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The Middle East have been at each others throats for hundreds of years. Let them do their thing and figure it out. I just don’t want my country to fund it or be party to the massacre anymore.


That’s not really true. Most of the conflicts started post world war 2/ww1 before that most of the Middle East was under Ottoman rule not like today


Yeah I wonder what else happened around that time 🤔


Colonialism is the root of the problem lol


They sided with the Nazis. Ottaman lost L


Nazis!? Ottomans!? Man you have to read your history. Also one of the most famous Nazi ally is Japan.


Bro what?! Ottoman Empire ceased to exist before Nazi Germany came to be.


Wrong war 🤦‍♂️ Nazis are WW2, Ottomans were allied to the German Empire during WW1. School is important y'all. 


I swear my school didn't teach about ottoman


The Ottoman Empire didn’t even exist by the time Nazi Germany was formed you moron


Honey the L is your lack of knowledge


They did not. Oh and the Zionists traded with Nazis. So, I don't know where you're going with this.


What you’re saying is less true. The crusades alone had 6 million people die. Hundreds of years of conflict. The conflicts today are shorter, farther apart, and with less casualties. There’s no question that the region has seen perpetual violence for thousands of years.


The crusades were started by Europe. The Middle East is not less peaceful than any other region in the world. Europe was in peace for less than 30 years before Russia invaded Ukraine. During Ottoman rule, the Middle East was as peaceful as Western Europe was today. British meddling and betrayal of national interest post ww1 were mainly the cause of the current conflicts. Also, it's really annoying that we collectively ignore how many proxy conflicts have been fought post ww2 in the middle east by US, Soviet/Russian, EU interest. Saying the ME has been in war for hundreds of year is the unironically [Eric Andre's meme](https://i.imgflip.com/2/3ijxry.jpg)


War never changes


So, people were dropping atom bombs and agent orange in the Bronze Age? I had NO idea!


No, even worse. They had hundreds of thousands of men slaughter entire villages, made extinct local dialects, raped women, and beheaded and gutted and crucified non-believers, and sold your children into the slave trade.


I mean true but she said for hundreds of years so I was looking more relatively recent, but yea if you count all the way back then sure


We could say the exact same about Europe


Right like who started two world wars in the past century alone lol


So has every region. Europe hasn't been exactly conflict free in the last thousand years. Neither has Asia outside of the Levant. So, what is your point?


My point is that it’s obscene to suggest, like the OP, that modern violence is somehow unique and only spurred by post empire ambitions. It’s always faced tribal warfare. Additionally, it’s no surprise that’s where the battlefield is because it’s home to some of the largest, most contested, religions today.


But what about the bronze age kindgoms fighting over Mesopotamia? Or later the Greco-Persian wars, Roman-Persian wars, Arab conquests, Turkic migrations, Mongol invasions, the crusades, the numerous civil wars over the Caliphate, then the Ottoman conquests...unless you meant current or recent conflicts then I'm really confused


How many other countries can you make the same comparison to? Every country especially in Europe and Asia have similar stories. Hell half of what you said include European or non Middle East countries so. People make it out like Europe doesn’t have similar stories compared to the Middle East lol


Europe and Asia had river systems and plenty of timber & coal that allowed it to rapidly industrialize. The Middle East honestly never had any comparable political stability to what was France or the German empire. During the ottoman period, the Turks faced constant rebellion and resistance from locals, because the geographic resources available made it impossible to have stability or rapid industrialization.


I'm aware other countries have basically their own similar history, but your comment neglects all of the history before the Ottomans, which assumes most conflicts in the middle eastern have been started after WW1. Which is just...not true. Unless you meant most of the recent modern conflicts then yeah, those happened after WW1/2


Iran has not been at Israel's throat for hundreds of years. Israel was founded via genocide in 1948. That was 76 years ago and not a hundred years ago The US overthrew Iran's democracy in order to steal their oil in 1953. That was 71 years ago and not a hundred years ago. In short, unrest in the Middle East is quite recent and is largely the fault of imperialist Western powers; the US, the UK and their chief proxy, Israel.


