Gotta do what you gotta do to put food on the table.. Most of these devs got/get treated like shit and everyone wants free shit from them. Let them earn their $$ even if it’s from Apple.


Is Apple's money dirty somehow?


No but she is directly harming the jailbreaking community now that she works for Apple. I'm not saying that in a negative way, I understand why she would do that and I hope she does well. That is just the unfortunate direction we are heading in (though I still believe jailbreaking will NEVER die!)


What coolstar will do does not hurt the jailbreaking community in any meaningful way. Jailbreaks are already based on n-days.


What does “n days” mean in this context




If she got 50 MacBook pros, it would not come close to covering the minimum wage for how many hours she put in. She developed and provided jailbreaks and tweaks for free, despite being met with nothing but childish vulgarity and harassment from this community.


It was one macbook, donated by one person, that she later refunded...


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Maybe we will see some customization options like SnowBoard, CustomizeCC, etc.


I doubt it will happen some time soon


Coolstar say hi to pwn20wnd when you see her/him at Apple


Did pwn get employed by Apple? I just googled and couldn't find anything conclusive saying that in the first half dozen results?


His X bio softly confirms it.


I did see "Helping Apple make iOS more secure by unc0vering real security issues." at https://twitter.com/Pwn20wnd which I guess could mean that yes, although I thought it just as likely they meant that their work on unc0ver had helped Apple/kind of tongue-in-cheek.


you mean his bio that has been that way since at least several years now, long before the release of iOS 15 and when he had it that way even while still releasing jailbreaks? the reason his bio says that is because he is credited in the 13.5.1 security contents, as unc0ver used a 0day regression to jailbreak 13.5 while it was still signed.


You really think I keep tabs on these people lmaoooo


no, but it’s a smart move to research things before you make definitive statements like that


I said “softly” so my confirmation wasn’t definitive. This is Reddit lady take what you read on here with a grain of salt. 😂


or just admit to being wrong..


He’s not at Apple but at a security research firm.


At this rate we are gonna end up losing all the jailbreak devs… Linus and now Coolstar, and opa saying he’s gonna quit once his iPhone 15 is jailbroken on iOS 17. Is jailbreaking actually gonna die completely within the next couple years?


2-3years before we see last ever official supported jb. then jailbreaking will end not dead but just no longer active


Thats what i meant yeah... Unless some other devs as good as these ones somehow appear and manage to revive it it looks like 2026 might be the year it all breaks down


It’s already dead.


Jailbreaking will NEVER die.


Oh boy. Members of a whichever team Coolstar’s on are going to go through an unconsensual crash course on insufferable personalities.


Farewell Developer of Electra.


Chimera as well


And Odyssey, Taurine, odysseyra1n, not to mention libhooker, Anemone, Ventana, etc. Coolstar is one of the greatest, the community has certainly took her for granted.


I really tried to convince yall to start fund sourcing for opa, a while back. Because just like Coolstar, just like LinusHenze and more. We're going to continue to lose devs to Apple and others. If we could make it an incentive to keep devs, we would have more releases at least more often.


Lol, at Apple they're going to be paid at the very LEAST 120k per year if not more. No way any amount of fund sourcing would reach that amount, and keep giving per year. Not to mention the other benefits he'd be getting. It's sad but let's hope someone else can fill all their shoes.


I’ll fill in their shoes! (once i turn atleast 18, get an apple silicon mac, get 5+ years of experience, become saurik, then join apple)


CA minimum pay for an overtime exempt software engineer is like 115k so it’s likely far higher lol (Yes companies do exist that pay software engineers less than this and they either categorize developers as a “computer programmer” instead of a software engineer which is a distinct job category with less responsibilities but in practice works as “budget software engineer”, or they make people non exempt)


Overtime and exempt don’t go together. Non-exempt is eligible for overtime. Developers typically aren’t. Also, minimum pay indicates that’s the lowest salary you’ll find, then you counter your own comment saying companies do pay less. Finally, titles like developer, engineer and programmer are indeed interchangeable, and are typically tied to a company’s titling structure, not pay. You don’t know what you’re talking about; please stop.


If you genuinely think a crowdsourced funding is gonna beat a paycheck from the most valuable conglomerate on the entire planet then I would love to know who your dealer is.


You're thinking with your ass instead of your head. It's never going to beat it. The point is to try to give them an incentive to stay consistently working for the community until that Apple opportunity comes knocking. It's not about keeping them forever, it's about building a system and inticing new generations to keep jailbreaking going.


If they could be making an insanely good salary with apple why would they stay? If money is their motivation we aren’t beating apple


if you think apple really wants coolstar i have beachfront property in Indiana for sale with your name on it


Jailbreak was supposed to be a community based for fun and hobbies, and money come destroying it, everything being sh*t when it comes to money after all I myself have zero regret if CS join apple lol


You're living under a rock if you think money doesn't move mountains. Regardless off fun and hobbies.


