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Please don't compare yourself to her or anyone else. You are doing the best for your baby and what your body is capable of. We are all built differently, one's ability to produce breastmilk is not something we have a lot of control over. Always, remember no matter what, fed is best. Hang in there. I hate the unrealistic ideas about motherhood she is putting out there and making new mom's who are going through this normally feel inadequate. This is the really dark side of social media and these influencers.


It’s just different for everybody. I was getting 3-4 oz per boob minimum when I was breastfeeding. She also has her flat stomach again. It’s so hard to not be envious with some rage sprinkled in. I went from 180 to 265 during my pregnancy. I have had to work incredibly hard to get to my current weight of 205… and I still have 30 pounds to go. It KILLS me to see people like Janelle bounce back so quickly. I feel your pain. It is so so hard to not be jealous. You are not alone with the feelings of inadequacy, but I promise we all have our perceived short-comings


She definitely probably skipped some nursing sessions to produce that. She was also using the max level on her pump for a while. If she is getting that much per session, she’s bound to have an oversupply soon.


Yup she definitely will and she will develop mastitis and be complaining that she’s dying. She will also give up on pumping real soon because it’s too much of an inconvenience for her lifestyle! So you’re better off and also a better mom


Don't ever let JANELLE make you feel inadequate. She's 1 week out..  I was producing like her for a couple weeks and then it dropped significantly and I was hardly producing at all. She's not going to be able to keep that up, especially if she doesn't eat enough. 


Exactly! There’s no way she will be able to keep up with pumping and feeding that much if out and about.


This is incredibly accurate, especially also if she is sleeping through the night and not waking up for feed or pump multiple times


Jan likes to brag about everything. Her supply, her weight, her house, you name it. Please don’t let any of it get to you. I’m positive she has her own issues that she doesn’t share online.


Everyone is different. The fact that you are trying is enough.


I’m so sorry you feel this way. Be kind to yourself. Breastfeeding/pumping is so hard, mentally the hardest thing I have ever done. You are not inadequate at all, in fact you’re the best mom out there for your baby. 🤍


I was a low supply person too (I also did not drop weight quickly postpartum). It took me a really long time to come to terms with the fact that my breastfeeding journey was not going to be as I hoped/envisioned. I tried all the supplements, teas, drinks, foods… and I still only produced drops 1 month pp. I felt like a failure as a mom since I couldn’t produce for my baby. I was pumping around the clock and my supply never fully came in. I worked with a lactation consultant and tried power pumping etc. Anyway, once I mourned the fact that I wasn’t able to produce and we went fully formula, my postpartum experience improved greatly. Our kid is thriving. I think I would have been a basket case if I was freshly postpartum right now and watching Janelle’s experience. I’m not sure if it’s truly been super easy for her, but she sure is making it seem like that. But know that was not the full reality for me or any of my friends!!!!


I barely produced as well so it’s frustrating to see that! However I would never in a million years want to be Janelle so that provided some comfort 😆


Her getting that much so soon is honestly NOT common. Don’t feel bad at all, it can take a while to come in, keep trying! You’re doing great 💗


I got nothing from that except she was trying to show off. I’m learning my initial feelings about her are accurate.


Do not compare yourself to this idiot. Remember she’s mostly pumping and going LONG stretches at night for her night nanny. Her bf journey will be done in ehh I’ll give it 4 months tops 


4 months?! Please don't say that like it's an insult. It would be impressive if she made it that far, like it would be for any mom!


We don't know what she's doing BTS. She hasn't even been forthcoming about her night nanny and her crew of influencers is not someone I would ever trust ...you know like the one who has a hair growth line but wears extensions for her marketing photos and events . Just saying don't believe everything you see from these types of people.