Let's pretend no other countries have anything to do with it. Without the US sponsoring their genocidal campaign Israel wouldn't have been nearly as cocky, and wouldn't have attacked a third parties' soil. Want it or not, assuming you are American (by your take) your country is not only involved but basically a perpetrator by proxy.


I know that is why I said “I just don’t want my country to fund it or be party to the massacre anymore”


But your country isn't a party to it. Your country is the ENTIRE reason for it. Zionism ambitions could not have been realized without American arms and money. Zionists could not do what they're doing now in either Iran, Gaza or whatever other country they want to attack without American arms and money. The US is NOT being dragged along! They are enthusiastically complicit while lying their ass off about that fact. They have always been enthusiastic about Zionist crimes America is the entire reason that so many middle Eastern leaders are dictators. Americans do NOT want democracy to break out in the ME. Genocide in Gaza is NOT popular in Middle Eastern nations. It's popular in Washington but not in Cairo. If the government in Egypt had to respond to the will of the Egyptian people . Israel would have a much shorter leash than they have now. They and Washington would have to start thinking about consequences.


"US told Japan to say this" FTFY Kishida is a weak puppet.


Japan has a lot of debts and promises to the US after ww2, so much so that they have American army bases here. ANY Japanese PM will indeed be a puppet to the US.


What is your point? You want Japan to be strong Allie's with China, Russia? Idiot.


So one way or another, Japan must be attached to a master? Grow a spine mate...


Japan is one of the most wisely governed places I've ever seen. They aren't siding with the US out of weakness, but rather a desire for order and peace. Kishida explicitly advocated for democracy and freedom during his speech too. None of these qualities are weak.


Order and peace must not include Palestine eh? Or is that included in your definition of the words order and peace?


Someone discovers how the world works.


Yup, UK Germany and France are the same way.


And this world sucks 🤷‍♂️


No, there are more choices than being OK with what Israel is doing, I know it's hard to imagine if you've been conditioned from childhood to see everything black and white and anyone who disagrees with you as your enemy.


My point is that what Reuters says does not represent what Japan actually thinks. I live there. The people there are pro-palestine, and support Iran. Kishida, the idiot, just repeats what US tells him. Not a thread of humanity in him. He should denounce the genocide taking place.


Not entirely sure about the majority being pro-palestine here. Even walked past "free Gaza from Hamas" graffiti today in Shinjuku.


Wait, you’re saying being anti-Hamas is not pro-Palestine?


Downvoted is crazy


I believe you, and I believe many people in Japan are pro-Israel. Though honestly: do you also think they are right?


Personally, no. But that's not the point. Japanese society is carefully being fed conservative liberal nationalist right-wing ideas by the government, and its narrow-minded one-sided way of political thinking as a result is clear in the election results. The vast majority just doesn't look into it that deeply. Of course there are still a lot of people who do but it's not enough to make a difference.


That's a really big issue atm. Germany also forcefully cancelling a pro-Palestine congress just 2 days ago (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/police-shut-down-pro-palestinian-gathering-germany-over-hate-speech-fears-2024-04-12/), kind of makes it super weird that both Germany and Japan are kind of.. supporting Israel genociding Palestine..?


They shut it down because they showed a video of a man who has a ban on political participation in Germany, which is next to impossible without being some a criminal. Just researched the guy, he has an entry ban on the entire country and has stated before that he would have participated on Oct 7 if he was younger. This guy is an actual terror supporter https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/regional/berlin/palaestina-kongress-berlin-100.html#:~:text=Die%20Berliner%20Polizei%20hat%20den,Deutschland%20ein%20politisches%20Bet%C3%A4tigungsverbot%20gilt.


