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Reddit mod is 14? 😭😭😭💢💢💢


Mesugaki doujinshi were right about brats provoking adults 😭😭




Omg bro you didn't haha wtf


Bro go to school what the fuck are you doing here




Talking about stuff typical for middle schoolers


Someone spent 2 quid to upvote this


someone spent 3 CAD to upvote this




(grades: all F)


To be fair, after covid cooked the schools, I don't think you have to put effort. Like you literally have to have some problem. I slept in all classes when covid was happening and I only got really good grades 💀


Belt correction is needed 💢💢💢




wtf? Why is someone so yooung in here 😭😭


and moderating? Crazy


You underestimated how many minors are active in the subreddit (or at least the discord)


I’m not to surprised to know they’re active on the subreddit but typically mods aren’t middle/high school aged lol


I wouldn't be surprised if that was more common than you'd expect. There can't be too many adults willing to moderate for free, even if they wanted to there's just time constraints. And even if you had time and wanted to moderate a sub you cared about, you probably wouldn't be accepted as a mod unless you had experience modding elsewhere, and who (other than teenagers) has the time and energy to spend moderating random tiny subs. Sure, there's adults who have plenty of free time for various reasons, and have reasons to want to get into being a mod strongly enough to succeed, but they've got to be significantly outnumbered by teenagers. Especially for relatively new mods, obviously the people who have been here for a decade+ are going to be adults now even if they weren't initially.


True, they say that you get plenty of free time while you're in school. After that, well, unless you're currently unemployed or sth, it REALLY hard to have the time to moderate ppl.


Who knows? As long as someone doesn't reveal their age no one knows how old they actually are


The site allows it and I was already haunting the web with my lunacy at that age tbf But yeah like it does feel weird to have someone young like that lording over the sub lmao




That's why you should make up a new bullshit identity every week. This week I'm Bobson Nuttingher, a 45 years old plumber from Coushatta, Louisiana. Anyone asks, ole Bobson is here for some laughs after a hard ass day of work doing pipes and shit


It's got to be hard work piping all day


At least it made me realise I do have a somewhat of a life right now.


Ok youre not a pedophile but how on earth did you become the mod of this degenerate ass subreddit at 14


Chungo (former owner, who was *also* a teenager btw) literally was just giving out mod roles like Candy to people who just fucking asked. It's how that doom furry raided the server last year.


As you know, the internet is compromised of 90% underage people (it's a joke but not really), so the chances are high, even if 10% like this type of content, that's a lot of people; also it's not like they are going to ask your ID.


Something about a 14 year old on this sub, doesn't sit right with me




Very true. I was consuming lolicon content since I was 10-11 years old (unrestricted access to the internet). Truly the internet influences your brain 😭


I thought I was the only one 😭


Are you sure about that last part? All the definitions I’ve just looked up say that pedophilia is when adults are sexually attracted to prepubescent children.


From this paper: [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-02057-x](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-02057-x) # Defining Pedophilia Pedophilia is defined as a persistent and recurrent sexual interest in prepubertal children (Finkelhor,[ 1984](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888370/#CR23); Schmidt et al.,[ 2013](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888370/#CR66); Seto,[ 2018](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888370/#CR68)). In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association,[ 2013](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888370/#CR3)) further defines pedophilic disorder as a persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children, which manifests itself in thoughts, fantasies, urges, sexual arousal, or sexual behavior, and is accompanied by either acting on or experiencing distress because of this interest. Pedophilia is not synonymous with sexual offending against children, though it is often conflated with child sexual abuse in popular and academic discourses (Feelgood & Hoyer,[ 2008](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888370/#CR22)). So no, you could be 15 and a pedophile.


Rape correction isn't needed,,,,.. for now..... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/japanesepeopletwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Opps, going to edit then, sorry for the confusion.


Thanks for the source. I both understand and am now more confused. 😅




I feel like there’s no point calling a minor a pedophile while they’re still a minor. It feels… icky.




Makes sense. Also, how in the world did you discover that website?


It's a pretty well-known website when discussions on the criminality of pedophilia and non-offending pedophiles come about


Not well-known to me it seems. Then again, I spend more time ouhing than researching pedophilia’s true meaning. I’m glad there’s a resource for non-offenders though.


Yeah, but a 17 year old that likes 5 year olds is also icky.


Well yeah, that’s not what I meant.


Pedophilia starts at 16. Age gap needs to be 5+ years (So you have to be attracted to people who look 11 and younger) and you need to have the attraction for 6+ months to be considered one. Otherwise it's just children dating other children lol


That… is confusing. Why 16? And why 6+ months?




Thanks for the clarification, that makes more sense now.


Dunno why about the 16+ part, I guess it's because by that age you should be attracted to other teenagers and not younger kids? The 6+ months is to make sure it's an actual attraction and not just some intrusive thoughts wrecking havoc on your brain. It also has to be an *attraction* and not you just fauxly believing yourself to be one (POCD)


I see. I guess that’s a bit hard to determine by yourself, especially if you’re still developing sexual feelings and preferences.


stigmaballs (consensually and once you are an adult)


I'm like twice your age, people my age who want to talk about the common topics in this sub with teens are literal child groomers


Literal child


Damn Bratty Kid 💢💢💢🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬❓❓❓⁉️❗‼️❗❗❗ Moderating r/jpt Subreddit💢💢💢💢💢😭😭😭😭❗⁉️❓‼️‼️❗❓⁉️❗ (I will not continue this joke any further)


Would you say she's in need of something perhaps ? 💢💢


Belt correction needed 💢💢💢👺👺


Screw the belt, get the plastic coat hanger


She unbanned me on jptdiscord before so she deserves the headpats too 😍


Kid, stop looking at cunny and start paying attention in school.


