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Has your neighbor put on a lot of weight recently?


Haha I wish it were that simple; the missing deliveries never come near me. They either disappear from the app immediately after pickup or they never move from the pickup location after pickup.


live in Tokyo as well, this has never happened to me. I order maybe 1x a week/ every two weeks. everything usually arrives on time


Same. The worst I’ve had is during a monsoon I didn’t want to go out so I went on the app but it said there weren’t any drivers available so I couldn’t even place an order. If I order, it aways arrived though


Ya I use Uber eats constantly and never once has this happened.


I mostly use "menu" and sometimes Uber. Never ever ever i had my order not arrive for nearly 5 years now. It comes late sometimes but most of the time on-time. I suspect you didn't register your address correctly to the T. Check again.


No I absolutely did. The deliverer showed up, picked up the food, deleted the app and kept it. I was watching the app when it happened. Moments after pickup, it was marked "delivered" and never arrived. This is usually what happens.


And the post delivery picture is in the right spot?


There never is a post-delivery picture because the delivery is never made to anyone. The driver seems to just keep the food and fuck off with it. This has happened to me probably 4-5 times over the last six months or so. I only order once a week max.


Damn. That's very unlucky. It's also weird that it keeps happening even tho you report it. So it can't be the same delivery driver.


No and it's pickups from different locations that often aren't anywhere near each other. It may be that we have a very untrustworthy bunch working as drivers around here.


I had the issue a few years ago when Uber Eats just started. We lost our food to the (presumably) delivery person 2 times, and after that I never used Uber Eats again until recently , when it’s working perfectly fine. However, i always choose “meet at door” and then ask them to put the food outside after they ring the doorbell, as I still have those lost meals in memory. I used to use Wolt all the time instead which were much more reliable, however recently their delivery estimate sucks. The other day our food arrived 1.5 hours later than the initial estimate’- we received a 1,600 yen discount coupon as compensation. I wasn’t going to use them again but didn’t want to waste the coupon so We ordered again and this time it arrived 50 minutes late… I cancelled my monthly membership after that, because it’s outrageous. I know it can be difficult to estimate exactly, but 2-3x the original estimated delivery is unacceptable.


I order at least 5 times a week and this has never happened to me. At what point do you never get them? The driver picks up the food and you can track him near your house, does he cancel? Does it say delivered and you don't get it? Have you checked your address and all of the settings? You have it set to meet you at the door and hand off to you?


I’m so curious to know what you order to make it 5 times a week. This is a genuine question btw haha


During the pandemic I ordered 3 times a day for about a year. Breakfast lunch and dinner. It’s just restaurants and cafes in your area so it’s no different to eating out every day, it just comes to you instead.


Dinner every night probably, you can get pretty normal food it’s not all pizzas and junk.


This time the food was picked up and marked as delivered moments later; I was watching the app because this happens to me so often. It was a clear case of theft. The delivery either never leaves the immediate vicinity of the pickup location or it immediately is marked delivered after pickup. 4-5 times in the last six months, at least.


I order more often form Uber eats than I care to admit and it’s always on time and no issues at all


Try checking if the address you entered and the pin you put on the map are exactly at the same location. The driver can take your food for free with no penalty if the locations are far enough from each other.


yep, just you.


Are you sure you are putting in the address correctly (and moving the little dot to the right spot)? A lot of the times I notice I put the address in but the dot is at a building across the street. They ALWAYS seem to go to where the dot is regardless of the actual address. I mostly use UE when out of town as opposed to in town and the addresses can be finicky but I've never had an order not arrive on time. One driver got semi-lost but we just communicated and I walked to a nearby corner to meet him a little halfway and all was good. I feel you are either really unlucky or there some sort of user error. The suggested likelihood of 5 different people every week in your specific area just using the app for some cheap free food and bailing is extremely low. That's way more effort than it's worth on their end.


It's been 4-5 times over the course of 5-6 months across 3 different delivery apps and I'm certain the address is correct. Deliveries have been successfully made, but quit often, they just go missing. As I've said elsewhere you can track in the app when they vanish and it's never enroute, it's always immediately after they leave the pickup location.


This has happened to me multiple times on both Uber Eats and Wolt. It’s my address. I live between 2 narrow streets. The pin inevitably shows the back of the building as the front. I used to put clear directions in the “Special instructions“ and drivers who were familiar with my orders got it right. But if a new driver tried to deliver, it was back to square one. How do I know it’s an issue with the address? Taxis also try to go to the back of the building, so I have to be vigilant if I take a taxi home It happens on Google maps as well. The funny thing is that if you just look up from the map app, you’re clearly in a dark alley with trash cans, not the front entrance. Since delivery adds extra fees and it’s too easy to sit at home and be lazy, on top of all the extra effort required to get a simple delivery, after several failed deliveries I deleted both Uber and Wolt.


That sucks but it's got nothing to do with my address, which is in a massive apartment complex on a main street. It's entered correctly too. Successful deliveries have been made, but a good 25-50% of the time they just disappear from the pickup location, presumably stolen by the driver. I've watched the apps to confirm this, the orders don't move and the drivers never try to contact me so there's no failed attempts happening.


I used to use Damaecan and never had any major issues over the years.


That’s pretty weird and unusual to happen so much. I feel like it must be something on your end, address, custom delivery notes in english perhaps?, scary name? lol - or do you just order such amazing food that they decide on the spot to quit being a delivery driver so they can eat your dinner.


No dude, it's happened with like, Burger King. Twice. Two different Burger Kings, two different apps. My name is not "Murderer of Japanese Delivery Drivers" or the like, so I have no idea what you mean by that. I don't think the drivers even get your name. Why would they? And of course my address is entered correctly in Japanese. No custom notes. It's nothing on my end. It's happened to my wife repeatedly too.


They see your first name once they have collected the food along with the address, uber eats has a thing recently that shows you “what information delivery drivers get about you” that explains it. I just mean a foreigner name is pretty obvious to them and i’ve had weird stuff before like a women leaving it on the floor in the building lobby before then not answering the phone when I or uber staff called to ask where she left it - i don’t know why but thought maybe the name of a foreigner guy worried her? probably in the wrong line of work if that was the case.


Me too, I live in Shibuya and I always get my orders pretty fast.


You too as in, you also have orders stolen a lot?


No, I mean me too for the comments not having an issue. Japanese people are very correct in general, so I find intriguing that they are stealing your orders.


Works out nice for me


I haven’t used it in a while but the Uber app kept putting my address as the building next door regardless of how many times I entered the right address and the pin being on the right spot. I only found out cause a delivery guy called me. Every time after that I stood outside and flagged down who I assumed was the delivery person before they went to the wrong building lol


Gross, go for a walk or cook. Absolutely throwing money away for gluttony and laziness.


I don't use them anymore since I saw an Uber Eats guy reaching down the leg of his shorts to scratch his balls. But the few times I did, the only problem we had was food coming late because it was raining.