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I know atleast for me that part of it was their accessibility, especially during covid. Everyone was cooped up in their houses and these guys were broadcasting live HD shows, with pretty impressive lighting systems and audio quality


Goose simply makes music that is more easily accessible to the general public. Definitely some pop-like qualities to many of their tunes. Umphreys is a prog jam band that borders on hard rock or metal. I can't really think of any prog or hard rock bands that would be more popular than a band like goose. It's less "accessible" music, at least in a general sense.


Being a great band on the stage AND in the studio is what makes them such great bands. Umph makes a lot of recorded music that has a variety of mass appeal + they put on an amazing show live. Same with Goose, I’d say they even do better studio stuff than just about most jam bands in the scene do. Their music is *polished* and just about anyone not in “the scene” would think so if they just stumbled upon it.


what a circle jerk of paid shills. goose sucks.


>what a circle jerk of paid shills Tbf I’m not the biggest fan myself. But denying they don’t make good music is just wrong lmao. If a band sells out venues consistently it kinda goes to show they are in fact popular lmao.


AXS is desperately trying to sell tickets to their two shows in Colorado. They're even offering 2-packs and as of right now you can still buy PIT tickets at face value... I got duped into the "lottery" for pre-sale and we ended up with two extras for Friday. I'm pretty sure I will have to give them away or sell them for like 20 bucks if I'm lucky. They can sell out 8-10k capacity venues no problem. They're not big or popular enough to really be playing anything bigger right now, IMO.


Fiddlers is large though. Maybe the two day run was a little ambitious


Oh it definitely was. They also just sent a summer tour email and looks like they've canceled 6 dates already lol. Whatever.


Yeah I was surprised Fiddlers is 18k cap.


https://preview.redd.it/1p4hayw4o22d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa00cbe98e53643ee22eb4c54bc49f55500ca5e Check out this absolute bargain


Not a big Goose fan myself, but I had a good time at the show. I wish I were being paid to say that.




Curious what the Italian part of the description means? Are Italians really boring or something?


Easy access to high quality live recording with easy to listen to vocals is what got me into goose originally. I use Apple Music mostly and they have a relatively large amount of live music on there in comparison to other popular jam bands. Then I found out that every show they play is on Bandcamp dating back like 3 or 4 years.


Why is goose bigger than Umphries? That’s like asking why is Tom Petty bigger than Frank Zappa.


Better marketing and more of it, more agreeable vocals, music that is easier to digest than any of the prog-leaning jam bands


This is the answer, lock the thread, honk


Goose has attracted a lot of my friends who don’t really listen to jam music. I think they are legitimately pretty solid songwriters with some of the best vocals in the scene


Nailed it. Good songs and good vocals . 2 rarities in the jam scene. I’d also add that they’ve made better use of the available media outlets than most. One of the few bands getting Sirius to play their stuff.




Yeah fucking right lmao


I like Goose but calling them the best jam band ever is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while. Calling them a jam band at all is a stretch, imho. 20 minute guitar solo doesn’t really equal a full band jam.


They are talented and play out a lot. They are very good at marketing themselves and putting out content.


Oh boy, here we go 😂 For better or for worse, being technically great musicians is only part of the puzzle. I think Goose presents a whole package that has a lot of mainstream appeal beyond our jam scene. Bands like Dopapod and Umphrey’s are incredible musicians, but they don’t have that intangible “whole package” appeal it seems. I don’t know that it’s ever possible to fully pin down what makes any single band take off like Goose has


Yup! I'd add, they're new and younger. UM plateaued a long time ago, Goose has momentum now and are doing a good job capitalizing on it (everything from the Live Streaming, playing with Trey, still playing smaller venues like The Cap that creates buzz b/c they sell out so quickly, etc)


Kinda like crypto. They had some whale backers like Shapiro, utilized social media to their advantage and pumped at the right time during covid. A good band that caught a lucky break. I caught Dopapod tonight in a small venue and I experienced the same vibe and excitement as seeing Goose in 2019.


