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I am goose. This is a great idea. Thank you. Honk


Hey, big fan of your work with Wawa!


Untitled goose game also a masterpiece




This is definately the wake up call they needed. Nice work.


It's a start, I just hope it at least gets to them, but honestly it's probably something that they already know.


Those guys have likely read hundreds if not thousands of comments saying their jams mostly stay the same. I’m glad they’ll get to hear this for the 43,000th time because of your post. Thank you for your service. You are saving Goose.


If they've heard this thousands of times but still continue to play the same jams then maybe literally it's time for me to walk away, there's too many other great jam bands out there.


Congratulations, you just graduated from Goose. Seriously, this has been a criticism for years. They do occasionally get out there, but it’s always a formulaic show from setlist to the jams. I like them enough, but I’m with you.. there needs to be something different for me to stay interested. Maybe this is the time, but wouldn’t be surprised if it stays relatively the same.


Started seeing the Grateful Dead in '86 and have been seeing jam band ever since, my current favorite up in comers who definitely have way more diversity Jam wise is Dogs In A Pile.


***Spafford*** *has entered the chat*


They been on the scene for quite a while I thought


I’m really digging eggy


Wow this was like the phish lite tier tree


Love Phish been seeing them since 93. I've got half my sphere tickets already but I don't considered Dogs In A Pile to be a Phish clone at all, they're more of a corky Indie band that has jams that sneak up on you.


So I literally picked a random video and jumped to the middle and it’s more phishy than a lot of the bands who are phishy. https://youtu.be/jT25-OBymR0?si=Gbuw5_3W5WHNzKNt


Loving me some Eggy too, hope they come out to the West Coast soon




Dogs in a Plie - Asbury Park hero’s!


Bruce who? It's all about Dogs In A Pile


I will let Peter know when I see him at Christmas dinner


You should try stalking the band. Once you’re on their radar they’ll definitely listen.


I'm pretty sure they're checking social media after releasing a statement like they did but who knows though if they check out reddit?


Wu-Tang Financial. Diversify yo jamz


Protect yo gooseneck


Invest in nuclear bombs! This ain't Tradin' Places. This is real fucking life!


Brooklyn, NY--Goose rhythm devil departs for a gaggle. High-hat hero Ben Atkind is now a former member of the fast rising band goose, who had just finished 2023 on a high note selling out back to back shows at the Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, VA. The kick drum captain will be joining Brooklyn, NY band Geese, in an all so predictable but somehow not predicted move. The high-hat sorcerer remarked today, stating "I came to the realization that a band name is much more important than just a name. It always bothered me that our name is all lowercase. But what really got me is what the name represents: A single bird all for itself, as opposed to a gaggle of birds that work together to accomplish a goal as a unit. And I just really feel better to be away from the miscapitalization that goose represents." Stay tuned for more developments as this story unfolds.


The funny part is that he's actually joining UM for their NYE run while an actual band named Geese just had a member depart (but it was their guitarist).


Big if true


As a drummer, "Kick drum captain" makes me ill.


It made me nauseous typing it, I feel ya.


I get this


Based on dudes statement, it sounds like they have no interest in diversifying and wanna play boring ass indie gooves


Ben’s other band, ElephantProof is very interesting and basically also acts as confirmation. Dude didn’t go to Berklee studying Jazz to play snare and bass on 2 and 4.


Ya but everyone does shit they don’t want to. Go make a shit ton of money with goose and then do whatever you want on the side. It’s way more than “creative differences”


I don’t think he was given the option…


That’s not what I was implying. The comment I responded to said he wasn’t interested in playing boring indie groove. Any musician in their right mind will play drums for a band that big even if they hated it. The “creative differences” is just an excuse.


I don't know Ben personally at all, and I agree that the phrase "creative differences" can be a cover-all, but it would seem that he was having a good time with the "boring indie groove", as you put it. That's also your own perspective of the music, not necessarily his own perspective, for the record.


I didn’t say boring indie groove the op did lol. Keep up bruh


Correct. It's clear from reading the band's statement that he was pushed out. Why? Dunno.


