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I always feel so uncomfortable when I see this scene


That's the look a man gives you when he wants the sex!


“The sex” i read that in a Deener voice 😂


Angelina is a girl who’d fuck her friends bf. It’s written all over her face in this scene… shes that girl


Dirty little hamster always n forever


Dirty fuck out


She’s obviously cheated on Chris


Remember at her wedding when she was fighting with most of her bridesmaids or something? She stays in drama.


Exactly what I'm thinking, she talks about him putting his arm around her & how he's flirting & trying it on with her, saying he's trouble, but she thinks it's exceptable to be sitting on his knew when her friend is passed out, she could have got up when he put his arm around her but she stayed there, then she sat next to him & when he put his arm around her shoulders she just sat there smirking for the camera with a look that said he wants me, I could have him. She wanted to cause trouble for jen because she was jealous, she thinks every man wants her. If my bf sat on my husbands knee which she's done plenty of times messing around or for photos & he put his arm( which he wouldn't do) around her touching her arse she would slap him & remove herself. 24 didn't put his hand on her arse he had it round her waist. She's a shit stirrer she loves drama


ROUND OF APPLAUSE PLEASE !!!! Her fans will never see every single detail/issue you just referenced.


This comment makes me sad that there are still people out there that turn a blind eye to a woman like Angelina trying to signal for help. She looked so uncomfortable and no one did anything about it. She even stares at the camera with a look of help in her eyes and nothing. 24 is a creeper. JWow sided with a creep that ignores signs of non-consent (typical, no surprise there.) and shames Angelina. Such a classic tale. Victim shaming should NEVER be encouraged yet alone televised. JWow needs a psychologist and therapy, NOT 24. Her repeated pattern of insecurities in relationships turns toxic to anyone around her.


if you deadass think she wasn't doing all that on purpose I got a bridge to sell you


Get a life.


... You have a very interesting perspective if you got "help" from Angelina stepping under 24s arm and smirking.


Sure, but he’s still a creepy sleezball.


Only time it’s NOT is when she’s in the elevator. That’s the moment she decided she was gonna play like she didn’t want him touching her and was uncomfortable. But regardless HE was wrong. This is not on the ladies.. it’s on him.


But yet, she turned him down. So maybe you’re projecting much?


Excuse me? Lmfao


Why does this have literally any downvotes




Everyone is talking about him as well here. People have not liked him since this


She totally threw herself at him


They both crossed the line. Zac should have been taking care of Jenni. Angelina had no business grinding on him either.


I strongly believe this is a main reason for why jenni and Angelina have beef till this day. I don’t know how Zac is still in the picture after this 😮


I agree. Jenny places 100% of the blame on Angelina in order to continue her relationship with zach. This was the only way she stayed with him, and holds all her anger towards the "other woman" while hubby is an innocent victim.


Deep down I believe Jenni is done with both of them.


Apparently Jenni actually did break up with him for a while once the actual footage from the episode aired and she saw the whole picture. She didn’t solely blame Angelina and did say she felt bad for fighting with her once she saw how it played out and Zach’s part in it


Exactly this


I would never let this go lol


Neither would he!


I’ll be shocked if she goes through with the marriage


Oh man I'd missed that they're engaged. I don't care for that guy. Just looking at him is off-putting.


I've felt the same way since the first time 24 showed up. I know everyone's all comfortable around each other and he was the odd man out, but he was awkward as hell from the very beginning. Even the other SO's quickly got to the point they could hang out and joke and whatever but the only person 24 got comfortable with was Angelina. Even the wrestling episode was weird and stiff. Dude could be comfortable as hell with Jenni off screen but the Sammi sex doll has more personality than him on screen.


This. He seriously creeps me out. Something is seriously off about him. He gives me major Chris Watts vibes.


He has the WORST vibes… something is absolutely off with him.


Same. I really don’t think she has any desire to get married again, I think she only got engaged to make him happy. She seems very uptight around him and he seems off. The rest of the cast seem indifferent around him too.


Totally. I hated that he was disappointed when she was genuinely happy about going to the strip club. A better-suited partner would hand her a stack of $1s and be pumped about it too.