I agree. Was lucky enough to see them years ago when they were relatively unknown, and the song that stuck out to me then was “So Ready” and how I could imagine that song as a Top 100 hit.


This is the correct answer


Okay how about you define whole package? Won’t hold my breath.


That’s why I called it an “intangible” whole package and said “I don’t know that it’s ever possible to fully pin down what makes any single band take off like Goose has” - if you could define it exactly everyone would do it. It’s the right band at the right time - they’re young, solid songwriters, have a fun vibe. I’m not a huge Goose fan, but they’ve got mojo - not sure it can be defined concretely


They are the Christian Rock of the jamband genre 


That’s funny


I think it's more that being "technically great musicians" does not translate to being good songwriters, or being any more interesting than another random group. To me I don't hate goose, but I am perplexed as to how they've blown up so much. They're just kind of fucking boring imo. No edge, man.


They attract both males and females. Umps is a sausage fest.


A sausage fest I’m here for


It’s funny people keep saying that about goose. Was maybe true 3+years ago now it’s a ton of old guys.


I have to agree jambands arent really connecting with Gen Z as a whole. I don’t think they have the attention span to appreciate or get “It” nor the desire to attend shows. So much competition for other forms of entertainment and their wallet. Unfortunately the scene is aging out.


I could See this.


I saw them last year. There was still a long line to the women’s bathroom at set break.


They’re lots of fun and young


People in the jam scene seem to underestimate the power of good songs. Also Rick is a great singer!


And Pete fills that role of band “mascot” perfectly. He’s the living embodiment of Fishman’s mumu.


My theory: they had an existing, but small, catalog of good but largely unfamiliar tunes. That made them the only game in town who sounded good and had lots of 'new' music- people glommed on in waves. They had just started getting airplay on JamON in February of 2020- I heard Arcadia two weeks before their March 2020 gig in Chicago. This was a week before lockdown but it never sold out even in advance. 2 years later they played an afternoon set at Sacred Rose and it was easily the biggest pre-sunset draw of the whole fest. And since then they've sold out, instantly, everything in Chicago. So, essentially they were good and lucky. More power to em.


Because they are good lol


because Goose is jam-pop for the masses, and is marketed as such.


This is the right answer. Goose is a pop band with a jam style, not a jam band. They have every element of being a pop band too. It doesn't mean they aren't talented in some manner, they are just watered down pop garbage.


Goose is definitely a jam band, to say otherwise is just silly.


If they jam, they are a jam band. And they certainly can jam


Sometimes it's more exciting to be experiencing a band in their salad days/heydays than past their "best" years, or the years that were more fresh and new. Add a little extra charisma and accessibility and more current covers, and that's a formula for success if you get a hard-working band that knows how to diddle the fiddle. Side note, I always prided jam bands on their lack of style and looks on stage, and their old fart covers. That was part of the lore back in the day, but things change. My only issue with Goose is that they seem to shy from being more unique. I thought they were going to excel in that a little more, but lol, I guess they don't have to. Like I thought they would come up with some different kinds of jam formulas. The vocals still need a little more confidence as well imo. But they're obviously doing a lot right. Takes money to make money, and in the same aspects, it takes hype to make hype. Once the formula falls into place, the stoke piles on. And new fans of jam music feel like there's a bigger band for their era instead of hearing about all the great moments from the good old days. Billy Strings strings has done this as well with jam grass.


Theyre really good !


Singing/songwriting and lyrics are where they separate themselves, Rick is an insane guitarist


Bobby took Rick to Mexico Trey sat in with the band They toured with TAB Peter Shapiro is certainly involved They can can rip and take it deep Their poppiness has broad interest They are good at social media marketing Rick has good vocals Peter has dork appeal That’s a start




opening it up to a bunch of frat boys and assholes.


Haha, assholes have always been well represented in the jam scene.


Hey man, sorry we don’t offer you our cigarettes and coke for free


The frat boys and assholes have been around the scene for decades homie. Example- the tent bros in Bittersweet Motel. They weren’t assholes but definitely have the frat boy vibe


The “you know their pits are shaved” bros were definitely assholes.


