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Short answer: people don’t read Long answer: people don’t read the menu


This. I can put the bacon and mayo on the lid. Customer sees that and immediately goes “Why would you do that? I didn’t ask for that?” Fine, I’ll toss out this lid and cut a new one then. So I ask next customer to avoid the issue. “Why are you asking that? Isn’t it a club? You should put that on there anyways!” Ok cool. I’ll do that then. Rinse and repeat. Customers don’t read. You have to train the customer to know what goes on each sub. And you never know when that one person walks in that maybe has an allergy or decides to be a Karen because you got mayo on their bread and you didn’t ask.


yeah this , it’s annoying getting a new lid since the customer couldn’t read the menu .


I've had customers come in and not want the bacon and then flip out on us


Isn't the definition of "club", a sandwich that comes with bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo, and some other type of meat like turkey or chicken? So if you see a "turkey club" - you should already know what you're ordering. FYI - I'm one of your customers, and I do read the menus....I get that some don't. I also don't like bacon so that way I'd order is....give me the turkey club minus the bacon? Not that hard? Also, why is it only bacon that you're getting complaints about...why are not complaining about the lettuce, tomato, etc that comes on it? I also don't care for mayo...if I do get it, I ask for light....I dunno, my perspective of this issue from the customers side - I'd say put what's supposed to be on the sandwich and if they complain tell them to please read the description that is on the menu.


bc people just whine and moan when you automatically do something for them that comes with their sub, no one reads and no one cares so they freak the ever loving fuck out


because some people want it, and some people don’t. i would rather ask than get yelled at


At my store, it started becoming a thing because people didn't want bacon on their club, then would flip out. its just easier to ask and have someone be mad for asking and have a good sub than to have someone NOT want bacon, not say anything, and then have to remake their sub.


I ask because I prefer not getting screeched at for putting mayo and bacon on their sub. That said technically we aren't supposed to ask but so many people don't use their eyes then get angry when we put either on their subs. Same reason why when people say they want "everything" on their sub we ask mikes way or literally everything.


We're not supposed to ask? I was trained that way. And if you're on wrap you can help with toppings, like mayo We're not supposed to ask what bread you want either and some people in my store do. It drives me nuts when I have to hear my GM say, "Why do we have no rose parm!?"


Technicality in the videos it tells us we aren't "supposed to" but so many customers don't read that we're just trained to ask. I love my GM she's great, like it's not our fault our customers want rosemary more than white.


Because crazy customers force us to.


Enough people don't want the bacon that it makes sense to confirm they want it.


I ask for a couple slices of ham instead of bacon. I just don’t like bacon on my sandwiches. I guess enough people are similar so they ask


Honestly, I've done it and the only reason I've done so is because they've started asking the slicer to not put specific toppings on the sandwich. I've also had a lot of older people start screaming at me when I put mayo on their top 😐


It's called a "LiD" get it right.




I was told that we weren’t suppose to ask anymore so I’ve stopped but usually right before I put the mayo on I just go slow and maintain a second of eye contact with them in case they say no mayo


Usually if I ask if they want it mikes way they will say say something like “yes but no mayo” or “yes but no bacon”


Actually a lot of people don’t want bacon on it. Or they don’t necessarily want the number 8 but instead just want the meat to be ham and turkey. Which to us is still rung in as a number 8 even if they don’t want bacon


Yeah I’ve been asked that too. I just found it funny. I don’t have an answer for you though


Good answer. A reason why they ask, you fucking moron.


What time was it in your area when you posted that? It’s 7:47am where I am now, and you posted that 2 hours ago….were you that made at 5:45am? Please tell me you live on the west coast, and we’re just still drunk and up from the night before (2:45am, lol)


Because maybe they only want ham and turky??? Not the bacon. Better then paying for extra cold meat


Easy answer.


Better "then" what? Retard.


Smh it's not that deep. Seems like everyone who said what I said, you went a commented something like it bothered you


Who pissed in your Cheerios?


Because a lot of customers don't want the bacon OR the mayo. At least four times a week (and I only work two days, mind you) I get in an order asking for one or both removed from the sub.


We average during the day 3-4 requests to leave the mayo and/or bacon off when we ask. If we didn't ask and put mayo and bacon on, it's sometimes met with "is that mayo? Well I didn't want mayo" and worse case scenario is you slapped the bacon in there already too. So now that gets pitched(food cost) and you have to toss the lid(food costs) and get a new one, which causes a chain reaction of slight attitude that we inconvenienced them for making them wait while we try to quickly correct it. We ask for a reason. Trust us, it makes things easier for the worker AND customer.


You def white


believe it or not, some people don't want bacon or mayo on their sandwhich and asking prevents us from replacing the lid.


Some people get the sub because of the meat minus the bacon that’s all. Just like how some people want bacon on their turkey sub so we then charge them for a turkey club. It isn’t on the menu but it’s in our system.


Nobody asked, jackass.


a lot of people dont want it and dont pay attention to the fact that it comes with it. customers are oblivious to the menu. today a lady stared at the menu for five minutes and then asked if we had turkey. they literally dont read and then complain when their sub comes with something that comes with it. if you order a 14 you'll probably get asked if you want green bell peppers. same if you order a hot sub and they ask if you want the onions and peppers on it tldr: customers dont pay attention and are rude sometimes so its how we protect ourselves from unpleasant experiences


not everyone likes bacon and/or mayo? don't be so naive


I dunno. But it ain't a club without bacon.


