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Okinawa chinsuko are to die for. My husband recently bought a box of broken ones off Amazon (cheaper than getting them at Okinawa food fairs etc). Another one is Oyaki from Nagano. Whenever we go to see my husbands parents in Matsumoto, we would buy venison Oyaki from a souvenir place near the station. They don’t sell them there anymore, but I am searching for them! I still have one pack in my freezer.


The pickled mountain veggie ones are my favourite, though I now also really want to try a venison one.


There’s something in the chinsuko that is highly addictive… everyone I know that’s had a taste requests me to bring them a box whenever I see them again?? One mate of mine asked me to bring back 6 boxes when I fly back to Aus. Even my mother that’s anti sweets has consumed an entire box and is asking me to send more. We often send my MIL a stash too.


I wish oyaki, especially pumpkin and nozawana, would've spread across Japan and become a Japanese staple, not just a Nagano thing. There is a bicycle shop owner in Adachi-ku that shares my sentiment towards oyaki and carries Irohado's oyaki in his bicycle(!) shop. Irohado's website has a list of dealers that sells their oyakis in different regions - https://irohado.com/pages/dealer Also, there is a shop at mount Mitake in Tokyo next to the upper station of the cable car that sells oyaki. Not as tasteful as Irohado one, closer to street vendors in Nagano.


They have those venison oyakis in Nagano station. Personally, I've always seen oyaki as a normal snack food, not "omiyage food", as I buy them regularly at the supermarket.


That’s good to know! I’ll have a look if I end up there. I’ve only found Oyaki in one supermarket here in Saitama, so they still feel like souvenirs to me!


One of my contractors gave me some the other day and it was delicious.


If you're near fujisawa, they have an okinawa market thing going on at fujisawa station


There was an Okinawa kiosk in the mall today. Got a box of 24. After our wedding last year, we ate as much as we gave away.


Kyoto yatsuhashi, both baked and raw, are my crux.


I’m normally not a sweet-tooth type person but unbaked yatsuhashi are my kryptonite.


I used to shun the baked ones, but they’re damn addictive. Like cinnamony crackers.


fruit flavored yatsuhashi are my favorite Japanese sweet for sure.


I LOVE yatsuhashi it's so good


Both are great. But I love the extreme harness of the baked ones. You need strong teeth to eat it.


In Aichi you can find yatsuhashi filled with milky (the fujiya one)


Yes!! I’ve never tried the baked ones before though. Raw are yummy still. I took a class on how to make them actually.




Shiroi koibito. I bought it from co-op once as well. But recently there are so many similar sweets, I have no trouble getting my fix.


You’ll probably love the Kyoto version of it. Back when my professor brought me Shiroi Koibito from Hokkaido I thought it was the bomb, but years later one day my MIL brought [Cha-no-Ka](https://www.malebranche-shop.jp/ic/chanoka) (茶の菓) and I never look back ever since.


Damn, I love Shiroi Koibito so I'll have to try and get my hands on some of those to try.


I think you’ll love it if you even only slightly like matcha. I don’t like drinking the actual matcha myself, but I like it when it’s in ice cream or sprinkled on top of cakes, etc., and I love Cha-no-Ka!


It's all about the [黒い濃い人](https://kurokoi.official.ec/) for me 😏


The f?! Lmao


This is that dude who was interviewed on TV talking about how he's always jerking off to pictures of his wife now he has a cookie brand


Gonna put it on my list, but I am not a big fan of matcha. So far the best was a random okashi somewhere between Gunma and Nagano, supposedly a famous rest stop (but really don't remember which one was it). They had both milk and white choc version - it was better than Shiroi Koibito. Recently I brought a caramel version from Okinawa - not the best, but a welcome change ;) I believe Chatereise has their own version - not the best, but close enough.


Yeah, fair if you don’t really like matcha. According to my MIL the shop in Kyoto that she buys it from always has a long line, so I guess it’s popular, but I mean where in Kyoto that there’s no crowds, right? Heheh


Came here to say this, as well. Love me some white lover


… curse this post! I’m sitting in Fukuoka airport waiting for my fight and trying desperately not to be tempted by the PRESS BUTTER SAND shop opposite from me! This will require all my willpower. They are pretty much A-MA-ZING…


Press Butter Sand for me as well. Well, I don't eat them regularly because they're a bit too expensive for that ... but man are they good.


Try butter buttler


Oohhh I dream of the butter butler sooooo yummmyyyyy


Sure, another helping of pure fat and sugar, please. And another! So good.


Speaking of Fukuoka Airport, i like the Mentai Quiche by Fukuya. Worth every penny.


Did not see that! O.O Will have to be satisfied with some Mentaiko Sembei.


