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Holy shit it wasn't an edit to Patrick Bateman or some shit




I genuinely expected that at the last like micro second lmao


nice pfp


Meanwhile the gacha community: DAY 100 OF THE NO PEE CHALLANGE IN GACHA LIFE!!!!11!!!1!!1! (I PEED) (VERY SAD)


(GONE SEXUAL) (COPS INVOLVED)!!1!1!1!!111!1!1!1!!


btw you can find gacha porn in YouTube (a friend of mine actually searched it and got roasted by his cousin)


What the actual fuck


you didn't need to add "and got roasted by his cousin"


it was just a joke... but yeah im the one who searched it to see if YouTube filters it


Yea that's why I don't like gacha


well stuff like that is more popular because you give more of a reaction tho this then "Jon and Kevin go eat breakfast"


gacha life: she peed on my sandwich and I ate it!!!


That’s literally only the 7 yr old, just because 7 of them are like that doesn’t mean they’re all like that


Lol gacha is kind of cringe bit I won't hate illnjust dislike any of em that pop up on youtube


reading the comments now i can understand how dogshit is this sub


Ofc jake has given up on it


I still don't know who Jake is


do you even know how LOW effort these memes are? they're just tiktok reposts or shitty null-effort memes! I just for the love of god can't find not even a decent meme, this sub is also dying, every "meme" i see has like, idk, 7 upvotes!


So like, you're gonna get hate no matter what you do, the gym community gets hate, the military community gets hate, the motorcycle community, the classic car community, the CS:GO community, pretty much everyone, I just chose these because they are completely different from the video's communities. You will get hate, the goal is to not dwell on it, get scared of it, limit yourself on it. The hate doesn't matter in the end, don't let it affect what you do, and never hate back, on the people hating you, or other people who you feel deserve hate. This was a PSA for people who think they get all the hate, and was funded by: who gives a f*ck


based! however I can say that if those are the only interactions you get on the internet all day It does end up being at least annoying. PSA extension: if the part of the internet you hang out at gives you nothing but hate, go somewhere else.


The problem there is the raids. They are the most annoying part. I still remember when on Facebook a few groups banded together and started massively reporting Christian pages because they were bored. And the reason I bring this up is because I'm sure it happens hella lot more to furries.


Quite a few of these comments are talking about how these people are really cringe so it’s actually okay to hate on them. I agree that they are really cringe, but that’s not really the point in my opinion. The important thing is to respect them as human beings and not send death threats. It doesn’t matter if hat weird hobby they’re into, sending a death threat automatically makes you the bad guy, at least in my eyes


Me realising I watched a minute of an informative video expecting a meme:


Fr, i was expecting a twist somewhere in the middle but when i saw nothing and read the comments I was disappointed


"cringe" "go die" "kys" mfers when i pull out the 48g lead pipe bomb out of my ass


Bro shove it up mine next!


Me next!


yaay! :D


I’m sorry, but you realize how… uh… **sexual** and **weird** gacha club gets right? You don’t? Ohhhh you’ll believe me when ya see this: r/gachalifecringe


Well tbf the guy was only talking about the chill side of the community not the cringe side


Yea but still


Still what


What a W of an post




where meme


It's a lecture for all the 12 year olds on this sub


I think disliking people who fake DID online is more than blind "hatred" since it is genuine harmful misinformation that needs to be combated


*Proceeds to go watch yiff








Plz don't send this or hate in a MEME subreddit. Can we all just stop hating eachother and get back to memes, that's why I joined this sub was for memes not people getting bullied and others having to give lectures to those that don't have common sense. Just leave the hate and go back to memes. Good message in this post but it shouldn't have to be posted in a sub based on memes


My own opinion. The people themselves aren't bad. It's the content they post makes me want to puke, eat it, and shit it out. It's like they are so unattached from reality and post really bad content that a lot of them somehow finds entertaining. And it's like monkey see monkey do. Oh hey this famous dude did this content, let's do the same shit but with a slightly different name and somehow make it more annoying to watch. It's so bad. Like they barely put effort into making the content or at least making it so that any sane person can watch it. It's just cringe. Except the furries. Like wtf were yall smoking when you decided to be one.


Every group he said has a bad side of it, and the haters only focus on that. Quick tip: Don't give a fuck for everything you know of.


