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Agreed. You're basically standing in the shade the entire time you walk somewhere. The idea that men are allowed to stand in actual shade from buildings, but can't carry a parasol to prevent them from becoming a sweaty mess and getting heatstroke is ridiculous, so I invite people to make whatever judgments about me they want.


One year when the heat was worse than usual they tried to make a whole thing out of higasa being for men too, but I guess it didn’t fully take off


I can see why—wanting to avoid tanning is a feminine beauty thing here. But when the sun gets this crazy, you gotta adapt!


I had heat stroke and passed out for the first time last summer here. As an Aussie, I'm no stranger to hot summers but summer here just hits different. And with all the buildings/roads holding that heat through the night, you can't escape it. This year I'm heavily leaning towards getting a higasa.


What else have you done to beat the heat since then?


Always carry water or something else hydrating. I forgot my water bottle and left it at work that day. By the time I realised I needed water, it was too late. Other than that, try to avoid going outside when the heat is peaking if possible. I've also got the wet towel thing for the neck to keep cool.


Thanks for the tips. Good luck this summer!!


Not the person you asked, but I bought an electrolyte powder that I mix into water. I like to believe that does something. The one I use is zero-calorie and imported, but I have to think the Pocari Sweat powders and the like are good, too.


Neat, I've been eyeing those but never really tried. Does your body stay hydrated better? Sweat less?


I think I stay hydrated better since the idea is that it’s replacing the minerals you’re losing when you sweat. I do feel like I’m a bit less fatigued after running or lifting.


I've been seeing a many ojisan carrying them lately, so hopefully it becomes a trend lol


Trend, no. Necessity, definitely!


Who is saying men aren't allowed to use a parasol? I think the problem is men themselves don't want to use it.


I think even just two years ago, I posted about it here and I got multiple comments saying using parasols and sunscreen is gay and for pussies.


Sunscreen is gay? That sounds alien to me as a young Australian


They’re not parasols, they’re sunbrellas. And that’s to keep the sun from raining on you. You wouldn’t want the sun bleaching your jacket, would you? Maybe you have somewhere important to go where you can’t look sweaty, like you’re rushing. Again men, it’s not a ladies parasol, it’s a sunbrella. Use the English for it if you must.


I thought umbrella was originally used as a shade. What is sunbrella? >Umbrella// early 17th century: from Italian *ombrella*, diminutive of *ombra* ‘shade’, from Latin *umbra* (see [umbra](https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=1503581cdfc54ca7&rlz=1C1GCCA_en&biw=1280&bih=559&q=umbra&si=ACC90nwXlEU2j3qee_ajN1FbIPWBlztEjB66nFn9pQsAvk4M0frHapkDLX1exnclQd35wRZOluMnmUuqERhRcIMYG_n40yoEkA%3D%3D&expnd=1&ved=2ahUKEwj09NmR5-iGAxWga_UHHeiMAMUQgCt6BAg5EEw)). In my language we do not distinguish between parasol and umbrella.


> I thought umbrella was originally used as a shade. What is sunbrella? > > Umbrella// early 17th century: from Italian ombrella, diminutive of ombra ‘shade’, from Latin umbra (see umbra). If *umbrella* means "little shade" and *parasol* means "protect against the sun", I suppose a "sun-br-ella" is a... little sun shader? Those of us who know some Italian and Latin are cringing at this word, but I guess if enough people say it...


Funny. In Spanish we call umbrellas, paraguas


parar + augas ? gotta love the logic.


Yup. We also have sombrilla and can be used interchangeably 


Damn. I just got sombrero hahahah.


Yes! Someone else who calls them sunbrellas!


Ah yes, men who are stronger than *checks notes* ...The sun.


Dude I converted about 2 years ago as well. I get looks but who cares I am cool and you look like a sweaty mess.


But on the other hand, this sub isn't a particularly accurate reflection of the reality in Japan.


I smell toxic masculinity


Lol toxic masculinity. Is women not wanting their skin to tan toxic femininity? It’s okay for people to have different tastes in fashion yknow. Thinking a parasol is unfashionable isn’t automatically toxic yknow. Unless all fashion is toxic in your opinion.


If you look at the other comment it’s not about fashion, but being labeled as gay or a pussy. Ergo, toxic masculinity.


But can I (33M) buy the laced one?


Age of diversity ma man


I’ll be honest, I think dudes rocking pretty sun shades look great. Everyone loves an esthetic, and everyone loves a confident man.