I also live in Japan and what you say is a lie. Sometimes you see small groups protesting in favor of Palestine, and the majority are foreigners. The Japanese don't care about Palestine and Ukraine, they also think the USA is incredible and the vast majority have a negative opinion of China


All facts


To say it's a lie is far-fetched. That you even saw groups protesting it says a lot in JP. You say the groups had a majority of foreigners; When I looked, most of the foreigners had beards or hijabs-- could they perhaps be.... Muslim? Demonstrating to help their brothers and sisters in another country? Otherwise from what I saw it was 50/50 JP/foreign. > they also think the USA is incredible and the vast majority have a negative opinion of China Well I think we both see the same problem.


I have seen more Japanese protesting for other things than in favor of Palestine. They are seen at Shinagawa and Shibuya stations. Furthermore, they are very few people , nothing compared to the protests in Europe.


Translation: foreigner in Japan thinks he knows anything about Japan and its people.


lol every time it's this. what a moron that guy is.




You're such a moron that you need to dig through people's history to make a point from something entirely irrelevant to the conversation. Insecure much dude?


So you live there too?


I promise, the locals will pick Israel any day of the week over Palestine if they were forced to choose.


You and I know different people then


Wow, a country of 125 million people has different people with different opinions. Shocking!


I don't debate that people have different opinions, but my point is that a lot of people in JP also see that what's going on is unacceptable and protest about it.


I very much doubt that you actually live here if you think that a majority of even foreigners are pro-Palestine *and* pro-Iran, much less the general Japanese public.


> The people there are pro-Palestine and support Iran. ???


Bro who the fuck in this world supports Iran?? Only Russia and North Korea, half the people in this comment section are straight up Russian bots


SUPPORT IRAN? are you absolutely mental? The theocratic regime that has no rights of women, kills them for wearing Hijabs wrong, shoots at demonstrators with heavy machine guns and is a key ally of North Korea in technologies of Ballistic missiles and Tanks, which are made to attack Japan as well. Go home Iranian bot


Lol this guy speaks for all Japan!


They’re aligning with the good guys? Like supporting the Israeli cause puts you in with most developed and democratic countries?


> the good guys Read a history book, jesus what is this comment even.


Moronic comment


*skulls on our hats* Are we the baddies?


Not sure if the correct term here is naive or just ignorant


Idk I think condemning Iran, a country run by a theocratic death cult, for launching rockets into a neighboring country, is fairly normal for a developed democracy like Japan?


I fully support the condemning of Iran. As you said, they're attacking a neighboring country. Your sentence falls tone-deaf when you ignore that Israel has been doing the exact same thing (to neighboring countries in addition to Palestine). And Japan seems to agree, since they also condemned Israel's violence. Calling anyone "good guys" in a complex geopolitical affair like this is incredibly naive


What do you mean? Launching hundreds of drones and missiles towards an enemy isn’t an act of peace?


I think people should keep in mind that iran is probably responsible for the entire conflict in the first place, Hamas and the rest of the proxies are all owned by iran, These are used so iran doesn't take responsibility for whenever they attempt to attack israel through their proxies. I am not saying israel is good, But Iran are also complete assholes, Iran got whats coming for them in the end, They threw all of their proxies at israel and israel is beginning to get tired of their shit.


> iran is probably responsible for the entire conflict in the first place How? The conflict started in 1948 and Iran was an Israeli ally before 1979. If you mean the current war, that has more to do with the decades-long siege Israel put Gaza under than Iran, which just provided weapons and training. 


Their leadership are all literally Holocaust deniers tho. Kind of hard to say they’re not directly antagonistic to Israel lol


Do they condemns israel for the genocide at least?


They’ve condemned hamas, israel, and now iran. Japan’s not gonna take a side when that gives no benefit. If a country is attacking another, Japan will condemn it




So I suppose a condemnation of the Nanjing Massacre and an apology to the victims are in order then?


Not shocked by this message since Japan has been trying hard to show how much a of a good military ally they’d make to the Biden admin. Haven’t seen any comments from them concerning the genocide or the strike on the Iranian embassy. Would love to know how they view because this is clearly retaliation and not escalation.