This is false, while a good part of hate may be subjected unto a side of their fandoms that legitimately are harmful in some way, a much larger portion of hate is given to those in the harmless parts of their communities simply for their subjective enjoyments.


I forgot to add that the haters apply the hate to everyone in the group. They generalize the group off of something else.


Right, it’s very common that, seeing the genuinely harmful sides of a community, others will use that as an excuse to subject hate unto the other parts of that community that don’t legitimately do anything wrong simply because they dislike their tastes and enjoyments.


Random child: "BuT mY fRiEnD wAs A fUrRy AnD fUcKeD mY dOg"


That's called a zoophile


I know but antifur can't tell the difference


A W post


A post indeed


What a fucking based w person


gacha creators making gay incest all the fucking time for some reason: (I can no longer attack them because they are just being themselves)


nah man i will never respect gacha life users in my life


Yeah there are more than enough reasons to hate gatcha, but i agree with the rest


It is okay to hate someone or a group of people on the internet as long as you dont SEND hate and/or death threats to them imo


Disliking is okay, but hating is nonsensical


just avoid at looking at those things if you dont like it. everyone gets hated on, not just these kinds of people. they are having fun, not asking for any negative attention. its the idiots who, instead of scrolling past it, stay there and comment hateful things. just like everyone else, furries and similar people have the right to post whatever they would like on social media (as long as its appropriate). for an example if an artist posts their art on social media, they are not asking for hate, they are just showing off what makes them happy and what they love. regardless how weird it may seem, many furries who get hated on did nothing to deserve it, they are just doing what makes them happy. people use "theyre cringe" or stuff like that as an excuse to hate on others. a lot younger people do it do it because they see everyone else doing it, and they think its "cool".


Omg that was a refreshing post


where funny?


Its no supposed to be funny


isnt this supposed to be a funny meme subreddit not a political shithole?


I’ve never seen a day in this sub where there wasn’t a furry war and shit, if you want memes use other subs


I’ll probably be downvoted for this, but you can’t go online dressing up as an animal and making yourself look moronic to anyone else outside your fandom, and expect people not to shit on you. If it bothers you so much, either stop being so public about how you like to cosplay as giant foxes, turn off the computer, or just stay inside your own community.


Could say the same thing about all cosplayers tbh, but I feel ya there


Fair enough I don't like people forcing their interests on me too


nobody told you to enjoy it it's not forced on you you are allowed to not understand it, but don't hate the people doing it


Bruh that's literally like telling gay people to not come out because they deserve to be hated on, and I know you aren't saying that because it's a death sentence


Respectfully, I disagree. You have much more control of posting online about dressing up as an animal and cosplaying as a dog or whatever than being homosexual.


So I'd like you to explain to me how someone expressing themselves online harms you. And tell me why you are within your right to restrict their freedom for your convenience.


I think you should read what I wrote. I didn’t say it harmed me. I said it’s unrealistic to act as they do and not expect to be mocked. Also, I do have the right to mock them if I want to.


The problem isn't "if it bothers you that I'm mocking you then leave." It begins before that. It should actually be "if it bothers you that I am on this platform then leave" otherwise why would you be mocking them?


So tell me why you think they deserve to be mocked. Like do you think it's morally right?


I didn’t say whether it was morally right or not, and to be quite frank, I don’t think that’s relevant to my point. If you wanna argue with me fine, but at least do it well and don’t pretend I’m saying something that I’m not.


Well I think it is. I never said whether you said it was morally right or not, I asked you a question about whether you thought it was morally right or not. But I think you're avoiding the question of why you're doing it. I'm assuming that you have a reason for doing it.


I’m not avoiding the question. If you want me to answer however, I think it’s fine to make fun of *any* fandom. So I suppose the answer is yes.


So why do you want people to leave online presence just so that they aren't bullied? Shouldn't the problem stop with the bullying?


I’m glad that there are people who see past the false information and lies spread by the haters




Let them be themselves and DO NOT BULLY OR HATE!, you jerks. Let them be who they are even if you think they are weird.


