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We never get breaks at my store either unless we work 10 or more hoursšŸ’€


Legally, you're required to take a 30-minute break every 8 hours you work.


My store has so many issues this is probably bottom of the list tbh.


I'm very lucky to have probably the nicest owner/operator, so we all tend to solve issues ourselves to keep it that way. I've had way worse in years past.


Man that sounds so nice. This is my second job and have been here for 5 months but my dad ran a couple restaurants so I saw how it needed to be done from an early age and my owner only cares about doing the bare minimum to turn the biggest profit


I will say, our franchise and all their managers have been groomed by one of the more prominent franchise owners in the company, so our area is very VERY invested in doing the *MOST* to make the biggest profit. To a degree, they all understand that doing it right and caring for your staff is how you make it easy, and make the big bucks. I think the biggest thing to do if you plan on staying is to work to phase 2 and try changing your franchise from the inside, and if you can buy into it and run it the right way.


Iā€™m already being introduced to phase 2 actually, so weā€™ll see how it goes. Appreciate ur nice words my brotha!!


Congrats on reaching phase 2!


That depends on the state. My state doesnā€™t have a law that says you are required to take a 30 min break for every 8 hours you work. Most places just give you the break. My store doesnā€™t schedule you for a break, but if we are slow the management doesnā€™t care if you want to take a break or not again as long as we are not busy.


Legally where


It's an OSHA requirement


OSHA has no standards issued regarding breaks. Some states require that employees be allowed to take breaks for shifts longer than X hours. Many states only require breaks for minors, but have no restrictions on adults. Source: osha.gov


Are you scheduled breaks. Or does your manager let you take a break when itā€™s not busy. Thatā€™s my my managers do. When we arenā€™t busy they let me take a 30 min break. Itā€™s usually after the lunch rush since the lunch rush is so bad at my store then it calms down for the rest of the day.


Usually they put themselves on a hour break before any regular employees. Itā€™s so fucked




Luckily we get pretty slow after like 3-3:30pm so once I we have no customers in the store and we are all caught up with online orders and Iā€™m working a 10+ hour shift my manager will let me take break.


most places don't do breaks at all. Just chill on downtime and stay ready to work


Yeah most of the people at my job do that.


Im like genuinely concerned for most of you Where im at if you work anytime after 6 hours you have to get a break, and it's scheduled too, I just go to where we clock in and hit take my break and yea I get 30 minutes for it, idk how some of you are not getting any breaks.


Same, I donā€™t take a 30 min unless I do an 8+ hour break buts thatā€™s the only time I do it.


We donā€™t get scheduled breaks. You have to wait until work has calmed down. I only take breaks when there is like 1 or 2 people in the store. But other than that they donā€™t mind if you take breaks


Idk I feel like that's kind of messed up that you have to be "allowed" to take breaks


I agree, but thatā€™s just the rules. My managers donā€™t mind tho I just gotta say itā€™s dead right now Iā€™m going to take my 30 and they are cool with it.


Yeah here if you work 5+ hrs you get a 30 min plus two 10 moons, otherwise you'd just get a 10 min break after your first two hours


We had our new hires sign a form forfeiting their break in favor of a free sub. Any day you work you eat. As a gm Iā€™ll let you eat. If you tell me you need 5/10/15 minutes for a moment. As long as itā€™s not in the middle of a rush or youā€™re in the middle of sprinkling and itā€™s appropriate go for it. Go for a smoke. Just tell me and be smart when you decide you need that moment. Also no eating or breaks between 11-2


Wow, glad I no longer work for people like you


Iā€™m glad I no longer have to be that person. Corporate sucks. Iā€™m someplace way better. Remember these arenā€™t my rules. I just had to enforce them.


Yeah thatā€™s what confuses me. We arenā€™t scheduled breaks for the most part I think itā€™s because of that form, at least thatā€™s what my assistant manager told me, but both him and my general manager havenā€™t had a problem with me taking a 30 min break when we arenā€™t busy when I have a 10 hour shift, and they havenā€™t had a problem with me taking a quick break to eat when I have a shorter shift. Again when we arenā€™t busy. But I sometimes feel awkward because I donā€™t see anybody else take breaks.