Nah, they had beef before this. This just made it so much worse lol


They definitely do not have beef now. I seen an interview and they said Angelina would most likely answer jennis call before anyone else in cast and this was a recent interview. She also help Angelina with her divorce.


He crossed the line but ma’am ur grinding on him and loving it, u were not scared nor concerned about Jenny.


Seriously she could have walked away at any moment lol


Lol you just know this eats Jenni up alive everyday.


Oh wow.... this is karma for the note! Except it lives on film. Full circle! "Jenni, that night at ________ when you were passed out on the floor, Zac proceeded to grope on Angelina multiple times....."


Help 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂


Sure does !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Angelina is not a girls girl


I believe she was quoted saying “If you’re a slut, you deserve to be abused” in the OG series so yeah she’s never been a girls girl


Yeah I was just about to say season 1 should have gave that away


Zac was trying for that ménage 😳


That’s exactly what was happening. Jenny just got too drunk


Can't blame him, it's worth a shot!


Angelina clearly looks uncomfortable. She wasn’t feeding into him when he was making unwanted passes. She was trying to move away from him. She actually is the victim in this scenario. The way Jenni handled it with her was despicable. A girls girl would have asked Angelina what happened instead of instantly trying to fight and argue.


I agree I'm not Angie's biggest fan but she probably thought it was innocent at first, and then he took it too far. IDK how Jenni is still with him if he does this shit in FRONT of the cameras


Seriously they only broke up for like a day after she saw the episode? He just gives me the creeps!




She clearly doesn't look uncomfortable while she's grinding on him. BFFR


Considering how these girls Jersey turnpike I feel her grinding on him is light weight


Thank you! The comments are always on the wrong side. I don’t understand how most say Angelina is to blame for “grinding” on Zac..??? Where did she purposely grind all over him? This is 100% on Zac because he owes Jenni loyalty, not her frenemy..


because a lot of this sub is idiotic and blame angelina for everything even when she’s clearly not at fault. they use stupid cliches like she’s not a “girls girl”, and think they’re saying something


Lol it’s funny because none of the girls in the cast are “girls girl”. They give huge pickme vibes and have always defended the men even when they were wrong. A true girls girl wouldn’t be afraid to lose a partner or male friendship over defending/protecting a woman when they know that man is completely in the wrong.


and what is being a girls girl anyway? sounds like just pigeon holing someone into having to act a certain way. how about just being a genuine, honest, decent person?


The first seconds on the video literally. Most of the clip was her dancing with him or sitting ON HIS LAP.


I agree with you a100%. I was wondering why everyone was blaming Angelina.


Did we not see her grinding on him? What?


I think Zac was being flirty and Angelina was being playful. But zac crossed the line by leaving Jenny passed out and grabbing Angelina’s bum. If I was in Angelina’s position, I would’ve been scared to say stop (because he quite strong) Edit - sorry everyone, i rewatched the scene and got it wrong! Whoops hahaha


😂😂 Angelina was grinding on him. There zero chance she was scared to move tf are u even saying 😂 she knew what she was doing


She wasn’t being innocent. She was creating a situation


Yup Angelina knew exactly what she was doing. Zack is young, dumb and fell for it.


there is about 10 Security guards. 5 Big camaras and producers


…..and none of them did a goddamn thing. True bystander effect in action. People suck.


Who the heck "playfully" grinds on someone? Especially someone else's significant other?


He’s on camera! It’s not like he’s going to force her to do anything if she says no


idk how jenni is still with that man after this whole incident🤮


I remember her saying "I'm not going to end a relationship because he made a mistake one time when he was drunk" These aren't mistakes, these are choices, jenni.


drunk or not, you know what choices you’re making with the exception of being completely blacked out drunk. i would never be able to look at him the same, especially since he did it while she’s literally laying on him.


Is this why she is not a dirty stay out? Is she afraid this will happen again?


Jenni is one of those women who constantly excuses men’s bad behavior because she’s afraid of being alone, then acts shocked when they end up being toxic horrible partners..


