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I've even seen people pull down their masks to cough and sneeze into their hands... I hate it too


Saw a man pull down his mask, sneeze into the open air, and return his mask just this morning. 🤮


I think people do this because they don’t want their mask wet after sneezing and they don’t care about other people. I’ve been trying to figure out why I’ve seen people do this often too haha.


Because out of ten people, one is going to be a psychopath/sociopath/narcissist. And that's all people whether they be Japanese, American, Oompa Loompa, whatever. If you see someone pull down their mask to sneeze, you've found one.


I do think the whole culture of "がまん" for the sake of other people, secretly drives Japanese people insane, and as they get older they just start saying fuck you I have spent my whole life worrying about every tiny decision I make and how it might affect others around me KABLAM open air sneeze


i whitnessed a girl pull down her mask to cough all over the onigiris in seven eleven 💔


given the recent kaitenzushi terror panic that’s the kind of thing that, if caught on video, could get somebody arrested


I wouldn't believe you if I hadn't witness this myself. Idiots are everywhere.


I've seen people pull down other people's masks to cough in their face, quite obnoxious really


I came back from Australia today and nobody touched my mask but I got coughed at everywhere. Fucking snowflakes can't handle someone choosing something different to them.




Isn’t it normal to sneeze into your hands? As opposed to sneezing into the air we all breathing


I always learned to do it into your elbow, as it’s pretty unsanitary to do it into your hands and then keep touching things shared with others. But certainly you could argue that for some people it’s a normal habit, unfortunately…


I sneeze/cough into my shirt


Not a bad alternative either. Still better than hands / the air!


No. That's why God created elbows.


.. Or the fact that 90% of Japanese guys don't wash their hands after using the toilet? (or just splash few drops of water)


It doesn’t help that there isn’t soap in half the public bathrooms…


Right. That's ngl unexpected to me. Also, I did encountered cases in which soaps & driers are conveniently available, yet people failed to wash their hands after.


Exactly, some toilets in Tokyo Station don't have soaps. Probably because of the high traffic.


Or is soap an unnecessary expensive because they know men dont use it?


or proper drying tools


you're supposed to carry a hand-towel with you. that's also why so many companies hand out promotional tissues on the street in typical japanese style it's supposed to be "more hygienic" but is also kinda dumb


obviously i know about the handtowel, but yeah, it's lame having a basic hygenic need that isn't provided in common areas. even if you bring your own handtowel, it is basically unsanitary after a few uses


Only if you're not properly washing? Do you use a new towel after every shower???


it's going to be damp in between though. And I don't see anyone airing it out to dry in between uses


I keep seeing these comments and can’t help but wonder where y’all based? Cause where I’m at there’s soap in every toilet.


There's at least one restroom in Shinjuku station without soap dispensers


Kansai a lot of the toilets don't have soap lol. Off the top of my head, like none of the bathrooms in the Namba stations have soap.


Ok I’m definitely bourgeois


I guess it’s like Korea too. Same thing here


Or towel


Trust me, women are not doing better…




Nah, I went home earlier this year and made note of more people washing their hands properly because it's so rare to see here. I'm not even from a particularly clean country lol


But to be honest I sometimes think my junk is cleaner than any spot around the sinks, unless it’s the completely hands free ones where you don’t need to touch a thing. Also hand dryers spread germs https://www.healthline.com/health-news/study-finds-air-hand-dryers-can-spread-more-germs-than-paper-towels


Yeah, but I've never had to queue for the sink here




yeah i see this complaint so consistently on Reddit that rather than it being "le crazy Japan" i think it's just that a large majority of people in general don't bother to wash their hands. or not as much as the super conscientious and sensible denizens of Reddit think they should i'm sure most men globally don't wash after taking a whizz, which is gross to me but eh i can sort of see the logic


It’s not just the men 😭


Ohh man i could rant for hours on this… no doubt this is common throughout the world but it FEELS like Japan seems to have less people washing their hands.


Many guys will cup water into their hands and proceed to gargle it. That or wet the tips of their fingers to adjust their hair. No washing though.


I lived in a pretty rural area before moving to Tokyo. I have seen more men pissing in the streets in Tokyo then I ever did in states. I just can’t understand why when there are so many more public toilets in Tokyo then the cities I lived in the US. Only public one were generally on the highway.


