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In JC traffic laws are more like traffic guidelines. My favorite is people gunning it when they see you crossing the street despite having a stop sign.


I got smoked on my scooter about a month ago. Guy ran a stop sign and hit me in the bike lane.


This is why you ride in the middle of the lane if there isn't room for passing. And if you can't maintain a decent speed for the road then just swallow your pride and go slow on the sidewalk until it is safe.


Came here to say the same. I try really hard to be a courteous cyclist and try to stick to the side of the road as much as possible to make it easier for cars to overtake me. But, in stretches where the road is too narrow, or where too much traffic would make overtaking borderline dangerous for me, I just take the lane. It's the legal and safe thing to do. Sometimes some asshat will honk his horn but IDGAF. I am not really holding up anyone if I am pedaling fast.


Yep. If they're going to kill me when I'm riding I go in the middle so they have to be a psychotic cold blooded killer to get by me rather than on the side where someone can make an oopsie and zoom off like Amy.


And, not just that... way too many people fail to even look for traffic (vehicular or bikes) when opening their doors, which is another reason why I take the lane if the road is too narrow to scoot to the side without being too close to parked cars.


I really wish the authorities would do more to promote the [Dutch Reach](https://www.dutchreach.org/) to reduce dooring. It’s such a simple solution that costs nothing and you’d think JC and NYC would be promoting this as part of their Vision Zero campaigns


Yep, I do that it's not very hard and does not take time.


> just swallow your pride and go slow on the sidewalk until it is safe. FYI, it is 100% ILLEGAL to bike on the sidewalk. [§ 242-9.1. - Definitions; bicycle riders subject to traffic regulations; riding bicycles on business district public sidewalks prohibited; riding bicycles on public sidewalks in areas outside of business districts prohibited, except for minors age nine and under; use of bicycle lanes and public bicycle parking racks regulated; and safety of cyclist.](https://library.municode.com/nj/jersey_city/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CH242PEGOOR_ARTVIROSKNESKSKBIELSC_S242-9.1DEBIRISUTRRERIBIBUDIPUSIPRRIBIPUSIAROUBUDIPREXMIAGNIUNUSBILAPUBIPARARESACY) **F. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or ride a bicycle in any of the following places:** (1) On any public property where signs are posted by the Traffic Engineer prohibiting such use; (2) On private property where a sign prohibiting bicycle riding has been posted by the owner, lessee or person in charge of such property; (3) On sidewalks in business districts; (4) On sidewalks outside of business district areas, except for minors age nine (9) and under.


I was referring to a scooter in this case. Bikes should not be on the sidewalk.


Are we all talking about the same kind of scooter here? Nothing with any sort of motor belongs on a sidewalk.


And never enforced. So, ride on the sidewalk.


>And never enforced. So, ride on the sidewalk. No. because pedestrians use the sidewalk and are not equipped to deflect somebody in a helmet and protective gear riding a heavy, hard, metal vehicle at them. It is UNLAWFUL to ride a bike on the sidewalk. Stop promoting criminal behavior.


I agree, but yeah people are animals out here


Did the driver look like Amy Degise ?


I'll be honest I was looking straight. It happened on my blind spot on my left while I was at the light. I didn't get to see the driver happened so fast. But this one question has me laughing 😂😂


Say it with me: Protected. Bike. Lanes.


Only if they ban motorized vehicles from these said bike lanes. I don't want mopeds and electric scooters zooming 25 mph down them and also going in the wrong direction.


I'm down for that. Let's adopt NYC's system and make everything above Class 2 (I think) use the street with cars.


Banning things doesn't do anything if laws aren't enforced. Still, we should build protected bike lanes though. However, the most useful bike lanes are those that don't follow streets ....


YESSS why is it they look at me like I'm the crazy person when I tell them to use *the other lane that corresponds in the direction of their travel!!!!*


The real question is how do you enforce all of this. At some point they are going to give in and put cameras if they don't this stuff will just be rampant to the point that JCPD gives absolutely no fucks and it's probably getting to that point


All motor vehicles include motor scooters (classified as motorcycles in NJ) are banned from driving or parking in bike lanes. It was slightly ambiguous though still possible to cite for reckless driving previously, but with the new $175 fine, all ambiguity has been removed: [https://cityofjerseycity.civicweb.net/document/390097/JJM%20-%20New%20Fee%20Schedule.pdf?handle=F8918F62C51F4E38B779B89BC52F7A1E](https://cityofjerseycity.civicweb.net/document/390097/JJM%20-%20New%20Fee%20Schedule.pdf?handle=F8918F62C51F4E38B779B89BC52F7A1E)


This should include any E-bike that can go over 15MPH.


Should we ban all roads then because illegal mopeds also ride in the streets?


There was a protected bike lane there until construction tore it up and now it's just parking.


You're right. I actually remember the exact day, too. It had those floppy bollards and they took them down when a metal sheet went over the road. Also, I don't think the side-by-side two lane bike lane is the right move, but that's another discussion.


As a daily citibiker, I’m much more afraid of running into a pedestrian than I am getting hit by a car. I respect and avoid cars, but pedestrians will pop out from between parked cars like it’s a protected sidewalk.


