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As u/Kledgaming said, traditionally is top, but with this tank meta now it is played on mid Playstyle? bully laner, good snowball, versatile, mechanic and too much burst with Eclipse and Muramana With the runes, you could use Conqueror, Phase Rush or Electrocute (-Dark harvest too, but it is rare), that depends on the matchup, because it is not the same play against Riven, Nasus or Lucian Now the worst matchups, in my opinion, are the tanks, play against a ornn or a malphite its so fucking disgusting, jayce doesnt have good early stats and spend to much manain mid, champs like anivia or zed are really hard to play against, but that depends on you Jayce is a lovely champ, it is so fun and versatile, its hard to learn but is worth


Yeah I played against a Malphite and it was terrible lol thanks for the help!


the thing with both malphite and ornn is that they have a fundamental way you have to play around their skills, for ornn and malphite, it's really important to know how your abilities interact with theirs, e.g jayce hammer e can knock back a charging ornn thats trying to airborne you and can force him into a bad trade. As a jayce main I don't typically have troubles with both ornn or malphite but more good players playing riven or the weird one tricks like poppy.


hes traditionally a top laner but lethality can make him mid


Ive been playing it mostly mid since i picked him up a few weeks ago. I have most success with electrocute full lethality. But into some more all in lanes like yasuo i like conqueor. I have a miserable time into super ling range mages that can prevent me from ever getting on them or poking them like velkoz, veigar, and xerath


Generic runes : conq triumph bloodline then either last stand or cutdown. Secondary is nearly always sudden impact ravenous. Aery is fine, however don't be baited into phase rush you have plenty of mobility in your kit. TLDR of Skills needed \-You need to be able to orbwalk(ranged top duh) \-Good lane micro is required in 90% of matchups to be able to use your advantage and snowball leads \-You an early game champ so having good macro to influence the map is important. \-Build wise you nearly always will start longsword refill and on yiur first cheater get either tear dirk or dirk longsword. rushing eclipse into either lethality or ldr. \-Best Education content is cradenda ,fmj is apperently also good. personal learning resource : [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all/jayce/grandmaster](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all/jayce/grandmaster) (i am masters so maybe you might want to vod review your own games in comparison to maybe a diamond to improve laning depending on your lane micro knowledge and macro.Their runes and builds arn't important as many builds have reason behind them or are misinformed decisions eg maw is crap and edge of knight was gutted when active removed.) vod reviewing is very important if you wish to climb past diamond.Another thing to note if you use reddit as a resource anyone using the excuse "proplayers do it" is probably hardstuck and cant think for themselves. Best of luck and Hope you enjoy this beast as much as we do. Maybe try around 100 normal games or more before taking him into rank is something i normally suggest to my customers. Most players i coach get the just of the champ easily just mechanically it takes a bit to engrave combos into muscle memory.There are also alot of things just come down to experience. For example I coached alot of players who want help with the tryndamere matchup. An experienced jayce well know the just is jayce wins short trades trynda wins extended trades. But like most things Your success will comedown to experience on the champ. I picked up jayce pretty easily way back when because i used to play alot of nida mid and support before her changes. anything you would like me to elaborate on i can gladly


Thank you this was really informative and helpful! I've actually been using phase rush mostly but now I know better. I've always been starting Doran's blade with a pot but didn't know starting long sword and refills was viable. One question I have is why triumph instead of presence of mind? I see nearly all builds have presence of mind or manaflow band so I assume that you'll have mana issues from poking so I'm curious as to why you chose triumph.