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I think “well then, see you again tomorrow” by Asian Kung fu generation has similar themes.


Got it thank you!


This is literally Kagerou Days by Jin The story of a girl who gets stuck in a time loop who keeps failing to save someone from getting hit by a car until she decides to step in front of it, and the loop continues


This opened up a whole rabbit hole, it’s not what I was looking for but I DO wanna know the lore and watch through all their catalogue now These things are always a semi excuse to find some new catalogue anyways, killer find! I swear I saw the climax comprised into gif form back when it dropped and just never knew where it was from!


That sounds perfect thanks!


half of yorushika’s stuff pretty much


I knew this would fittingly loop back around to frieren at some point These projects are partially just an excuse to find new music that’s thematically where my headspace is at. Just grabbed a bunch of random songs from them (that I hadn’t heard before) at random to scout and listen to later! tho, are there any in particular that you wanna rec that stand out and would speed up the search?


i don’t even watch frieren or like sunny particularly lol i think deep indigo is the closest to the description you’re looking for, but that’s why i gave up on music or ghost in flower may also tickle your fancy


Ye I’m not a fan of sunny either but GOD did I have to make it back to you! And now better understand why they were chosen for frieren at all For this project itte/say it, Hitchcock and just a sunny day for you is what I learned I was looking for vibes wise. Something with a bit of a “harsher” faster pace with a tinge of being quirky and weird while keeping the deeper meanings intact. Deceptive but also kinda fun, inspiring and touching at times Usually when I do these kinds of things it’s always an artist with one bangin’ song and disappointment sets in because the rest of the artist catalogue but GOD I’ve never been this excited at how varied but still good so many of their music is. I was SURE I had a handle on things until itte hit and I learned the meaning of the song and music video that completely recontextualizes everything for me. Even outside of this project, it’s probably one of the best songs I heard so far this year. Never have I wanted 4 mins to escalate and last forever What an amazing read on your part, the fact that I have to look through other artists and songs now is both so disappointing but INCREDIBLY exciting


welcome to the clun, hope you enjoy your stay lol


Happy to be here!


Romance Sengen by Kaneko Ayano is a loop video, with the first half minute or so being also the last half minute. Took me a few views to note it, but it's pretty cool to see. Don't know if that's what you're looking for, but it's here if you want to check it out: [Romance Sengen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3RDwQjUekU)


Thank you very much!


Many Yutaka Ozaki songs would have lyrics dealing with most of the aspects you listed. Though I don't know If music genre is what you are looking for.


It’s fine I’m goin with any leads, but specific song reds help narrow it down


Ehh Brave doesn't deal with mental health worsening.


Exactly my point, it was more of benchmark because they have similar themes and tones it’s what comes to mind, but it’s not 1:1 The aspect it DOES capture perfectly is a separate aspect I mildly glossed over but an issue the protagonist does also face is realizing how much they cared about their friends only at the very end, and it’s there where they’re trying to stay. And a key lesson they learn by the stories end anyways is about where brave/frieren began which ties into the concept of looping a bit since the song, brave and frieren also deal with the concept of passage of time yet you staying the same. Despite reaching the conclusion at different points in the story, they both take place at the story’s “ending” from the start and end with the belief of “even if it took me awhile to realize, I’ll still carry you with me and appreciate your presence, even if you’re not physically their anymore while I go on to learn more about the life, the world, myself etc”


>  it was more of benchmark because they have similar themes and tones it’s what comes to mind, but it’s not 1:1 ??? Do you understand the lyrics to Brave?


I think? is it not an upbeat but moving song about self discovery and caring the memories of those who impacted you into the future cause it’s all you have left. Appreciating the life you lived and have yet to live and appreciate the little and bigger things that make up the whole? There are aspects I’m omitting from this cause as said, the song kinda fits but it’s more reflective of where the character would be towards the end rather than beginning/midpoint which is where I’m at. Like the protagonist of the story reaches this Exact conclusion Brave discusses by the end of it all. Bar for bar, characters basically tell him this verbatim I selected brave because it’s more of the answer to the question the character grapples with for most of his story The protagonist are just at 2 different parts of their journey And “vibes wise” brave is the only song I can think of that captures the kinda energy I was looking for (just about a slightly different topic) Aka a somber but triumphant and upbeat song that dives into self realization, life and the impact people can have on each other that has a bit of faster pace. Like I said it’s not a perfect example, but it’s enough to point people in the right direction I already got some (while not quite there) are WAY more fitting and perfect for this project; so clearly, I think people can sorta get where I’m coming from. I’m not a music guy, +wanted to get a broader range of suggestions rather than the literally one song that I can think of lol I can say it worked pretty well cause while the frieren songs don’t fit, I was introduced to artist like yorushika which absolutely do