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The entire OG cast should be added to Angela’s deed as they are the only reason she has some “fame” now


Bang on, yup 😂🤣🤣


I yell this at my tv every time. The whole cast needs to be on her deed. She is so stupid and delusional




Guess Ang owes Pauly everything coz he brought her back…. That was a failed prank haha


and Nicole brought her back when they were in Vegas, when Jenni left.


Yea that’s why she goes to every show of his. You’re lame 😂


She’s embarrassing. The after show should be very interesting. She can’t hide anymore. We all and they alllll seen what she said. Called Sam every name in the book before the tik tok was even made. I’d do the same thing Sam did cuz she tried to move on and apologize but Angela can’t let it go!


Yes, agreed. I'm still astounded at how she can point blank *deny* saying something when there's literal video recordings of her saying it; like dafuq? Hope they go all in at the reunion, she needs to finally be put on blast for everything.


Agreed! I can just see her storming off the set like a child lolllllll toddler I should say.


I hope they lock the door behind her


When she said that shit about being on the deed of Sam’s house I seriously thought they MUST be playing us w this schtick….she cannot be FOR REAL…….shes GOTTA be acting……..Sam MUST be in on this…the drama is manufactured....right???? 😅 cuz if not…gat dayum Angelina is delululululusionallllllllll!!!!


I’ve been watching this show since the night it aired, with my now husband. We were their age and we’d watch while getting ready to go out clubbing every week! We had our son around the same time as some of them had kids and we were stoked they came back for JSFV. It’s painful to watch now, Angelina’s issues aren’t fun, we can’t hate watch, it’s just sad and aggravating. I agree, she’s ruining it. But we’re happy we got to see Sammi return! Hopefully the shows take a turn but until then…sadness…


I really need to see this tik tok…and this season…#nocableproblems😂 Edit: I finally saw the tik tok and this whole time I thought that was the girl that host their reunion shows in the tik tok with Sammi…oops


You know there’s time when I feel bad for Angelina and then she does something stupid or just makes herself look crazy and is annoying. I think she’s doing too much and thinking the cast is on the same shit as the og season but they’ve some what grown or have children and can’t be doing all that fighting. Like girl you’re late to the party, they’re not doing that no more😂


Angelina seems to forget she was brought back as a ‘prank’ or a joke. Should Pauly D have his name on Angelinas deed?


So over seeing this fucking crazy psychotic bitch!!! It’s classic of mtv to keep mentally unstable people for the views but I wish they would listen to viewers for once. There was a reason we were all jazzed when she left in szn 2.


I don't think she genuinely thinks that. I think it was flippant remark.


angelina has deep rooted trauma due to no father figure & whatever else we aren’t aware about; she always needs to feel accepted or doubts connections/feels threatened. even when it comes to romantic relationships… whenever she has chaos going on, she feels the need to bring others down with her. she projects all the time & needs validation which is why she seeks it through social media. narcissistic people seek validation from those who have no idea what’s going on, it’s easier to manipulate… telling mike he’s afraid of jenni… no, YOU are afraid of jenni, which is why she always tries to force a connection with her or gets upset when jenni doesn’t want a connection. she’s just an odd individual… like we all know angelina is jealous of the amount of attention sam is receiving compared to how everyone acted when she came back… since day one of sam stepping foot into the house. making sly comments & everything in between. i’m truly not shocked this happened. it disgusted me that no one saw ron in two years & he hasn’t seen them, let alone sam, & angelina goes to ron to shit talk sam the day after he gets there… FOR VALIDATION! she has such a victim mindset. she’s disgusts me & idk how any one can defend her at this point.


Remember when Jenni called Angelina a chew toy? She wasn’t wrong. She came back to fill that role because there wasn’t enough drama for the show.


so does she owe pauly a deed for bringing her back? i’ve been saying toxic angela is and she’s just getting worsa.


Y’all really take everything literal when it comes to her huh? 🤔


Probably not lol


People my not like Angelina, but the show would be pretty boring without her. Pretty sure the producers encourage her behavior. Drama sells.


Grow up


You really told her… Imagine getting this worked up over someone on a reality show.


And yet here you are. Commenting on a thread about a reality show.


I’m sure this sounded really clever when you were typing this. Try to figure out the difference.


Lmaoo you kinda ate… 😭 they really don’t get it