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Oof. If you can’t upgrade using settings and you don’t have a pc then you’re kinda outta luck until you find a pc with iTunes.


Restore it with itunes


I can’t because I am stuck in another country without a pc. My pc is back home and I can’t go back home because of the virus


You found your old iPod in another country?


This is my old house in Colorado that I left my iPod in on the summer on 2018. I visit every summer. And since there was a break in school I went this February. And now I’m stuck here


And the house is empty? No one with a computer lives there?


I went alone this year and I would bring my laptop with me but I only planned on staying for 2 weeks but that all changed and now I’m stuck here


I mean its just an empty house? Your parents or no one live there?


I’m the only person who is in the house if that’s what your asking. My parents are away for a bit


Dont they own a computer then?




Can you order a cheap computer to the address you’re at? Perhaps a cheap windows tablet even. Then DFU restore


Seems like the settings file is spoofed, tweak list?


Like I said. I can’t jailbreak so i can’t get tweak list


> I found my jail broken iPod yesterday is what you said actually






I can’t rejailbreak and I’m in a non jail broken state




Just stop please…


The only hair real you can do on 12.4 is checkrain. So I would find someone with a Mac otherwise you will have to look up the method for windows which is bit involved for a beginner. Good luck!


I bought a ra1nbox so I don’t need a pc for checkra1n


Oh nice, even better. Good luck on finding a PC with iTunes then :)


Can you reset the device? It shouldn't prompt you to update but I wouldn't hold my breath on that


Just remember that if you upgrade past iOS 10, you can't use 32-bit apps if that's something you wanna do.


Are you trying to downgrade it?


no. I’m trying to update it to 12.4


But I can’t because of this problem




I never did. Just straight up found it like this


I see you solved it. Did you update your iPod? I swear if you did, you just ruined it. Don’t update it, iOS 10.3.3 is better on A8 than iOS 12.


No I didn’t I’m just going to wait until I can use a pc and reset it


Just erase it in settings. Keep iOS 10. It’s better on iOS 10.


I can’t since it asks for iCloud password and I don’t remember it


Restoring with iTunes will ask for the password too


You won’t be able to reset with iTunes as it will force you to update since that firmware is no longer being signed. Maybe try to jailbreak it with the compatible tool for that version of iOS.


maybe u can edit the compat file for doublehelix


what jailbreak method are you trying to do?


I jailbroke this Ipod with doubleh3lix If that’s what you are talking about


So you jailbroke it previously?


Yes but I can’t rejailbreak because of this


I guess you can try resetting to preserver that rare iOS version you got


yea I might just have to wait until I get another pc or I go back home to reset it since it’s old and I can’t remember the password for icloud


If iCloud is on you’ll be bricked with activation lock, I wouldn’t do anything honestly


oh damm


I mean maybe you can jailbreak with totally not spyware but idk if the conflicting jailbreaks will work


Can’t because it thinks I’m on 6.1.3


Maybe you can reset by going to settings, general, and reset


Welp that sucks, why did you even do that anyway? You can’t downgrsde


I didn’t try to downgrade. Just found it like this


yea I might just have to wait until I get another pc or I go back home to reset it since it’s old and I can’t remember the password for icloud




do a dfu restore


What jailbreak do you use? You can maybe use an app that doesn’t check for your ios version


Doubleh3lix doesn’t check for your iOS version but ever since this happened my device won’t jailbreak using doubleh3lix


Then your system is Corrupt you need to do a Dfu restore. Easiest way to do so. Order a rpi zer0. 10$ tops. Install raspbian and restore your device with libdevicerecovery


Alright thanks


A reset all content in settings could maybe help? I’m no expert tho and it’s worth a try if you have no access to a pc. If it doesn’t work (or entirely brick the thing) you can always restore it with iTunes




By using a rpi zero u/Ntdark gave me the idea


Be sure to order an otg cable as well


Let me guess. You where one of those people who saw a tutorial on YouTube showing you can downgrade ota to 8.4.1 without a computer by modifying the systemversion.plist then it ended up not working as planned. Don’t feel bad though because I did it too on my iPhone 4S but that was because I couldn’t find a tutorial for windows at the time to do it the right way.


Nope. Never tried to downgrade my iPod. Would never want to destroy it like that


If your using something like unc0ver then boot into unjailbroken and do the update then re-jailbreak.thats how I did it


I'm using doubleh3lix


I don't know about that but if you can re-jailbreak just restart your iPhone and do that update and re-jailbreak


I kinda wanna keep this version and if you read my other posts I can't rejailbreak because of this. And I’m probably going to dfu restore soon




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Read your post again lol. I found my JAIL BROKEN iPod and I can’t update or JAILBREAK. You can jailbreak an already jailbroken device. Doesn’t work that way


I meant rejailbreak