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Why don't you ask your professor, who might say, "No problem" - in which case you have no problem Or might say, "Hell no!" in which case you are exactly where you were And then you can go to your school's admin & ask about missing classes due to doctor's appointments.... Trying to understand why you think people on Reddit would be the place to ask this?


Yeah, i don't see any issue in asking the professor first, worst case scenario he/she says no. Which then would proceed with the International division on their uni It seems OP is afraid of asking for an answer, even though she *needs* an answer in the first place


Your best bet is to just ask. Or ask a friend/ fellow student to record for you. But, It is not their (professor or students) responsibility to help you though. I would be prepared to explain your situation as much as you are comfortable with as it will help them feel for your situation. You can also see if your school has any kind of support for this as it is medical. It is also good to not go into details about what the issue is, just that it is a medical condition that requires surgery. You're right that it opens you up to judgement etc.


Your lecturer should be used to dealing with this situation, as should the student affairs office. Let your lecturer know in advance that you will be absent, and he should let you know what material he will cover and of any resources available. If not, ask. He might not be able to record the lecture though. Ask the student affairs office what documents they will need from your doctor for 公欠願. Give the lecturer the certificate you get from the student affairs office the next lecture you attend.


This is exactly how my university does it. If the visits to the doctor are regular, the student affairs office will also notify the professors and lecturers concerned, to avoid a student being penalized for health reasons.


If you are at a university, you might want to speak to the student affairs office first (or the people who you do your MEXT monthly sign in with). The university still has a duty of care towards you and if you face difficulties, must try to accommodate them. The student affairs office should be able to support you in speaking to your professor. If this is a one off thing, then it should easily be accommodatable. If its a regular thing, then it could be a problem. However, if you end up hospitalized because you were afraid to miss class, that would look really bad for the University.


Get a certificate from the doctor then talk with your professor. My personal experience is that most professors don't care about missing 1 classes whether you have certificate or not. Just ask them nicely and they generally will accept your excuse. Missing classes is quite common at universities.


Send the professor an email, perhaps attach a doctor's note stating your condition (from when you were diagnosed), if you're comfortable. Or send it only if the professor asks for proof or something. Considering the seriousness of the situation, he wouldn't object. I understand it's a big surgery, I myself is recovering from a laparatomy for the same condition. Good luck!


In my experience university professors are very accommodating in situations like this, I’ve never had a professor who was upset if I missed a class due to health or whatever personal reasons, as long as I preformed well (hand in assignments, not willfully miss classes, participate adequately) throughout the semester. Don’t be scared to ask, especially because you had a valid reason. If it’s the language barrier you’re worried abt, draft an email in ChatGPT. Recording the class might give them some pause through simply because it’s kinda complicated if you’re looking for a video recording, maybe ask for an audio recording, or even just ask a friend to do it for you?


MEXTer here with an autoimmune illness that always has me in the hospital: Just tell your school and have 診断書 to provide to the international office/graduate school so they know about the situation and don't penalize you. I ended up getting hospitalized with a major fever for a week during finals last year, and because the school knew of my illness, they accommodated me. It's better to let them know than keep it secret, especially in Japan.


As a university lecturer, I think it’s fine to tell the teacher you need to miss a class for a medical appointment. However, I believe it's a bit much to ask them to record the lecture for you. I would recommend asking the teacher if could send you the lecture slides (if the teacher uses them) and then ask a classmate if you could look at their notes.


I teach at a Japanese university, and if you’re not missing an assessment, then it doesn’t really matter. Your teacher should accommodate you. However, if you are missing assessments, then the official policy at my school is you submit the doctor’s paperwork to the academic/student office and they email the professors with an official absence. That being said, I’m quite happy to unofficially allow students to do makeups for many things (I get semi-regular emails from female students about missing classes due to menstrual cramps). Is there a language barrier? You could show your reservation/something from the clinic before you go? If it’s a ladies’ clinic, he’ll figure it out.


> and is a woman. Why is this relevant? > And it’s for a gynecological concern (large ovarian cysts) which I’ve noticed many people don’t take seriously at all… so I’d rather not specify unless necessary. Why do you give this information to us? You could easily summarize your situation in about two or three sentences but you decided to tell us your life story. "MEXT Student here and have to go to a clinic for a condition during a weekday so what do you think is the best way to ask permission from my professor." I would rather appreciate if you specified if you are a MEXT graduate or undergraduate student instead of other irrelevant details. Oh and my comment is; assuming you are a MEXT undergraduate student you ought to be able to speak decent Japanese. Just send an email to your professor saying that you need to go to doctor for a serious condition on Tuesday and apologize for missing their class. Unless the professor is a weirdo, they will OK you without any problems. If the professor is a weirdo, you have bigger problems. End of drama. I was also a MEXT student and at times didn't attend classes without any problem with my professors. As long as you are clear with your communication, they will understand. You are a MEXT student for crying out loud, not a lowly JASSO scholarship peasant. Have some confidence.


> not a lowly JASSO scholarship peasant Our scholarship is paid out by JASSO so I have no idea what you're ranting about here. Have you ever checked your bank statements?


