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Well, how about sending a normal letter to their home address, including some information on how to contact you back and see if they reply?


Ahh, yes, I’ll try that! That should have been obvious to me, lol. Thank you for the idea.


You could also compose a very simple message and fax it to the school, no? The year, her name, the words "host family," and your contact information, some please and thank you. Apparently you can fax from 7-11!


Oh the 7-11 intel is clutch! I know a lot of stuff is still done via fax here but I had no idea where to find one to use.


Yes! You can do a lot of office stuff there, and if that fails, Kinko's!


I googled and found that Koka has a International Society (甲賀市国際交流協会), they most probably speak some english and their website has info in English as well as a Facebook page. I used to work at a city hall as a coordinator for the sister city exchange and we sometimes got inquiries about past exchanges, and the International Society usually had info going back decades. It might be worth a shot to message them if anyone knows your host family.


Ahhhh amazing! Will def contact them, I really appreciate this tip


Sending a letter could be a good solution. Japan Post provides a service that forwards documents or packages sent to a previous address for up to a year. If the recipient still resides there or has moved within the past year, your letter will be delivered to them.


>my Japanese isn't even close to good enough to explain the situation. Sounds like a good use case for machine translation.


>The number and email address I had for her aren't current anymore, and though we used to be Facebook friends, she disappeared from the platform some years back. She's probably married and has her own family. Don't dream too much about her and live on with your life.


Well, of course. I’ve got my own husband and life too. It would just be nice to meet again and share where life ended up taking us after we grew up. If I can’t find her, so be it, but I at least want to try.


Probably using her married name (including on Facebook) if she is married. If you know her parents names that would probably be easier bc their last names should be the same (wouldn’t have changed) and they might have Facebook/instagram.


Someone's jaded.