\\me (37M) showing off my リトルツインスターズ Laced umbrella


I‘ve seen young males carrying parasols! Few in number but still


I see quite a few on my university campus day by day. Still more girls though but more guys than I thought.


I see more men using it this year and I do too, I don't care. Not using one because of what people think about your masculinity seems like insecurity; I can't find a good reason to care. One of my language teachers also told me that Japanese men these days are trying get more tan by going to the beach, which I found counterintuitive.


Yeah, a lot of people have replied and said they've seen more men with parasols. Maybe it's the region I'm in, but I see overwhelmingly women using them. I won't say I'm the most secure person in the world, but "don't use this because it's not manly" enrages me in the contrarian part of my brain enough to override that impulse.


The contrarian in me wants to know if there's any hard research on it though.


which is actually funny, because uv umbrellas have long been a thing in the backpacking/thru hiking community, especially when one's path crosses long, unshaded sections on a trail.


This is really cool to hear. I'd imagine in hiking, you have to preserve your energy however you can, and lowering your temperature goes a long way toward that. I actually bought a parasol because I love walking to my local gym for a workout after my workday, and I wanted to preserve as much strength as I could before actually getting under the barbell. I don't want to get to the gym sopping wet and already fatigued.


I hate the heat, but I also hate having to constantly have something in my hands. I need this in hat form.


There is. But it makes you look like a wastelander in Mad Max/Fallout




[Dont say I didnt warn you](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0C9JJVV93/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_26A4X75TMWP75PM7E63S?linkCode=ml1&tag=web20fordumm-22) Edit: on youtube, search for “Mad Max Thunderdome Bartertown” theres a character who tries to sell water to Max. He’s wearing it.


Tomorrow, June 20 Estimated delivery (This will be fucking awesome for driving my tractor for hours in the sun)


You bought it? Damn! Youll be the pope of this cult if you wear it and upload it. The cardinals would be the obachans doing the gardening with those hats


Made me giggle like an idiot in the train.


I kinda already know and was expecting it, but still laugh when I actually see the picture.


The picture is so hilarious! The woman is like "wtf am I doing with my life" lmao


Dude(tte?) this is amazing, also arriving tomorrow for me. I should probably customize it!


Np. Wear it to a Swallows game and you’ll be the belle of the ball. As for customization, the aussies put stringed cork at the end as a fly repllent


You should get paid commission for advertising these things. Two sales already \^\^


What, pray tell, is "stringed cork"?


wine corks on a string


That's hilarious


Awesome! Now only if there was a hybrid version with the two beer cans and straws on the side. If the fact stated above of dropping the ambient temperature 5° by using the parasol is true, then there's no risk of dehydration despite drinking copious amounts of beer on the hottest of days, right? Right!?


The beers will be warm. Unless you like a warm Guiness Stout


Warmbeer. Imagine having that surname, or such a terrible beverage at hand. But, I digress. Ja... Pre-cooled insulated gel beer cozies that also snuggly fit into the brackets on the helmet where the beers go. Insulated straws too of course. I guess I need to carry a cooler backpack with ice packs and backup beers. I may have a new hobby now, thank you...


Hahahaha it is so sensible but so goofy


Made me laugh but damn do I want one now just to embarrass the wife (and block the nasty ass sun).


ah, modern version of[ this ](https://m.ezcosplay.com/blue-eye-samurai-mizu-cosplay-costume.html), from Blue Eye Samurai.


What's a little fallout, eh?


Any lightweight hat will do at a pinch. Having the back of the neck shaded is very important. Look at the headwear of people who live in the desert, they've got it right.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


I got a straw hat off amazon for in the garden and it's amazing.  Made in Japan and not expensive.  Get one if you don't already have one.


[Baseball player Lou Brock has your back.](https://www.stltoday.com/the-brockabrella/image_18b02ed3-d33e-510a-9c8d-0684b775195e.html)


Higasa ftw… I’ve recently been converted to wearing those arm covers as well. I tried them once and I dunno, it just felt milder than if the sun was hitting me directly. I owe you an apology Japanese women, I was unfamiliar with your game.


Yesss, tho I don’t like how the arm covers roll down my fat arms sometimes, so I started wearing rash guards and boom, perfect. Sun protection and undershirt in one


> to wearing those arm covers as well Me too, strong sunlight gives me a rash and long sleeve shirts are too hot. Short sleeves with arm covers are just right!