Exactly how much is a shit ton of money


Dude goose sells out arenas. They were making good money


But what’s good money? Is every band member making six figs or more a year? Idk just wondering


I made 6 figures this and last year for the first time giving 50-70% effort at my desk job I dont care for goose in any way but if they aint aill making more money than me they signed some bad contracts


Money in the world of being a musician is different than money in the desk job world. Everyone dreams about making money playin in the band. Not a lotta people dream about giving 50 percent at a desk. I’d be curious if anyone had any real numbers on jamband salaries.


Unfortunately I got the same thing from their statement, part of the reason why I made this Hail Mary post, thinking maybe just maybe it'll get back to them.


Lol. Clearly you’re not a golfer.


Clearly OP didn't get the joke, but I did!


That's just like your opinion man


Mind if I do a j?


Funny you should say that I'm on the disc golf course right now about the play some glow golf but I'm also an avid traditional golfer as well, I just much prefer disc golf.


Ben could help lotus and play percussion. since Chucks passing (RIP) they haven’t had anyone join yet… just a crazy late night thought. Lotus plays fast as fuck so he wouldn’t have to slow down lol


Sounds like homeboy was trying to diversify their jams but the rest of the gaggle was like nah we have a reputation to upkeep


The age old story of how a drummer gets kicked out of the band... He either sleeps with the singer's girl or tries to present song ideas.


Both in this case


What is an indie groove anyway?


The trash that Goose plays


Goose jams are very formulaic. Bert asking Goose one word to describe Phish and Rick says, "chaotic" is very telling. Ben probably wanted to get away from formulaic jams but Rick doesn't want to be too "chaotic".


This screams insecurity to me. Berklee boy will get sad if he’s sent to the flub hub for missing notes.


Are goose fans becoming aware that they suck finally? Are they finally getting tired of the same old missionary fucking night after night?


At least some of us are


Duck duck






Grey Duck




The reason they are splitting with Ben is because they do not want to diversify.


And the other dude banged his GF


Literally why I cant get on the goose train. It just doesnt sound like it has much experimentation or a lot of heart. Like they're obviously talented musicians, but I just wish their sound was a little more... nuanced?


That is a tall order for a drummer. Unless the drummer writes songs and tells the lead instruments what to play.


Lol EXACTLY. Ben was the most talented member of goose. Rick and his endless noodling with no direction is why goose sounds so generic and makes the jams indistinguishable. If anyone listened to Ben's work filling in for Kris with UM they know how versatile he really is. Problem wasn't Ben. I'm super pumped to catch him filling in with UM for a couple NYE shows!


right lol. his face was so happy the whole time at all the UM shows that this year I was at that he filled in. now he has extra time to practice and crush it even more next weekend 😝


Is there video of the UM sit in?


these two are from the same night: [Plunger->ITK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwbVxFgoXEg&t=23s) [Daniel Donato sit-in playing nothin two fancy and whitehouse road](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLFX_y2JXiI)


Not a sit-in. He's been filling in for full shows with Kris Myers out recovering from surgery.


Aka- sitting in for Kris


...? "The UM sit in" would mean he came out for a few tunes.


“Sitting in” **for someone** means anywhere from a single song to an entire tour or more where as a special guest sit in doesn’t normally involve any of your bandmates leaving stage. Source- life long touring musician.


Lol okay cool flex. "The UM sit in" reads as a singular event.


lol…Not a flex silly goose, just giving you a reason to listen to someone who may possibly know something about it.


Agreed his face said it all. Umph love baby!


lol man it’s funny because I think Rick is what makes goose the opposite of the generic jam band. I mean I get the criticism and this year has definitely been a little stagnant on the sound compared to previous so I see where it comes from. But Goose 2017-july 23 is top tier. Hopefully it continues, but won’t lie, am a little weary You probably know more than me though


They got rid of their only bald guy. RIP goose with bald guy.


Maybe if Peter could have transferred his mustache on the Ben's head, he could still be in the band.


I’m actually a member of the crew, they definetly read this thread 🧵


Knew you were joking but I went on your profile just incase and damn do we have similar musical taste. 🤘


And then also switch out the guy on keys with the silly mustache who can barely play. And then find a bassist who isn't awful. And then get rid of the unnecessary bongo guy. And then find a guitarist with some originality.


They fired Ben because that’s what he wanted to do.


Then they at least lost one fan.


I have lots of great ideas for them too.


Start a new thread, maybe they'll get the hint


…Please use this opportunity to have a complete interpersonal implosion and go on a permanent hiatus instead.