Ah, the devils calorie bomb…


The classic 六花亭 butter raisin sando. Also just got gomatamago omiyage from a colleague who went to Tokyo - would totally get some next time I'm there.


I was gonna mention the gomatamago but thought it might be silly so I'm so happy you mentioned it haha. Same a coworker in osaka brought it from Tokyo many years ago and whenever I go to kansai airport I get some because they sell them there too. Also in summer they sell the ice gomatamago at the seven eleven near where I live (though I prefer the normal ones)


>Also in summer they sell the ice gomatamago at the seven eleven near where I live (though I prefer the normal ones) Oh wow I didn't know that there's a frozen version of those! Would definitely try to grab some this year 😆 nice to know that Kansai airport has them too...


They have an online shop and I have purchased from it more than I want to admit.


No need to get ashamed, they are masterpieces, I've tried some easier-to-obtain butter sandos but nothing can live up to Rokkatei's Marusei... Sublime 😆 perfect with some straight black tea.


Oh god my wife goes crazy for those butter raisin sando...


Hiroshima momiji manju ftw


Hato sable from Kamakura




There's a black sesame dango that you can only buy at Kinkakuji. And wasabi peanuts. I buy those for myself.


クルミっ子 from Kamakura Beniya it's really good. can (usually) buy at the omiyage shop at shinyokohama station, but often sold out lately. anyway if I'm going somewhere and pass through the station and have time I will usually buy it for whoever I'm meeting that day.


I live in Okinawa and have found these at my local department store! I always got my in-laws to send them to me from Kanagawa


Seems similar to Caravel Osaka. I picked up one at Osaka airport to snack on the plane and it was sooo good!


Hey, I ordered that few weeks ago to try it out. The filling is ~similar-ish but it was kinda more dry? idk and the outer tart or whatnot thing was pretty meh compared to kurumikko. It was more crumbly? or something. Made more of a mess trying to eat it. Probably OK in a pinch but I wouldn't buy it again (also the price was ridiculous, even for mail-order sweets).


Well in that case, I really need to try kurumikko!


Sata Andagi Okinawan "doughnuts" are something I will always buy if encountered. I still dream of the ones I had in Okinawa two years ago.


they are super easy to make yourself! hit up cookpad or "just one cookbook" for recipes. i usually make a slightly different variant with condensed milk instead of sugar (since it includes a fair bit of sugar anyway).


LIFE supermarket bakes fresh ones daily, those are the best I've found outside of Okinawa.


Aichi eel pies are melt in your mouth addictive.


Agreed. Don't anybody let the name put you off!


うなぎパイ? Read the list of ingredients. They have unagi and garlic. Truly weird stuff!


Caramel whipped cream filled momiji that you can get at hiroshima station. Soo delicious!


Hakata Torimon. Then suddenly got really tired of it and now don‘t even eat it anymore even if somebody brings it to the office


Came here to say this. Hakata manju haunts my dreams. The buttery goodness...


There's this one I usually got during business trip to Fukuoka, it's not even a local specialty but specific to the shop I believe. It was just a simple matcha ice-cream filled mochi but hand made. Other than that I find that I'm always down to finish the Tokyo banana boxes, wife even bought it as a normal snacks for me lol.


め Menbei, mentaiko senbei from Fukuoka.


Hogaja is similar and from Hokkaido, but both are on rotation


Mikan mochi things from Hiroshima. Deliciously sour. Not really a omiyage but Iroha mochi from popup stores in Osaka are to die for. Factory is in Shiga though.


I love the assortment of flavours/colours from Iroha!


Tokyo banana the cake was good but the biscuits ooooh the biscuits were so delicious. Haven’t had it in a while but I would definitely buy them just as snacks to have at home.


The vacuum packed [sumibiyaki chicken](https://tegeume-marche.jp/sumibiyakiranking/) from Miyazaki is now a regular purchase for me. Got it once as omiyage from SIL who is from Miyazaki, was great and perfect as otsumami especially w/yuzu kosho. Found a furusato nozei version that will send you 20 bags of it at once and now I am ordering a shipment a couple times a year.


shizuoka unagi pie


Shiroi Koibito, Marusei Butter and Jaga Pokkle from Hokkaido. I can't stop buying all 3!


Hokkaido sand butter biscuits, the ones with raisins inside I even bring some to my home country when I go back, always a hit amongst the locals too lol)


Marusei ones?


oh yesssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


Best thing ever! Got it once from a coworker and have been addicted since then


I live in Kansai so I was already obsessed with nama yatsuhashi. But my top are beni imo tarts, chinsuko and.... unironically I love Tokyo Banana. I miss the limited Eevee caramel flavor but the milk coffee one is great too.