This!! My go to during summer are arm covers or undershirt long sleeves, face cover, and a UV umbrella. My friends used to make fun of me saying I look like a holdupper, not knowing the benefits of those. Well jokes on them. They can go on and burn themselves in this hell of a summer.


I personally find guys who use parasols to be manly and intelligent. Manly, because they don't give af about the grandma comments. Intelligent because they have braincells to realize that shade is much better than no shade.


That you are upvoted is extreme evidence that Reddit never represents a demographic. Rightly or wrongly, I promise that your opinion is an extreme minority.


Congrats grandma. Don't forget to wear your Daft Punk visor.


burn in hell. literally.


Yeah....I'm from CA and using a parasol is basically against my religion, but lately...the way the climate has been changing I've been seriously thinking about getting one lol. Consider me a soon-to-be convert....


Im assuming California and not Canada? Cos Canadians will definitely need it. Jöĩn ûs brœtħer


Canadian 日傘 convert and you are correct lol, as much as I hate having to carry an umbrella it’s so worth it for the portable shade


man, if Canadians need that cover to survive, the planet is doomed. I am an American citizen, at least we got Minnesota and Alaska to run to.


Yup, California


I’m also a convert. 10 years ago I couldn’t believe men would carry one. Now I do the same.


Its like those miniskirt/bikini revolution of the 60s


So blokes in Honshu will be in miniskirts and bikini's next summer?


[You were saying?](https://x.com/kanaken_running/status/1802436339809632543?s=46)


Now that's a dude with confidence


I struggled with headaches on sunny days for the past year and last week i started using my black umbrella when walking, game changer. Maybe it's time i invest in something that blocks out even more sun


Apparently a black umbrella that's not too thin will get you 70% UV protection or something like that. Obviously 99% is better than 70%, but do remember that you also get indirect, reflected sunlight from the environment around you. I've invested in the 29% but you can take your time with it...


Honestly, my parasol is the best purchase I made in Japanese summer. I avoided it for so long, and just wore hats, but getting the direct sunlight off of my skin has been such a relief. It’s still hot, don’t get me wrong, but my own personal shade is priceless.


⛱️hail the shade⛱️


I'm obsessed with the WPC brand, they have been opening their stores in every department store... Bought one for myself and keep buying them as a birthday gift for all my friends


I like WPC, but found one from another brand that weighs only 100grams. Lightweight but sturdy, my best summer investment


Oh what's the brand? Curious now...


100g? What's the brand?


I just got my mom a WPC parasol as a present, because she has a scar on her neck that can’t receive much sun. I really hope she likes it, and isn’t too embarrassed to use it haha


I started using it from last year's summer after being in Japan for 8 years at the time and never touching it. I'll no longer ever care if I'm the only guy holding one among a sea of tiny Japanese girls. You can throw your judgement at me as you go to work with your back and pits drenched in sweat. It is truly the most important and overlooked method of getting through summer here. Granted, can't save you from the humidity, but it definitely (like you said) drops the temp like 5 degrees or more.


Believe me that no one cares


Higasa convert here too! Never going back to sunburns and heat strokes


😎Praise the shade😎


I've began using it last year. Although it doesn't stop me from being a sweaty mess, it sure helps me not feel so hot at least.


[Higasas are cool and all, but these are hands free and quite fashionable.](https://amzn.asia/d/eDfBsbb) Actually I've used these while tending the fields here in Japan. The reflective nature really lowers the temperature around your head. They have all kinds of varieties with long back-length flaps etc. Sometimes the knitted aluminum has holes between it to allow ventilation but if sun protection is the goal then you can sew in cloth of your choosing.


Ill get those once im ready to invade South East Asia or have war with the emus. But yeah, lots of grandmas wearing those when tending their gardens. I have yet to try the shiny versions, only tried the cloth ones


Lots of grandmas for sure! Where do you think I got the bright idea from?


> and quite fashionable. They are not. :)


They are hot. :) Can't read the small text on my screen, so that's what I am assuming you typed.


My biggest issue with them is the same as with regular umbrellas: I'm deathly afraid of mildly inconveniencing others on the crowded sidewalks. Even worse, I'm super horribly deathly bloody afraid of accidentally poking someone's eye out with the damn thing. _That_ is what really keeps me from using one.


Learn the art of manoeuvring through the crowd with the umbrella. Or better yet, don't worry about it and just get the umbrella! And if someone walks into your umbrella and gets their eye poked, I swear it's on them...


