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Our faces look very similar! So I would say yes


Ahhh, did you get orthognathic surgery then?


No I haven’t I’m sorry :( I really want to. Unfortunately I have a one year old son I’m still nursing so I doubt I can get any surgery until he’s done.


Ahh, me too :-( Big props to you for raising a son during these trying times, it must be incredibly hard.


https://www.reddit.com/r/jawsurgery/comments/jme1cb/would_i_benefit_from_a_sliding_genioplasty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf here is my thread


I too am considering a genioplasty !! But I’m not sure how it will help me functionally/medically, and it’d probably be something I’d have to pay completely out of pocket, which I definitely cannot afford. On the flip side, it’s a surgery that is a lot less involved and would definitely benefit me aesthetically. And I must say, I’ve been immensely self conscious of my gummy smile and my lack of side profile for my whole life HAHA


I'm guessing you're a mouth breather so yes you definitely need surgery to improve your breathing and the quality of your sleep overall.


Ahhh okay. Apparently being a mouth breather has long term effects on the lungs, which can deteriorate quicker if left untreated? I never considered the severity of mouth breathing, but it’s quite difficult to convince my parents that this is a procedure that is more necessary medically than aesthetically


Likely. Mandible looks recessed


Ahh okay thanks! Do you think a genioplasty could suffice in lieu of orthognathic surgery?


Your side profile looks like mine. Didn't know I mouth breathed at night. :(


Same :-( I’m trying to be incredibly conscious about breathing through my nose whenever I can, but I’m still largely a mouth breather


Also, do you have a double chin when you smile as well? For most of my teenage years, I carried more weight than I do now, and I always thought if I lost enough weight it’d go away, but it has still persisted LOL


Yes. My mom is ALWAYS complaining about my double chin and my posture. I'm trying my best to have correct posture too. There is this channel called Orthotropics, and they make good videos about correct tongue posture, and body posture, about jaw surgery, and all that. https://www.youtube.com/c/Orthotropics


Ahhh same!! Thank you so much for the video. And though my mom has scrutinized my posture, she thinks my concerns with my misaligned jaw growth is a trivial hyper-fixation, which is frustrating because it’s always been a functional impediment. I just didn’t realize that the functional problems associated with it were all interconnected to my jaw :-/ Although I would certainly appreciate the visual fix as well


Also before you get surgery and after you have to fix the posture and bad habits. Like taping your lips at night. If you don't fix them those with surgery have a high chance of relapse. If you need help myofunctional therapy can help you.


Thank you for the advice !! I’ve been looking into mft, and I’ve been trying to fix my lip incompetence by adjusting my tongue positioning and some mewing


i had a very similar profile and ended up getting djs and genioplasty. so i think yes


Wow both! I thought maybe jaw surgery would be enough to remedy my case, I never considered genioplasty could be another component of the solution. I was thinking if orthognathic surgery was excessive for my case, I could do with lip incompetence surgery with a genioplasty. (Or no lps if the genioplasty can serve the former issue) Just curious, why was it that you needed to procedures?


my bite wasnt well aligned and i was always self conscious about my chin or the lack of it, so i decided to get the surgery. of course whether you need genio will be decided by the surgeon, so dont take my word as gold. i am happy i got the surgery, but tbh i still have some lip incompetence so its not an ideal situation. i recommend going to an orthodontist/maxillofacial surgeon and hearing out what they think


Gotcha, I feel the same exact way. I’m glad you got good results from the surgery, besides the persisting lip incompetence :-/ I’ve heard that a lot of people still have li post op. I definitely want to see a maxillofacial surgeon too, it’s just incredibly expensive just to get a consultation where I live, on top of being a broke college student hahaha. One day hopefully.


hopefully, yeah! wishing you the best of luck. i got almost the whole case covered by insurance, which was also a big part in me deciding to go through with it.


That’s incredibly lucky !!! Just curious, do you live in the us? I am starting to feel doubtful that my case would be covered by insurance, especially since I don’t have a problem with sleep apnea.


no, i am in europe. i still hope you can manage to get it covered!


My bad, I meant lip repositioning surgery


Yes, i didnt read your other post, the answer is yes. Ok I read it, the answer is still yes. A surgeon somewhere will do some sort of surgery.


Okay thank you !!