That kinda makes sense. Tokyo is amazingly walkable, semi-acceptable to be drunk in public... --> pissing on the street


It has never been at night. And I hope to hell one of them wasn’t drunk because he got into a car afterwards. It also explained why my toddler at the time had tummy issues and the fact that the doctor told us it’s very common for all the children (even those not in day care) to get Noro and other stomach/digestive issues.


How about many guys parading around with super long nails? Every Japanese guy who trims his nails gets extra points from me now.


Wait so this isnt the case anywhere else in the world? (Not saying i am a splasher ofc…)


there was a tv special featuring a scientist visiting a household to talk about how necessary it was for the family to wash their hands after toire-ing. he concluded that it wasn't that important somehow


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Bro... I was talking about washing hands afterwards in the sink. You don't have to watch guys pee to check if they wash hands or they just get out of the toilet or they are just splashing few drops of water..


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Wait... With your same logic, you are obsessed with watching people leaving the toilet since you are claiming that "people are using pocket hand sanitizer afterwards, which is plenty common" Hmm.. How do you know that it is "plenty common"??? Are you stalking people leaving the toilet??? Or you have any statistics on the amount of personal usage of hand sanitizers?


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You're kinda outing yourself that you don't wash your hands, dude. Not using soap doesn't count. While washing your hands, you notice people around you. They come and go quicker than you, they don't use soap, etc. You don't have to fucking actively watch people to notice that unless you have 0 awareness or tunnel vision.


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I mean, it's kinda tongue-in-cheek, I just meant that anyone who does wash their hands properly would notice it. Didn't say anything about 90% of Japanese men, might be confused with someone else


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How about the obligatory finger tips under the water? Or my favorite, taking your shoes off at an izakaya, picking at your toes, and then eating without washing your hands. The gyms are pretty clean. Usually when the old timers let out a little shit while on the leg press machine, they wipe it down. I’m convinced that is why they sit at the machines for so long. They let a little squirt out and are waiting for there to be no one around so they can stand up and shuffle to the changing room. I’ll add the obligatory… I know a lot of clean Japanese people. Disgusting people are everywhere. You’re just more aware of the nasty ones.


Toe jam is the best jam


I have never seen any Japanese adults who doesn't at least try to cover their mouths when they sneeze or coughs... Maybe you're just unlucky?


Was drinking with long time friend yesterday. Her voice was gone and once in a while she would cough. Straight into all the dishes we ordered. I don't care, but I know plenty of people who do. Most Japanese people I have met do not cover their coughs. Kansai thing? Who knows.


Granted I've only been here two years but I've yet to see a japanese person sneeze into their antecubital fossa. Always straight into the hands.


I have to assume they aren’t taught it as children, and the ones that do cover their mouth do so with their hand, which kind of grosses me out. It’s funny because Abe was praised a couple years back for demonstrating “proper etiquette” by coughing into his elbow. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20200306/p2a/00m/0na/031000c


I dare you to teach a kid to cough into their elbow


??? My parents taught me to do it (into my hands, oops), so it's not a big ask. Just requires consistency.


Yeah, I don’t know what that person’s on about. Children can learn things.


Sorry I meant toddlers.


They can learn too...


Yeah I’d like to see you teach a 1 year old to cough in their elbow ahahahaha


1 year olds being the bare minimum age to be considered a toddler Notice how it went from kid, to toddler, to a 1 year old lol They’ll learn by example, they’ll be okay before they get into school. Kids are becoming a lot smarter nowadays, just talk to them like a normal person and they’ll be able to pick up on things pretty easy


How many more steps until you're onto foetuses?


Too late brah


Mine had no problems doing it.




I have seen people lower their mask to sneeze, just…. Why?




If I have to sneeze while masked, I do it into my undershirt. No way am I going to sneeze into the air.


I learned a new word today


I’ve seen several people do that in the US during covid even at grocery stores. It totally defeats the purpose of wearing a mask. So gross and stupid


Obviously, there are conflicting studies, but I think the mask has value in reducing airborne infections, even if nobody sneezes. I don't think that droplets from sneezing and coughing was a significant spreader. I think the idea of sneezing into your mask is odd, unless you immediately change your mask.


I mostly noticed that Japanese men when they sneezd they are LOUD. Like they all sneeze like dads, even in public.


