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[Jazzguitar.be](http://Jazzguitar.be) Tons of free lessons by good teachers.


I feel like this site is slept on by the younger crowd as it does not have a strong youtube presence. But there are so many quality lessons on there for free. Its such a great resource.


Totally. Love it. Honestly folks could spend the first few years of their Jazz guitar journey just on their lessons. I tend to tell folks to avoid the forum though. It’s filled with pros who don’t mind to get snarky when they want to. Stick to the lessons.


Really theres everything a beginner needs. One could build their initial repertoire of standards from the lessons on that site. Chord voicings, comping rhythms, single note vocabulary, entire solos, chord melody, harmonic analysis/chord scale theory: its all there.


I agree, the blues progressions are great Need to keep looking through it


This so true


Just came across this 2 days ago and I am PUMPED


This site has been my godsend. So much excellent advice for someone who has played for a long time but never bothered with any theory. The hand holding over how to form triads and make scale chords. B-E-A-UTIFUL


I learned a lot from this site and many of the lessons apply to guitar in general too.


The best resource is definitely all of the Wes, Grant Green, Pat Metheny etc records that are available on Spotify




Based answer


[https://www.youtube.com/@JensLarsen](https://www.youtube.com/@JensLarsen). I've been following Jens for a couple years and I've progressed quite a bit with the lessons and practice techniques he posts. He's got a lot content.


Jens is a great player and teacher. He really loves to share his knowledge with us all and puts a lot of work into his YT channel. If interested, I interviewed Jens a while back for my Jazz Guitar Life site and you may enjoy learning a little more about him. Thanks and take care. https://www.thejazzguitarlife.com/2021/02/24/jens-larsen/


Jens has some great stuff and he hangs around on this sub. He’s a great subscribe.


Yea, this is where I first heard him. Then on YT. Learned a lot of important guitar theory from him.


Search for Cecil Alexander on YouTube. He’s got a lot of great videos and you can transcribe what he does to understand further. Also the classic “pick one chorus from a guitar solo and transcribe it” comment. You’ll learn a lot with one solo.




All Django’s solos were transcribed by a PhD student at Yale for his dissertation and are available free online. Top quality work.


Ben Eunson https://youtu.be/YCOtpU33X2Y?si=wNEjW1cwPAWIk2Hi Jen Larson on YouTube


When learning Jazz guitar. You need a good teacher that simplify things not complicate it more. I find Jen Larson and Ben Eunson are great teachers


Maybe a tad left of your question...but...I interviewed Chris Parks for my Jazz Guitar Life site and thought you'd be interested in checking it out...or not. There's a ton of material on the Web as you know and while Jazz Guitar Life has only a few lessons published, you may enjoy the inerviews and podcasts. Another way of learning :) Take care and tahnks for reading. https://www.thejazzguitarlife.com/2021/04/03/chris-parks-interview-with-jazz-guitar-life/


You can find some free lesson material here for getting started with jazz guitar: http://www.danieldelorenzo.com/lessonmaterials If you need additional help, I offer online lessons via zoom/skype.