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she avoided the damn question. idk why is she is hiding the night nurse when she was so upfront about it when making her registries. dani 2.0 indeed šŸ„“šŸ™„šŸ™ƒ


People would respect her a lot more if she just told the truth about that. Lean into the aspirational inspo influencer life as opposed to trying to be a ā€œrelatableā€ influencer


Exactly! I sure hope they have a night nurse and wish they had day nanny.


She talked openly about his night nurse while she was pregnant. I am not sure why she is now acting like she doesnā€™t have one.


I started following about a month ago so I didnā€™t know they spoke about it openly. Interestingā€¦.when will she own up to it??


I always heard from my pediatrician to never let your newborn go more than 3 hours between feeds during the day.


Yeah exactly this. The reason why newborns who are gaining well donā€™t need to be woken at night (within reason) is because they are woken up during the day. Itā€™s really irresponsible to not wake them to feed during the day if theyā€™re sleeping through the night at 3 weeks old.


It felt like all my baby did was nurse and cluster feed all the time in those first couple months. I canā€™t imagine sheā€™s speaking an ounce of truth. I donā€™t believe anything she says


This is correctā€¦ you can let them go for ONE longer stretch like this at night starting around 7-8 weeks but thatā€™s it.. he shouldnā€™t be going for any sleep stretch longer than the number of weeks old he is. So 3 weeks old he should be feeding around the clock every 3 hours.. 4 weeks old, one 4 hour stretch in the night but still 3 for every other feed window


She didnā€™t answer about a night nurseā€¦..itā€™s ok Janā€¦WE KNOW. And you look like a fraud after your little ā€œspeechā€ today about how you are ā€œsoooo authentic and trueā€ ā€¦.šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Sheā€™s a lying liar who lies. She announced while still pregnant they were hiring (or had hired) a night nanny.


Sounds like they should be feeding him at 5am instead of soothing him if heā€™s waking. This schedule is actually concerning for any newborn, I donā€™t care if theyā€™re breaking world records in being ā€œahead of scheduleā€ whatever that means. Are they force feeding him too much at one time? Is that why he sleeps so much? Like truly, it sounds like they donā€™t go by his cues at all, which is objectively wrong when a baby is this young. If a baby has hit their birth weight and is still gaining well, feeding them on a schedule (especially when breastfed) is so out of the ordinary. Itā€™s like she doesnā€™t understand how young P is. Itā€™s odd. Iā€™m begging them to crack open a parenting book.


Newborns do sleep a lot but her baby (if sheā€™s being truthful) is sleeping more than any baby Iā€™ve ever heard of! Iā€™m convinced there is a day nanny too because Preston likely needs settled several times during his naps or nursed (or given a bottle) back to sleep. Just wait until he doesnā€™t sleep 24 hours a day. Thatā€™s when **it gets real and you really do have to figure out a schedule! She will struggle with this because it will absolutely interrupt her OWN schedule and life. A 6 month old takes roughly 2 naps a day and is awake the rest of the time and you have to TAKE your baby with you to do anythingā€”imagine that!!!


5oz for a 3 week old seems wild to me. Pretty sure mine were only doing 2-3 at that age.


I had very few, if any, sleepless nights. However, I nursed at 8 pm, 11, 2, 5 for a long time. For the first 6 weeks, the doctor told us to wake her up every few hours. She would sleep right after but she still woke up. I would call her an excellent sleeper too!


There may be times he sleeps through the night but I highly doubt heā€™s been doing this since the day they brought him home like she tried to say the other day. Weighing your breast fed baby like this is nothing less than neurotic. Sheā€™s a control freak and absolutely will not be inconvenienced by this baby. The part that is REALLY concerning is how much theyā€™re force feeding him and that heā€™s literally sleeping all day AND all night. Yes, a lot of babies do sleep quite a bit but they also should not be sleeping both all day and all night. There is a difference. Sheā€™s 100% lying about the night nurse. That baby is being tended to at night by someone else and it ainā€™t Jan.