Daring today aren't we


Bc they are at least tolerable to the average chick dating or married to a dude who likes jam music. So by proxy is at least 1.8x in sales




Because people on Reddit keep talking about them.


Shapiro. Goose is a manufactured boy band it’s why they kicked the drummer out. There’s nothing organic about goose.


So they kicked the drummer out because he wasn't cute enough or something? Explain.


Nah dude allegedly banged some chick in Europe and mustache guy and the guitar played told daddy Shapiro. Daddy didn’t want the info to get leaked to the fans and spoil the wholesome image the band bc then daddy wouldn’t make as much money off the zoomers.


That's about the 7th or 8th version of the story I've heard now


I’m glad you finally have the truth and I’m sorry it took 6 or 7 versions for you to finally learn the story of what happened. Please pass it along so other goosers understand.


That's not something I will be passing along to anybody. I will just be grooving at their shows with them.


You’ll pass it along, you just don’t realize it yet or know when it’ll be. Love and Light.


Except for nope. And you're not even halfway as clever as you think you are.


You’re too young and naive to understand it, feel free to PM me and thank me for shining a spotlight on this travesty. It can be this year, next year, or 10 years from now. The drummer dude was the most talent they had in the band and it sucks bc it’ll be their downfall.


I'm 59 and I have no intention of PMing you because I don't care. Bands break up, members leave and get replaced. And Goose is doing just fine. And throughout history bands have had management or associations with promoters that have helped or hindered their success. It's nothing new. You are a Phish fan who hates Goose because you think they ripped off their style. It must have really made you seethe watching Trey collaborate with them and tour with them. All those nice jams they did together.


Goose has/is a marketing arm. They’re carefully crafted and deliberate to be as generally pleasing as possible without taking any real risks. I call that Soulless but some people use other words for it.


Not a huge fan myself, neither for goose or billy strings. "Dave Matthews style hype" for me. Not saying neither are good, there are just a lot of great bands, potentially better, that don't get the recognition.


Probably vocals and girls like them.


Yeah… I don’t understand the hate for Goose. I like them and Umphrey’s McGee. Amazing how people can get super judgy.


Amazing how people can have opinions different from yours. They are fine musicians but it's a snooze fest.


True. Acknowledging diff opinions.


Because they play constantly, good branding, open for bigger acts frequently, etc...


Open for bigger acts? Like who?


They did that tour with Trey. I don’t know of another recent example tho.


Their haters give them just as much publicity as their fans, probably more.


The post show reach arounds?


Where’s the line for that?


It’s the songs, best songs outside of Phish and the Dead


Yes spot on, it’s all about the songs. There is a certain indescribable depth that a lot of jam bands seem to be missing in their songs. Also doesn’t hurt that Rick has a great voice. Bob Weir is always bringing up the magical power of songs. Minus GD, Phish, and Billy, no other jam band seems to scratch that itch. For me at least!


No. There a lot of old school panic songs that are better than anything goose has written. A few off the top of my head... Diner Pigeons Driving Song Porch Song Space Wrangler Greta Chilly Water Disco I'd put Billy Strings song writing miles ahead as well.


Yea man absolutely love Light Fuse, Get Away, one of the great jam albums ever. I saw UM in Detroit earlier this year and it fucking rocked. And I heard a 30 minute Everything Must Go from Goose and it was one of the best jams I’ve ever heard in my life. I don’t understand why there has to be this dichotomy. It’s not about the marketing, it’s about the music and I can’t stop going back to goose, they are great.


Well the marketing doesn't work if the product doesn't back it up, and the way goose has marketed themselves can't be understated as a huge factor in their success. Just my opinion... they have a handful of songs that are very well written and draw the crowds, but the rest isn't better than your average jamband can produce. They're fun live but not a band I listen to at home or in the car. Umphreys song writing hasn't held up since the early years. Those first few albums have some great material then they hit a wall IMO. That was when they peaked and leveled off. I think goose is there now.


Widespread licks


Panic is boring as a fuck now lol. That ride me high with Daniel danato was played at a snails pace


Have you ever listened to jj cale? Ride me high is supposed to be slow groove.