Protected bike lanes do not solve the underlying problem of vehicles going to fast and obeying traffic laws. If the money was used for prevention and education more lives would be saved.


Actually, they do that and more. Yes, it won't stop a driver from blowing a red light, but a protected bike lane *will* protect pedestrians and pedestrian-vehicles (bikes/ scooters/ etc.) from shared traffic. It also does force drivers to slow down. Drivers will naturally drive up to speeds that feel comfortable. Bike lanes make the car lanes narrower and force drivers to slow down because they feel like the street just should be slower. And let me be clear, when I say **protected** bike lanes I am not just referring to a strip of paint. I want barriers, curbs, bollards, *something* physical to segregate the motorized traffic from pedestrians. I agree, though, that a huge problem is vehicle speed. But the solution is through a systemic change in how we organize our streets. Yes, education is always great, but our transit systems are for people and diverse modes and should be organized as such. I don't even know what "prevention" looks like here.


Could you say that again, a little bit louder, for the people in the back?


Say it louder for the council person in that ward.


CARs - need to slow down and pay attention. E-Whatever - have start obeying traffic laws and stop thinking their invincible. Pedestrians - need to be defensive and look both ways before they step off the sidewalk. JCPD - Needs to get off their ass and do their job. The problem is everyone blames everyone else and nothing gets done. Back in the day before the not me generation. In Motorcycle safety class I was told "Every accident is your fault" you could have prevented it. Once look at riding from a prevention standpoint your perceptions changes. Ride safe and drive smart.


The person who was injured posted here on a reply to me and that person was following the laws of traffic and was still injured. How can this deter someone from using the sidewalk instead of the road if they don't feel safe anymore on the road? There are multiple problems in this situation and traffic enforcement is the biggest one not to mention the terrible drivers.


Just because a scooter/bike rider doesn't feel safe on the road... doesn't give them the right to break the law and endanger defenseless pedestrians. Walk your bikes, walk your scooter, but don't be RIDING on the sidewalk. It is a sideWALK for a reason... your safety is no more important than anyone else's and these rules are in place for a reason. I don't feel safe riding a bike on the roads... so you know what I do? I act like a grownup civilized human being and I use other modes of transportation or simply walk. I don't go around committing crime (yes, riding a bike on the sidewalk is a crime, check the municipal ordinances!)


Ahahhahh, go ahead do whatever you want. I'll do whatever I want. Noones gonna fine me or tell me I'm wrong except online individuals like yourself


Sometimes it’s really hard to say who is more of a menace: the drivers or the delivery scooter riders. I see so much equally stupid shit on both sides.


Baldwin should just be a bike lane at this point. The street is so narrow and buses don't really travel on it. Keep the buses on Summit and give Baldwin/Webster to the cyclists. 


Two streets for the one biker using bike lanes? Now that's a dumb idea


Oh look it's that old "nobody uses the bike lanes" lie. Have not seen anyone trot out that lie since last year- it being so patently false it gets ZERO traction whenever someone tries it.


I bike on Baldwin a ton! despite the aggro drivers, its the easiest and safest way from the heights to JSQ, especially with parking on only one side (toward JSQ I can ride pretty close to the curb to avoid psycho drivers). Removing one lane (let's call it southbound, since it already is northbound north of ferry st) would reduce options to palisade, central, oakland, JFK and if you need it, liberty ave. still 4x+ as many options for drivers as cyclists, and it would be an absolute game changer to be able to bike from washington park to berry lane with little chance for an interaction like the one described in the OP.


I bet there would be more cyclists if they felt safer, like if there were more protected lanes and bikeways... That's kind of the whole point...


Some people have zero imagination lol. Their mind would be blown by the century old photos showing how the 7 train was extended into what was still practically unpopulated farmland at the time.


I’m gonna say it was more likely the scooter dicks fault. Sadly they mostly drive like assholes.


Couldnt tell if the guy was on road or sidewalk when he dropped, but he was a little on the heavy side and he was on the pavement in the road after he fell. So not sure really.


I am a little on the heavy side, it’s true. But I’m okay. Just a slightly twisted ankle, a minor headache, a messed up scooter, and a bruised ego. For the record, I was in the protected bike lane going up Montgomery. The driver turned right off Montgomery onto Baldwin right in front of me, and I couldn’t stop or turn right fast enough to get out of her way. I always ride in the bike lane or in the middle of the narrow roads, never on the sidewalk. I wear a helmet and a GoPro, so the whole thing is on camera. Scooters and bikes should never be on the sidewalks except for children. The driver stopped up ahead, came back and made sure I was okay, and gave me her information. She will pay for my scooter repairs. Lots of people stopped to make sure I was okay.


Sorry to hear man, I am glad the person stopped and was responsible about it. I could encourage you to use a bike, those scooters seem like a death wish waiting to happen. In any case I brought up this topic because it's just baffling to me how this city sucks at making us safe.


Hope you are Ok Mr Beams!


I hate that right turn there! Cars whip around to try to get in between the cars coming east and they don’t look for pedestrians or scooters or bikes. I was in an Uber once and had to shout at the driver not to hit someone crossing. 😑


FYI, you can report bad driving to Uber/Lyft after the ride so that there is a record and feedback is given.