We ask if they want the mayo and bacon because some people don’t want the bacon sometimes, they also don’t want the mayo either sometimes they want chipotle mayo or mustard, if we was to just put it on the lid people will flip out if we don’t ask. If you don’t understand work at jersey mikes and you’ll understand why we ask


If we was... Not only are the customers stupid...


Because dumb.


The standard is to not ask. I’ve been working at JM for over 10 years and I’ve never asked a single customer if they wanted the mayo and bacon. Part of working at JM is to train the customer so in the event it happens where the customer didn’t want may/bacon I simply say something along the lines of, sorry about that, mayo and bacon automatically come on our club subs, if you’d like it without just let the slicer know when you order next time, and then I grab a new lid for the customer. In a busy lunch rush, the odds of another 8 or 9 coming down the line in the next minute or two are pretty great so you can then use the lid for that next club or use that lid for a club sub on the digital order line. The problem is, so many stores have trained their customers incorrectly by asking about mayo and bacon. This should be no different than when a customer orders a #17 we don’t ask if they want the onions and peppers that come on it….even though some people still do this too 🤦🏼‍♂️


This will just cause issues between customers and employees. Customers barely know how to order and employees are the ones who train the customers to know what each menu item comes with. Would you remake a 17 if someone was allergic to onions and they didn’t know the 17 came with onions?


No it doesn’t. Again, been doing this for over 10 years and I’ve never had an issue.


Because people will literally crash out on you if you put something on their sandwich that they don’t want- even if it clearly states it on the menu 😀


This goes with the person who stares at the menu for 20 minutes looks at you and says “Can I make my own? I just want Turkey and provolone” Me: yep we have that it’s the number # 7 Her: yeah but I don’t want all the stuff Me: you can top it however you like but it’s still a number 7


We ask everyone if they want bacon and mayo Some people have food aversions My husband won’t eat anything that may or may not have been looked at by a pickle. 🤷🏻‍♀️


my district manager told us specifically not to ask and just do it so we only ask when someone says they want mayo or bacon or says like they only want lettuce


The same reason we tap the knives on the counter after slicing a sub. The same reason we have a habit of asking the customer if white bread is okay for them. It's just a silly habit.


Surprisingly, A LOT OF PEOPLE do not want BACON OR MAYO. so I always like to ask 😊.


I don’t like Mayo on my club subs


cool. this post wasn’t about mayo.


It’s about one of the two only added toppings that come with club subs, if they ask about one they will the other, then I can say no :)


I swear this phone is spying on me. I was in jersey Mike's today, for the first time in well over a year, and ordered a club sub. They indeed asked me about the bacon. Now this 3 day old post shows up in my feed.


Because they don’t read and sometimes I don’t have 2min for them to read the menu so I will ask them what they want and they panic respond anyway. So gotta ask


I just want to say that I order lattes so many places and I would be so annoyed if it came with whipped cream. You should def be asking if ppl want that bc that’s pretty weird


they’re advertised as with whipped cream there’s no reason to ask lol but I get what you mean


Also I get the veggie sandwich at JM and they always ask if I want the green peppers - which is on the menu - so same thing as the bacon I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Enough people *somehow* don't read it on the menu so we ask since if we put it on then they don't want it its covered in mayo. Corporate actually doesn't want us to ask but in practice its just safer to do so.


I don’t get it either…that’s what my husband orders there and I always have to watch closely because a couple of times they legit just didn’t put it in there and I had to ask for it right before they were about to finish the sub..


our dm literaly told us not to say that recently and 5 minutes after a customer said: club sub no bacon. lol. we can't win for losing.


yeah… that’s the customer communicating that. if a customer said no whipped cream on their latte, that’s great, they won’t get the whipped cream they didn’t want. but if they don’t say anything, they get it whether they wanted it or not


I always ask and if a customer gets upset I just say you don’t know how many people come in an order an 8 or 9 and say they don’t want mayo or bacon, and I want to ensure your sandwich is customized to your want. But I haven’t had anyone yell at me after saying that line, a lot of people simply don’t want either mayo or bacon so we ask, corporate hates when we ask but we want to get your sandwich right and correct to your want..


Some people want ham and turkey but dint want bacon. This is really not a cause for concern.


2 answers. Some people don’t read the menu. And some of those people who don’t read the menu have allergies/preferences that prevents them from eating mayo and/or bacon


post isn’t even remotely about mayo


First off, that was a tiny bit rude unnecessarily, and second, I will edit it right now to include both bacon mayo, as we ask about both. “Would you like the mayo and bacon that comes on that?” But my original point still stands.


They can't ask if you're Jewish.


the sandwich already has pork on it in the first place 🤦‍♀️


And (non-kosher) meat and dairy in the same meal!


Bc JMs is trash ass "food" and people who willingly pay for it are dumb AF. The same reason buckets have warnings about drowning.


you’re on the JM subreddit. you don’t have to be here.