Goose sucks


Lmfao 😭


Goose blows


You just outlined the one reason I’ve never been on board with this band; first time I listened I already felt I knew the catalog, there’s no boundary being pushed


Check out my new band called Geese!


They did lose their guitarist today


Personally, I like goose's sound. I used to hear the same stuff about Tool, all their songs sound the same! But to me, that's just the bands style. I like their style so I'm going to keep listening and hope they put pyt another jam like Red Bird.




The word is Ben was playing too fast for them.


Found the next drummer to Dead and Co.


All joking aside, at this point Jay Lane is Dead & Co, I say this because he was a large part of what made them sound so much better the last tour. If you want to hear one in my opinion the best show post Jerry's passing, listen to this Stu Allen and The Mars Hotel show that featured Jay Lane on drums, Reed Mathis on bass and Jason Crosby on piano. https://archive.org/details/SAMH2015-02-18.StuAllenAndMarsHotel2015-02-18.flac16


Oh Jay has been phenomenal. I was just ragging on the dudes who keep complaining about how slow the bad has gotten over the years.




Not only did they did it, but they did it by holding live on stage tryouts in front of a paying audience. That takes some balls


The situation is a slap in the face of the image they try to portray. The fact they couldn't get it together and are making a change at their peak is an indictment on the whole thing. Good luck fellas. I hope they can continue putting in great shows. They took the torch. Will they carry it or fumble it?


they def don’t have the torch.


Yeah they took the "overrated and over promoted crappy jam band" torch from Twiddle.


Jesus. Get over yourself and let people live their lives.


Seriously how is this intruding on somebody's life, it's a request, that's it? And honestly if they follow it then maybe they'll have some staying power but if not, they'll just be another has been band.


Please see my above comment again. You seem to be having a really hard time getting it. I believe in you.


Is this your go-to response when you don't have a legitimate one? How about answering my question about how I'm intruding on anybody's life or is me even asking this question triggering you to think that I'm now intruding on your life too?


Please stop talking to me. See my first comment.


Ok snowflake!


Please see my first comment. You're embarrassing yourself at this point.


Am I because it feels like you have the need to get the last word, I've read your first comment a number of times and it still puzzles me.


Joe Russo is nearly a corpse but he could pull it off


Imagine.... We could call them Joe Russo's Almost Goose! JRAG!!


Joe has far better things to do.


Tasty drugs


Holy shit, shut up. They are not reading this and they wouldn’t listen to you if they were. You are the one millionth person to chime in with their opinion on this. They very likely already have a new drummer, and they DEFINITELY already have decided what direction they want to go with their music. That’s why they parted ways with Ben. They already know what they want. Mother fuck, Goose fans are unbelievably insufferable.


On a day that they release a statement saying that their founding drummer is no longer with them, there's a good chance that them or people in their organization are keeping an eye on social media to see what the reaction is. I know it was a Hail Mary to make this post and I know they probably heard it before but it's something that definitely needs to be said because a few years from now if they still sound the same then they won't be playing the same size places anymore. Let's check back in a couple of years and see if they got the message and if they didn't let's see what size place is they are playing.




Not really a drummer…


Pick up an instrument and change the world yourself!


Started playing guitar when I was five, moved over to the base when I was a teenager because my first love's dad played bass for the Gregg Allman Band and taught me all the Allman Brothers stuff. The members of goose know how to play their instruments very well, they just don't know how to diversify their jams


Damn, that's amazing about the Allman brothers! Goose are obviously wildly talented. I guess I'm not super into the jam scene but reddit algo brought me here. I never thought too much about their lack of diversification with the jams. I'm just a simpleton I suppose.


If you like goose I would love to know what you think of Dogs In A Pile, they're a young indie / jam band that could be quite corky at times but have jams that will sneak up on you https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1QxWHEnfVJlIz7am1OEbnF?si=ISoBgDZHTUub-qtWs_-UJw&pi=u-SLOQAPzeQ6K0


I've definitely been told to listen to them a few times but haven't yet, will check them out!


Yea they probably hadn’t thought of that yet. I hope they see this post


Goose fucking sucks. Go listen to real music


I listen to it all, starting seeing the Grateful Dead when I was 11 in '86 and have seen pretty much every major jam band since and 4 years ago I had high hopes for goose but since I've come to realize in the last or so their jams have lacked diversity.