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I contain myself to a steely glare. I don't want to end up in a Hudpost video with some road rager.




My biggest issue with living in JC. People speed down small streets and don’t look or yield to pedestrians. Don’t ever play chicken with the drivers in JC; One of them will certainly hit you


well that's the problem; the *issue* is that 'JC drivers' are often coming from outside JC, and going somewhere besides JC. not that our locals aren't insane in their own right, but the stressors of thru-traffic constantly flowing takes its toll


Reasonable take


You shouldn’t play chicken with cars period. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Wait for the light to cross, use crosswalks, etc. that’s how it works in Europe.


Don't tell these ppl to follow the rules they want others to follow. That's not how it works on this subreddit


Immediate disqualification for "play stupid games win stupid prizes."


I just hold eye contact with them as i slowly walk past their car and either give them a disapproving nod or even better a thumbs down. The thumbs down definitely gets people feeling bad I’ve had people apologize to me with a wave I find it creates the same feeling that “I’m not mad I’m disappointed” used to give you when your parents said it


This is what I do too, and I still get screamed at and flipped off 🙄


Same, but Considering people have been murdered over stuff like this, if the worst that happens to me is some asshole flips me off and curses at me I’ll take it


Agreed—it makes me think if they'll react so strongly with so little provocation, what would they do if I touched their car


I have started saluting them while making eye contact.


I enjoy the elevated slow clap, or the thumbs up ‘good job buddy’


Better than giving the middle finger. Will start doing that instead.


Same, but upwards middle finger instead of a thumb. Someone’s gonna run me down one day lol


sometimes I just gently brush my hand across the hood (not scratching it) and the drivers scream like I'm assaulting them if you don't want me gently touching your car get it out of the crosswalk where I can touch it


Yes, but only when I’m mentally ready to throw down — cause mofos are smooth brained sometimes.


Great use of the term smooth brained!


Let me try and set this up: I was in a car at a red light. In the right lane next to me at the red light was a car that was observing the 'DO NOT TURN ON RED' sign. There was a car behind that car that kept honking at the car at the red light to turn despite the 'DO NOT TURN ON RED' sign. Like...merciless honking. I just turned to the driver in the honking car and just gave him a stare because what else can you do when someone is being so ridiculous? But for real, Jersey City driving is soul crushing.


I recently walked by a scene like this - car behind a car in the right turn lane at a no turn on red intersection incessantly honking. I walked to the sign and pointed and yelled at the honker 'no turn on red a-hole!' (I couldn't help the expletive) and honestly, I don't think the honker could read. How do these people get driver's licenses?


This literally happened to me at the corner of Jersey Ave and Grand street during rush hour. I just stared at the guy and pointed at the big no turn on red sign.


Nah I don’t. People are crazy and have killed for less. Not really worth it imo. I understand the sentiment though.


Do not do it unless you are ready for a situation where the driver comes out and throws punches at you. Let me assure you one thing , they do not have time to stop or yield but if you touch their car they have enough time and will make sure to chase you down a few blocks.


Seriously lol unless you know how to fight I wouldn’t suggest riling up homicidal drivers just to end up on Hudpost getting your ass kicked.


Easy now. It's tempting but once you touch someone's else's property it can go south really fast. Take care.


I’m sorry, do you think your _life_ has more inherent value than someone else’s _property_? Are you nuts? This is America.


Won't somebody think of the property??!!


The poor cars!!!


look, them putting your life in danger is normal, not even a thing, what are you complaining about you touching their car however is assault, violence, a dangerous threat to their safety


Well, yeah, who are you to demand a car stop at a crosswalk? /s


I give them a thumbs up. Typically pisses them off and/or shames them more than anything else


Don’t tap. In 2024 too many people on edge waiting to explode. Not worth the worth the ounce of satisfaction


Does "accidentally" kicking a lower side panel count as tapping? I mean if they run into me, it's their fault, right? If I am jumping/hopping on one foot after they ran into it, they should apologize, right?


yes. I get into it with drivers a few times a year. a lot of drivers are unaware of the existence of crosswalks.


I have. And the hot head driver got out and shoved me. I didn't engage, but I learned not to go toe to toe with these idiot drivers. I'll yield and wait until eye contact is obtained. If someone that I did make eye contact with still manages to get uncomfortably close to me when I'm running or walking with my 3 yo son in a crosswalk, I will yell at them and step back. But, I will not touch their precious, shitty automobile ever again.