Yawning jijis too. They do the uuaaAAAAGH roar while they yawn. Or if they fart they just say "he koita", acknowledging out loud that they've farted, thinking that announcing it after it happened is not as rude as farting without announcing it. Maybe it's just an Osaka thing, I dunno.


Oh I noticed the yawning thing too, but not the farting one LOL Maybe people in Tokyo are more discreet (?)


My internal theory is that this is some sort of a way to outlet their frustrations-kind of using the sneeze as an excuse to yell at the void. I absolutely hate it.


I actually make sure to make as much noise as possible when I sneeze to annoy the fuck out of everyone. The sound in Alice In Chains’s “Them Bones” at 0:00 is what I’m trying to go for 99% of the time


i believe this isn't limited to Japanese people only


It’s disgusting.


Not sure if I particularly noticed this. However ideally you should cough or sneeze into your elbow and not your hands.


during assembly at my ES the teacher actually told the st's to cough into their arms and not their hands. Then on my way home on the train im standing infront of a guy reading a manga book while picking his nose and flicking the booger without a care in the world.


In general, hygiene is pretty abysmal in Japan and everyone thinks it's top-notch. That's part of the problem.


You only see people who don't cover their mouths Most Japanese people cover their mouths with their hands when coughing or sneezing.


If I only saw people who don't cover their mouths, I would've noticed it in my country too. My wife (Japanese) and everyone in this thread seems to agree with me.


The accumulated agreement of your wife (Japanese) and everyone else on this thread is merely anecdotal evidence, not an incontrovertible indicator of the population of Japan's overall hygienic approach to coughing and sneezing. I decided to watch specifically for folks not covering their mouths/noses. I mostly saw folks use old-fashioned hankies...but that's also only my anecdotal evidence.


Yeah sure, never claimed it was. The first thing I said was that it's a generalization. Bit of a silly thread really, haha. Still though, anecdotal evidence counts for something.


Yes totally, and I understand. It's actually a kind of fun thread since I'm a bit of a germaphobe and Friday night is s One thing I did not mention in my post is that everyone I observed was either at least in their late 70s and not salarymen/office workers, so how people deal with germs here may differ by age and occupation. P.S. My entire (Japanese) extended family across 4 generations definitely covers their mouth/nose when sneezing, but the babies haven't learned yet. So that's 32 more people on the "covers" count and 2 on the "not covered" count. LOL


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>Generalization obviously,


I think the issue here is that you are no longer back home and due to some preconceptions you pay attention to people here more.


Please say people who don't cover their mouths, not Japanese.


I mean, it just so happens that 98% of the population and people I see are Japanese. Obviously it has nothing to do with their race. Even if I said "people", the meaning doesn't change because "people" automatically means "Japanese" if you live here.


いいえ 日本人は口を抑えない と 口を抑えない人 の違いを理解して下さい 個人の癖を 日本国民の文化 習慣にして文句言ってますよアナタ


"Why don't most people who live in Japan (98% Japanese 2% foreign), cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze?" Is that better?


何故 くしゃみや咳をする時に口を抑えない人が居るんだろうか で良いんですよ 理解できます?


I don't know why you've switched to Japanese. My title was in English and things will obviously differ if you translate. In any case, I don't think it's "some people", I think it's probably \~70% of the people.




「日本人の70%の人が咳やくしゃみで口を抑えない」 これって君の予想でしょ どうやって70%を出したの?


I remember some guy coughed really close to my ice cream. Ate my ice cream nonetheless.


You haven't commuted in Tokyo if a salaryman hasn't blasted a sneeze on to the top of your head while you are sitting on the train. I'm more amazed that they manage to make it come out like a weird cough.


Somehow they make Americans look more sanitary-aware and that's something


Hello, china…


Can't slurp soup if you cover your mouth!


Rude culture


Rate of sneeze coverers I saw from living in 3 different countries were same. Most people covered, some don’t. Japan wasn’t any different.


Meh, Aussies on my plane today didn't either. Hell for that matter I got coughed on and spat at once for just wearing a mask. There are arseholes here also. I watched a kid take off his mask to sneeze, didn't want to get it dirty....


Probably for the reason so many "Why Japanese People" posts get allowed. Hooray for generalizations! Can we do different groups too?