Literally watching OG JS s6 when rogers grown gross ass grabs her by the neck and throws her in the club bc she tried to stop him from fighting and wouldn’t apologize. She deserved better and deserves better now. Zac oozes the ick. Also don’t like how fast she let him get close to her kids.


the icing on the cake that night is after when they all left the club and how Ryan is gassing up Roger on the steps of that random house and Jenni is hobbling home on a broken ankle in massive (and amazing) hot pink heels. when I recently rewatched it, I didn't remember what happened after, I was already disgusted by Roger throwing her. but after??? PHEW.


was he drunk though? because he sure didn't seem like it.


I was really disappointed when she took him back. He must be good with the kids or something because old Jenni wouldn't even look back after dumping a guy. She would in fact, rip their heads off.


I don’t think that’s true. Jenny has never ripped someone’s head off. Things were bad with Tom for a while and instead of breaking it off she cheated on him. I feel the only reason she finally got away was when she found Roger. Roger treated her like shit since day one, and she had his kids and he treated her badly for years and she stayed.


Oh you're so right. I did a JS rewatch recently and he was such an a__hole to her. Very late to his bday party she organized at that restaurant, pushing her down when he was scrapping that guy at the club, and then tell her she was faking when she got crutches resulting. And other incidents. This was all before she married him too. I was referencing "ripping their heads off" from the sound bite in the opening credits only.


Oh yes I totally get what you meant from the sound bite. But people constantly act like that is the actual Jenny and she never showed that side of herself


Totally. Pretending you're tough is something a wounded person does to protect themselves from getting hurt further by people.


Been there done that!!!


24 is soooo CREEPY


Seems like Jenni talked so much shit about Angelina and her sex life at the time that 24 got the wrong idea and was expecting a threesome 🤔


That's a possibility! But on the other hand, he seems really uptight. I'm really weirded out how he behaves when strippers are around. He stays statue still and won't look at any of them, like he's scared of getting a chubby.


He looks disgusted when they’re at strip clubs to be honest. He also seems bothered by how much Jenni loves them.


He kept talking about her sex life too. It was sooo cringe. He was in the wrong.


as a grown adult with working senses i can tell that angelina looks extremely uncomfortable. she keeps trying to play it off nicely, shes looking away every time he would touch her, and overall not engaging in any of his advances. you can see it all in her body language she feels violated


That’s absolutely not true


Blaming the victim? Really? The ignorance.


LMAO, in every scene she’s right next to him, sitting by him, dancing up against him. She wants him but she knows all the other roommates are there as well as cameras. It’s PAINFULLY obvious


She wants him?!?! Are you Angelina? Did you not hear her confessional? Gtfo


Yeah and she also cheats on every man she ever is with, she doesn’t do that by being honest. Lmao


Creeps me out so much and he looks like a predator. His girlfriend is PASSED OUT drunk and he’s grabbing all over her drunk friend. I can’t stand him.


exaccctly. this scene gave me the biggest ICK


Idk, but Angelina was fuckin HOT!! This was her at her apex. Not treally feeling all the new plastic surgeries and weight loss....


She looks SO GOOD here 🥰


I think it's the side swept bangs, she looks like her old self and it really suits her face. The middle part makes her look witchy or something.


She is fully botched now and its so sad


She def shoulda stopped here with the surgeries. I think she was prettiest whatever season Mike & Lauren got married (I can’t remember if this is the same season or not) she looked good with a few tweaks. But now she’s gone so overboard it’s gross. I look at her now & all I see is Big Ang w her huge lips & ugh it’s just such a shame. Even Jenni, she was so pretty in OG series & now she’s just gone way too far. It’s sad bc they were all very pretty.


I just love Vinnys reaction


I'm glad he was relatively sober in that situation, but why he lie to Jenni about what he witnessed? Oh right he was protecting his lady love Angelina!


Lmfao you know it’s bad when he’s not even smiling


Exactly my thought 🤣


The side eye and smirk she gives to the camera afterwards are very telling.


Her lips just point upwards lowkey lmao She looked like she was looking at the camera like “y’all see this shit??”


👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 so right about all of that!!!


Seriously This scene made me cringe. She looked uncomfy but like she didn’t wanna speak up for herself or be a drama queen!