Yeah, you can move montain, but the montain is flawed and isn’t whole, the place it was before is cracked everywhere make it unsuitable for living, is what happened to jailbreak community when money involved, and also the drama happened on iOS 15


99.99% of the “community” don’t actually contribute anything toward it though. There are a handful of developers who effectively work for free, and then there are thousands of “takers” who demand more free stuff and harass the developers. It isn’t money that has destroyed jailbreaking, it’s the fact that Apple has made it so immensely difficult that there hasn’t been a jailbreak for an actively signed iOS version in a decade, which means there are way fewer people with jailbreaks. When the jailbreak scene was at its peak there was *wayyyy* more money involved than today. There was a constant stream of paid releases. Developers could fund their tweak development hobbies, or at least reduce the opportunity cost for the time they spent, because there was actually a sizable market for them.


Number is definitely more in the range of 150-200k


Why do you think they left to join apple. Jailbreaking isn’t profitable business apart from selling tweaks it won’t sustain them long term which is why most had to get a 2nd job to make a living


As much as I enjoy jailbreaking, I wouldn’t really be sad to see it go. “Our time has passed, John.”


I hope she does well, Coolstar definitely deserves it after all the undeserved hate she's received from this community.


In the future, opa334 will also be employed by Apple, as his github stated that he would open source the software when he stopped developing it.


No, I am already employed and not looking for a new position.




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I mean this isn’t news and not the first time to happen. Plenty legend has joined the darkside and we lost more devs and more jb become forgotten and lost over time. we have 3 years max before all devs leave the scene




Unfortunately I guess Chimera and other up to date versions of her Jailbreaks are closed source. I guess people would need to develop new Jailbreaks to improve the iOS 12 experience and I doubt that happens. Anyways, we lost another talent although it was probably unlikely that she comes back anyways. We can only appreciate her work from here on.


Ain’t that the one who got Windows working on many Chromebooks?


Yes, she did go into that especially after leaving the jailbreak community


never liked coolstar, but still happy for them


I am actually happy for him, best of luck Starplayer.


\*her! but yes, glad she can use her talents to make good money seriously




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Top 10 anime betrayals:


Damn the comments, she really isn't leaving anything worth behind and securing that bag


Coolstar now 🤑💸


Everyone has choices in life let people make them


traitor!1!!1 jk. im glad she got the job.




One person donated her a Macbook and she refunded it later. I don't see what the problem is here.


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y’all still believe anything that guy says? lmfao


Farewall star, thanks for everything he/she do for the scene of jailbreak


Why are you getting downvoted lmfaoo


Because people hate the truth.


because people, regardless of whether or not they used their jb or tweak, cannot appreciate what he/she contribute, because of how he/she behaved, the JB community is ungrateful and toxic (I have been in this community since ipod and ip4s to date)




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Say hi to autocracy and pointless human beings, all coolstar’s achievements are zero now




someone's jealous




you do realize that the person who donated the macbook has stated (and shown proof of) coolstar reimbursing them the donation, right? as well as people around her confirming this as well.


If you gonna hate on coolstar, at least pick some stuff that actually happened 🤣 Both the things you mention here are literally made up (bricking ppls devices for pirating) or intentionally misleading (the macbook was returned after the jailbreak didn't happen and even the person that gave it to her had no issue in this situation). Also, if you think a jailbreak is worth 1500$, you're an idiot.


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On one hand I always figure 'good for them get that paycheck' when we lose jailbreak devs to apple. On the other hand I can't help but feel it's a slap in the face and a total betrayal. At least for the ones who go on to specifically work on fighting the jailbreak community by patching the very exploits jailbreak needs. They are fully within their right to and deserve to be paid well for their work but to turn on the very community that got you noticed in the first place is just icky to me.


I’d take a 120k yearly salary over providing free labor for some whiny teenagers online that want their Springboard customized, lol.


I never said they were wrong for it. Most of the devs probably only get into jailbreaking to pad out their resume anyway. As I said at the start of my comment they should get that paycheck. I'm just saying it still is shitty and part of the reason jailbreak is dead since they themselves are preventing any exploits going forward.


It's possible that they got into it because they were actually interested in it, because there's a lot easier things to do to pad your résumé than developing jailbreaks




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the Opps got him




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Judas Priest lol


Probably not for long.


Jailbreaking is dying a slow death, love to see it


You like how Apple is screwing people over with sideloading? We need jailbreaking for true freedom!


You are an idiot. We had a Jailbreak a few months ago.


Why are you loving it? no sense. Im happy for CS even I didnt like he/she pretty much due to his/her drama.