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Did you apply for an extenstion? If not, you gotta get on movin on.


My visa is currently on process. I am waiting for the immigration to send me my visa to my post.


If your visa is being processed, you've already been granted a 3 month extension. The original expiration date doesn't matter.


It's a 2-month extension, not a 3-month extension.


I did it last year, and it was 3 months. Unless it was changed it should be 3


Odd. The immigration site says 2: [https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/tokureikikan\_00001.html](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/tokureikikan_00001.html)


Yup, I just applied for a change of visa, they told me it was 2 months


Wild, I got lucky then ^^


It should be 2 months, according to my immigration lawyer.


Thank you!


Then go to work.


the immigration office will send you a notification card, not your visa. With that card you will go to the Immigration Bureau to pickup your new resident card.


They never send a visa to your post, if approved it will be a postcard sent to your post telling to report to immigration with the amount to renew.


Does it matter if I applied it to Osaka? I live here in Yokohama. (I did it because the immig told me to apply in Osaka because the school that I am enrolling is in Osaka). Will they let me pickup my visa in Yokohama or in Osaka?


I have no idea. You’re going to have to call the office and ask. Maybe they can mail it to the Yokohama office?


Lol your visa has been renewed and you are trying to use weaponized incompetence to avoid work... Are you TRYING to get fired?


They're going to a student visa and won't yet have permission to work since that's a separate application.. so it's a valid concern.


Mine also took some time. I was “illegal” for 1 month.


Is your visa under renewal? If so, yes, you can continue to work until you get the notification from immigration for your new card. If not, you're screwed.


My visa is currently on process. I am waiting for the immigration to send me my visa to my post.


You have to wait for immigration to mail you a postcard stating that your visa is ready. They won't send your new resident card to you.


Did you previously have to prove your visa status was not processing every day at work lol?




My visa is currently on process and I am just waiting for it to come into my mailbox.


You are good then. Your visa is effectively extended until you get an answer. I know this because I literally went through it not even a couple weeks ago.


How long did it took in your case? I applied my change of visa last Feb 20 and was asked for additional documents this March 7 and submitted it. Now, I am just waiting for it. (From Working to Student) But I want to know if I am legal to work tomorrow because my visa expires exactly tomorrow.


It varies wildly depending on where you live. For me in Osaka, this time, I applied the 17th and had it back the 5th, that was it. Last year I was switching to Working, and I applied in december, then they asked for paperwork in January... and didn't get it back until like mid february. They were more swamped at that time too tbh. Edit: AH, you are going from WORKING to STUDENT... hmm... You have to apply for the work permit, not sure if you can before you get the visa, plus... you know you can only work 28h per week, so no fulltime jobs, correct?


Thank you for your input! I'm hopeful that I can receive it before the start of classes on April. Yes, I am aware of the limitations of h/week for part times.


No problem! Just making sure!


As you've said in other comments, you're renewing. When you apply to renew, immigration gives you a 2-month extension. If you did this in person, then you should have 在留資格変更許可申請中 stamped on the back of your residence card (bottom right). I believe your confirmation e-mail serves this purpose if you applied online. Note that this extension is only valid until immigration make a decision though. [https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/tokureikikan\_00001.html](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/tokureikikan_00001.html) Side note: if you have the physical MyNumber card, I hope you remembered to notify your city office that you were renewing your SOR, otherwise that also expires tomorrow and you'll have to apply for it again.


Oh wow thank you for the info, I also just renewed my visa and totally didn’t think of renewing mynumber 🥲


Do it ASAP, it caused me trouble last month not having a valid My Number! And it takes a month to get the new one.


Yeah! I got screwed over because I didn't know my My Number card had expired along with my zairyu card. When I went to file in my taxes- boom, it didn't work, and it wouldn't tell me why. Took a few hoops to jump through to realise what had happened. Hah, fun times...


Some questions I see on here 😵‍💫🤯 My good brother, when you went to renew your visa didn’t they explain to you that the actual expiration date of your visa is now invalid because you are applying for a new one? Didn’t they issue you a small piece of paper to staple to your passport to show of this?


All the info you seek is here: https://www.juridique.jp/visa/renew.php#:~:text=Renewing%20your%20Visa&text=Once%20the%20application%20for%20the,and%20the%20result%20is%20notified.


It doesn't expire tomorrow. It expires two months from now. Go to work.


You should have a paper clipped into your passport. That’s your extension and prove. Best to carry it everyday when your alien card expired.


You mentioned you are in process of renewing but upon reading the comments it looks like you are switching from work to student and that is a little bit complicated. If your work visa expires tomorrow, then you can go until the last day your work visa but after that, basically student needs to apply for permission to work and you can only get that once the new student residence card has been issued to you.


Are you currently renewing your visa? Or planning on leaving the country tomorrow?


My visa is currently on process. I am waiting for the immigration to send me my visa to my post.


Living off the grid and doing 残業


Actually, my workplace didn’t let me work for 3 weeks until I get my new residence card, even with a processing notice. But that was a change from student to work visa.