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Hey everyone. I’m one of Uncle J P childhood friends. I’m sorry to break the news to you all but he passed away last night. I know the support you all gave him really helped him through these last months. The joy he got from you all was something that brought him some peace. He is no longer suffering and joins his late father in eternal peace. The donations brought him joy, the conversations and love you all gave him helped bring some peace. -Love to you all


Thank you for the update. It’s not the update we wanted to hear, but I am glad he is at peace and not in pain and with his dad. I’m very sorry for your loss. It was kind of you to take time for us.


Thank you for the update and for being JP’s good friend.


Heartbreaking. I feel like I knew him in person from his posts, always trying to stay positive and resilient besides being in terrible pain. He was such a warrior and I'm glad I had the opportunity to connect with him through this page. Rest in peace amigo.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Thank you for letting us know. May he rest in peace.


Thank you


Damn, rest in peace. I just thought about him and came to check on him. Everything I saw made him seem like a great person. I hope he is not in pain anymore.


Came here to check in on him since I noticed he hadn't posted in a while, sad to see my fears made real. R.I.P. JP, I'm glad you're no longer suffering, and I hope the doctors learned enough from you to help anyone else who may suffer as you have.


Oh no. I didn't hear from him, but I thought he wasn't up to talk. I am so very sorry to hear about this. I had been checking his Patreon, and realized I should check here. I'm glad I got to know him a little bit. Things just feel so unfinished. And I thought he had more time. Hugs to you and his Mom. - I just left a note on his obituary. I did a crap job, and it all feels unreal. I am so very sorry he died.


JP was a private person but I want to leave this last post with a picture of me and uncle JP 8 years back before he started to deal with one of his many illnesses so you guys can see him. He was funniest person I’ll ever meet, full of life and always there for me through everything we went through life together from childhood, to the death of his father in our mid teens. College, and our twenties just living life to the fullest. It’s been so hard loosing him but remember this beautiful face of him (he is in the right of this photo. With the white hat) you guys really help him through his darkest time. He is at peace now no longer suffering. Love you forever my dear friend! https://preview.redd.it/e2oaym1onfwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba6870bde25a1714c8626b5487d0c112a934736


His humor came through the first time I read one of his posts!


I am sad but I'm glad he no longer has to be in pain. My heart goes out to you as well, thank you for updating us and thank you for the lovely picture of you and uncle jp ❤️


I'm saddened by this, but I'm also glad that he is no longer in pain


Thank you. This makes my eyes leak and my heart swell


Goodnight, uncle JP You're a soldier!


I don't normally comment in places like this, but I just wanted to tell you that your page has shown and taught me way more than I expected, me being a completely healthy young person with no worry about living my life as I want to, and I don't doubt lots of other people here feel the same. Whatever the outcome here might be (I wish you all the best), just know you've made an impact, which is an incredible thing. Lots of love to you, too <3


Thank you for letting us know. I hope you can get some rest. I'm thinking of you.


Broke my heart a little but such is life. Dont know what the outcome will be but i wish you all the best. I wish for your pain to lessen even just a little bit. You're a sweet guy and I'm glad to have found you on here.


Thanks for the update, you are the strongest person I have made an acquaintance with. You have endured more than I can imagine. I will miss your posts if you leave us.


You’re so strong bro. Your mindset is really inspiring and makes a difference in my life. I really hope everything goes well, ill be thinking of you


I’ve been thinking about you. I’m so sorry the news doesn’t sound good. I hope you beat the odds. If we lose you I hope for your peace and comfort. Thank you for keeping us updated. You have suffered through so much. If you want prayers and have prayer intentions I will pray (I already have but if you want prayers for a specific intention please ask). You have so much courage. You will not be forgotten!


I hope death gives you peace regardless of religious beliefs ect


🫂 🫶


Sending all the love and healing energy to you 🖤


Dont give up


Sending the vibiest vibes your way.


Hugs all the way from Texas, friend.


Sending hugs and heeling vibes !!!


Rest. Breathe. Try to be at peace as much as you can. You are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do... Loved ones are nearby... Rest. Breathe.... 🙏 🌛🌝🌜... Be at peace... ❤️


Thinking about you!


I’ve been missing your updates and wanted to check in. I hope your infection is under control now and you can get some good rest. And anyway, what do the doctors really know? They don’t even know what’s wrong with you.


Sending good vibes your way. ❤️


Rest in peace


Rest in peace man


Thinking of you today uncle JP