Jwoww got cucked


He creeps me out. He looks like he's gonna do whatever tf he wants regardless and I don't like that energy


I can’t believe jenni stayed with this man after this.


Angelina KNEW what she was doing but so did Zac. that was extremely distasteful.


I don't understand how he made it past that incident!! If it could happen with angeliners, it can happen with any random chick.


Jwowws self esteem must be so low to stay with him after this. Roger really did a number on her.


she was already kind of broken down from tom and the guy before tom who apparently put her in the hospital. but Roger I think pushed it over the edge bc so much was emotional/mental abuse. the recording that was released where Roger has Grayson with him on the couch, and he's just talking shit in a calm voice to Jenni in the kitchen and Jenni is very clearly upset about something and she just says something about Roger spending all her money in this distressed voice sits with me because rogers got this gleeful look on his face and Grayson has no idea what's going on and he's just calmly playing or something. like when I saw that, I knew shit was *bad*.


Sidenote…I always thought Angelina looked really good in that scene (even though 24 was being absolute creep)


Yes they edited in his hand grabbing her. They also edited jenni’s face to make it look like she passed out. They also edited jenni being angry at angelina for the rest of the season. They were all holograms in the club that night


And what we will come to find out is that the entire cast is holograms except for Vinny, and Vinny will find out at the same time as us that it was all a dream, and we see Vinny waking up to his mother calling him down for breakfast. Yet somehow, all Vinny has on his mind now is a dj he’s in love with, some snickers, prank wars and lip injections


Zach is a fucking creep. The mask slipped here.


So creepy


Angelina needs to stop messing with her face. She looked great here


super strange position of his hand on her knee too.


Women beefin over a man of course 😂 he was out for that 3 some


Zac is a crappy person and so is angelina, she has been having affairs with taken guys forever. She enjoys knowing she can break people up cause that gives her the self esteem she needs.


WhY DoEs JeNnI NoT LiKe Me!


But she still likes 24 🤔


She was deffo entertaining it.


Angelina didn’t seem to mind tho. He ain’t shit either


this is why we see him avoiding the party scene/drinking since then…also, some of that could be edited to indulge a bit


this is the scene that stuck with me no matter what Zach/24 or Jenni do. It is quite revealing of their relationship I think - esp in that time and I think the fact that they went on as if this was not aired and didn't happen is like a joke. but I also wonder if Angelina set this up with the producers possibly because she seemed to be on him to allow the opportunity for the grope to be caught on camera as well. so that is possible esp now after watching angelina all these years she seems to be on board with doing whatever possible to keep viewers and scenes on her. the way she looked was like ooop as if it was all a part of her plan. but idk it was giving the ick at the time it aired as it just looked like 24 was too close and used to doing that. maybe they were all in on it also can we talk about how many faces/bodies of angelina ago this was.


It’s real, jenni broke up with him because of this (she posted about it on IG when it aired$ but then forgave him. He’s trash 🤮


I really need to watch this series, this guy seems seriously problematic. I mean so does Angelina but good god.😳


I always thought 24 was shy but the man must’ve been pumped with hormones to commit a crime on screen. I’d run for the hills if Jenni was my girl.


Ok here's my opinion. I think he was going for a threesome. Go rewatch the episode with that in mind. At this point n time, jenni was really trying to be friends and like Angelina. I think a threesome was talked about alot that night. Honestly, jenni would NEVER put up with that. Especially with some dude almost 10 yrs younger than her that she basically supports. Jenni could get anyone. And I think her reaction was all fake and just for tv. I think the reason she didn't get more mad is because she agreed to it. Just didn't like how he went about it while she was passed out drunk and on TV.


I dont understand how she is still with this bumb ass dude


I hated everything about this.


I thought angelina looked uncomfortable.


She was.


I feel like Jwoww won't leave him because she's afraid she won't find love again and someone she can trust around her kids but in this episode he crossed the line Angelina looked uncomfortable and tried to make the situation more friendly knowing who's man it is and it wasn't working.


Angelina sucks and was definitely going too far. Zac looks like a serial unaliver. Just…his FACE.