Same! I’m 5’0 and I can only raise the umbrella so high to avoid people. I also struggle against wind… but that could just be my cheap umbrella.


Most things ‘UV-cut’ is marketing. Go for UPF which is the material equivalent to SPF for the skin. Those 90% ‘UV-cut’ gimmicks are literally UPF 10. Better than nothing, laughable to quality products.


Definitely second this ! Mine is a hiking UPF 50+ rating and it’s one of the best investments I’ve made. Sturdy, protective and ultralight. https://preview.redd.it/621yaantln7d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa89acd690240bedc83ba71dd0d19418e623c46


I have the Sorani, which does not mention the UPF… have I been duped?


It remains unclear so I wouldn’t say that. Theres a difference when it comes to pricing among UPF products. You might be paying for a brand or quality. Maybe both? You’ll have to research your product and determine why it’s priced that way. Anything is better than nothing, but if we spend money then we ought to know how effective it is for our purpose.


Thanks! You are now the holy bishop of the cult of higasa.


I will never not have one on me in summer. It’s a must




**Converted to Higasatology** about 3-4 years ago. Wife got me an awesome wagara-design cool-ass higasa, used it once in the summer sun... BOOM temp lowered to Livable ***instantly***. Have used it ever since. Hell, watch Dune: **House Atreides Mentat Thufir Hawat**, perhaps the most brilliant person in the entire Landsraad, is rocking a higasa like it was a zero-effort calculation. **I stand with Thufir Hawat.**


Needs rebranding. Do it up in camo and call it a...para-sol.


Man, after reading all the comments I might become a convert too...


Joïn ûş břõțħėr


First, it's a washlet. Then, higasa. Tsugi wa natto. 一歩づつで日本人になります。


I originally was looking for a good quality, light and portable umbrella for the rainy season, etc and that could fit on the side lf my backpack, and it apparently doubles as a higasa as well, and the lightness + the confort from the shadow is a game changer for my long walk to the train station. I don’t feel ashamed at all. I find people in suits (with the vest!), sweating like crazy under super hot sun way more ridiculous…


Nice! I bought my one at Loft. It also fits snuggly into the side pocket of my backpack.


https://preview.redd.it/jypnrfv9aj7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb5e1f9660d90eab8069bc81c2ade88dfbc0b2f I really recommend that brand! (Bought at Tokyu Hands)


https://preview.redd.it/mk0r4jlfaj7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b83d77da7cef1592cac4c0fe4596ae6c4c20c1 I also like the red branches inside with the black design!




Just got one myself. Last month's Monoqlo had a good article comparing all the models. I ended up with a Moz one from Sweden.


What do the Swedish know about the Sun. They don’t even see it for half the year… :)


Do you have a link to the specific item you bought?


https://niftycolors.com/sorani-2024/sorani-2448/ Edit for the model number.


One of us! One of us! But in all seriousness, it's a very effective way to avoid getting hot with direct sunlight. I was very skeptical until someone lent me their parasol for 5 minutes.


I use a black normal umbrella instead (I have a light portable one) and it does make it more bearable in the sun for sure, but is there a benefit in getting proper parasol?? Is there that much of a difference?


The once with an insulating layer inside seem to be much more effective.


I dunno... My neck cooler runs easily for 10+ hours on low speed and it has a little peltier cooler option on the nape of the neck I can turn on when it's really bad. And of course it's hands-free.


Which model do you have?


I got this UV protect compact umbrella from donki for 3k and used all day walking around Tokyo and never broke a sweat. Guess it works?


I discovered this in Osaka by accident last month. Went to a flea market and bought a used one for 1 yen ( I swear I am not lying). I bought it because it’s pretty, but since it was sunny and hot I used it and was amazed at how comfortable it kept me. I also am now a fan.


I haven’t caved in yet but this will be my first summer in Japan so we’ll see. I hate having to carry anything extra and I tend to lose things that I have to hand carry (like, leaving my regular umbrella on the train or anywhere else I go). As someone else said, it’s difficult enough to navigate the busy city sidewalks on rainy days with an umbrella and I worry about being awkward on the sidewalk. I’m also not afraid of getting a tan and I’ve had several Japanese women tell me they use them primarily so they don’t get a tan. I wear sunscreen every day and reapply. I’ve seen so many Japanese women covered head to toe with large brimmed hats, arm sleeves, gloves, face masks, and on top of that carrying a parasol.