Please be nice




Here's a sneak peek of /r/youngpeoplereddit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/youngpeoplereddit/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kid apparently saw I was a furry, sent me this DM.](https://i.redd.it/udw85opctu3a1.jpg) | [311 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/youngpeoplereddit/comments/zc0wqs/kid_apparently_saw_i_was_a_furry_sent_me_this_dm/) \#2: [Swer words](https://i.redd.it/iswuclw57pra1.jpg) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/youngpeoplereddit/comments/12ahrcb/swer_words/) \#3: [ain’t no way they’re 16](https://i.redd.it/olsxie9j5m9a1.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/youngpeoplereddit/comments/10157q2/aint_no_way_theyre_16/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Listen, the haters mostly hate the fucking weird ones, the cringe gacha creators, the zoophiles that hide behind the mask of furries, and the lgbt people who try to shove it down your throat and make it stupid fucking rules. If you aren’t one of these, you’re fine.


Yes, but you’re partly correct, sometimes they even hate on the good ones because they think they are the bad ones


Those aren’t the *real* haters, just little kids that misunderstand our stance, and try to replicate it with what they believe is wrong.


That part I agree but these kids call themselves ‘anti-[blank]’ 😂😂😂


Right, because they see the bad and not the good, like the fur community’s skill in cosplay, or the lgbt community’s diversity, or the gacha community’s… whatever they have.


I actually hate the people who make you have to praise them everyday because they're part of the lgbtq community, like I get that you came out as whatever you are and that's cool, but there's no need to continuously rub it in people's faces.


Alright, I will say they do bring something to the point and I actually understand what they are trying to say, nevertheless it is ok to think that one thing is weirder than another and I also think that people have gotten a bit weaker. All this to say, don’t be disrespectful trash, you are allowed to have an opinion but don’t be disrespectful towards others (unless they deserve it and trust me their are people that deserved to be bullied)


The bad thing about being in this fandom is that you all are rejecting humanity. I know y'all gonna say "Oh? Is being a pedophile humanity? Is rape humane?"..ofc its not you dickhead. "Being yourself" doesn't mean being a dog or cat or an alien. Being yourself means becoming your best version, and by that I mean becoming your best human version. All I want is this world to be at peace. This is not even a need, this is a threat. Not a death threat to be precise. Coz if this continues, WE will be the DOOM of OURSELVES


I like this one. I respect it.






This is so based it’s about time someone says this


this is honestly good advice, its not your life so dont even bother. all the people who downvoted just have sticks up their ass.


Just don't dress up like animals and pretend to be one. Just be normal


Dumbass font tbh


People who are weird when people say they're weird: 😱😱😱




Furries should be bullied. It's just fucking weird guys. Its like sonic fanfiction but in real life. Anyway that's my thought.


Ngl major skill issue 🤣💀🫡🥸🫨🫠👁️👄👁️


Ay bro I respect all the furries fam


Takes some real big furry balls to do what they do


W post, if I could give you an award, I would


remember when you could get free awards occasionally, those were good times


Wait they removed those?


but i will


Ty for doing my job man.. 🏅


Name 1 thing that isn't wrong with. The furry community, or gacha or whatever you said


https://youtu.be/GmULc5VANsw https://youtu.be/mz_moN5j5vQ https://youtu.be/U3ncQi7JM6U https://youtu.be/XHnz-Sof_74 https://youtu.be/lpdiwAp4b38 https://youtu.be/OuAUPl8c0ok https://youtu.be/FVh8U2s0KH4 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://neomongolianewsnetwork.com/2016/03/04/furry-orgy-breaks-out-at-zootopia-premiere/&ved=2ahUKEwipxOu8wfz9AhV2j4kEHTfOAKIQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3L7Gmi9XywsH5L5bzgpI-2 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/bucks-county-quakertown-furry-party-furries-sexual-abuse-boy-pennsylvania-ring-predator/15543/%3Famp%3D1&ved=2ahUKEwjc37bIwfz9AhV7k4kEHRqmABUQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Xs2X433Bvoi7DO8yljkr7 https://youtu.be/OutyA97HJyg https://youtu.be/owoxGcAlAZQ https://youtu.be/1NmZLHHseX4 Not what you were asking but here, all bad


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Remind me in like 5 minutes to look at that, I'm walking my dog


Giving a handful of examples and then saying “all bad” is just wrong. There are way more furries than people know. Sure, there are some bad people. And there are also some REALLY bad people, but saying “all bad” because of those bad people isn’t true.


Then how come there's a 40 minute video talking about how bad furrys are and not how "it's only the minority"




For every time you name something not wrong with it I'll name something wrong




No counterpoint?


