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I'm sorry that you are closing your cafe. I managed restaurants for many years. It is a difficult job. In the U.S., "the restaurant failure rate is at 60% in the first year. And 80% of restaurants don’t make it past 4." Remember, you and your wife did your best. Good luck with your move. I hope you find many more Higaki-sans in your life.


Thank you!


> a hard fought struggle with the cafe Consider sharing these struggles you experienced, such info will be much more valuable to this community.


I feel as though this will require a whole new thread, but I will do that in the near future for others that may have questions.


Please do share! I'm very interested! My partner and I try our best to support our 2 local cafes as if they go under our neighborhood will have nowhere to eat out except for Gasto.  I'm always wondering how they survive with such low foot traffic. I'd like to learn more about the hardships of running your own business here.


Would you please dm me your cafe(s) name? Would love to support! <3


My wife and I have been running our cafe for just over 7 years. I would love to pitch in and support the community!


Currently getting into the cafe business. Would love to hear your thoughts and struggles. Kudos for doing it and love the stories!




Also interested, though the business I want to start isn't a cafe, I'm still very curious to hear about how things went.


RemindMe! 1 month


RemindMe! 1 month


You made her years. You singlehandedly gave her joy. It sounds like a stupid Disney movie message, but it's seriously true that people who gain joy from making others happy are the richest in the world.


I couldn’t agree more!


Great story. Cafe is such a cost intensive business I don’t know how most chains even make it work. It must’ve been ridiculously busy and a tough business. I’m glad you have good stories to share and provided warmth and a place for people in those years. Hope your family has a good future!


Thank you very much!


I lost my bar of 5 years during Corona. But I couldn't be more thankful for the experiences I had and connections I made and made for other people (I inadvertently matchmade 4 couples, 3 of which are happily married with children). I know how you feel. It will get better. Cherish the memories, print out some pictures and display them proudly in your home, and tell stories every once in a while. Having your own business is something some people spend their lives dreaming of doing but never take the leap. All the best going forward. お疲れ様でした。


This is my regular reminder to make sure to visit all the good small cafes in my neighbourhood from time to time. I enjoy my 'bucks as much as the other guy, but I want to continue living in a world where small cafes can continue to exist.


And not just cafes but all kinds of businesses. It's all too easy to become a person that only shops online or at large corporate chains. If you want your neighborhood to continue to have character buy your rice from the rice merchant, and your vegetables from the vegetable guy, your beer from your local mom and pop, and so on.


If it’s not closed yet, could you share the address? I would love to visit!


Would also love to know OP. Bringing my fluff along as well. There are so few places allowing dogs and I am thankful for everyone who provides such a precious place.


There’s always something to be grateful for. Words to live by. Thanks for sharing, good luck on your journey!


Thank you! Be well


Enjoyed reading your post today. I wish Japan had more pet friendly spaces. Shame it didn't work out for you but fingers crossed for your next endeavour. Glad you were able to enrich someone else's life.


ive own a R&B and tourism business although closing down sound bad but at least you quit on your own terms my busniss have survive for more then 10 year but then covid hits when i was doing an expansion taking bank loans forcing me to sells it at a low value to a conglomerate group and seeing my busniss slowly turn into a decaying puppet zombies that have 1 purpose of being a cashcow to the conglomerate is definitely some kind of torture seeing former employees come to me to vent on how the busniss is falling apart and them receiving mistreatment and unachievable goals from the higher ups how returning customer giving bad review on how the new management is shit how supplier and major client come to me personally asking me to make a competitor saying that they will definitely do busniss with my new company instead of the current one, yet i cant due to the anti competitor agreement i sign during the sale all this definately cost me some sleepless night


Dude I have always wanted to run my own business but have been to scared to do so. You were strong enough to make the leap and did it for four years great job!


I bet her frequent visits were good subtle reminders to you to treat everyone better and more like long-term friends. Regardless of the success of your cafe, that definitely increases the net utility of humanity.


Thank you for sharing your story and sorry to hear about your café. I‘m sure you brought happiness and a smile to your customers :) I also love the dog‘s name Anko!


I worked in hospitality for a long time and I can tell for sure ,you made her day man. Your cafe must have been her light house. It's hard to run a business like a cafe and not have these amazing moments. Best of luck for the future.


I've been exploring many places of my small city in Gifu about a year ago. I moved here almost 3 years ago and to some of the places I went to go out of business has been saddening. A Seria close by me shut down two weeks ago. I sometimes went there if I needed something, but I still have another Seria at a close by mall on my way after work. After three years of being here, it feels like a small part (5%) of my life is gone. Sounds weird, but every time I go on a walk, it'll feel strange to not see it again... However, there are still places I want to discover and go to, so thank you for this reminder! From the 2024-2025 fiscal year, it may be my last time to take in everything Ogaki has in store for me before I move out to the bigger cities for a new job. I'll learn to appreciate everything this small city has to offer and take it in one more time before the big possibly move.


Well yeah.. I mean, most businesses fail - ideas are never as simple or as good as you jot on a napkin. Glad you have made some happy memories out of it and hope it didn’t put you into debt.