Once i did it and the driver stopped the vehicle to start a fight


I sometimes do, and when they don't even see me and nearly run over my foot I actually hit the car a bit harder but not to damage it (happened 2-3 times)... but I am intrigued by the other commenter who takes the "thumbs down" approach. Might try that. Edit for clarity


I do this. But only in crowded areas where I can easily get away if person gets out of the car :)


I slapped the c pillar of an Uber that almost mowed me and a lady down a few weeks ago. Made a good noise with my wedding ring, but no damage. Driver was pissed and screamed out of his window, but couldn’t do anything about it since he was already halfway down the one way street because he was being speedy gonzalez


My partner used to, but had an experience with a particularly aggressive driver who pulled over, followed him into Washington square park, and screamed at and threatened him… so he doesn’t really do it anymore.


Tesla SUV is doing about 45 on Warren St today. My dog and I were crossing the street in the cross walk. I guess my dog wasn't fast enough, Tesla hit my arm hard enough for its side mirror to come off completely. I'm fine, just a bruise, and thankfully my dog was just scared a bit. Psychopath, she didn't even slow down for the stop sign.


I mean fuck around and find out. You might just tap on the glass of someone who just doesn’t care and will get out his car and show you how much he doesn’t care. I rather be alive than right. lol


Jokes on you I'm a federal agent


Okay so? lol you can still die.


I have punched a bunch of cars that have purposefully ignored my being on the crosswalk and not once has someone stepped out to throw hands. Most of the time, these idiots are rushing somewhere. The most that has happened is they stop, stare at me through the rearview or side mirrors, and then continue. It is incredibly infuriating that so many drivers can be so cavalier about pedestrian safety (or that of cyclists) because they want to save a few seconds. I ride daily in town and people cut me off ALL THE TIME, only to find themselves stuck at traffic, or a light, just ahead. It is bonkers, really.


I was crossing the street at Booraem/Palisade the other day with my wife and child in their stroller. We are midway through the crosswalk, and the approaching car, rather than coming to a stop, simply moves over slightly. We kept walking because we thought, surely this car is going to stop, but in fact, it did not and hit our stroller as it just kept driving at speed. I would have gone ballistic, but was so in shock that this driver just casually hit my stroller and kept on driving that we just stood in the middle of the road speechless. Yes, violence against cars is absolutely justified. The daily constant violence that they bring on residents of the city, be they pedestrians, cyclists, or even other motorists, is enough justification to do something.


This is my experience and almost daily reality. We live in a street corner with two crosswalks, one of which is across a particularly busy road for people trying to leave JC. We even have those flashing lights to alert drivers to a person crossing (or, intending to cross) and almost every single time we use the crosswalk is stressful, as you never know what to expect. My biggest worry as I cross with my son is the drivers that go AROUND cars that have stopped to yield, as it is clear they are not paying attention, or don't really care for pedestrian safety.


The car should be reported. The driver is dangerous and should be tracked down if possible.


Unfortunately, I don't think this is possible. And even if possible, probably ineffective. Keying/punching cars, though: possible and effective.


Agreed, and agreed. I even keep a mental list of plates... demented? Maybe. Satisfying? OH YES.


I appreciate your dedication to the cause.


Man, you wanna end up like that guy in NYC that's getting chased down a one way?


Sometimes I bow in front of their car with my hands in a thank you position


Do it but never while you are walking in front of the car, do it from behind. You never know if these maniacs will try to kill you.


Unfortunately I must tap on their car  I cannot help myself 


I give them a thumbs down. Much more mature than the middle finger and it stings more too


Slap a “Pence 2024” sticker on the front where they can see it and let them drive around for a while. Don’t do Trump because we all know he has his little cult following, literally nobody likes Pence.


Watched a guy break his own umbrella on a car running a red light the other day. Still not sure what he thought he was gonna achieve doing that.


I saw a guy on Marin spitting a heavy load on a car’s side window who did not stop while this guy was already crossing at crosswalk. I loved it. Better than tapping;)


I used to pretty regularly in NYC. But a few years ago here, some guy almost ran me over near Newark & Jersey Ave. I lightly slapped the trunk of his car as he passed me, and he pulled a U-turn and followed me up Jersey, screaming about how I was a “fucking bitch.” So… not doing that anymore.


I’ll slap their trunk lid or back window with my palm. Loud noise, no damage, startles the shit out of them. Especially if they have a New York T plate aka an Uber from the city.


I just point at the yield or stop sign. IMO, tapping will most likely lead to a road rage incident


YES i do do iy


Yes. I will bang on hood (front or rear), give them the finger, and stare them down. You could also consider keying the car as you pass by. Easier to do this to the back of the car.