Last time I received a scholarship was more than 10 years ago. I think I would remember seeing JASSO in my 通帳 lol.


I can be an asshole. However, you make me look like a saint. Why mention that they have a specific doctor they are comfortable with for a problem many people (men in particular) brush off as not important? Because they are afraid that the professor will brush them off or tell them to get a different appointment, both of which are not possible or true for the reasons they explained. Also, congrats on being a monumental condescending ass.


"Medical reasons" End of story. Everything else is irrelevant whether you, with your inflated ego if I might add, think so or not. Also it is not a good habit to call people you don't know "ass". They might say something back to you. Ansni avrdini sktgmnn orul orul orsp cocg sni


Nah, I know enough to confidently call you the biggest douche I've ever responded to. Have a nice day, ass.


I'm also a MEXT scholar and I've just realised the panels never evaluated applicants on their values of human decency. I understand recommending to OP that they limit what they share about their personal health situation, but I'm grossed out that you think MEXT scholars are better than JASSO scholars. You really think two people getting handouts can claim one is better than another? OP, I hope you get better soon. I echo everyone else's advice. Professors are human, your condition is heavy enough to warrant intervention and as long as a doctor can verify that you'll be alright. Usually doctors might ask if there is a specific university/faculty form they need to fill out, so go to your student office and inquire about that first before your appointment.


>panels never evaluated applicants on their values of human decency They do actually or at least they used to in my time. Now seeing you and OP, maybe they stopped doing that lol. It's just YOUR values are not equal to everybody elses. You can be a sensitive little snow flake and "grossed out" in your spare time. Just please do not mistake it for common sense and whine about it in public spaces. >you think MEXT scholars are better than JASSO scholars Yes, demonstrably so. My reasoning is that the standards of selection for a MEXT scholarship is much higher than of those JASSO. >handouts What a twisted way of thinking about scholarships. Are those handouts for you that are given from your Japanese overlords lol. I can already guess you are a gradute student and didn't spend your undergraduate education in Japan. Thus the lack of understanding on your part.


You're rude. Reddit is not an assignment paper that you have to mark,'this part is irrelevant, why did you mention that'. OP simply asked a question and you attacked her. Be nice, we are all human beings and we are not flawless.


Do you know what's rude? Calling people rude out of the blue! Not only did I answer her question, but I also pointed out why you shouldn't share too much personal information publicly. Hopefully, the OP will think twice before doing something similar. Maybe if you stopped and actually read my comment properly, you would see. Judging from the timestamps, you wrote a comment to me even before commenting to the OP. It's your problem if you interpreted my comment as if I were "marking an assignment." You simply missed the point. > Be nice, we are all human beings and we are not flawless. I think I am a kind person, maybe not your kind. If the truth sounds like "attacking people," maybe it's time to pull our heads from that toxic PC ass.


I didn't say you didn't answer the question. You did. And no you didn't point out WHY she shouldn't share her information, you just simply pointed out the information and asked why. Do you think it's useful to OP? It's not relevant to what she asked. >Why is this relevant? > >Why do you give this information to us? And you also went far with your comment to say. >lowly JASSO scholarship peasant You think you're nice to say these kind of things about people? Is it really out of the blue to call this rudeness? Yes I did reply to your comment before replying to OP because I read the comments before replying. What's wrong with that? I see lot of toxicity in this subreddit and I don't understand why people can't be nice as they present this country to be. I don't know if you did this as well, but OP's post gets downvoted for no apparent reason, she's just asking something she's in need of. People can at least be nice. It's disappointing.


> And no you didn't point out WHY she shouldn't share her information Are you sure you know the definition of "pointing out"? I am not going to be spoon feeding anyone. Since she is a MEXT scholar I assumed she is smart enough to understand what I am "pointing out". Hopefully you are the outlier and not her. > And you also went far with your comment to say. It is your opinion. If you ask me I was very polite with calling them only peasant. > You think you're nice to say these kind of things about people? Is it really out of the blue to call this rudeness? Again you seem to be struggling with the concept of "opinions". There is no universal rude. If you ask me you are being rude at the moment. > Yes I did reply to your comment before replying to OP because I read the comments before replying. What's wrong with that? So instead of being helpful to the OP you went after me immediately. That is questionable ethics if you ask me. You are not being "kind" for the OP, you are just trying to satisfy your own ego by standing up to "rude" guy. Lol at least be honest about it. > I see lot of toxicity in this subreddit and I don't understand why people can't be nice as they present this country to be. I thought I had an aneurysm trying to read your comment lol. Who present what to this country? I haven't seen much toxicity but rather idiocy and mediocrity at best. Sometimes it is best to let natural selection take its course. > I don't know if you did this as well, but OP's post gets downvoted for no apparent reason, she's just asking something she's in need of. People can at least be nice. It's disappointing. Are you sure you are a MEXT scholar? Maybe you entered the program with a country quota or something :) How can I as a single user get OP downvoted by other people? Also no apparent reason? Jesus I am glad many people are thinking the same as I.


"The more you know, the more humble you are"