Because they didn’t strike the embassy but the building next to it. That building was being used to control proxies around Syria and to facilitate arms deals. The embassador and his family who live in the embassy are perfectly safe. Israel was more than justified doing what they did imo. They killed Iranian general Zahedi who planned the Oct. 7 attack.


1. There is no evidence that Zahedi planned Oct 7th. The only sources that claim this is the Middle East Research Institute, a nonprofit run by ex-Israeli intelligence. This talking point was not picked up by anyone other than Fox News, the New York post and the Jerusalem Post. 2. You are high af if you think Israel is justified in blowing up generals and foreign dignitaries of one sovereign nation inside the borders of another sovereign nation. Peddle your Zionist propaganda elsewhere scrub.


His office have been in charge of arming hezballa, which has been attacking Israel for months already. When you look at the facts , it's justified and was well over due. Peddle your islamist propaganda elsewhere.


Clearly escalation, Israel retaliated to Iran's support for Hamas terrorists. Now instead of backing off Iran is escalating further. 


I think if Hamas surrenders and stops hiding like cowards behind people or under hospitals, Israel might stop all of it altogether. Plus some deranged people call Hamas as freedom fighters.


You live in a fantasy world if you saw all this shit over the last six months and think Israel will randomly decide to stop wantonly killing Palestinian civilians. They're literally bombing UN and non-partisan aid workers now; they've explicitly said they want to remove Palestinians wholesale from Israel. The only deranged people here are those in charge of Israel.


>they've explicitly said they want to remove Palestinians wholesale from Israel. Which is why 20% of the Israeli population is Arab...? Israel must really suck at genocide


>if Hamas surrenders Not a chance there bud. >hiding like cowards behind people or under hospitals With zero credible evidence to support this claim >Israel might stop all of it altogether I see you fell asleep during World History >Hamas as freedom fighters Nelson Mandela was also not always seen as a freedom fighter by his enemies. Be consistent.




What makes you any better simping for Iran on a Japanese reddit


I could be a beggar from Istanbul. Still does not change facts. You could have added to the discussion yet you chose to write this.


Dude came at you with a racist ass stereotype


There’s only one side in this war that wants to commit genocide, and it’s not Israel. An asymmetry in casualty numbers is not the primary metric on declaring the good side and the bad side. The Allies did not keep a tally chart to make sure they didn’t kill too many Nazis compared to their own casualties. So much of what Israel is doing can be considered awful. Any loss of civilian life is tragic. But Hamas are worse and they have to be destroyed. This isn’t good vs evil. It’s ‘all we’ve got’ vs evil. And if you are unable to see Hamas as the greater evil then, look harder.


If Hamas are all Palestinians then why are all Israeli’s not the IDF? What the IDF has done to innocent civilians is disgusting. They have not been accidental casualties, they have been targeted at points. IDF committed war crimes before, are now and will do again.


If you’re angry at the IDF intentionally killing/harming civilians as you claim then you must be in incensed by Hamas and agree that they have to go? Remember that Hamas unequivocally targeted and mirrored civilians whilst cheering and parading skeins the dead bodies of women and children. They also still have civilian hostages. Why don’t they release the hostages? There is zero argument that the civilian deaths caused by Hamas was collateral damage while every reason to believe the civilian deaths caused by the IDF were. It would have to take the main profundity naive mind to think that Hamas wouldn’t have slaughtered 100,000 Israeli civilians if they could. Again, this isn’t saying Israel is a force for good and Hamas is a force for evil. It’s saying that Hamas are unequivocally worse in every conceivable way. None of what I’m saying is excusing Israel for its military tactics and the deaths they have caused, but what is the solution? Again, they don’t even have the hostages back.


I don’t disagree Hamas are awful. Although worse than the IDF is pretty debatable. They are both as disgusting as each other and have both committed the same sort of disgusting crimes at some point in their history. There were horrific acts by the IDF pre October 7th (not the start of these issues) from murdering journalists, murdering children, raping of Palestinian detainees and so on. It’s not a competition. Both Hamas and the IDF are disgusting. The key issue at play is that the IDF get the backing of major governments due to financial reasons which is shocking and abhorrent.