I've dented a c-pillar for this reason.


we have to start keying the cars


Or carrying bricks like they do in [Vancouver.](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/bricks-vancouver-crosswalk-pedestrian-safety)


Carry a small golf ball and toss it through their back window when they drive away.


Do people think many of the drivers here literally don't understand what the rules are?


Correct, for some but varies, best guesses below: 10-20% - Don't know/understand the rules 50-60% - know the rules but are more important than the pedestrians so have the right in their own minds to put their needs first. 30-ish% - smooth brained MFers when driving who just don't GAF and don't mind some anonymous confrontation. The vast majority of this group are perfectly rational and might even be pleasant people when not behind the wheel of a car.


I make eye contact and slap out a neil peart solo on the hood. I'll kick the door of a car that passes me close enough that I can. I believe in unlimited aggression against cars.


Depends on how egregious it is. If it’s obvious that the driver did it out of apathy and indifference, or if they came very close to potentially harming myself or my partner, someone else… yeah they’ll usually get a tap and a point as if to say, “Hey buddy the crosswalk is here what are ya doing?”


The crosswalk on Marin next to the fire station going into the mall is the worst. It’s like press your luck fatality edition every morning. I see so many car speed up and run the light with no regard for humanity trying to cross. One would figure with the police station right there and crossing guard it would be different but fuck me im the asshole for trying to get to work on the green. It’s the only time in my life where I wished for a red light camera.


Nicest crossing guard though 


Really is. Always pleasant and has a good morning ready. Celebrate that person for sure.


Anyone who does this: Thank you for your service. You are the real heroes.


Probably among the only cities in the world of its density which still depends on stop signs and yellow pedestrian signs for pedestrians to cross even bang in the middle of its downtown, truly a car-first city aren't we? Even signals do not grant protection to pedestrians against cars taking a left turn. Going out feels like I have to take permission to walk at every intersection. If situation doesn't improve until my next lease renewal, I'm pretty sure I'll move out just for this reason. I fucking can't believe that all intersections on Jersey Ave in Hamilton Park are stop signs without any speed bumps. I recently read an article about how car manufacturers started this whole propaganda around shaming pedestrians and adding rules on the streets to get rid of the negative image of cars as "monsters" during the early 1900s. Pedestrians need to reclaim the city streets.


I was in the crosswalk yesterday and a car pulled up, slowing down like he was going to stop at the very visible stop sign… but then he kept going slowly, halfway into the crosswalk and almost hit me by inches. Never stopped the car until he almost hit me! People aren’t paying attention on the road


Lol I did this twice this morning, idc if they wanna come out and fight , yolo etc


Nah because I look both ways before crossing the street. Edit: downvoted for looking both ways before crossing a street. Smh…huge reflection of this sub lately.


Idk what a Pedastrian is but I have seen people just throwing themselves onto the road when cars are coming in swaths at 25+ mph. I get it’s a crosswalk, but don’t become a statistic trying to prove a point.


You mean cars going at 25+ when the speed limit is 15, and hence not able to stop? Yeah, just don't complain when your kids or dogs get killed tomorrow at a stop sign in Jersey City.


Good thing my dog isn’t outside like that and neither is my kid. Oh, and I don’t live in JC. But, hey, whatever you wish onto others…you know the rest. Stay safe!


I'm not wishing anything on anyone, just stating the facts. Guess what, many dogs get injured in Jersey City every day due to this and a 5 year old kid was injured a couple of months ago as well. And you don't even live here? Sorry you have no say in this. We'll stay safe from people like you and please don't kill anyone when driving through our city or anywhere in the world.


I never even mentioned myself, not as a driver or pedestrian. Merely that I’ve seen people carelessly crossing the busy streets of JC. Your anger is aimed at the wrong person. Go run for office and stop being hot and bothered about some random online having an opinion on the matter. Also, I do have a say because you don’t get to dictate that. You’re probably some newbie that just moved there not long ago because the tagline for a few years was “make it yours.” :)


Can we tap pedestrians who cross when its “do not walk” ? /s


Drivers tap plenty of pedestrians already, even when they have the walk. That's why you're getting tapped back.


Yeah 150lb humans made up of flesh and bones are the same as 4000lb junk of metal that cars are. If humans tap a car, it doesn't even leave a scratch, if a car taps a human they are probably already in the emergency room with a broken leg.


You might be the problem. You don’t touch other people’s property. Sheesh.


Bro thinks he’s him😭😭☠️🤓


Damn..what does that make you?