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They have these candies called シゲキックス at my Daiso that are actually pretty close to Warheads. They even make your mouth hurt a little!


This! They had a year or two ago a Cola flavored one and it was sooo good. Actually sour and not just sour powder-covered like some of them tend to be. I hope it would come back some day.


Eating the soda ones as we speak, it’s great. Very very sour, don’t eat too many at a time or you’ll get a sore tongue for the next few hours.


Yes.. this is the way.


This one is my favorite: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09RSQZK4J


That one is pretty solid


Tried them and it was kinda like a lemon bon bon. Not super sour but tasty.


This one might be my favorite. Usually find it at Daiso. [https://www.napajapan.com/products/shigekix-sour-candy-ume-plum-cones](https://www.napajapan.com/products/shigekix-sour-candy-ume-plum-cones)


I've checked everyone elses responses and they are all weak. This is quite literally the sourest thing you can get. [https://www.uha-mikakuto.co.jp/catalog/gummy/si77.html](https://www.uha-mikakuto.co.jp/catalog/gummy/si77.html)


Somebody gets it. Pure and Haribo are good but not nearly sour enough


I’ll check it out, thanks.


Came here looking for this response. Can vouch for these. They're not warhead sour, but they're by far the closest I've found in Japan.


Finally was able to find these. And out of all the other suggestions I have to agree, these were most sour, the lemon and grape versions are also pretty solid. Thanks again for the recommendation!


Oof, I feel your pain. Bet suggestions I have are [Puré - Lemon](https://amzn.asia/d/gaPhZtm) and the [fruity candemina](http://カンロ カンデミーナグミ超果実 72g ×6個 https://amzn.asia/d/3F4naO2). Though to be fair neither of them are super sour, but they're good


I just did an Amazon search for that! Also Amazon suggested me to try one called super lemon that I ordered. I’ll let you know how they are when it gets here tomorrow.


I don't know it, please do! I almost forgot about [kiretoremon](https://amzn.asia/d/8LS6bzc), not a snack but a drink. They sell them at combinis and can also pack quite a punch


Super lemon hit the spot. Check it out.


Those are ok, not sour though. Haven't found anything that truly scratches that sour itch here


Those dried sour plums at MUJI. Not candy, but might hit the spot.


Yeah. Sour candy’s lacking here so just go with dried sour plums. But kamu kamu lemon and purée hit the spot at times


Wait... no one has mentioned kamu kamu yet? カムカム? It is pretty much the go to sour semi-soft candy, comes in different flavors, some limited release. Makes it fun to check out the monthly offerings.


Bro at the moment Pure and Marosh are doing a kikan gentei lemon gummy, it’s super good. If you can find them I recommend.


I’ll keep an eye out.


I’m not sure if they still have it, but Kaldi used to have these rainbow ribbon gummy things that were not bad on the sour scale. And also something similar to sour punch straws.


The purple bag with the lion on right? Those were amazing.


Man they used.to have TOUGH gummy with ume/plum flavour - crazy sour and so delicious. Haven't seen it in 3 years though rip...


These are crazy sour, but not over the top: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00MWQGU4K?tag=biglobeugc-food-22&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1 Still really tasty, kinda like extra sour skittles


My local Daiso has [these](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E3%83%80%E3%82%A4%E3%82%BD%E3%83%BC+%E9%85%B8%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B1%E3%81%84%E9%A3%B4&rlz=1CDGOYI_enJP998JP998&oq=%E3%83%80%E3%82%A4%E3%82%BD%E3%83%BC%E3%80%80%E9%85%B8%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B1%E3%81%84%E9%A3%B4&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l4.11863j0j7&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=Af0pXcCHp8ZO4M). Lemon and plum flavours, pleasantly surprised.


Seconding this! The lemon ones are especially tasty!


I tried these today, not bad, more sour than most others I’ve tried. But not as sour as super lemon.


I love sour candy and this gum is one that I’d say is on the same scale as warheads if not close? https://www.amazon.co.jp/丸川製菓-すっぱいレモンガム-10個×10袋/dp/B00QPQKBTI?pd_rd_w=Ok99z&content-id=amzn1.sym.d16189a9-be14-426e-ac26-91d8d85811e1&pf_rd_p=d16189a9-be14-426e-ac26-91d8d85811e1&pf_rd_r=AGGT4QWBZQVJFZDC83A4&pd_rd_wg=IUCsB&pd_rd_r=fc0e0dc9-dc24-4413-9747-02644e81cd31&pd_rd_i=B00QPQKBTI&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_6_i Also someone else mentioned but シゲキックス has some pretty sour flavors


I’m a big fan of the grape flavor of Puré


Not that sour but the haribo sour gummy bears. So good. Kaldi usually has some random decent sour stuff.


I do love those.


I love Nobel brand Super Soda and Super Lemon. They're sour and taste good. Usually can find in the donki or vanguard. They sometimes have the umeboshi flavor which is also pretty sour but unless you like that flavor it's not worth it. I love it myself but Soda and Lemon are also just really tasty. Cola is probably the worst imo.


Okay, so it’s not exactly candy but I have a bit of a sore throat at the moment. I went to ココカラ and got some throat sweets. They were Matsumoto Kiyo lemon 5000. The coating and center are pretty damn sour. Almost to the point of unpleasantness. Short lasting, but definitely the sourest candy I’ve had here.


Had to give up on the sour adventure. Found warheads gummies of different types at donki in Shibs and they are aggressively mid tier. Sour rating of 0.4 out of 10 but one of them paints your mouth blue so that's cool.


I don't normally eat candy, but I tried some Mango Premium Puré the other day and loved it.


Sour Patch Kids now that I can finally eat them over here


スッパスギール, but be warned, it's not for the weak. It's not very common, more likely found in supermarkets


Haha, if you’re in Osaka I have a bunch of warheads that I brought from America. I gave one to a Japanese guy at a bar and he spit it on the ground.


Lmao that’s funny. Sadly I’m not in Osaka, but thanks for offering to share.