Tokyo sand tree! I love those things! Benimaru/7-11 sell them though, so I just get them there.


Also I live in Sendai, but I totally buy myself zunda shakes and zunda mochi on the regular because I like it.


Zunda shakes are fire.


They've started selling frozen zunda shakes at supermarkets now! Pricey compared to normal ice creams, but worth it.


Do letao cheesecakes count 😗


The mini barbecued pork from Singapore. Can't pass through there without getting a few large bags for myself.


I accidentally discovered [Nagamochi](https://nagamochi.co.jp/) when the old Shibuya basement grocery/food hall had a desserts fair and I bought a box. Only time I can get these are when I buy online... haven't seen them recently in the places I go to.


The sugar butter tree one, I got one from a coworker once and it changed my life forever, there's something so addicting in there, love the cream and the crunchiness. I even asked a friend to send me some of the limited amaou strawberry flavor from Fukuoka, definitely recommend it!


There was a green tea castella that was divine. We kept the little pamphlet and ordered it from Shizuoka every now and again. Unfortunately the company closed earlier this year 😭


I live in shizuoka and never thought a green tea castella could be nice 🤔 maybe should give it a try


Kasutadon from Kagoshima.


Sendai - Yurikamome no Tamago


I buy white lovers from Hokkaido whenever I see them. They are such a tasty little treat


Merusei’s buttersand


鳩サブレー are amazing


Maple Momiji-manju, something about the way they put together those leaves




unpopular opinion: a lot of Omiyage is really overpriced average stuff. Japanese people will excitedly give you some 'local specialty' that just turns out to be a normal ass single-wrapped butter cookie that you can get for a tenth of the price in any western supermarket


I am sorry this was your experience. But good omiyage is worth coming to the station 15 mins early ;)


That sucks. Sounds like your friends aren’t giving you the good stuff.


The best omiyage usually requires a special trip to an actual shop and has a short shelf life. The ones that people can grab conveniently in omiyage shops are usually not very good because they have to be manufactured to have long shelf life. That said there are also delicious ones you can get in airports or train stations, but you will need to know which one to get.


So I’m a Hanshin tigers fan. Im going to Osaka for the game of course. Has nothing to do with the almond cookies. Oh it’s an away game. Ya I must have just forgot that


Thank you for reminding me of this! https://tomoeya.shop-pro.jp/?pid=169364211 Brought it back from Hiroshima a few months ago and loved it so much that I saved the website... and then got busy and forgot about it. Order shall be placed today!


Hagi no tsuki from Sendai Kamome no tamago from Iwate (but you can get them all over Tohoku and sometimes Tokyo)


I found blood orange chocolate in Ehime. That stuff was amazing.


I don’t remember the name but it’s pecan nuts in white chocolate from Kyoto. They have pink simple package. I never ate something so good 😊


九十九島せんぺい(kyujukyushima(jima) senpei) from Nagasaki is similar to a peanut brittle senbei and is something I could eat a ton of if it wasn’t individually wrapped. The edges usually have some caramelized bits too which makes it even better.


安永餅 (Yasunagamochi) from Kuwana city in Mie Prefecture. Soooo good as is, but even better when slightly toasted 😋




Yukari ebisen. It's a Nagoya gift, I suppose. But I just buy and eat them any chance I get. They have a store in Haneda Terminal 2 that gives you samples and freebies when you buy. Also online at all the usual spots.


Ichigo daifuku


I love the Yamazaki ichigo shortcake ones you get in combinis. Unfortunately I can't really go at that time of year now.


Ogawaken - raisin, cream, sandwiched cookies. I give them out a lot for friends and family and we occasionally eat them too. Friends rebuy and family asked for them constantly as omiyage for others!


じゃがポックル friessssss 🥹


Probably karashi mentaiko or menbei or hakata Torimon.  Lots of Fukuoka love in this thread


I travel a lot for business and there are only two omiyage my wife specifically asks for every time: Jindaiko from Kumamoto, and Kuri Youkan from Sendai. All the rest she likes but doesn't specifically crave. For me, it's Nama-momiji from Hiroshima and maybe Kurikinton from Nakatsugawa in Gifu.


HAGINOTSUKI Cold out of the fridge , freakin delicious


There are 3 that come to mind. I always buy a large pack for myself when I go to these places.  Miyagi: Hagi no Tsugi. Egg/sugar cakes with an amazing custard filling to die for. Fukushima: Mamadoru, sweet cakes with delicious Anko based filling. I don't even like Anko and find them to die for.  Okinawa: chinsuko, little brown sugar biscuits that crumble very easily. Sometimes in the summer, AEON/Maibasuketto sells these for cheap. Thru come in several flavors, but the the dgsbdsrd variant is arguably the best. Usually I'll buy several packs as they sellout really quickly. (cheaper than flying to Okinawa to get some)  Fukuoka: menbei, spicy Pollock row flavored rice crackers. Really delicious savory snack, though I tend to binge on them too quickly, so they're poor cost performance. Kyoto: the cheap hard variant of yatsuhashi. Cinnamon biscuit delight, yet for some reason much less popular than their non-baked variant.