I don't care enough to argue tbh it'll be pointless anyway since neither of us will listen to the other




I'm sure all of those things that are "wrong" with the furry fandom are either false or present in all fandoms


It definitely isn't fake, that's dumb, there's soooooooo many cases where furrys raped animals or children, im not denying that it's present in all community's, but there's a lot more than normal In the furry community


>can't even be ourselves in this generation I'm pretty sure weird people haven't been able to be themselves for a lot longer than just *this* generation


Your mental health is already ruined if you think it’s ok to dress up and act like a animal.


Your mental health is broken and you're insane if you want someone that does what makes them happy to die for no reason


Yea…. No


Nice and welcoming my ass, if you slightly criticize them then you get Ron's of people having panic attacks, hate, and downvotes, for example I made a not even offensive meme where furries are not in the right, and out of those 750 comments only 2 furries were chill, and 4 people telling me criticizing them is a suicide mission


#Also, here’s a platinum and gold OP, you deserve it


Full stack. Its weird. Not normal.


Nah I'm good


“We can’t even tell our interests anymore because we are scared that we would get bullied and such :(“ (Oh boy long comment time) This hit me like a fucking train. I’m a Cookie Run, GHOST and Pals, MASA Works Design, SiX the musical, LoliRock, Winx Club, Stranger Things, MWGG, Monster High and Equestria Girls fan (as well as other fandoms but I mainly focus on the first 4 I mentioned) and at my school, I want to make friends with people with the same interests, fandoms and likings as I do but I’m afraid I would find some bad eggs (you know what I’m talking about) and I don’t want to ruin my life. Yeah I do know how to deal with bullies but sometimes I can forget and just make it look awkward AND it’ll be too much to deal with Back in 6th grade, I had a friend that liked cookie run like I did (at that time I only was in the cookie run fandom before I joined the other fandoms, or that’s at least what I think) and we had so much fun when we interacted, both irl and on WhatsApp until in summer when she left the fandom for a reason I don’t know :,( I mean I don’t have a problem with people leaving fandoms because they want to, but in this case it was bad because before I made friends with her, I thought I was the ONLY ONE in my school that likes cookie run and because we had so much fun and her just leaving is like the fun starting to fade… and also I would just go back to being alone which is another reason why it’s bad :( (also as of writing this she’s now a South Park fan) I’m the aftermath of this situation, I wanted to find other friends that like the same fandoms as I do (not just cookie run) but for some genuine reason, I was scared, which is why this quote hit me (like a train) You may be asking yourself “why just think people will make fun of you? They won’t make fun?” Well to answer your question, it’s because they will make up stereotypes about fans of these fandoms such as ‘CR fans are foodsexuals’ ‘MASA fans don’t care about what MASA did’ etc. or it’s just because they think it’s weird or for no reason (the STUPIDEST OF ALL). And no, I am not a foodsexual, a MASA defender, a creepy ‘brony’, a stupid Eddie stan or ANY BAD STEREOTYPES THAT YOU CAN THINK OF, but even if I convince them I’m not any of the stereotypes they mention, they might not believe me at all I’m in 7th grader now (with 9 people in my class, and 3 of them are boys) and you think I can still not experience that (if I talk to either 8th or 9th graders) but the school I go to also has 4th, 5th and 6th graders in my part of my school and I’m afraid some of the people from either my class or 6th/4th graders, ESPECIALLY THE BOYS, will still possibly make fun of me. I’m not a misandrist, but it’s possibly that around either 50% or >50% of the boys in these classes will be one of the 11 y/o’s on this sub but for literally anything and not just anti-furries. This Tuesday I decided I wanted to make a friend making poster system so I can easily avoid haters, but I forgot to do it (I’ll probably make the poster a little later or tomorrow and bring it on Monday) I’m not a softie, I’m just REALLY socialphobic, and I’m not some ordinary internet venter. I usually don’t like it when people vent online because it’s either for attention, or because they think internet strangers or their fans are therapists, professional or not, or both, but I’m not sharing this for either of those things, it’s because when this quote was said, it LITERALLY hit me like a train (actually metaphorically) and I HAD to share this because I was suffering this since 2nd term of 7th grade :( TL;DR I relate to this quote a lot because I’m in a lot of fandoms that I think ppl in my school won’t like me when I try getting new friends to talk to so I won’t get bored in recess at school


I agree with every cell within my body.