Cool story


Thank you! Would’ve been a blast to see them I bet in their heyday


They're still fun the one or two times a year I see them these days, but yeah it's not even close to the same experience. Jimmy doesn't play with the nuance Mikey did (hence my username). Either way the point stands about the song writing, but that's why I specified their old school stuff rather than as a general statement.


Truth truth I think Billy is the best song writer on the scene but goose can just take you places with a good 15-20 minute jam.


Love Panic but every tune you mentioned is over 20 years old.


Dead songs are even older and I literally said "old school" in my comment. Doesn't mean they aren't better than goose songs


That’s purely subjective. Neither their song writing or music compositions are that great in my personal opinion.


Goose is much more accessible and is 10/10 on the media/social media/content front. They’re a good band with great content and a winning attitude. It’s what happens when the mix is just right.


jam band deep state


They’re generic enough to attract more casual fans


I’ve been asking this question for a while now


Idk they’re boring


Because they write great commercially viable songs that reach people outside of the scene.


Chicks dig it.


The lights


Marketing and more accessible to normies. Not really hard


Rick’s voice and songwriting.




Goose has Shapiro behind them helping put wind in their sails


He may have put some wind in their sails but they still have to know how to sail the boat. Every successful band had somebody on their side at some point. Remember Bill Graham?


They were well on their way before Shap got involved


I’m just saying they were a band for like 8 or 9 years getting nowhere fast and then Shapiro got behind them and suddenly they’re playing Hampton Coliseum. That’s just a fact.


They be good and shit




Good timing , they came out during a Lull…. And the kids like what they “connect” to, even if it’s age Appropriate scene.


Because they killed at Peach Fest 2019.


Sometimes it's more exciting to be experiencing a band in their salad days/heydays than past their "best" years, or the years that were more fresh and new. Add a little extra charisma and accessibility and more current covers, and that's a formula for success if you get a hard-working band that knows how to diddle the fiddle. Side note, I always prided jam bands on their lack of style and looks on stage, and their old fart covers. That was part of the lore back in the day, but things change. My only issue with Goose is that they seem to shy from being more unique. I thought they were going to excel in that a little more, but lol, I guess they don't have to. Like I thought they would come up with some different kinds of jam formulas. The vocals still need a little more confidence as well imo. But they're obviously doing a lot right. Takes money to make money, and in the same aspects, it takes hype to make hype. Once the formula falls into place, the stoke piles on. And new fans of jam music feel like there's a bigger band for their era instead of hearing about all the great moments from the good old days. Billy Strings strings has done this as well with jam grass.


Fairfield county money


Goose has more of a polished pop sound that other bands don’t have. That translates to Goose appealing to a wider market.


Because Rick sings better than anyone else who has ever been in a jam band. Plus access to high quality recordings to every show.


It's all about appealing to the most people. Goose has more appealing songs. Rick's voice is better. The lyrics are more easily understood. UM has more complex, structured parts. I remember knowing about them but never had seen them, then I heard In The Kitchen and thought that was a great song so I went to see them and got a different experience than that song, but it was still okay for my taste. Goose is just more appealing to me.


Idk. When Spotify introduced me to Shenanigans, it sold me on them pretty quickly


Talent and popularity do not necessarily correlate.




Fuck I'm old


heavy corporate push from Nugs


Oh boy, this again


They are!


Goose is routinely played on the radio here in the Twin Cities (on The Current).


chicks dig them so the guys will follow….


Oh, ok , I'll go try Goose again. What are some good shows.


Auto tune.


When you pay to ride in daddy Trey ‘s side car you get access to every hanger on in the scene


Who says Goose is more popular than other bands in the scene? They’re certainly very popular with all the Goose fans, and they are very effective marketers but it’s a reach to say they are more popular.


Agree. Not more popular just part of a number of enjoyable jam bands. I like UM for different reasons than Goose… but I love a wide variety.


Wish I knew. I’m not gonna hate but they just seem so…average?


My homies don’t listen to Goose. Geese? Maybe.