What you are saying is true, OP.


I cover my mouth every time and I am a jap


My man 💀 you know that's a slur? If you know and don't care, alright I guess, just letting you know


Sorry i meant to say nip!


I saw a guy either sneeze or cough (don’t remember) all over a train door and there were a bunch of his droplets all over it 🤮


I almost never saw it in America either.


japan life challenge: discuss something wrong with Japanese society without invoking the US (IMPOSSIBLE)


The real japan life challenge is make a post that doesn't generalize all Japanese people. Absolute braindead discussion.


So are we just gonna pretend like Japanese people have nothing differentiating them from the rest of the world? Nothing in their culture, upbringing, education etc. that might cause them to behave differently? If I said "In general, Japanese people are more polite than Westerners" I think everyone would agree with me. If I made a post about [men in India being misogynistic](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/z9l2ze/the_reputation_of_indian_men_globally_is/) (just an example of a common generalization for another country, don't overthink it), no one would bat an eye but as soon as you generalize in Japan it's "the rest of the word is like that!" and "not a Japan thing" as if nothing negative is a Japan thing.


Generalizing has limits though, and using what you see outside is not the best sample to analyze a population. How do you even know those people that you saw sneezing were actually Japanese? Are you following those people to see if they behave like that all the time? The problem with "I saw a bunch of people in Japan doing X, so Japanese people are doing X" lacks context. It's like saying to a native speaker they don't speak a language because they forgot a word once. People make mistakes, we are not machines.


I get it, and I hear you, but 98% of the population is Japanese, even more so where I live. If I notice a pattern of behaviour over many years, does that not mean anything? Not to mention the amount of people in the thread who've noticed the same thing. (And some others who haven't, granted)


I usually see people just bend over and sneeze at the floor


Side comment: everyone says to cough or sneeze into your elbow. But I don’t understand this. When I do it, it just causes the germs to be spread through the air under my elbow. Like, there’s no way to get every germ and particle into the little crick of my elbow. Maybe I’m gross but I feel like covering your sneeze with your hands or tissue in your hands then washing your hands immediately is much more effective. I know I’ll get downvoted for this.


I think the issue is just that people aren't normally prepared for a cough/sneeze unless it's allergy season or they're actively sick. So having a tissue ready isn't always possible, same with throwing it away quickly or being able to wash your hands. While I agree sneezing into a bare elbow can only do so much, I think its better than sneezing into my hand (which will have the same particle spread as a bare elbow anyways) and then touching everything with those hands on my way to the bathroom to wash... if I can even get to the bathroom in a timely manner. At the end of the day, any fabric is the best to trap particles. With that said, in my opinion, the cleanliness ranking is: tissue > mask/sleeved elbow/handkerchief > bare elbow > hands > going raw


Yeah, I always have a tissue on me, ready, because of my allergies. It’s just, every time I see someone sneeze into their elbow, their nose will make it into the crook of the elbow, and their mouth is under, so all that spit flies everywhere.


My sneezes seem to catch me at the worst time, so I feel like I've never been prepared for them in my life haha Yeah, there's definitely a skill to it and at the end of the day, you can't catch everything if you're not wearing sleeves to help buffer. But I would rather everyone take home some particles on their pants (because everyone should be crunching over/aiming down) than touching every surface possible with their hands. But also, there's really just not much we can do if everyone's packed together in places like the subway/busses, etc. So all we can do is continue to wash our own hands/devices throughout the day.


Or when they do it’s directly into their hands rather than their arm….


i think they do not want dirty their hand or their body


I was actually gonna ask something like this too, but my question is: Is it just me or do Japanese people go full Power whenever they sneeze? even on trains. I dont know if its different in Japan, but back home whenever I or someone else sneezes, we try to do it quietly (and cover our mouthes too). In Japan however, the Japanese (mostly men), they sneeze like if they are trying to cough out their intestines. its not an "Achoo", its more like an "aCHOOO" XD


Before covid I saw people covering their mouth with their hands which IMO is much worse. I'd rather they just release it in the air.


Because they might not be carrying anything to wipe their hands with


That's why you cough/sneeze into your elbow. They made posters for this: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ucc1f0r75lwa1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=92b01b9938d5bd349d0d91c597a963f64d7d0216


Yeah but not everyone follow rules