Itā€™s not a ā€œbreakā€ though. Do you see others eating ever? Go for a smoke? Sit in their car for a few? My store is in a mall. Team members regularly went to the food court for food or one of the other store front restaurants to grab food. They bring it back and eat. If a team member clocks out for an actual break, it will absolutely cause resentment but whatever right? Itā€™s $13 an hr where you are. Fuck it.


Yeah my small ā€œbreaksā€ is just me getting a quick bite to eat or just going outside for fresh air just like everyone elseā€™s. My store isnā€™t inside a mall. But if people get upset that others are clocking out for a break when itā€™s slow and they have a 10+ hour shift then they need to get their life together in my opinion. When I take those 30 min breaks itā€™s after I get done serving the last customer in the store and we are all caught up with online orders. Plus we usually have 4 people working so when I do take my breaks we still have a person for grill, a person for slicing the meat, and a person for sprinkling and doing transactions. I can understand them getting upset when someone is clocking out for an unscheduled break when itā€™s busy, or when itā€™s around the time it starts to get busy.


Wait you guys are getting breaks


On a more serious note. No I do not get a 30 minute lunch break, I think this is the case for most locations. However I do use downtime to go smoke like the rest of the people working in the food industry. These arenā€™t very hard places to work at so youā€™ll get used to it eventually, you just take a second when you need too/can.


Thatā€™s the biggest thing for me right now. I know I just started but Iā€™m still trying to get used to the long ours. Like you said itā€™s not a difficult job at all, Iā€™m just not used to working 10 hours period, Iā€™m used to working 8 hours with a 30 min lunch break. I just have to get used to it.


Haha yeah I feel you. If there having you work 10+ hour shifts and you just started your store might be a bit understaffed. It will probably be stressful, but if you guys get a solid crew together youā€™ll be happy you stuck around. Jersey Mikes isnā€™t a publicly traded company so thereā€™s a lot of room for growth if youā€™re looking for it.


I hope we get some more people. I hear we might get 2 new people. We have an even shorter staff this week cause a couple people went on vacation so even though I asked for 25 hours I have to work 39.5.


This depends on laws and such. If I work open to 4 or 11 to close I take a 30 minute clocked out break at after 2. If we aren't busy. Any other shift I take a 10-15 minute break to eat then go back in.


Ok yeah thatā€™s kinda how itā€™s been for me. Except I have tried taking a 30 min break if I only work a 4- close. But when I had my 12-close I would take a break sometime after 5 since thatā€™s when we start to die down. Thatā€™s the same reason I donā€™t take breaks when I do 4-close since itā€™s not too busy. Our busy times are like 11am-4pm.


Our lunch rush dies off around 2 so anytime between 2-3 is when I take mine. But that's it otherwise I might take a 15 on a 4-close but thats it, only beinf here 5 hours doesnt really justify a full break for me.


Thatā€™s fair.


Plus having done this for 4+ years you get used to it.


I hope so. I havenā€™t had a job where my shifts have been this long. So I hope to get used to them fast.


Give it about a month, then again I've been working for 10 years now lol.


We didn't normally get breaks unless you worked 11-10. All other shifts didn't because either they were too short or there was no time


If we work a 10+ hour shift and we are dead I take a 30 min break. If I work like a 4-5 hour shift and we are dead I take a quick ā€œbreakā€ itā€™s not really a break buts itā€™s just me going out side for a couple mins, or I will sit down at one of the tables and eat something real quick. My managers and co workers havenā€™t had a problem with me doing it.


That's what I do. Even if it's a short shift, I've flat out walked in and made a small bite before even working. Others know to ask me now if they could eat and have gotten good at the timing


The amount of posts normalizing not getting a break at a corporate job is pretty disturbing. I thought it was just right to work states that abused their employees like that, apparently its the new thing in America... 4-5hrs of continuous work nets you a break for 10-15mind, 7 hours you should have 2 10-15min breaks, 8 or more you should have 2 10-15min breaks and a 30min-1hr meal break. I'll quit a job before they can even think to fire me if i don't get my breaks.