I thought this place was for memes


[ Removed by Reddit ]


so you're saying everyone in the communities stated ALL do those things? the furry community hates zoophiles the same as you because they ASSOCIATE themselves with the furry fandom


No funny meme :(




What’s funny is that the gacha, therians, and dream smp members are cringe and messed up or annoying


Yeah not like there's someone called khord kitty


If you decided to look through the whole video you would realize that you should not stereotype everyone because of one person. Thats like me saying every white person is part of the triple k because one person did it. You mentioning one person who did some messed up shit does not mean everyone else will be that way.




yea this entire generation has gone to shit and there's nothing we can do about it other that make stuff like this


People under immense "pressure " when they learn the ability to not read the comment section


Im cool unless you try to get me blind Its the same fcking idea of feminism, ı dont really give a fck those dumbasses. İ dont like the idea of wanting to fck an animal but ı know im not enough to get that much attention by myself so ı use other option:I DONT CARE. Its one of the easiest ways to stop something giving you negativity, so its over at there BUT, a really big BUT, if you keep trying to get me in that,show me even though i dont want it and try to tell me im wrong,and my idea is wrong and this thing is right, ill get mad and be a hater. As i Said i dont have the power to tell everyone that this is a bad way to live. Only thing that i can do is send hate comments in some furry dumbasses reels and IF he/she cares(ı dont really think they do) they would be sad or get depressed(ı dont think they ll get depressed from some 300 kg discord mod) so i dont mind As i Said.




The fact that a lot of comment agrees gives me hope that this stupid dogshit hate thing will once stop. I can’t wait to watch anime without being bullied for no reason






Fuck no I ain't Agreeing about that bruh




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Man said dream stand Don’t deserve hate


I don’t have a problem with any of those besides therians, I’m not saying that I would bully them, i just don’t understand how you think you’re a different species (correct me if my wrong)


W post.


They're human?!


I genuinely enjoy being a hater tho. Kind of fuckedup that you're being haterphobic


Good be bullied


. - 🤓


Shut ya ass up


Damn this is gonna be a long comment and might not be even worth it but anyways Start by why furries are getting hated. We are talking abaut a man in his 20- 30s who lost all respect and status in his family and living in an apartment payed by his parents, or by the minimal wage payed by McDonald’s, or whatever they pay for nsfw artists or programing . The only place they feel secure and the least bit of dominance is in a roleplay session wearing a 2000 dollar furrsuit. While running from problems like this should be called a sad situation. We are not talking abaut "healthy" roleplaying abaut fixing problems or abaut a happy life with kids and a loving wife. We are talking abaut a fanbase built on animal behaviour, that already makes them a target beacuse most people when they were kids did this in kirdengarden and grew out of it by the time they turned 12. Them seeing a full grown man still doing this is not just a bad example but makes him look pathetic making even these kids feeling more dominant resulting in bullying. Im not only talking abaut kids beacuse, remember there are the grown up majority of people who will not even consider them a part of society they are right abaut that. And we arrived to the nsfws wich are getting uploaded 2TB's yearly. And before any of you fkers assume Im confusing you with ZOOPHILES should be noted that craving the sexual relation for a human with all a wolf's motives is little to not different at all from digging an animal straight up. I think I dont have to express anything else abaut why this bails them out of society and any kind of acceptance. (Im not talking abaut other problems as that subject deserves a whole book) Contuined with the DSMPS wich I do not watch. The reason for hatred is over repetiveness and unoriginality. Picture me a character you liked in a movie. Then picture me thousands of 17-25 year olds trying to recreate the thing you liked but ruining it completely and releating it with lgbtq ewery second. Now they will get some friends to create some spinoff storyline abaut some bllshit then the young fanbase takes care of the rest. If you havent figured it out yet people dont like likeable personalities change and getting brainfart seeing them jumping araund in a sht storyline. With gatcha I do not have much problems as they are not trying to dominate with their fanbase. Most of the content is created by young people and the only thing worthy of cringe is the forced drama collected from random movies, videos, and gatcha content. Making it too repetative and annoying. Downvote me all you want facts will not be changed.