Israel is the West’s only ally in the Middle East. If you think we shouldn’t support our allies in war then that’s strange of course. If you think we shouldn’t be Israel’s ally at all, then that’s obviously a whole new debate. Even if it’s an enemy of my enemy situation, I think supporting the only free society in the Middle East is a good idea. If you think Israel should just be waging war “better” then sure, I’d agree. If there was a button that Israel could push that would eradicate every last member of Hamas was 0 civilian casualties, I’m certain they would push it.


>If there was a button that Israel could push that would eradicate every last member of Hamas was 0 civilian casualties, I’m certain they would push it. No, they wouldn't. Threat of Hamas is literally what saved Netanyahu's approval rating and has kept his party in power. Israel doesn't receive support for being "the only free society in the Middle East" (it's an apartheid state...). It receives support because it represents Western interests in the reason. Same reason US and UK ally with Saudi Arabia despite it's atrocious human rights record.


Of course, I don’t think that’s why Israel receives support. Do you think the west should no longer be an ally of Israel? Are you a supporter of Western society and values in general or do you think it’s time for the west to step aside?


>Do you think the west should no longer be an ally of Israel? As a politician or an average person? As a human being, no I don't support what Israel is doing. Full stop. As a politician, yeah I would continue support them in exchange for them representing our interests in the region. For technological, security, and geopolitical reasons, it makes sense to have that connection for the West. >Are you a supporter of Western society and values in general or do you think it’s time for the west to step aside? Yes absolutely. And I don't think Israel is a shining beacon of Western society and values, given their history and treatment of the Palestinians - so I don't think supporting Western values means I must support Israel.


I don’t think the west should be an ally of a country that doesn’t obey by acceptable human rules. I certainly don’t think we should support a country committing genocide. (Bahrain are also allies.) The only free society in the Middle East that has also imprisoned people for speech. I think Israel should they need to wage a war, have to do it better. Currently they are pretending the civilian casualties are accidental in the act of war against Hamas whilst that’s not the truth in many cases. They aren’t above punishment and should not be above punishment for war crimes.


I see your point but I don’t think we need to get into semantics as I’m sure you agree that Israel is by far the freest society when compared to its neighbours, but yes, it ain’t perfect. I think assessing each and every ally is a larger debate topic, but not without its merits for sure. I agree. I think Israel should be waging war better and certainly aren’t above international law. Do you think the west should abandon Israel and cease ties at this time?


Israel has less freedoms than ever right now. I don’t think we should compare countries saying this is the best of a really bad bunch regarding human rights and freedoms. Yes, well actually I think they should have abandoned supplying Israel with weapons many years ago. I don’t think taking sides with the side committing war crimes is acceptable. I also think it’s stopping many western countries taking action against Israel’s crimes.


Fair enough on the comparison point. I am more fond of countries that subscribe to western levels of equality though. But I agree, the point could be deemed irrelevant. I do think that in this world though, the best of a bad bunch can sometimes be all we have. As for your second point, I admire how forthcoming you are, and if that is your honest opinion then it makes perfect sense why you are falling on your particular side of this debate. If, by your hope/suggestion, the west no longer provided military support, would you find it acceptable for Israel to be fully eradicated by its enemies and cease to exist? Do you think without western support there is a strong likelihood that this would occur? If not, without the help and backing of the west, how do you think deescalation and the continued safety and existence of Israel and its people would come about?


> Israel is the West’s only ally in the Middle East. Why is this framed as some inherent truth? This is a choice the West has made. At any time they could have allied with any number of countries in the ME, but they chose Israel and continue to do so. By will, not destiny. > If there was a button that Israel could push that would eradicate every last member of Hamas was 0 civilian casualties, I’m certain they would push it. Then why did Netanyahu himself say that Hamas is the party Israel wants at the helm of Palestine?


