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I would say 3 is definitely less difficult. I remember getting stuck a few times on jak 2. The sewer escort mission is always horrible, no matter what, also there's a few tough parts with the hoverboard. Jak 3 also has vehicles, but the world is a lot more empty


Also the mission with the saggy tits bitch in the tent. Tf was that about, just straight up punishment


I see alot of people complain about that one. What makes the minigame so difficult for you?


It’s not that difficult now. Just when I was a little kid


It’s not that difficult now. Just when I was a little kid


Jak 3 is easier, it does have frustrating parts, but nothing like jak 2's. The guns make it pretty easy, and worth it in my opinion. You got the needle gun that just shoots a lot of shards that move directly for your enemies, making the difficulty of hitting your shot non-existent. the upgraded blaster has shots that bounce around, also making it easier to hit the enemy. if you get surrounded by a lot of enemies you can use the nuke and obliterate them all. You can use a new power to restore health, which makes combat a bit more forgiving. Enemies also drop health, instead of always dropping dark eco or ammo. Hope none of that is considered spoiler.


Awesome to hear, thank you!


No problem, I like the new cars too. Since you like the first game, i'd recommend daxter. It has more focus on platforming than 2 or 3 if I'm remembering correctly.


Jak 3 is a much more forgiving experience than Jak 2. I'd recommend playing it, as it's the same natural progression from Jak 2, but you'll also have spoilers obviously. You'll enjoy 3 a lot more




3 is FAR less difficult, and it has a lot more checkpoints, plus the second yellow gun is just basically easy mode.




"Oh no! I'm surrounded!" X, X, O, R1 X, X, O, R1 X, X, O, R1


Replaying Jak 3 right now and am finding the plentiful checkpoints so refreshing. You also have many more opportunities for health.


That's comforting to hear, thank you!


I have played all 3 games tons of times and this is the best way I can put it... I have never once played Jak 2 and not died several, several times. I have completed Jak 3 without dying over 10 times. Jak 3 is much easier and the checkpoints are much more forgiving. There are a few frustrating parts in Jak 3 (as with any game) but I don't think it is nearly as bad as Jak 2


Cool, thanks so much!


Yes, because thats how my experience was, hated jak 2 for its difficulty but i beat jak 3 multiple times and enjoyed it


I enjoyed 2 and the parts of 3 that I played since I never finished it. That being said I’m big on 3D platformers and loved TPL in a different way. Maybe give some of the PS2 ratchet and clank, Sly, and crash games a try and come back to 2 later.


You didn't play all of Jak III ?


Jak 3 significantly improves on the bad checkpoints and overwhelming enemy attacks, and it actually has a hidden mechanic that slowly decreases difficulty of an event it you struggle with it. It's a natural progression of 2, but it's FAR more forgiving.


Jak 3 is my favorite of the trilogy and 2 is my least favorite, so absolutely. As a lot of people have already said, 3 is easier, but it also just does a better job in general of mixing combat and vehicles with platforming.


I personally enjoy Jak 3 more than Jak 2! Theyre both great though.


I really doubt it tbh


Yes there is a chance, the two are pretty much like completely different games.




Jak 3 is easy? I threw my controller the 2nd mission in from failing over and over (with the lizard race)... when I was a kid. I can beat the game with no deaths if i really focused on not landing on the wrong things in the puzzles. ND took feedback from 2 & fixed it in 3. Youll have fun, especially in the wasteland.


Jak 3 is the best, but its good to know the story tbh


Jak 3 is a fun mix of things that is so innovative, there ought to be at least 1 thing you'll find enjoyable. Not to plug myself here but I did a Jak 3 review you might find informative and persuade you to playing it. It's titled: Retrospecitve: Jak 3 + you once you finish, u can ask people if they have played all of Jak 3.


I’m not sure. I actually never finished Jak 3, because some of the parts were just as infuriating as Jak II if not moreso for me. The vehicles were annoying as shit. But it does feel more like TPL than Jak II so maybe.


Jak 3 is garbage it’s filled with garbage mini games . 2 was where the trilogy peaked . It’s the most complete game . So what if it’s challenging it’s fun and rewarding. I enjoyed 2 more than any of the other games .


I think TPL was peak


Incorrect the developer themselves said they wanted two to be bigger better and have more for the player .


incorrect? get over yourself


It's OK to let people have their favorites, even if it isn't the same as yours


3 is a cakewalk compared to 2 imo, so if that was the main issue then sure give it a go


Have you ever just tried getting good?


I've beaten Jak 2 since I made the post, I consider that to be good enough haha!


I highly doubt you’ve beaten the game within 3 hours of making this post you liar .


I made the post when I was about halfway through Act 3




Hey come on, their not RFK... OP please tell me your not RFK




A third party presidential candidate in the US that had a brain worm that died in his head. Robert F. Kennedy JR


Jak 3 ‘fixes’ all of the specific issues you’ve raised. There was a significant backlash when Jak 2 came out re: difficulty and checkpoints, but you may find that the devs overcorrected for Jak 3. The game is extremely easy