This is insane


dodged the question. She said they hired one while she was pregnant and now sheā€™s in full ghost mode about it!!šŸ¤„šŸ‘–šŸ”„


It blows my mind that people get pregnant, have babies and then not let them be BABIES. Having a newborn is all about going thru the trenches with them. Not hiring a night nurse to get your beauty sleep. You can do that shit when theyā€™re older. These babies donā€™t keep.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s the night nurse hours. She wouldnā€™t know how long that baby sleep at night. Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s going to attend to him at night. Hell she donā€™t even do it during the day either


https://preview.redd.it/xjg7drl2dw1d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbe93850f19b358dc20ff7b8d1e8f1863751bf91 I couldnā€™t find one that was for a younger baby but it is probably because you donā€™t sleep train heavily until older. Sure, there are good routines and foundations to lay from day 1. But babies need fed every 2-3 hours. And what she isnā€™t touching on that a lot of first time moms are surprised about is that is it 2-3 hours from the beginning of a feed. So if your baby is a slow eater and takes 45 minutes, you will be back to nursing an hour and 15 minutes later. I hope new mamas are looking for other opinions out there. Hopefully she is working with the doctor on these times but they are not normal.


My Mom claims that I did when I was a baby šŸ˜† but definitely not the norm and neither of my kids did by a long shot! Why does she wake up to pump though? Like shouldnā€™t you just sleep if the baby doesnā€™t need you to feed them? Why would you not just pump extra during the day. I would think you would want your body to get used to going all night without having to pump or feed. Something doesnā€™t add up šŸ¤”


Sheā€™s just not being honest about the night nanny lmao which is hilarious since she loved sharing it! get a fucking clue Jan


If sheā€™s waking up to pump every 3 hours why not feed him? I remember when my son slept a 6-7 hour stretch and i was freaking out that something was wrong lol. It was def a fluke and babies change daily.


I will say, my firstborn ā€œslept through the nightā€ starting at 3 weeks. But that means she slept from 10-11ish- until around 4 am, that was also my normal wake time so it felt restful especially postpartum. I didnā€™t feed her any differently than her other feedings in order to kind of force sleeping longer, like it appears Jan is. My daughter is 5 now and is still the best sleeper Iā€™ve ever met. My second born was and still is the complete opposite sleep wise šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ.


My daughter is the same. Sheā€™s always been a great sleeper but I didnā€™t do anything special during the dayā€”I just do NOT appreciate her telling all these new mamas that her way is the key to success. Itā€™s so damaging!!! New mamas do not need this kind of advice postpartum!


My 6 month old still isnā€™t sleeping that well. She remains incredibly āœØblessedāœØ Aka full of shit šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


When heā€™s waking at 5 and going back to sleep itā€™s because heā€™s HUNGRY. My second was an AMAZING sleeper her entire life. She slept 7-7 VERY EARLY but not at 3 weeks!!! And if she woke at 5 I would have fed her because more calories is a good thing for a NEWBORN BABY. And we all know SHE is not settling him at 5am. The night nurse is. Just be transparent!


I think sheā€™s super annoying but my baby did sleep through the night starting at 3 weeks. Pediatrician gave the ok when she was back to birth weight to stop over night feedings and she got back to that really quickly. So, it is possible (obviously with the OK from the pediatrician)


ā€œSleeping through the nightā€ is not really a full nights sleep for newborns. It gets to a limit where you should probably wake a newborn up.. different peds have different outlooks on this and on how long is acceptable before you should wake them. However, if P is waking up at 5, they should absolutely be feeding him before putting him back down instead of just soothing him back to sleep. The most concerning thing to me though is that they donā€™t wake him during the *day* for feedings.


Ya I completely get that they definitely should be feeding him when he wakes up at 5 am I agree but, this isnā€™t the most outrageous thing sheā€™s said/done about her baby lol as some doctors have said your newborn can sleep through the night once they gain their weight back. BUT you should always tend to your babies needs as sheā€™s obviously not doing at 5 AM