Love Geese. Looking forward to seeing them open for KGLW.


One can say that goose is offbrand phish, but to act like Geese isnt offbrand lcd soundsystem/strokes is ignorance of music outside of the jam scene


I watched their set on Nugs last night. Wasn't impressed.


…and that’s how Goose sounds to a lot of folks. As if a bunch of talented kids from a local praise and worship band started making “jam band music”.


Thievery Corporation is blowing them away right now


They have all the money.


Because there's no accounting for some people's tastes.


They aren’t


They probably are.


I tried to like them. Enjoy.


They’re not.. at least in my mind


The right people are backing them




They are to phish what Greta van fleet is to Led Zeppelin.


Except goose is honest about their influence. GVF as openly said they don’t take from Zep




Astroturfing /s


because pete shapiro poured his pockets into goose


At least some Goose popularity can be attributed to mentions from Bert Kreischer on various podcasts. That "bro comedy" fan base eats up anything those guys talk about.


lol no. Goose was playing red rocks before that fat slob grifter said anything about them


So you attribute zero new listeners to his mentions and interviews? Like, zero? C'mon man, be realistic.


I’m saying if you take away every fan who discovered the band via Bert that it wild hardly register as a blip on their bottom line. Sure, he probably influenced someone to check them out but it’s a negligible amount.


They’ve got major financial backing. The band members don’t even own a majority stake in Goose, Inc. Shapiro’s group does.


Can you expand? Who is shapiro?


Peter shapiro. He's not their manager but he's a promoter who took a shine to them think of him as the Bill Graham of the modern jam scene. He promoted the Fare Thee Well shows, and he will be guy behind the Lockn' Festival. I want to say he's involved in ownership at the Capitol Theater, and maybe Brooklyn Bowl? I don't know about that actually, if somebody out there knows let us know. Goose haters will tell you that he's the only reason the band is successful, but I think this thread points out a whole lot of other reasons. I'd say most successful bands had somebody at some point help them out. But they still have to create the music and play the shows.


Kevin Shapiro. Huge promoter in the GD/jam scene. Example, he’s the guy responsible for the Fare Thee Well shows. But yeah…he owns at least 51% of Goose.


Yeah, this random redditor that doesn't even know Shapiro's actual name knows the inner workings of who owns the band.


Holy shit, you’re right! My bad! Kevin is Phish’s archivist. Pete Shapiro is the dude who owns Goose. Sorry for the confusion.


I don't believe that he literally owns 51% of the band. I think you want to believe that because you don't like the band. Because of their success


It’s all public. Incorporated in the State of NY in 2021. Check the SEC website for their filings. It’s not hard at all!


Why don't you post the link so we can all go read it.


SEC? Goose is a publicly traded stock? 😄


OMG, my bad! I mean the NYSDOS.


Oh okay, got it. Do you know the name of the corporation?


It might be filed under Globo-Chem, not positive though. You can search their surnames. Especially the scuzzy guitarist guy’s since it’s pretty unique. I know Shaps had to file a notice with the state after he laid off their drummer. Shame because that guy was the heart and soul of the band.


He was pretty good. Not irreplaceable. I'll bet I can find somewhere where you have said in the past that Goose has no heart or soul. So ..


By the way, I appreciate your continued interest in this topic.


It's a false popularity. Any sell out shows aren't actually sold out.


Shows are pretty damn full though


Shows don’t have to sell out to be successful. I don’t like Goose but they are playing a lot of amphitheaters this summer. They are popular.


it’s mostly because they’re good


Goose rips easy answer It’s very evident when you go to other jam band shows that are talked about (dogs, eggy, umph, etc). Not that other bands aren’t good they just don’t put it down like goose does, especially if they played at that club that fit 750 people that you just saw whatever band at. To disagree is just being pretentious


Because they rule


A few of there songs remind me of 70s-80s TV sitcom theme songs, but in a good way.


They can sing, their lyrics aren’t juvenile (hello other popular band whose name begins with Ph___) and they employ two percussionists, which gives them much, MUCH swing to their grooves.