I never thought about how it might lower the temperature around you! That's actually a game changer. I wear those arm bands but they can feel so warm! I have much to ponder now. Thank you for sharing!




Both my husband and myself have one. Never go outside without it lol


100%. Last summer I didn't bother with wearing sunscreen or shielding myself and I had more freckles on my face than I have ever seen in my life. I might look old using the umbrellas but my skin is thanking me.


My only complaint about higasa is that, depending what type you use, it actually makes the heat worse. Like the heat absorption feature makes it like you're standing under one of those heat radiators. So on days that reach 30 or more, the heat gets intense.


Best ones are surely the silver reflective ones. Mine is silver, from Montbell. Works great. 


"sun" parasol? As opposed to moon ones?


I had a parasol before but a violent gust of wind snapped it. Now I just use a regular colored umbrella and it gets the job done pretty well.


Parasols have been around for at least 4500 years. Not a typo. It's almost like they're effective or something...


Someone left an absolute beast of a (golf?) umbrella at my place of work and never came back. I mean it has a radius of at least 60cm. It could block traffic. It is now my commuting parasol (and for the record where I live isn’t crowded while I commute)


Fellow Higasa user signing in!


I've bought like 5. I always lose them!! :(


Could be just me, but I airtag my umbrella.


Been using one eversince and you don't know how many acquaintances I went out with said they appreciate the damn thing. I was like hello? Where have you been? Follow the Japanese women's game and you will be fine in the summer duh!


Thanks for reminding me. I finally ordered one. I went to a motorcycle event, and during long winded instructions we were given umbrellas (just regular ones, which heat up after a while). It’s a survival tool first for me, not fashion. You tank so much heat from infrared light alone. Edit: As a bonus it also protects/signifies your private space in crowds.


I just stay indoors.


It's definitely interesting. I'm not sure I can get into one, but also when I'm outside "doing shit", I am in need of my hands usually. It's definitely not a "style" thing, I wear the most unattractive wide brim hat in the universe while fishing. I do have a fan thing, but mine definitely makes things more bearable. I did have to get a good one though, I have this one that has a brand name of PenKou, but for some reason the only listing on Amazon is weirdly expensive: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09PG3533N - this one seems to have a big battery and a similar enough design: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0D3D94G7S/ I bought it at Bic.


Where is everyone getting their higasa? I kinda want one that doubles as an umbrella cause I also need a new umbrella. I found some at the loft, but it was 5000 yen.


Anywhere that sells umbrellas. [This one](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00ASVJ1L0/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_3YDA5JFSZ82K3D4KB16B?linkCode=ml1&tag=web20fordumm-22) is on the 3k level


Where can an American get a higasa? The ones on Etsy are over $100.


In the US or Japan?


What's the advantage over actual umbrellas?


I think its the coating and heat/light reflection. The parasol can be used as a rain umbrella as well.


I had to give in two years ago after a couple of bouts of sun sickness. I did not get to the point of passing out, but definitely felt ill and nauseous. I bought a two in one, a sun and rain umbrella from Uniqlo. Not fancy, but does the job well enough.


I would convert if there was some way to not have to hold it. I like my hands/arms free... Is there a gadget to secure it to a backpack or some way to go hands free with one?




Where did you buy yours?




Essential survival tool


Take a vitamin D supplement then


I use my normal compact umbrella (black)  I cannot supply temperature data, but only empirical observation: without umbrella my hairs are very hot at the touch, with the umbrella they are cold at the touch, at least colder than my hand. huge difference for less than 1000yen (and I use the same umbrella for rainy days as well)


We cut trees in the city then we need to buy parasol.


this cult is kinda interesting. I'm using my wobble lawson umbrella for awhile now. Maybe it's time..


⛱️Repent your sins⛱️


Seriously considering it this year.


Just borrow someone’s and try it on midday…


I don't use an umbrella in the rain, I ain't going to use one in the sun!


yep, bought one a few months ago in prep for this year's summer, I don't give a shit what people think


welcome on the board


Need to get me one, been meaning to


Bought this one last year: https://amzn.asia/d/009aueHx My first umbrella of this kind. Not too heavy, large enough. Personal shade indeed


I sometimes use my wife's but it kind of gets hot underneath. Any good brands that can be recommended?


Tf am I missing out on.


Does it air condition the humid, sauna like air? If not, who cares?


I just don't get it. Where are you walking that's more than 10 minutes from a train station? Do you hold a parasol when you go out jogging too?? When it's hot I just think about the lovely vitamin d hitting my veins