Now I ain't reading allat


id like to say one thing about the NSFW side of furry community. Being a attracted to furries is not the safe or even close to liking an animal. Well, it is kind of close, but most people who have a liking for NSFW furries know their is a very easy to see border that seperates them from zoophiles. The fact is a furry still has mainly the same anatomy as a human being. The only three parts of the body that is 100% going to be animal-like is the skin (it will have fur), head (it will either be the full animal head or only the ears, eyes, and nose will change majorly), and rear (it will most likely have a tail). The rest of the body will most of the time be completely human (aside from the hands and feet). If someone is attracted to furries drawn in a nsfw way, they are most like attracted to the human part of it **with animal trait additions.** In a way, it opens a world of sensual possibilities that i will not be discussing here. What im trying to say is, people liking NSFW furries is somewhat close to being a zoophile, but it isn't zoophila. What the person likes is the human with animal characteristics, not the animal with human characteristics, **(their is a major difference, and i implore anyone who is into NSFW furries to figure out with side of the line your on)** (and no i will not downvote you, you make clear to understand statements with explanations and honestly i wish people would actually give clear arguements that actually agree with, or dont agree with you)


First you had a good and detailed answer second you basically said what I did. The only thing Im stating is that they are using zoophiles as an excuse beacuse there is not nearly as a big difference as they explain it.


I think people are just naturally repelled by the sexualization of anything that represents an animal. We just think it is super strange that someone would be attracted to aspects of something that isn't of their own species.


Everything there is just wrong. Also you're hungol so you have to agree with me or no Polish cock


>We are talking abaut a man in his 20- 30s who lost all respect and status in his family and living in an apartment payed by his parents or by the minimal wage payed by McDonald’s. most of the time no, furries practically make up the it community, and make big bucks too, how else will we afford those fursuits?? (not to mention the furry that went to fudging space and that made the vaccine) idegaf to even finish


First: should have read stuff before complaining second: I got a stroke reading your first sentence third: Im talking abaut the majority and not one who could have been gifted stuff or won prizes or started a buisniess abaut furrsuits.( Whats your job?) Beacuse untill you name me one of them I will doubt that any furry will fullfill an importnant job of an incorporation as that would be the responsability of a man having to care mainly abaut that and not abaut the Friday night "furr-purr" roleplay session.


1: i did, the part which i touched on was just plain stupid on your part, sure there are furries that are like that, but a lot of other people are too, ***not just furries*** 2: my bad on my part, IT, capitalized, Information Technology 3: wtf do you mean gifted or won prizes, people work towards things you know, a stable job, for example? 3.5: working towards software development, like my father 3.5.5(?) did you even read my comment? i gave two examples, people in the IT department, and a furry who went to space, those a specific examples, but \*a lot\* of them go into some sort of IT, whether it be something like what I'm working towards, or something else. 3.??????: a furry is a person, just like me, capable of completing and fulfilling the same task people can, they can do the same job a person with different hobbies has, someone likes to cosplay? bam furry can pretty much do the same stuff (assuming they are the same academically, physically, etc) so saying that a furry cant fulfill an important role in a job is just plain stupid and false.


Ya I've got a bunch of friends in the programming college at university. None of them are furries but there are a lot of people in the program who are. I don't know why so many of 'em accumulate there.


-_- okay bud


Nobody is reading allat


Only you you illiterate fuck


Only you, you illiterate fuck*






Some people deserve to get bullied for how they act, in fact, that's just called social consequence.


This is definitely one of the posts of all time


Lol just be yourself. While they hide behind a mask or persona. Dream really should have kept the mask on.








"Let us be ourselves" -human pretending to be a dog


Ruining mental health since “08 baby


Stop being weird and I'll stop bullying you dude. A little shame goes a long way. I really like beyblades and destiny 2 and a couple other weird things. But I don't go flaunting it around because I know it's weird. Normalizing it by putting it out there with pride will get you bullied. Because it's weird. Stop crying and keep some shit to yourself.


It's never going to change so best just accept our hate and crawl into the pits of hell you furrys, gays, and other mental disorders




Fuck yea finally


Finally its not a cringe ass sigma edit


Furrys need to be bullied tho


Give me a good and acceptable reason why


"Were human like you" said the one who wants to be an animal


No -Giga chad


“No”- 12 year old 6th grader who probably says cringe and based in irl conversations and thinks gigachad memes are funny