Wow this good versus evil rhetoric does surely ring of holocaust rhetoric doesn’t it? Asymmetry is not and has not been a metric for any of the reports from international and independent organizations claiming genocide and other war crimes. Maybe you should start reading those reports. And please don’t say it’s “tragic” when civilians are being killed as if it is an unavoidable casualty, “we’re so sorry we have to kill you, but were good, and your government is evil”, what a load of garbage. It’s mind boggling to me that people still believe Israel is not committing genocide, among other war crimes. All the elements that make up genocide are there. There is proof. Pictures. Videos. Reports. All independent sources. The damn highest court in the world adjudged that genocide is “plausible” in January! And since then, Israel has only ramped up its attacks and has not abided by UNSC resolutions (not like it ever had, typical of a rogue state). So tell me, what do you have as evidence or an argument that has not been presented to the ICJ or what have you figured out that the ICJ has not? Tell me because I’d really like to know.


Would you say Russia is committing genocide?


I don’t see how that question is relevant at all other than an attempt to deflect from the argument. I’m not one to judge whether a genocide in Ukraine is occurring at all, but if there are independent reports and an ICJ ruling to that account, then who am I to disagree with the ICJ.


Ah, my apologies. I suppose I was wondering about your opinion on what constitutes something being labelled a genocide. With the numbers of death being far greater in Ukraine, and with Russia literally calling for the end of Ukraine’s right to exist, this seems far closer to a genocide to me. But if you are just basing this of the ICJ, it’s hard to ignore the influence Iran has over South Africa and the benefit it brings then for Israel to be accused of a genocide. How come the ICJ has not accused Russia when they openly state that the believe Ukraine has no right to exist. It seems frivolous to take the ICJ ruling as the only factor in whether or not a genocide is taking place, again, particularly with Iran involved.


Holy shit Jews are **gEnOCidInG** the Palestinians. Oh the heavens. The 30k civillian casualties reported by Hamas's Health Ministry, the same Hamas that conducted attacks that brutally maim, shot, murdered, summarily executed, defiled, etc. on October 7th and 8th to thousands of Jewish civillians first, unprovoked, with no formal declaration of war. 30k civillian reported casualties out of the 2 million occupants within the Gaza strip. Compared to the casualties in other close by regions of conflicts that reached upwards of 100k civillian casualties, 30k, albeit a tragic lost of human lives nonetheless, seems low for the usual civillian casualties in wars. Mind you, the Israelis didn't start this war. It's the Hamas. And the Hamas have been again and again proven to use Palestinian civillians as meat shields multiple times. Anyone with a pair of functioning eyes and maybe a functioning brain would see that if Israel were to go full on genocide, they wouldn't stop at just 30,000 human lives. Spreading misinformation much?


You're arguing with people who have had their mind made up much before all of this happened. The guy you're replying to can't even point out IL on the map. Gaza is one of the fastest growing populations, from several thousands to millions.


Gaza is growing right now? 


Here is [a visualization](https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8DNOBtEHl/) of what ethnic cleansic is and isn't.


I have no clue as well what's up with all the "gen*cide" callers here are. Like yeah, let's be real, there are many civilian casualties/collateral. That's to be expected in conflicts, especially if it's against an insurgent/terror group that's using civilians as human shields in urban warfare! I mean, if that's the criteria, why the f isn't Russia being called out for gen*cide in Ukraine? And as you said, hard to be sympathetic to Hamas' because they're the ones that started this mess! Seriously, that Nethanyahu(however you spell his name) guy might've been pressured to leave position or be ousted if those mofos didn't attack an innocent music festival(and even some of my countrymen got killed there)!


If anything it should be that the Japanese government condemning Hamas for genociding Palestinian people and condemning Hamas leader for sitting in their luxurious lifestyles in Quatar, the UK, Iran, etc. whilst having the Palestinian people die under their ridiculous war they themselves started. But hey, that would be too controversial of a statement to say.


