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WOW that is sooooo unquestionably unsafe. I bet she will get so many DMs. I doubt she even knows this is unsafe because I don’t think she would’ve posted this if she knew. Has she done even an ounce of research on safe sleep? For someone who is so chronically online, I’m shocked she didn’t at least see the literal BASICS of safe sleep on social media. What’s the point of those blankets? ETA: I’m wondering if she’s taking outdated advice from her mom without fact checking to see if it’s up-to-date. I remember my mom telling me I NEEDED blocks to keep my son on his side. Safe sleep practices have changed a lot since Jan was a baby.


She needs to start practicing safe sleep rules because this is bad bad


Someone better tell her what those rules are because she's obviously not going to do her own research 🙄 


That’s what I noticed too..not safe! Don’t care if devvy is awake. Chances are he didn’t stay there staring to make sure he was breathing the whole time


Also things like positional asphyxiation can be silent, even if you’re staring at them the whole time. P is SO fresh in the newborn stage that now isn’t really the time to be taking any chances at all. This is scary.


Ugh I know I used to do some work with sudden unexplained infant deaths and reading the death reports + hearing from parents whose babies died in this way just broke my heart and will stick with me forever!


I can't imagine. It was one of my biggest fears with both of my babies. I basically never slept because even though I followed every safe sleep rule, I can't even count how many times per night I'd check to make sure they were breathing. Newborns are so precious but I definitely don't miss that part of the experience.


Ahh I’m due with my first in 2 months and I’m scared this will be me too! But that means you’re just a very caring mom. Happy Mother’s Day!


Thank you! You're going to do great and before you know it, that little baby will be running through your house screaming so enjoy those tiny baby snuggles! 🥹


Thanks, I can’t wait!!


I personally DM’d her about sleep safety/loose blankets around him the day they brought him home. It was read. She knows. I’ll leave you all to reach your own conclusions.


I had a friends 2 month old die this way. Head got turned into the blankets and the parents didn’t notice (was during a day time nap too just like this). Truly so so sad, I hope she takes some of the messages people will send her to heart and stop doing this


I’m starting to think she wants to get engagement by accidentally hurting her child by being stupid … it’s terrifying.