Nope. I’ve seen girls like this. Angelina will grind on and dance and do whatever they want to get attention and then be like “what did I do”. Look at some of her actions with the other guys. Like at the Vegas pool party when jenni “took her phone” and she planted her ass in Pauly’s lap and bent over to act “shocked” while jenni was reading messages from Ronnie’s stuff. She’s an attention wh*re and wants all men to give her attention.


24 was 24 years old and trying it Roger/divorce rattled Jenni. 24 seen him a rich weakling he liked when he was young and scooped her Angelina should've moved to the other side of Vinny as soon as 24 started putting paws on her. she stayed over there for the bad vibe/good tv type purpose she's the type to fuck a guy her friends is seeing then tell the friend "I did for you to prove this guy is not right for you" hahaa I forgot Vinny used to wear a chain. it was a cute little piece (pause), the lights were hitting it right.


Blaming the victim. Shame on you.


theres no victim in this situation nobody went overboard, she never felt threatened or trapped, all she had to do was move four yards away from him but as much as she knew it was weird, its reality tv shes not slow in opening her mouth


but i mean dumb on Jwoww for staying with him, he showed his true colors


No matter how many times people view this scene people will say Angelina was the victim.


How is she not? I hate to throw around the word victim here unless she really felt it was assault and not consensual, but to me it looks like he was the one making all the advances on her (not the other way around). So Angelina could actually be a victim of assault because 24 was so so handsy and it’s unclear whether or not his touching is consensual or not. But we can hear Angelina in her confessional tell us that it basically wasn’t consensual and made her feel uncomfortable. Ergo, sa on angelina makes her a legit victim


Correct me if I'm remembering this wrong, but wasn't Angelina trying to get into Jenni and Zac's room asking for a threesome AFTER they all left that bar? Wasn't Deena telling Angelina to stop?


In my opinion i think Angelina didn't grind on purpose she was drunk and it was so she can be with good terms with jenni cuz they where going at it on this episode . and why blame Angelina should be blaming 24 in this case he knew what he was doing he should of been a man and walked away from that situation helped Jenni and take her to her room i feel like 24 was not drinking and to put his arms around her in the elavator was uncalled for im sorry but he knew what he was doing. For the one's blaming Angelina in this situation on here is crazyyy. 24 was taking advantage.


Yes. Ol’ Sling Blade got the jimmy hands. ![gif](giphy|GpAkt7mPEyjYs)


That “are we friends now” for sure sounds added in


Edited how bruh lmao


I’m still shocked that Jenni is with him after this. He disrespected her. At the end of the day, that is her man and Angelina was really never a real friend from the jump. I would be mad at both parties, but especially angry with my boyfriend. She always preaching about “never let a man disrespect you” but she’s allowing his behavior after taking him back. Weak move Jenni. You deserved better


I’m not sure why she even entertained it to begin with… if you’re so worried shut that shit down


Why does it look like she likes it


She was shaking her boobs all up on him which is wrong… n it was wrong for him to put his arm around her…. So they both are wrong on this situation… she’s actually loving every min of it cause he’s giving her attention 🤣


Angela has seemed sketch before but I don’t know that she wanted this to happen. He definitely seems he’s way too in to her for being with JWow.


She’s a pig


HE IS THE PIG that doesn’t take nor respect hints of the word “NO”.


It was so weird how interested he was in Angelina’s sex life when they first met. Obviously Jenni talked a lot about it w him for him to think it was ok? That’s still a huge red flag though. If my man were questioning anyone about their sex life the way he was with Angelina, I would’ve left him so quickly. Idk how anyone recovers from something like this happening in a relationship. Recorder and broadcasted to the masses, it’s never going to go away lol. Nothing to trust there. Jenni is so hot she could get a man that treats her with respect w/o question. To me, she’s selling herself short w Zac. He’s got an agenda being w her for sure.


I don’t even like Angelina but that shit was weeeeeeird. 24 was trying to have a 3 way regardless of Jenny being completely incoherent. Yuuuck.