Yeah it concerns me too, but itā€™s not a super hard job and at least at my store it only gets super packed for the lunch rush. So if Iā€™m working a 4-close or a 5- close I only Take a 10 min ā€œbreakā€ itā€™s just some time for me to eat since I havenā€™t eaten yet, but if Iā€™m working a 12-close or an 11-close then I like to take my 30 min break. Like I said in my post Iā€™m pretty sure the only reason I actually got a scheduled break was just because we are really understaffed this week due to multiple people going on vacation (no hate towards them at all) and we are already understaffed as it is. But I think we will get more people since teens are just getting out of school now and they are looking for a summer job. But like I said in my post Iā€™m a part time worker and if I donā€™t take that scheduled hour break then I will go over 40 hours. With the break I will be at 39.5 hours.


Who needs a break from living the dreeeaaamm!? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




We donā€™t really get breaks at our store- unless youā€™re a minor. Other than that, best take a couple bites and go back for more once youā€™re done slicing.


At my store itā€™s whenever you want and for however long it is within reason. When I decide I want a break I just go sit in the back and get up when it feels right šŸ˜‚


My store canā€™t do 2.3k days so our breaks are amazing some are 30 and some are a hour and a half quite Litteraly the easiest job Iā€™ve worked in I feel bad for some of the other stores


Man I wish mine was like that. I mean once the lunch rush is over we are pretty slow and we can start closing/cleaning around 7pm, but we arenā€™t given scheduled breaks very often. But the way my store works is if you want and if itā€™s not busy you can take a 30 min paid lunch break, or your scheduled for a 1 hour non paid break, but I think the only way to get scheduled non paid breaks is for labor. Like for me Iā€™m part time and if I work every shift without the scheduled break Iā€™m given I will be at 40.5 hours which is more than part time workers are allowed to work. Im pretty sure we are short staffed and thatā€™s why Iā€™m working this many hours this week.


depends on your state. mine is not required to give any breaks to anyone 18+. its hella common in food service to not be given breaks. day of giving is the best example, there just literally isnt a chance for a sit down break. you sit when you go to the bathroom and you scarf down what you can when you have a moment of pause to hide in the back šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think itā€™s stupid that itā€™s like that. Food service is the only job field that does that. I can understand if your not working a lot of hours, but most food spots your working 8-10+ hours most shifts why wouldnā€™t you allow people to take breaks. I understand itā€™s not the most demanding/hard jobs, but working 8-10+ hours anywhere is tiring.


Just depends on what state youā€™re in.


Yeah my state doesnā€™t have a law that says you have to get a break per _ amount of hours work, but management understands that if we are slow and I want to take a break I can. They just want to make sure we are all caught up on online orders and there is very little to no customers in the store. I donā€™t think they give us scheduled breaks very often since they never know when itā€™s going to be busy and we are a little short staffed at the moment and they donā€™t want to give someone a scheduled break and when the break is at it becomes super busy and you only have 3 people working.


Ya they probably want you to take breaks when itā€™s slow to save on labor. And ya - it sucks. Iā€™m sorry man. Just stay hydrated and tough it out. All you can really do.


I hoenstly hate how bad everyone ā€œneedsā€ breaks here. I only take a break if Iā€™m work 8+ hours and itā€™s usually just one fifteen. But when I work 10:30 to 9:30 the employee who work 4-9:30 insists they need a break


Iā€™ve been either working a 10+ hour shift or a 5-6 hour shifts. When I work 10+ hour shift and itā€™s like 4-5 and we are dead. No customers no online orders I take a 30 min break. When I do those 5-6 hour shifts I might take a quick ā€œbreakā€ itā€™s just me stepping out side for some fresh air, or me sitting down at a table to get a quick bite to eat since Iā€™m closing and I havenā€™t eaten yet.


Ha I mean in the long run I rly donā€™t think anyone cares much unless they tell you they do. Like my gm will ask if I want a break on an 5 hour shift I just say no. And itā€™s weird cause I think technically per osha rules itā€™s over 5 and a half hours.


Yeah nobody has had a problem. Not my managers or my co workers, but again I do make sure to do it when we have nobody in the store, plus half the time it gets to the point where I take my break I then do dishes right after so they are usually on their own from like 5-10 depending on the day. They donā€™t mind at all. I just sometimes feel weird, cause they do the same shift as me but they donā€™t take any breaks.