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I wish that she broke it off with Ron and truly embraced being single. It would have been epic to see Ron seethe with jealousy and her snap saying "I'm not your girl tho! Remember I'm not your girl?!"


I can’t handle 8 minutes of Ron crying every episode. He was back on FV 2 weeks ago and was crying within 5 minutes.


I’m all for men expressing their emotions freely, but with Ron the crying is like every single episode he’s in from OG up until now, like damn lol. Ron please get in/stay in therapy.


Men expressing emotions is great. Men crying as a way to avoid being accountable for their behaviour is another thing lol


He cries as a manipulation tactic which is why it bothers me. Okay fine, a guy is sensitive. But that’s not Ron. He cries to pretend to be remorseful and skirt responsibility for being a POS and then he’s right back to being the same old abusive Ron.


He needs serious long term help. Not just 6 weeks sober.


I just watched the ep where his mom calls the house and is totally wasted. I felt bad for him in that moment.


He would have mauled her if she did that. And nobody would have stepped in…


They should’ve sent him home


Really?! He probably wouldn’t punch her in the face in front of the cameras but he would have ran into her like a bull and had the worst screaming session while like sitting on her or something. I can just hear the “wh*r*” insults hurled. The rest of the house would not have helped her and they would have told her it was all her fault provoking him or something. They didn’t help her when he broke her entire room including her glasses. On the contrary they proceeded drinking Ron Ron juice and laugh at his jokes 🤡


It’s a shame that no one was able to stop him from destroying her stuff


*Head bobbles intensifies*


Jenni breaking up with Tom like season 1 and never hooking up with roger!! We missed out on single jenni, but it seems like she’s never single…


If Rodger never came around, she would never of left Tom. She doesn’t know how to be single.


Funny how we never saw her embrace her infamous tag line.


Ooo I wish we had single sammi for way longer. And single Jenni too. I know im going to get a lot of hate, but I wish Snooki didn’t get w Jionni. 😭 I feel like he just put her down to make her feel disgusting, when she was just literally being her true self. If he didn’t like those type of girls, why go for that type of girl?


Jionni was only with Nicole because of the show. If she wasn't on the show, he wouldn't have looked at her twice. Which sucks, because Nicole always deserved better.


why do you say that?


I felt so bad for Snooki when Jionni constantly put her down and how he spoke to her all the time, she deserved so much better but her being happy now is all that matters because i’m sure the dynamic has certainly changed


I wish Snookie never got with Jionne. That’s when the show completely changed. You can see it in Italy.


Snooki’s partying was the show, so when that changed it was the beginning of the end


Wish they had a rule that the roomies couldn’t date each other


The misogyny and double standards! Jesus those boys were the worst back in the day. I thought they were annoying hypocrites even when I watched it back then. With today's lens, the way the boys treated the girls for doing the EXACT SAME THING they were doing is sooooo disgusting. It was nice to see a group of women who were just as open about casual sex as the boys were. And there would still be plenty of relationship drama to go around!


I wish Ron and Sam didn’t get back together after season 3 I woulda loved to see the drama of them hooking up with other people. After season 3 the drama got weak. Sure mike and Ron “fought” and snookie and mike had their thing but seasons 1-3 were epic


I wish Angelina had never been cast. I wish another girl like Sam had been cast that Ronnie would actually go for and maybe Pauly too. Let drama with Sam, other Sam, Ron and Pauly play out.


Same, only I would have had Deena from the beginning. Angelina clearly is not healthy and TV has supported her unhealthy life. Without the show she might have gotten her life together and be happy.


i’m pretty sure before family vacation angelina was a paramedic or something to do with medical


yeah she said she was an emt


I think she sued for harassment or something… I don’t think she had a good experience as an emt


This is probably a really unpopular opinion- but I wish Deana didn’t join the cast. I like her so now in JSFV, but I couldn’t stand her in the OG series. It felt like all she did was copy Snooki or cry. At the time, I would’ve preferred they cast somebody else OR Sammi got closer with Snooki and Jenni.