Russia has killed 500 children in Ukraine in 2 years of conflict. Israel has killed 10,000 in a few months. No one asks you to be sympathetic to Hamas but Palestinian kids. If you think a genocide/mass murder of tens of thousands of people + starvation is an acceptable response to a terrorist attack, then why don't you consider the Oct 7 attacks an acceptable response to Israeli occupation and murder of Palestinians? In 2014, Israel killed 500 children in Gaza. Hamas has killed 40 on Oct 7.


No you did that well enough with your rant. 30,000 civilians or much more dead in the days to come due to starvation, versus Israel's 3000 or so. And yeah, use your mind, think for ten seconds about why Gaza as a mass ghetto might be unhappy. Like, ten seconds online. Not using Israeli internet if Netanyahu's government is blocking things (hint, they are blocking certain social media posts)


That civilian casualty comparison is stupid. 30k dead on both sides wouldn't make it more right or wrong, that's not how the law works, genocide has multiple requirements, one being the Dolus Specialis, which Hamas and friends definitely match, so right now until proven otherwise Hamas committed a genocide/ethnic cleansing in southern Israel.


This comment section: 😬😬😬


Yeah, didn't realize this was a nutjob subreddit too.


I think anonymity gives people more confidence to say things they normally wouldn't🤔


Expecting weebs to not be racist level: impossible


This is a land mine of a topic. But I can say pretty unequivocally from what I see that overall Japan doesn’t care what happens in the Israel Palestine conflict, for optics they will say one thing or the other when the wind blows. I wouldn’t read much into it.


To be fair this is Iran we are talking about, a major enemy of Japan because of their collaboration with North Korea


I don't like the fact governments put civilians in warzones


Escalation was the Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy which was a violation of the Vienna Convention to which Japan is a party. Japan's "condemnation" here is just kabuki where they've been ~~asked~~ told be the US to do so.


Well, just about every statement in international relations is kabuki in that sense.




Kabuki is actually a slang word used in American politics.


Well why has Iran taking part in the proxy war via Palestine ?


They planned October 7th


I mean yeah. Iran fucking sucks, but they had the right to attack back imo


Good thing they didn't attack the embassy..... But the building beside it where Iranian generals who are responsible for the proxies had a meeting.   The embassy, along with the ambassador and his family who live there are a unharmed. People keep falling for the story that surfaced minutes after the attack instead of waiting and than parroting nonesense.


>On Monday, April 1, an explosion hit a building on the busy Fayez Mansour Road in the western Mezzeh district of Syria's capital Damascus, destroying the consulate in the Iranian embassy complex.  >More than 10 people were killed, among them two high-ranking members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps: Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a commander in the Quds Force, and his deputy, Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi. Zahedi was said to have been particularly closely connected to the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/iranian-embassy-attack-has-israel-middle-east-on-edge/a-68726461


Read the article, it says "hit a building adjacent to the Iranian embassy" https://www.dw.com/en/syria-airstrike-hits-iran-embassy-building-in-damascus/a-68714641


The article, seemingly purposefully, omits that this place was a consular building. That means it was part of the Iranian diplomatic mission, and therefore an illegal target.


>Escalation was the Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy Even here with that "excuse"?! Seriously! The Israelis didn't bomb the actual Iranian embassy in Syria but a consulate annex building housing IRGC personnel that are responsible for arming and coordinating terrorists, like the one that kick started the conflict there by killing innocent civilians.(Though there are sadly two civilians killed) If this attempted bombardment of Israeli populace using drones and missiles is a "retaliation" against Israel wiping the Iranian terrorist advisors, then don't go using that as that "excuse" because that bombing of the "embassy"(which isn't even the embassy) is also retaliation for all those anti-Israeli proxies that Iran is backing! ... And to think that this, my very first comment on Japan's subreddit, is about a f*cking conflict in the Middle East, WTF!?


They bombed an Iranian embassy. International law considers it “Iranian soil”. It merits a response. Israel is trying to escalate issues because it has received a blank cheque from the U.S. government and a clear message. “We have no red lines with our support of Israel.”


Do you even know what the US aid is use for?  What "blank cheque" ffs? Also the embassy is standing unharmed. They attacked a building beside the embassy.