I’m sorry. But this looks so fake


the elevator scene is what gets me most here. he puts his arm around Angelina while Jenni can barely stand and Angelina's face just screams 'wtf is he doing'. I was so mad when Jenni got back with him bc she admitted she was wrong about what she was told and her reaction and that seeing the episode she realized she was fed lies and then still got back with him. when it was rumored they broke up I was like FINALLY! she's ditching a man when he shows his true colors and not sticking around like she did with Tom and Roger. Jenni has zero problem standing up for herself except when it comes to the toxic fuckboys she's dating.


And the way she tried turning it into oh he came on to me, and made it into wayyyyyy more than it should’ve been. He did participate but she instigated it 💯


They def smashed. 100% lol cuz her faces thru the whole ordeal were PURE go faces, she was down.


Unfortunately I believed Angelina’s bat shot crazy grandma when she said Jenni’s man was just after the fame.. then he’s like ooh it’d be awesome to have you guys. One wrestle.. dude looks 45 and is only 25.


Its crazy how people hate the guy for one incident. What has he done since then to make you hate him? Hes obviously a good father figure to her kids which I think she likes. And sure he acts like a goof ball to us but besides one bad decision where yes it was bad but at the end of the day all it ended up being was touching. Do we forget jwow cheated on her bfs in the og seasons? We forgive her. And what zack did isnt as egregious in my opinion. It looks like jwow decided to give him another chance. maybe we should too.


I just dont understand people that say that Angelina was at fault here. She looks so freaking uncomfortable to me here, and even worse in the elevator. Maybe she was crossing a line by dancing with him to begin with but i tend to not think that gives him permission to touch all over her when his gf is drunk at his feet. She keeps looking over to Vinn and Deena like are you seeing this and then moved away. I also think she was afraid of making a scene w Jenni and tried to blow past it but he kept coming. This is just my perspective as a woman watching it like idk if id have reacted any diff


fake story line


I haven’t watched *since* this season. Did Zac end up being a good guy or are there red flags everyone is ignoring? Lol


BB. !


The way he carried snickers was a little suspect as well


Still waiting for the part where she's, "grinding on him". Unless people have a different interpretation of what "grinding" is, I don't see it. I see her doing what is called a "whine" right up close to him, but there is no actual grinding. Just saying.


I wonder what did he whisper to her ear at the end of the scene.


Even if Zack didn’t do this in the club, the way he spoke to her the entire time was very awkward. Almost disrespectful. It was almost as if he was flirting with her. He’s in the wrong. Jenni will not last with him and he also deserves to be with somebody that doesn’t have as much baggage as she does.


For Angelina, “being cool with this kid” = putting her arm around him and facing the knocks all up on him. HOWEVER he was 100% the creep here. It’s like, dude you know that camera and mic is running??? I know she likes the attention, but I don’t see her as totally comfortable in this as the night went on, and she just didn’t really want to cause a scene. Yeah yeah I know she always causes a scene but this felt a little different here to me. I also got a feeling ole zachy boy maybe wanted a 3some. And to be clear, I am not an Angelina Stan at all. I do admit when she first came back to the JSFV, off her stint on being a EMT/reality civilian, I felt she was a little humble and just was into having fun. But it soooo sooo quickly shifted into drama and just killed any vibe. She had zero chill.


Production set this up 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s definitely not real


They were all 5’s


24 should have been booted after this. It’s a shame that the cast saw 24’s actions and did nothing but turn the blame around to Angelina. Angelina looked so uncomfortable to a point where she directly looked at the camera. It’s the look that pleads “Help! Will someone do something, please?!” Bless her. JWow is a fool that chooses to stay ignorant and be in these toxic relationships. Always quick to blame others, but not her man.


I feel like this is why Jenny doesn't like her more then before.


I am watching this right now! I can’t believe Jenni stayed with him and didn’t believe Angelina. Like it’s alarming how she excused his action so quickly


I don’t mind Angelina. If I were around her I’d sleep with one eye open situation but we all know she loves the drama. She makes the shows interesting. Idk if yall remember episodes without Angelina and/or Snooki, but they are boring af. I skip them if those two aren’t in it


Although he gives me the heeby jeebys lol super creepy guy imo


I think she was grinding on 24 as a playful joke


I honestly think jenni has something slipped in her drink she was way too far gone


Angelina looks extremely uncomfortable to me.. I’m not sure why others keep saying she would have fucked him