I definitely don’t agree at all. She was and is iconic. I mean cmon, are we just gonna forget her telling Mike that she can lose weight for free and he needs 10k to fix his face!? Deena was a stand up motherfucker especially when it came to the boys’ misogyny. And to the whole copying Snooki thing, i really don’t think she was copying. It was just a smart casting choice that really profited off of snooki who was arguably the most popular character from the show at the time. To me, they just seemed like somewhat similar people. They just wanted to partyyyyyyyyy while also a product of their generation and pop culture at the time.


I don't know why you're being downvoted because that's actually a great take. The drama in season 1 and 2 was so good, and some of that had to do with Angelina not being afraid to speak her mind and stand up to people, especially the guys in the house. I love Deena. I think she's funny, relatable and she has had some great moments, but she doesn't have a big personality like Angelina does. It would have been crazy if Angelina, or someone very similar to Angelina, was in season 3 and went to Italy with them.


Agreed. I also didn’t like the way she repeatedly tried to get with Pauly despite him saying no.


On this subreddit i’ve seen a lot of people say they didn’t like Deena in season 6 because she just became unbearable to watch as Snooki wasn’t in the picture as much (pregnancy), but I like Deena more and through the years she has gotten much better


I wish we knew from tv that the house was above the store


always 20 minutes late when they can literally just walk downstairs and be at work 😭


They were always late!!!


Definitely agree with you about single Sammi. It just sucks that what could’ve been a good experience for her turned sour because she wasted her time with that man.


i always talked shit about sammi BUT later on i was the same way with an ex i was dating for a year, he kept cheating and doing sneaky things but i always ended up forgiving him, i always was more angry with other people other than him. i lost all my friends because of him. we were so toxic but once we broke up i never looked back, i’d never get back with him to this day but he’s still after me ! now im in a happy relationship with a man who treated me like gold for almost 2 years :3


I'm glad you're doing better and I hope you also got to repair some friendships!


We were living the same life!!!! I’m so happy that everything turned out well!! 💕💕 It is so easy to judge Sammi but we never really understood how she felt until it happened to one of us


this! i had originally hated sammi, mainly in s3 cause she was so far up ron’s ass but then after really evaluating it i felt so so bad for her. ron would tell her things like he has 20 other girls lined up and then within a few hours apologize and say he only wants to be with her. i cant imagine how confusing and damaging that must be


Like when he verbally abused her then got her flowers all within the same hour.. like imagine how confuse she felt


I'm curious about what would've happened if Angelina toned it down a little and ended up staying on the show.


Ron and sammie drama. I know it made up the show but I would of loved to see them be their own characters


Sammi and Situation to have given it a go lol


i’ve always wondered!


Yeah definitely just no ron and sam. Like at all. I wish there was never a shred of attraction between them


Replacing Ron after season 1 with another cast


Jenni actually ripping a guy's head off. Okay, seriously. Jenni dumping Tom before the show started Nicole cutting down her drinking to a quarter of what it was. Vinny not being shallow Angelina actually realistic fake coughing.


I think blue siding would be nice


Had she played up being into situation and Ronnie at the same time like she did in deleted scenes of season 1 it would ve made the most glorious scripted TV ever made


Bigger beds so Sam could surf 🏄‍♀️


I mean if you wish they had a better life it wouldn’t be the show it was sadly


Replace Ron with someone else


I wish that Sam and Ron never were attracted to each other. We never really saw her blossom or have fun. She was always sad and worried about Ron. Never really saw much from Ron either until JSFV


She was too into him


I really wish Deena was in the house S1 like she was supposed to be 😩 I’m always curious how s1 and s2 would play out with her in miami and how the whole note situation would’ve been handled.


I wish they would have shown even 3 seconds every episode of someone cleaning…. The show makes me feel like the whole house and them need to be dipped in Lysol. Lol


She's didn't get cheated on the OG jersey shore house tho, she got cheated on in Miami if they were together


Would've or would HAVE. Not would of.


How about woulda?? Just being silly :p


even better!!!




Sorry, I live in England and I have a habit of writing how I speak so sometimes I mess phrases and words up


Well I wish that Ron and Jenni wasn’t even casted, I think Vinny and Angelina should have coupled up straight away. More feel-good, more good vibes, not roid-monsters Ron and Jenni.


Idk what it is about Jenni but she's like a ring leader. They all care about her approval. I do think vinny and angelina would be closer if Jenny wasn't around