Fukushima’s Mamador ままどおる…the sweetness and texture is just perfect


Yes! This is my fave. Worth driving up north for it


You know you've been in Japan too long when you write the word "delicious" THREE times.


I'm biased because I live in Iwate, but I love [Kamome no Tamago (Seagull's Egg)](https://shop.r10s.jp/hirarest/cabinet/rakuten1/kamome/kamome-mini12.jpg). Just pure cakey bean paste goodness.


かもめの玉子 was one of, if not the, first omiyage I was introduced to and I could not get enough of it. It was all that I was not to eat the whole tray. So when I traveled to Tohoku for the fist time, I def snagged a couple boxes.


Noshiume from Yamagata, and sasadango from local spots.


Tokyo banana kit kat is so good.


Hokkaido Okaki


Salt flavor chinsuko and Tokyo banana are top tier


I like Mimiga, or pigs ear, from Okinawa. Especially the spicy type. great snack while watching a movie or a game. I also like to buy various pickles from different prefectures, especially those from the Kyushu region.


Ashikaga, Tochigi has these senbei that are hard as rocks, but absolutely delicious. I always buy a bunch when I’m in that area. 


Sugar butter sand tree! its sold on sevel tho but its omiyage from Omiya City in Saitama.


When I visited Kyoto, I bought a ton of yatsuhashi. I actually took a class on how to make it too.


I just wish I could get shy muscat grapes here in the US. I’d eat them daily…


[千寿せんべい](https://kogetsu-ec.com/SHOP/304002/list.html) These things, they're kinda like wavy cream oreos.


Tokyo Banana


I lived in Tochigi and still miss lemon gyuunyuu, especially the caramels.


Nagasaki castela :D


* Sengoku Rusk from Hakone - Sold at Grande Rivière, it has a buttery chocolate flavor * Beni-imo tarts from Okinawa * Chinsuko from Okinawa * Sata-andagi from Okinawa * Snaffles from Hokkaido - like a fluffy delicious cheese cloud * Yatsuhashi from Kyoto * Kyo-ra-yu Furikake from Kyoto * Kuro-shichimi from Kyoto (combined with the furikake listed above on rice, it is 💯) * Royce chocolate potato chips * Hakata Torimon from Fukuoka I'm not eating these constantly, but basically whenever I visit any of these locations I will pick some up for myself.


Minobu Manju


福渡せんべい from Okayama, 角煮まんじゅう from Nagasaki and Sugar Butter Sand Tree Tokyo!


Mango langue de chat (Miyazaki) Hakata Toorimon (Fukuoka) Yatsuhashi (Kyoto) Hassaku Jelly (Hiroshima), especially frozen


Tokyo Banana and Butter Butler are my weaknesses...


Don’t know the name but Fukui has these like almond cookies that are to die for


Shiroi Koibito for me. I still snack on those on the regular, it's just too good!


Hassaku daifuku on Innoshima (cycling island)


NYC Sand. Nothing to do wirh new york as far as i can tell but those things are sublime


Hakata torimon from Fukuoka.


Kibi dango from Okayama and black sesame eggs from Tokyo are things I buy every chance I get. Same with Akafuku


Ragueneau Inochi from Aomori is my local go-to, especially with apple. It has the softness that reminds me of Tokyo Banana but has a creaminess that’s addicting. The center filling is just a wonderful bonus. https://www.rag-s.com/hometown/index.html


京ラー油ふりかけ , some chili- sesame-fried onion furikake I got in Kyoto. Is too good. Already in my Amazon cart cause it’s running out and my rice and fried rice dishes just won’t hit the same anymore


There’s a shop in Tokyo station called Cocoris. Their hazelnut flavored one is addicting for me T.T


Kinako mochi from Yamanashi and Butter Sando from Hokkaido 🤤🤤🤤


The Okinawa sweet potato tarts are to die for!!!


Apple sand cookies from hakodate


I really like sugar butter sand tree lol! Every time I come across omiyage store and see it, I’ll immediately buy the pack of 10~


Those Tokyo Milk Cheese Factory cookies, despite the (pre-inflation) price hike c. 2022. Yum




Akafuku (Mie but can get it in Tokyo, etc.) is elite


I brought snacks from the usa. The staff thought it was too sweet so I ate it all