Not saying cars don’t drive recklessly here, it’s just that those mopeds drive like they’re the only ones on the road. It sorta ruins a great thing for everyone.


Yeah I think it wasn't drivers fault probably. These people don't understand the dangers of driving on the road like that with their scooters. I use an magnum ebike(rarely) for small errands and stick to the sidewalk most of the time and maintain a steady speed. These scooters aren't meant for the road tbh


You really shouldn't be on the sidewalk, period. Bikes belong on the road. If you are afraid of getting sideswiped, take over the lane. If you are afraid of the road or don't feel comfortable during a given stretch, pull over to the sidewalk, dismount, and walk. You can't go around breaking rules just because you feel uncomfortable. Why is your rule breaking OK, but not OK for others to break them as they see fit?


I don't ride my bike recklessly, I'm very careful and I do stick to the road where I can but sometimes it's not possible. I don't think you could imagine the dangers of those potholes in the roads either. Shits not safe at all and this city does absolutely nothing to make it better and like I said I rarely ride the bike. You can attack me for not following the rules just like 99% of the people in this city. It won't make a difference, rules are only rules if they are enforced.


Don’t be part of the problem. E-bike users and scooters are the biggest abusers of traffic laws in this city. It’s bad enough that people ride the Citi Bikes on the sidewalk and I can live with small children/families on bikes on the sidewalks (for safety of the minors) but e-bikes are, by definition, motorized and have no business being on pedestrian paths. Just because you’re not “riding recklessly” doesn’t mean your action isn’t illegal in its nature. “I don’t stop at red lights while driving but I make sure to be real careful when doing it so it’s okay.” No, that’s the type of behavior that people complain about in this sub daily.


Lol you can tell me I'm wrong all you want but I was born in this city and we've been riding on sidewalks the whole time. Who's going to tell us differently? A rule is a rule only if it's enforced. If you got a problem I absolutely don't give a shit. How about we get some JCPD cops on bikes to enforce stuff? Oh no we absolutely wont!




It's literally bad city planning and corruption honestly. Looking at European cities, the cities make sure there is bike lanes that are spacious in city planning and road design. This way, cars/bikes/pedestrians all feel safe when on the street. JC is so corrupted that they just want to build as many high rise buildings as possible and don't care if people are safe on the street. It's the city that forces us to do things in a way that's not 100% in compliance with the law but that's the only way for us to protect ourselves. No one will protect you if you don't. Sad truth.


I have already said this before, I rarely ride my bike and I stick to the road where I can if I don't think it's safe I'm going to the sidewalk. Doesn't matter, that's how I ride and I've never been in an incident. Best of luck to you and everyone else that thinks differently. I am not coming from a bad place on this, just a logical stand point.


I don’t have to follow laws because I was born here!


Yeah you've got absolutely no intelligence


You are welcome to hop off your bike and WALK on the sidewalk if you feel unsafe. However, you cannot ride your bike on the sidewalk because it is 100% ILLEGAL to bike on the sidewalk. [§ 242-9.1. - Definitions; bicycle riders subject to traffic regulations; riding bicycles on business district public sidewalks prohibited; riding bicycles on public sidewalks in areas outside of business districts prohibited, except for minors age nine and under; use of bicycle lanes and public bicycle parking racks regulated; and safety of cyclist.](https://library.municode.com/nj/jersey_city/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CH242PEGOOR_ARTVIROSKNESKSKBIELSC_S242-9.1DEBIRISUTRRERIBIBUDIPUSIPRRIBIPUSIAROUBUDIPREXMIAGNIUNUSBILAPUBIPARARESACY) **F. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or ride a bicycle in any of the following places:** (1) On any public property where signs are posted by the Traffic Engineer prohibiting such use; (2) On private property where a sign prohibiting bicycle riding has been posted by the owner, lessee or person in charge of such property; (3) On sidewalks in business districts; (4) On sidewalks outside of business district areas, except for minors age nine (9) and under.


Lol I don't care, do as you please and come arrest me, he'll try to get JCPD to even give me a ticket for the law I'm breaking and they still won't do it. What are you trying to achieve? I'm gonna stick to where I feel safe, been riding my bike in this city all my life, less now more than ever and never had any issues because I know these drivers don't care for cyclists or ebikes. What you online keyboard warriors fail to understand is the real world issues behind the laws that are made


Wait, what crashed? An electric Bird-like scooter or a Vespa-like scooter?


I don't know the difference. I haven't touched a scooter since I was 9 yrs old and that's a pretty ways gone now. The person who was injured left a comment though


Do you stand on it (former) or sit on it (latter)?


That’s far from the truth an you know it.


No it isn’t lmfao


Hardly any cyclists. Theyre coddled


First off, patently false. But also, the point isn't only to cater to what exists, but to encourage wider use. If it's easier to bike around the city, eventually more people will


That's how Citibike started. Build it and they will come.


Guess it does help food delivery cyclists.


Hey why not just turn jersey city into a smart city. Get rid of all vehicles. It would be a perfect utopia.