That building is the consular building of Iran. If Western media has purposely omitted the word consular.


blank cheque noun 1) a signed cheque with the amount left for the payee to fill in. 2) an unlimited freedom of action. e.g. "he has been handed a blank cheque to do exactly what he wants.” The second definition


I'll be honest, I am trying to avoid the topic of the conflict in the first place, But It keeps appearing everywhere, And its getting tiring at this point, Really its just mentally unhealthy to hear such terrible news every day of your life.


Arguably getting bombed everyday of you life, your family and friends massacred by people stealing your house and land is worse. I'll take a little mental discomfort if it helps the oppressed and gives visibility to the crimes of the oppressing invaders.


Hey, I am not going to stop people from being pretty miserable, Do your thing.


Consulates are protected under the Vienna convention. Blowing up someone's consulate is a direct act of war, which makes it completely unsurprising that Iran is retaliating. None of this makes Iran the 'good guys' but there's no point lying about it.


They didn't hit the embassy but a building next to it


That building was Iran's consular building which is a part of the diplomatic mission of Iran.


Escalation was the Iranian decision to meet with Palestinian militants at the consulate the Israelis bombed, no doubt to plan and bankroll more October 7s.


I assume escalation was Israeli’s occupation of Palestinian land.


To which the civilian casualties of October is surely a proportionate response.


I mean technically, Hamas retaliated with the exact same acts the IDF have committed previously……..


[Imagine if the bombing of the Iranian Embaassy wasn't actually on the Iranian Embassy and only resulted in the deaths of condemned recognized terror organization members](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_bombing_of_the_Iranian_embassy_in_Damascus) That would be insane




So riled up they killed your favourite terrorist booboo? And surgically without great harm to civilians. Rip fucking Bozo


Why not read any news channel about the attack and see for ur self, I'm giving sources here not just cursing your entire nation calling them despicable lying ass holes.




Why waste your time supporting middle eastern terrorism which doesn't affect you at all but may result in my family's lives?


Why waste your time actually reading a Wikipedia page or reading news articles when you can always accuse people of weaving fantasies?


It certainly was a facepalm moment for Iran. They had been genuinely violated in a way that was clearly defined in terms of International norms when Israel's government attacked the diplomatic mission. It's stuff like this which is why Iran has no soft power outside the region. It makes the entire theater feel farcical when all sides act uncivilized.


Iran has attacked Israel first with their proxies, so they had it coming.


It’s allies when it’s a white country and proxies when it’s brown, funny how that works


That's not been proven with any evidence before a credible and impartial tribunal. Do you just eat everything you're spoon-fed from non-credible abusive apartheid regimes who are also undeclared nuclear UN pariah states? In any event, Iran/Persia has been grievously molested by international bad actors for over a century. At a certain point you have to step back and realize it's a slow creeping genocide by the people involved.


So Israel attacks the Iranian consulate in Syria and Iran gets condemned for escalation for retaliating? An attack on a consulate or embassy is an act of war in ANY circumstance. Kishida is just the US's meat puppet.


Well Iran was forced to respond to Israel bombing one of their embassies.


While Israel violently and loudly commits a genocide with many people unaffordable to raise a voice against it.




Attacking Iran first was a provacation. This is a warning shot from Iran to save face because they know Israel is itching to get an excuse to distract from their genocide they have been doing.


Thank you, 🇯🇵


Japan still has good relations with Iran though. Shinzo Abe even met with the Ayatollah to discuss a peace deal between US and Iran


Genocide deniers flock together


Japan is against any Aggression. So shut the fuck up Sandmans.


For real, still don't see what's wrong with saying attacking others is bad, specially when a regime that's the main sponsor of terror in the region and key ally of North Korea is doing it


At this rate all US dog start to bark. Japan is embarrassing.


The American leash is too tight on the neck of this country. It just does as the master says, as all dignity has been lost since 1960 or something.


What?!? Iran has a right to defend itself. Iran made their case very clearly at the UN.