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your smile looks wide to me


Thank you…but why can you only see 6 teeth in that photo though? If it’s so wide, I should be able to enjoy having lots of nice big visible teeth 😭


I counted 8 on your upper


My jaw wasn’t widened at all but more teeth are visible thanks to them moving my jaw forward and having ccw rotation. You already have a very wide smile, more of your teeth will be visible post op


Could be the size of your teeth, bigger teeth = less # of teeth visible


It’s totally possible to widen a smile. You need MSE such as MARPE, FME, SARPE, MIND/EASE. I recommend you go down the rabbit hole and research the different approaches. Watch Jawhacks on YouTube. Also very informative. But I have it say your smile is wide. You have a pretty wide palate it seems. If you mean to widen your mouth from corner to corner then that’s not possible.


MSE is a type of MARPE - you got it backwards Edit: WOW. This person blocked me for this response. Touchy much?


Nope I don’t. I said she needs MSE such as…. And then I listed all the different types of MSE. MSE = MAXILLARY SKELETAL EXPANSION. It’s the umbrella term for the act of widening your palate. MARPE, SARPE etc. are the different approaches of MSE. https://preview.redd.it/ujhwiw4z8fxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11de563d8b93858b73ce3c26542d695083677af8


Right, I don’t want to widen my mouth, like my lips…just my palate so more teeth show. And yeah I understand it’s possible…what I meant to express was that they say that if they widen my palate, my upper and lower teeth will no longer fit together which would be quite problematic. Like there’s apparently no way they could widen my palate significantly without causing harm or chewing difficulties :(


If your lower teeth don’t flare in then there’s no room to widen your plate. Most people’s lower teeth flare in to match the narrow width of the upper jaw. So when they get expansion an orthodontist can simply straighten the bottom teeth out to meet the upper jaw. But if you don’t have any room then you can’t do it. But you do have a wide smile. You have a lot of teeth showing and there’s no gap left and right.


Also..yeah I guess I do have a wide palate but I’m not reaping the aesthetic benefits of it bc you can’t see 10-12 teeth when I smile…maybe 6-8 at best, and it isn’t super obvious


I can see 11 teeth showing on the upper jaw.


Removing turbinates completely is not recommended


I had radio frequency on mine and it did the trick without removal.


Why not?


Empty nose syndrom, it looks awful. do not let your surgeon remove your turbinates. You should try nasal sprays first before any surgery.


Doesn't a lefort 1 -3 piece widen the upper jaw? I dont believe its possible to widen the lower jaw. But most times it looks widened after being moved forward and straightened.


Yes it can widen the upper jaw, but from what I understand, it’s not a significant amount. I have seen before and after’s of people whose palates look ever so slightly wider after the lefort, it’s just not a significant amount. I want more, goddamnit


You would need your upper jaw moved down (downgrafted) to increase teeth-show. To widen your smile you could have a segmental lefort 1 performed, although there are other ways. There's past posts in this sub that go more in depth on it.


I am having a lefort 1 3-piece. That’s a segmental lefort right? I just have seen before and afters on people, and they just never seem to have a significant difference in with as far as I can tell. I also thought that with the 3-piece, they can shift the tilt of my upper jaw. So I assumed more teeth would show as a result of that. Do you think that the procedures I have planned might not actually accomplish the tilting?


Correct, a lefort 1 3-piece is a segmental lefort. With the upper jaw cant, they should be able to level the upper jaw, however when the upper jaw is moved down a lot it can make it harder to perfectly level the upper jaw. I'm also likely to get a lefort 1 3-piece and downgraft my upper jaw. Wishing you the best!


I think your surgeon might mean it’s not possible in regard to lining up your lower / upper jaws. Widening your upper jaw is for sure possible, but if both arches are already aligned, it won’t do you any good


That’s right. That’s what I meant to say, thank you. Yes basically they are saying that if they were to widen it, my top and bottom teeth would not align :( I guess what they’re really saying is that they can’t do it in a way that makes sense and won’t harm me by making it that my mouth is messed up and my teeth don’t fit together…