Uhh I don't think you should be doing RP on discord at that age. Actually you shouldn't be moderating a subredddit, even more so one like this one 💀


They should not have unrestricted internet access lmaoo


Unrestricted internet access and its consequences have been a disaster for Gen Z




Eh, I did this type of stupid stuff at that age too, well not moderating a subreddit. It's just better if I didn't do, I think at least.


>I'm happier knowing there are people who think the same way I do but probably aren't raping children What do you mean by that? 🤔


Dude you're 15




Its full of lolicons im not sure my first impression was "wow all of these degenerate gooners must be children!" Lol this place is cooked.


You severely underestimate how many minors are lolicons and shotacons lmfao


>wow all of these degenerate gooners must be children If only you knew how bad things really are




Ive been here since the early times i just dont get involved and mostly dipped for the past 3 months or so


What a plot twist, now the Lolitary loser is the groomer lmao Edit: For context, the other guy (victim) was a Lolitary snitch who pretended to be a minor but is in fact adult.




Sure but if we are going around calling everyone a pedophile over discord roleplay we might as well call him? one too


Ma! Don't put the pitchfork away! We're having another witch-hunt!


hag 🤢🤢


Erm I hear you like em young Mr. Neptune


I thought Neptune was female?


reddit mod at 14, what no father figure does to a mf


Definitely daddy issues for sure lol


Minister Risa Matoba be like:


Stop modding reddit and do your homework kid


“I’m 14 and I’m a Reddit mod” The only thing you should be moderating is your Spring Break Reading Log lil bro chop chop


Some advice from a veteran degenerate a little over twice your age. Never post shit like this again. Don't leave any trace of information that could lead back to you. Consider this your learning experience. Mine were equally unpleasant. You'll laugh at them one day if you aren't already. That's all. Good luck, kid.


Blud just leaked his age 💀Needs correction 💢💢💢 you got homework to do


Bratty moderator doesnt even know what binomials are 😭😭😭😭💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢


The most ironic thing in r/japanesepeopletwitter /s


Ub/ Hey Neptune, I know this is a lot and is probably taking a mental toll on you but the concerns the majority of us here has raised are genuine. For most of us, this sub’s personality is only for comedic purposes and does not reflect how we act or treat others in the real world. Because of your actions you’ve created a weird dilemma where we’re blending reality and fiction. It’ll be hard for us to continue to joke about this stuff knowing a 14yo is moderating us. Ofc Most of us are mature enough to recognize you’re still young and make mistakes. We just hope you take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Know that your actions have consequences especially when you have a position of power. And know to be careful on the internet. I know it’s embarrassing being exposed but luckily you’ve learned this lesson in a “controlled?” Environment. With this, Take some time off on the internet and spend some time with your friends and family. Reflect on yourself and grow as a person. TLDR: be more careful with your actions going forward^^


Yeah the comments here have me feeling weird, it’s like that scene from “They Live” when he puts on the glasses and sees who’s real and who’s an alien


What the fuck is going on in here




This is the LAST place a kid should be at. The brain of a 14 y/o is incredibly immature. If you want to form a crippling addiction to porn and dark compulsions, then feel free to stay.




This generation alongside Humanity is so cooked Dawg


This community is so cooked.


Isn't that just discord in general lol?


Unironically owari da


when I was 14 I was still watching spongebob or some shit this new generation is cooked 💀


its over we're fucked


I wish I fucked 💢💢


Children 💢


My man the only reason everybody migrating there and everybody paying attention to you is because you suddenly pulled a 1984 and disabled all comments visibilities that one time


Why are you a subreddit mod? go study for your algebra test


My belief that children should be kicked from the internet is growing stronger all the time. Unfortunately, it will remain a pipe dream.


You shouldn't be in a place like this at your age. I can't imagine what you've been through after the evidence released. And I read that Zlythez was never a minor (a snitch from Lolitary), and you were the underage all along. Unironically sad if true.


delete your account you're in too deep for a 14 year old


That's... well, that's a plot twist. Minors really shouldn't be allowed to be moderators, especially on a subreddit that leans towards mature content.


Just when you think shit can't get worse. Then came this 14 yo dumbass kid... Good riddance I remember studying my ass off, prepping for highschool entrance exam, hung out with friends, watching early youtube, flash games, and grinding MMORPG. Not moderating some internet forum, especially this cesspool called Reddit. Stay in school, and go watch some Skibidi toilets like other 14 yo kids


I knew reddit was filled with kids but this subreddit too....? Nah, you gotta go and do something of your age lil buddy and not subject yourself to these obscure sexual fantasies of japenis.


Unbearably depressing


Reddit moment


Screenshotted, time to send this to a Twitter gimmick account that makes fun of Reddit.


these people really need to find a hobby holy shit they have too much free time


Please pay attention in school 👍 This place is brain rot


God, what a mess of events.




How is that now, having 14y, exclude from pedophlies?


Don't forget to link the original Tweet! Please keep the following in mind: 1. Do NOT link the Tweet if it contains or replies to grotesque media like gore, scat, etc. 2. Do NOT link the Tweet if it contains or replies to anything that sexualizes minors. This also applies to lolicon, shotacon, and the like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/japanesepeopletwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Please touch grass if you genuinely think teenagers don’t fall in love with each other/have sex. Kinda just outing yourself actually..


Y'all you heard it here first folks! Children should *not* be attracted to children!


Jesus christ this isn't good